How to Create Task in Shared Task List? - vba

I'm trying to convert an email to task and place that task inside a shared task folder. My co-worker shared the folder and has given me owner access to the folder as well.
We have utilized the script on slipstick to accomplish this. This code does work for my co-worker, but does not work for me.
When I dig into the list of folders I see my personal task list as a folder and not the shared folder. (Via the code below)
Is there any way that I can add a task to a shared task folder?
Public strFolders As String
Public Sub GetFolderNames()
Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Dim olSession As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim olStartFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim lCountOfFound As Long
lCountOfFound = 0
Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
Set olSession = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
' Allow the user to pick the folder in which to start the search.
Set olStartFolder = olSession.PickFolder
' Check to make sure user didn't cancel PickFolder dialog.
If Not (olStartFolder Is Nothing) Then
' Start the search process.
ProcessFolder olStartFolder
End If
' Create a new mail message with the folder list inserted
Set ListFolders = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)
ListFolders.Body = strFolders
' clear the string so you can run it on another folder
strFolders = ""
End Sub
Sub ProcessFolder(CurrentFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder)
Dim i As Long
Dim olNewFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim olTempFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim olTempFolderPath As String
' Loop through the items in the current folder.
For i = CurrentFolder.Folders.Count To 1 Step -1
Set olTempFolder = CurrentFolder.Folders(i)
olTempFolderPath = olTempFolder.FolderPath
' Get the count of items in the folder
olCount = olTempFolder.Items.Count
'prints the folder path and name in the VB Editor's Immediate window
Debug.Print olTempFolderPath & " " & olCount
' prints the folder name only
' Debug.Print olTempFolder
' create a string with the folder names.
' use olTempFolder if you want foldernames only
strFolders = strFolders & vbCrLf & olTempFolderPath & " " & olCount
lCountOfFound = lCountOfFound + 1
' Loop through and search each subfolder of the current folder.
For Each olNewFolder In CurrentFolder.Folders
'Don't need to process the Deleted Items folder
If olNewFolder.Name <> "Deleted Items" Then
ProcessFolder olNewFolder
End If
End Sub

In addition the Task folder, you will need permission to your co-worker's Mailbox. (Not Inbox nor other folders.)
If you add the mailbox to your profile, see the accepted answer here.
If you do not add the mailbox to your profile, see the answer describing GetSharedDefaultFolder. Redemption is not required.


