how to connect amazon s3 from Oracle/Oracle Data Integrator - amazon-s3

I want to connect to Amazon S3 from Oracle Data Integrator.
I could not find an api for Oracle Data Integrator.
How can I connect to S3 and retrieve data? Can I connect via Pl/Sql?

from ODI we do not have any direct technology defined in the topology to connect to Amazon s3, however if i am not wrong they must be able to generate WSDL web services through which data can be accessed into ODI.

As mentioned by Adrian in this Oracle Community thread:
ODI do not natively integrate with Amazon.
The only way to integrate with Amazon S3 is using CLI commands


How do I connect to a SQL instance running on Google Cloud from NodeJS?

I have currently deployed a NodeJS application on a Kubernetes engine, and I want to send SQL queries to the SQL instance on Google Cloud. What's the best approach to doing this?
Following the official Cloud SQL Connecting from Kubernetes Engine . The recommended procedure to connect to the SQL instance is by using the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy,it will be added to your pod using the sidecar container pattern. This setup has multiple advantages in terms of security and resilience.
But take into account that it's possible to connect to the SQL Instance without Cloud SQL Auth Proxy by using private IP, but only when it belongs to the same VPC network.

Create Amazon S3 target and load data from Oracle sources using Informatica powercenter

I need information about how to load data to S3 from Oracle with informatica powercenter 10.2, I start creating mapping but I don't know how to create a target file for amazon S3 and configure the connection to S3 buckets.
I found that I should create amazon S3 data objects in developer tools which need powerexchange Amazon S3.
I worked in another requirement in order to load data into Redshift but here we used ODBC connection.
There is anyone who can tell me more structured details about how to create target for S3 and configure connection and the file size?

Can AWS Glue catalog point to a data location in Azure ADLS?

We are trying configure AWS Databricks Runtime to use the AWS Glue Data Catalog as its metastore. In this environment ,Azure ADLS is one of the source system.In that case,Can AWS Glue catalog point to a data location in Azure ADLS?
AWS glue catalog can speak JDBC, so if you can configure Azure ADLS to speak JDBC, which it seems like you can, you should be able to do this.
glue catalog documentation

Is there a S3 plugin for Microsoft SQL Server backups in the AWS console?

Is there a S3 plugin for AWS for Microsoft SQL Server backups? I have a use case that would benefit from this and am looking for the advise of the experts out there.
Amazon does not provide any tools for MS-SQL backups. You need a third party tool like AutomatiCloud which offers a VSS-Agent for MS-SQL.

Web Application hosting with amazon server

Myself trying to host a web application in amazon server which takes data from database.I tried to make an instance in amazon rds with master username as root and a password.I have mysql workbench . I don't know how to import my .sql files to amazon rds.While going through the tutorial i am getting confused wih the security group and all.My questions are i need to create a security group to do my job,to accesss my application from any ip address? can i create database with this amazon server in sql workbench/sql query browser.
You can either create or add your IP address in default security group to access application to Database.
Amazon RDS is just another database maintained by Amazon for you.No much difference in usability, You can connect to it from your MYSQL workbench by providing RDS details and you can star using just as another database.