Outlook VBA to Replicate 'Sort Subfolders A to Z' in the Folder Pane

Is there a method in VBA to achieve the same effect of right-clicking on a folder in the folder pane and selecting 'Sort Subfolders A to Z'?
As a comparison, the code below from sorts Items in a folder; however, it does not appear that the .Sort method used in this code is available for the Folders object like it is for the Items object.
Sub SortByDueDate()
Dim myNameSpace As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim myFolder As Outlook.Folder
Dim myItem As Outlook.TaskItem
Dim myItems As Outlook.Items
Set myNameSpace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set myFolder = myNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderTasks)
Set myItems = myFolder.Items
myItems.Sort "[DueDate]", False
For Each myItem In myItems
MsgBox myItem.Subject & "-- " & myItem.DueDate
Next myItem
End Sub
Additionally, it does not appear that there are any methods available for moving folders in the tree.
Is more extensive code required to replicate the native 'Sort Subfolders A to Z' action with VBA?
Can this be achieved with PropertyAssessor and, if so, what is the proper syntax for setting the PR_SORT_POSITION property? For example, the code below results in an error, as commented in the code.
Sub Example()
Dim myProp As String
Dim myValue As Variant
Dim oFolder As Folder
Set oFolder = Application.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
myProp = ""
myValue = "FD7F"
oFolder.PropertyAssessor.SetProperty myProp, myValue 'Run-time error '438': Object doesn't support this property or method
End Sub
The Outlook object model doesn't provide any property or method to sort folders. You may find the NavigationPane object helpful. See Customizing the Navigation Pane for more information.
You can sort the folders in the Outlook UI by explicitly setting the PR_SORT_POSITION property on each subfolder - see Get folder list ordered as displayed
I posted my code here because this was high in Google results and all other threads were closed
I've made custom VBA code to sort subfolders Z-A - it will load the folder order [unfortunately you still need to order it A-Z within outlook] and then reverse it so it is Z-A
I needed to quickly adjust a tonne of folders and couldn't find any code anywhere, so I quickly made the below to help patch the issue.
I didn't have the time to write lots of detail about how it works.
Known issues with the code:
It doesn't always sort the first folder. No idea why.
It doesn't seem to like it when you're looking at the list of subfolders - minimise it then run the code
This code is used to reverse the sorting of subfolders under Inbox, you'll need to adjust as required.
Sub sortZA()
Dim email_name: email_name = "" 'write the name of the mailbox as it appears in outlook
Dim objMainFolder As Outlook.Folder
Dim Folders As Outlook.Folders
Dim Folderx As Outlook.Folder
Dim sort_order, sort_order_b, arr
Set arr = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
Set arr_sorted = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
dim found_folder: found_folder=0
Set Folders = Application.ActiveExplorer.Session.Folders
For Each Folderx In Folders
If LCase(Folderx.Name) = LCase(email_name) Then
Set objMainFolder = Folderx.Folders("Inbox") 'adjust as required. Add more folders via .folders("name")
End If
if found_folder =0 then
msgbox "the email folder with the name '" & email_name & "' was not found"
exit sub
end if
Dim reloadFolder As Outlook.Folder
Dim propertyAccessor As Outlook.propertyAccessor
For Each Folderx In objMainFolder.Folders
' if there is an error, then there might not be any order data. Try reordering them manually. Also make sure loading the email as the main profile instead of as an additional mailbox.
'On Error Resume Next
Set propertyAccessor = Folderx.propertyAccessor
sort_order = propertyAccessor.BinaryToString(propertyAccessor.GetProperty(""))
arr.Add Folderx.Name & "##~~##" & sort_order
arr_sorted.Add Folderx.Name & "##~~##" & sort_order
arr.Sort 'keep A-Z (the original list from outlook isn't in A-Z order)
arr_sorted.Sort 'make A-Z
arr_sorted.Reverse 'make Z-A
Dim t, a, b, i, t2, a2, b2
i = 0
For Each arr_folder In arr
t = Split(arr_folder, "##~~##")
a = t(0) 'which folder name?
b = t(1) 'what is the original order? [should already be A-Z]
Set Folders = Application.ActiveExplorer.Session.Folders
For Each Folderx In Folders
'On Error Resume Next
If LCase(Folderx.Name) = LCase(email_name) Then
Set reloadFolder = Folderx.Folders("Inbox").Folders(a)
End If
t2 = Split(arr_sorted(i), "##~~##")
a2 = t2(0) 'which folder name?
b2 = t2(1) 'what is the reversed order?
Set propertyAccessor = reloadFolder.propertyAccessor
propertyAccessor.SetProperty "", propertyAccessor.StringToBinary(b2)
i = i + 1
End Sub
Additional Notes: I did try experimenting with applying ordering data manually. I couldn't get it to work properly. All the binary converting code wasn't producing the correct values, and I ended up using HEX(). Here is an example of what I was doing:
Dim custom_order As Long
custom_order = 15
For Each arr_folder In arr
'the array only contains a list of folder names.. we need to load the folder in outlook to process it again. The below line of code loads the main email inbox, then the subfolder from the array [different from the above code]
Set reloadFolder = Application.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Folders(arr_folder)
Set propertyAccessor = reloadFolder.propertyAccessor
hexval = Hex(custom_order)
propertyAccessor.SetProperty "", propertyAccessor.StringToBinary(hexval)
custom_order = custom_order + 1
End Sub

save PDF attachment with filename &domain name

I would like to run a macro to do follow steps:
- save PDF only attachment to hard drive
- save it with a revise name filename & domain name.
Here is the code I search from open source and mix it together. any help is appreciated. thanks
Public Sub Download_Attachments()
Dim ns As NameSpace
Dim olFolder_Inbox As Folder
Dim olMail As MailItem
Dim olAttachment As Attachment
Dim strFolderPath As String
Dim strFileName As String
Dim strSenderAddress As String
Dim strSenderDomain As String
Dim fso As Object
strFolderPath = "C:\"
Set ns = GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set olFolder_Inbox = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
Set olMail = Application.ActiveWindow.CurrentItem
'Get sender domain
strSenderAddress = olMail.SenderEmailAddress
strSenderDomain = Right(strSenderAddress, Len(strSenderAddress) - InStr(strSenderAddress, "#"))
For Each olMail In olFolder_Inbox.Items
If TypeName(olMail) = "MailItem" And olMail.Attachments.Count > 0 Then
For Each olAttachment In olMail.Attachments
Select Case UCase(fso.GetExtensionName(olAttachment.FileName))
Case "PDF", "pdf"
olAttachment.SaveAsFile strFolderPath & strFileName
Case Else
End Select
Next olAttachment
End If
Next olMail
Set olFolder_Inbox = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
Set ns = Nothing
End Sub
The following line of code retrieves the active folder in the Explorer window, not the Inbox one. Outlook can be started with any active folder, you can specify the folder name to the Outlook.exe file. To get the default folders (Inbox) you need to use the NameSpace.GetDefaultFolder method which returns a Folder object that represents the default folder of the requested type for the current profile; for example, obtains the default Calendar folder for the user who is currently logged on. For example, the following sample code uses the CurrentFolder property to change the displayed folder to the user's default Inbox folder.
Sub ChangeCurrentFolder()
Dim myNamespace As Outlook.NameSpace
Set myNamespace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder = myNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
End Sub
Then it is not really recommended to iterate over all items in the folder.
For Each olMail In olFolder_Inbox.Items
Instead, you need to use the Find/FindNext or Restrict methods of the Items class to get only items that correspond to your conditions. Read more about these methods in the following articles:
How To: Use Find and FindNext methods to retrieve Outlook mail items from a folder (C#, VB.NET)
How To: Use Restrict method to retrieve Outlook mail items from a folder
Finally, the part you are interested in is the SaveAsFile method of the Attachment class which saves the attachment to the specified path:
olAttachment.SaveAsFile strFolderPath & domainName & strFileName
Make sure a qualified file path is passed as a parameter. I'd recommend running the code under the debugger and see what values are passed.

Check if an outlook folder exists; if not create it

Im trying to check if a folder exists; if it does not then create it. The below is just throwing a run-time error.
Sub AddClose()
Dim myNameSpace As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim myFolder As Outlook.Folder
Dim myNewFolder As Outlook.Folder
Set myNameSpace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set myFolder = myNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
If myFolder.Folders("Close") = 0 Then
myFolder.Folders.Add("Close").Folders.Add ("EID1")
myFolder.Folders("Close").Folders.Add ("EID2")
myFolder.Folders("Close").Folders.Add ("EID3")
End If
End Sub
However, If the folder exists then the below works...
If myFolder.Folders("Close") > 0 Then
MsgBox "Yay!"
End If
Why? What can I do to correct the problem?
Firstly, you are comparing the result of the myFolder.Folders("Close") call (which is supposed to return a MAPIFolder object) with an integer (0). You need to use Is Nothing or Is Not Nothing operator.
Secondly, MAPIFolder.Folders.Item() raises an exception if the folder with a given name is not found. You need to trap that exception (as ugly as it is in VBA) and either check the Err.Number value or check that the return object is set:
On Error Resume Next
set subFolder = myFolder.Folders.Item("Close")
if subFolder Is Nothing Then
set subFolder = myFolder.Folders.Add("Close")
End If
I do not understand: If myFolder.Folders("Close") = 0 Then. myFolder.Folders("Close") is a folder and I would not have thought of comparing it against zero. Do you have a reference to a site where this functionality is explained because I would like to understand it?
I wish to create a folder if it does not exist often enough to have written a function. My function does not have ideal parameters for your requirement but it works. I offer it as tested code that does what you want or as a source of ideas for your own code.
Sub DemoGetCreateFldr shows how to use the function GetCreateFldr to achieve the effect I believe you seek.
I do not use GetDefaultFolder because, on my system, it returns a reference to a store I do not use. “Outlook Data File” is Outlook’s default store but the wizard created a separate store for each of my two email addresses. In Set Store = Session.Folders("Outlook Data File"), replace "Outlook Data File" with the name of the store holding the Inbox for which you want to create subfolders.
The first call of GetCreateFldr creates folder “Close” if it does not exist and then creates folder “EID1”. I save the reference to the folder, and use Debug.Print to demonstrate it returns the correct reference.
For folders “EID2” and “EID3”, I do not save the reference which matches your code.
If folders “Close”, “EID1”, “EID2” and “EID3” exist, GetCreateFldr does not attempt to create them although it still returns a reference.
Hope this helps.
Sub DemoGetCreateFldr()
Dim FldrEID1 As Folder
Dim FldrNameFull(1 To 3) As String
Dim Store As Folder
Set Store = Session.Folders("Outlook Data File")
FldrNameFull(1) = "Inbox"
FldrNameFull(2) = "Close"
FldrNameFull(3) = "EID1"
Set FldrEID1 = GetCreateFldr(Store, FldrNameFull)
Debug.Print FldrEID1.Parent.Parent.Parent.Name & "|" & _
FldrEID1.Parent.Parent.Name & "|" & _
FldrEID1.Parent.Name & "|" & _
FldrNameFull(3) = "EID2"
Call GetCreateFldr(Store, FldrNameFull)
FldrNameFull(3) = "EID3"
Call GetCreateFldr(Store, FldrNameFull)
End Sub
Public Function GetCreateFldr(ByRef Store As Folder, _
ByRef FldrNameFull() As String) As Folder
' * Store identifies the store, which must exist, in which the folder is
' wanted.
' * FldrNameFull identifies a folder which is or is wanted within Store.
' Find the folder if it exists otherwise create it. Either way, return
' a reference to it.
' * If LB is the lower bound of FldrNameFull:
' * FldrNameFull(LB) is the name of a folder that is wanted within Store.
' * FldrNameFull(LB+1) is the name of a folder that is wanted within
' FldrNameFull(LB).
' * FldrNameFull(LB+2) is the name of a folder that is wanted within
' FldrNameFull(LB+1).
' * And so on until the full name of the wanted folder is specified.
' 17Oct16 Date coded not recorded but must be before this date
Dim FldrChld As Folder
Dim FldrCrnt As Folder
Dim ChildExists As Boolean
Dim InxC As Long
Dim InxFN As Long
Set FldrCrnt = Store
For InxFN = LBound(FldrNameFull) To UBound(FldrNameFull)
ChildExists = True
' Is FldrNameFull(InxFN) a child of FldrCrnt?
On Error Resume Next
Set FldrChld = Nothing ' Ensure value is Nothing if following statement fails
Set FldrChld = FldrCrnt.Folders(FldrNameFull(InxFN))
On Error GoTo 0
If FldrChld Is Nothing Then
' Child does not exist
ChildExists = False
Exit For
End If
Set FldrCrnt = FldrChld
If ChildExists Then
' Folder already exists
' Folder does not exist. Create it and any children
Set FldrCrnt = FldrCrnt.Folders.Add(FldrNameFull(InxFN))
For InxFN = InxFN + 1 To UBound(FldrNameFull)
Set FldrCrnt = FldrCrnt.Folders.Add(FldrNameFull(InxFN))
End If
Set GetCreateFldr = FldrCrnt
End Function
Its not a good coding practice to user on error.
I would recommend you to traverse through the folders.
Then if a certain name is not found create it.
The code below part of my macro I use.
It looks for a "Duplicates" under inbox.
It intentionally doesn't do this recursively.
Sub createDuplicatesFolder()
Dim folderObj, rootfolderObj, newfolderObj As Outlook.folder
Dim NameSpaceObj As Outlook.NameSpace
duplicatefolder = False
For Each folderObj In Application.Session.Folders
If folderObj.Name = "Duplicates" Then duplicatefolder = True
If duplicatefolder = False Then
Set rootfolderObj = NameSpaceObj.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
Set newfolderObj = rootfolderObj.Folders.Add("Duplicates")
End Sub
A slow way. Depends on number of folders.
Sub checkFolder()
Dim folderObj As folder
Dim rootfolderObj As folder
Dim newfolderObj As folder
Dim checkFolderName As String
' Check and add in the same location
Set rootfolderObj = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
' Check and add the same folder name
checkFolderName = "checkedFolder"
For Each folderObj In rootfolderObj.folders
If = checkFolderName Then
Set newfolderObj = rootfolderObj.folders(checkFolderName)
'Reduces the search time, if the folder exists
Exit For
End If
If newfolderObj Is Nothing Then
Set newfolderObj = rootfolderObj.folders.add(checkFolderName)
End If
End Sub
A fast way. Add without checking existing folders.
Sub addFolder_OnErrorResumeNext()
Dim rootFolder As folder
Dim addFolder As folder
Dim addFolderName As String
Set rootFolder = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
addFolderName = "addFolder"
On Error Resume Next
' Bypass expected error if folder exists
Set addFolder = rootFolder.folders.add(addFolderName)
' Return to normal error handling for unexpected errors
' Consider mandatory after On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
' In other cases the expected error should be handled.
' For this case it can be ignored.
Set addFolder = rootFolder.folders(addFolderName)
End Sub

VBA, MS Outlook, Folder Item

I want to implement an VBA application, which uses the selected object (E-mail, task, folder).
My try with Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(i_item) seems to return only mails, tasks, calender entries or notes but never an folder (e.g. 'Inbox\').
When the user selects an e-mail, and then starts the VBA macro, the solution Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(i_item) delivers the desired results.
However, if the last item picked by the Outlook user was an folder (e.g. 'Sent Mails'). And the VBA makro started afterward, than the macro should recive the Folder Item (without additional user interaction). This is currently not the case. The code above still delivers the e-mail, or task.
How do I check, if the last selection was on an folder (not an e-mail, etc)?
How do I access the Folder item?
If this is not possible I will switch back to Pickfolder (like proposd by Darren Bartrup-Cook) but this is not me prefred solution.
I want to get the selected folder in order to change its icon, so our code is somehow the same.
I noticed that Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(i_item) it is not perfect, since it throws an exception for empty folders or on calendar etc.
So I use Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder.DefaultMessageClass (Application.ActiveExplorer.NavigationPane.CurrentModule.Name or Application.ActiveExplorer.NavigationPane.CurrentModule.NavigationModuleType) in order to figure out where I actually am.
By that approach it is easy to get current selected folder
Dim folder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim folderPath As String, currItemType As String
Dim i As Integer
currItemType = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder.DefaultMessageClass
If currItemType = "IPM.Note" Then 'mail Item types
Set folder = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
folderPath = folder.Name
Do Until folder.Parent = "Mapi"
Set folder = folder.Parent
folderPath = folder.Name & "\" & folderPath
Debug.Print folderPath
End If
haven't got an problem with it yet. In your case, you can store the selection in a global variable, so you always know which folder was selected last.
This procedure will ask you to select the folder.
If you interrupt the code and examine the mFolderSelected or MySelectedFolder then you should be able to work something out:
Public Sub Test()
Dim MySelectedFolder As Variant
Set MySelectedFolder = PickFolder
End Sub
Public Function PickFolder() As Object
Dim oOutlook As Object 'Outlook.Application
Dim nNameSpace As Object 'Outlook.Namespace
Dim mFolderSelected As Object 'Outlook.MAPIFolder
Set oOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set nNameSpace = oOutlook.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
Set mFolderSelected = nNameSpace.PickFolder
'The commented out code will return only email folders. '
If Not mFolderSelected Is Nothing Then
' If mFolderSelected.DefaultItemType = 0 Then
Set PickFolder = mFolderSelected
' Else
' Set PickFolder = Nothing
' End If
Set PickFolder = Nothing
End If
Set nNameSpace = Nothing
Set oOutlook = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function
Select Case Err.Number
Case Else
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & vbCr & _
" (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure PickFolder."
End Select
End Function
NB: This was written to be used in Excel and has late binding - you'll need to update it to work in Outlook (no need to reference Outlook for a start).

Get the folder where the last mailitem was moved in Outlook?

I have a vbscript macro that I'm using in Outlook. It moves a mailitem to some folder, say X. After I run the macro and I try to manually move a mailitem from Outlook with Control-v, it defaults to folder X. I would like Control-v to default to the folder that it would have used before I ran the macro.
Is there some way in VBScript to find out what folder the last mailitem was move to, and to return that to be the default folder after I run my script? Or is there a way to move a mailitem in my script without the destination folder being remembered by Outlook Control-v after I run the script?
Thanks for any hints.
OK, here is the code I'm using. It is a macro to save a mailitem as HTML and open it in a browser. I save any attachments in a separate directory and I add in a list of URLs to the attachments. I do this by modifying the mailitem, but I don't want change the original message - I want it to remain in my inbox as it was. So I create a copy and when I'm done I want to get rid of the copy. For some reason the .Delete method just doesn't do anything. So, one solution for me would be to figure out why .Delete is not working. I created a work-around by just moving the copied message into my deleted items folder. The problem I have with this is that I often use control-v to move items from my inbox to an archive folder. Once I run the macro, though, the default folder for control-v is the deleted item folder. I keep archiving items there by mistake. So the best solution would be to get .Delete working, but even then, that might change the control-v default behavior after running the macro.
Here's the code. I've only been doing vba for a couple of days, so any tips on things I'm missing appreciated.
Option Explicit
Sub CreateHTML()
Select Case TypeName(Outlook.Application.ActiveWindow)
Case "Inspector"
CreateHTMLfromObject Outlook.Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
Case "Explorer"
Dim objItem As Object
For Each objItem In Outlook.Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection
CreateHTMLfromObject objItem
End Select
End Sub
Sub CreateHTMLfromObject(objItem As Object)
' For now, assume all items are mail items
'Select Case objItem.Class
'Case olMail
Dim objMailOrig As MailItem
Dim objMailCopy As MailItem ' Work on a copy of the message
Set objMailOrig = objItem
Set objMailCopy = objMailOrig.copy
' Where all HTML versions of messages will be stored
Dim fileDir As String
fileDir = "C:\Lib\olHTML\"
' A unique message id from the original message
Dim MsgId As String
MsgId = objMailOrig.EntryID
' The file the HTML version of the message will be stored in
Dim fileName As String
fileName = MsgId & ".html"
' The full file system path where the HTML verison of the message will be stored
Dim filePath As String
filePath = fileDir & fileName
' ---------------------------------------------------------------
' Save Attachments
' ---------------------------------------------------------------
' Subdirectory for attachments on this message
' A unique subdirectory for each message
Dim atmtDir As String
atmtDir = MsgId & "_atmt\"
' Full file system path to the attachment directory
Dim atmtDirPath As String
atmtDirPath = fileDir & atmtDir
' File system object for creating the attachment folder
Dim oFSO
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If (objMailCopy.Attachments.Count > 0) And (Not oFSO.FolderExists(atmtDirPath)) Then
oFSO.CreateFolder (atmtDirPath)
End If
' To hold the full file system path to each attachment file
Dim atmtFilePath As String
' String to accumulate HTML code for displaying links to attachments
' in the body of the HTML message
Dim atmtLinks As String
atmtLinks = " "
Dim atmt As Attachment
For Each atmt In objMailCopy.Attachments
atmtFilePath = atmtDirPath & atmt.fileName
atmt.SaveAsFile atmtFilePath
' create a relative URL
atmtLinks = atmtLinks & _
"<br><a href='" & atmtDir & atmt.fileName & "'>" & atmt.fileName & "</a>"
Next atmt
' ---------------------------------------------------------------
' Add links to attachments
' ---------------------------------------------------------------
' This changes the original message in Outlook - so we work on a copy
' Convert body to HTML if RTF, Text or other format
If (objMailCopy.BodyFormat = olFormatPlain Or olFormatRichText Or olFormatUnspecified) Then
objMailCopy.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
End If
' Add attachments links at the beginning
If objMailCopy.Attachments.Count > 0 Then
objMailCopy.HTMLBody = _
"<p>" & "Attachments: " & atmtLinks & "</p>" & objMailCopy.HTMLBody
End If
' ---------------------------------------------------------------
' Save the HTML message file
' ---------------------------------------------------------------
objMailCopy.SaveAs filePath, olHTML
' ---------------------------------------------------------------
' Delete the copy from Outlook
' ---------------------------------------------------------------
'! This seems to have no effect
' objMailCopy.Delete
' Move copied message to deleted items folder
objMailCopy.Move Outlook.Application.GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderDeletedItems)
' ---------------------------------------------------------------
' Open the HTML file with default browser
' ---------------------------------------------------------------
Dim url As String
url = "file:///" & filePath
CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run (url)
End Sub
i would not make a copy in the inbox and delete that afterwards (that will make your deleted-folder explode one day), but make your changes in the local copy of the message-file:
here an example:
Sub changelocalcopy(olitem As Outlook.MailItem)
Dim oNamespace As Outlook.NameSpace
Set oNamespace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Dim oSharedItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim pfaddatei As String
pfaddatei = c:\test.msg 'path for your local copy here
olitem.SaveAsFile pfaddatei
Set oSharedItem = oNamespace.OpenSharedItem(pfaddatei)
'now do your changes
'you will not want the following line, I leave it here in case you Need it:
Kill pfaddatei
oSharedItem.Close (olDiscard)
Set oSharedItem = Nothing
Set oNamespace = Nothing
End Sub