Apache Redirect URL with parameters - apache

I'm trying to redirect all traffic from one domain to a specific page, with parameter, on a different domain. For example, all these URL's should redirect to the same URL:
http://domain_1.com (and all subdirectories)
eg. http://domain_1.com/sub/page.php etc.
should redirect to:
This is what I have. How do I get the QUERY_STRING to be part of the redirect? (name=parameter does not change)
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/$1.php -f
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING}% name=parameter
RedirectMatch / http://domain_2.com/newpage.php
Thank you for any help


.htaccess 301 redirect whole URL including Domain

I need to redirect around 300 URLs on a multidomain site that has the same URL structure on the different domains. For example:
https://www.example.com/de/products.html needs to be redirected to https://www.example.org/de/products.html
So my usual approach does not work:
RedirectMatch 301 /de/products.html$ /de/products.html
I would need something like
RedirectMatch 301 https://www.example.com/de/products.html$ https://www.example.org/de/products.html
which obviously doesn't work or I just didn't get to work.
Not sure if important, but it's a TYPO3 instance.
The mod_alias RedirectMatch directive matches against the URL-path only. To match the hostname you'll need to use mod_rewrite with an additional condition (RewriteCond directive) that checks against the HTTP_HOST server variable (the value of the Host HTTP request header).
Also, since the URL structure is the same on both domains then you only need a single rule - just use the same URL-path from the initial request. No need to do one-by-one redirects as you seem to be trying to do.
For example, the following would need to go at the top of the .htaccess file before any existing rewrites:
RewriteEngine On
# Redirect everything from example.com to example.org and preserve the URL-path
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)?example\.com [NC]
RewriteRule ^ https://www.example.org%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]
This checks for both example.com and www.example.com.
The REQUEST_URI server variable already contains a slash prefix, hence it is omitted in the substitution string.
Test first with a 302 (temporary) redirect to avoid potential caching issues.
But I don't want to redirect all URLs, just some.
To redirect a specific URL to the same URL at the target domain, as per your original example:
# Redirect "/de/product.html" only
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)?example\.com [NC]
RewriteRule ^de/products\.html$ https://www.example.org/$0 [R=301,L]
The above redirects https://www.example.com/de/products.html only to https://www.example.org/de/products.html.
The $0 backreference contains the entire URL-path that the RewriteRule pattern matches against.
How to extend your snippet with /de/ or /fr/ etc.? For example I want to redirect example.com/de/products.html but not example.com/products.html
Maybe the above example is what you require. Alternatively, to redirect /de/<something> (or /fr/<something>) only and not just /<something>, you could do something like this:
# Redirect "/<lang>/<something>" only, where <lang> is "de" or "fr"
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)?example\.com [NC]
RewriteRule ^(de|fr)/[^/]+$ https://www.example.org/$0 [R=301,L]
The above will redirect https://example.com/de/<something> to https://www.example.org/de/<something>.

How add path to url if the url does not contain substring

I need to redirect all requests from
https://example.com/* to https://example.com/test/* if the URL does not contain the test substring.
So far I have these rewrite rules
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} !^/test
RewriteRule ^/?$ /test/$1 [R=301,L] # if the url does not contain test, redirect to url with test
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST}% test
RewriteRule ^test?(.*)$ /$1 [L] # mask the fact that the url is not https://example.com/ and instead is https://example.com/test but apache serve the website like if it was on root
If I access https://example.com it redirects to https://example.com/test but gives infinite loop because of the second rule.
How can I combine it, so request to https://example.com/test* do not get redirected but those request at https://example.com/* do without having to change www root directory and so it will work for all URLs.
The test should be in url (for user experience), but the apache should route like if it was not in url and instead the request came to root url, so application routing is preserved internally without having to change the app itself.
Ah, Ok. However, you should be linking to the /test URLs within your app (so you do still need to "change the app", despite your last comment), otherwise /test isn't actually in the URLs that users and search engines see on the page (they will be redirected) and your users will experience an external redirect every time they click one of your links (bad for SEO and user experience).
The "redirect" implemented in .htaccess to prefix "old" URLs with /test is just for SEO - as with any "old" to "new" URL change. (It should not be required for your app to function - with /test in the URL-path - since your internal URLs should already include /test.)
Try it like this instead:
RewriteEngine On
# Insert "/test" at the start of the URL-path if absent in "direct" requests
RewriteRule !^test/ /test/$1 [R=301,L]
# Rewrite "/test" URLs back to root
RewriteRule ^test(?:$|/(.*)) /$1 [L]
The REDIRECT_STATUS environment variable is used to prevent a redirect loop. This is empty on the initial request from the client and set to the HTTP response status after the rewrite (below).
Test first with 302 (temporary) redirects and only change to 301 (permanent) when you are sure this is working as intended.
You will need to clear your browser cache before testing.

htaccess url parameter rewrite for specific page as subdomain

I want to change my specific page URL as subdomain by .htaccess from
example.com/page.php to page.example.com.
We need to make some assumptions, since you've not included this information in the question:
You are requesting (ie. linking to) page.example.com and you wish to serve /page.php.
Both the subdomain page.example.com and domain apex example.com point to the same area of the filesystem, so both hostnames serve the same content.
In which case it is a relatively straight forward internal rewrite from page.example.com to page.example.com/page.php (based on assumption #2 above).
In your .htaccess file, you can achieve this using mod_rewrite:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(page)\.example\.com
RewriteRule ^$ %1.php [L]
The %1 backreference simply holds the value page from the preceding CondPattern.
This only matches requests for https://page.example.com/ and not https://page.example.com/<something>

redirect exact url to another url

There are a bazillion examples online of doing redirects via apache's htaccess, but I can't find any example of redirecting a full URL match to another full URL.
For instance, I have an existing website at
How do I redirect some specific URLs for that domain to a different one:
https://example.com/login --> https://my.example.com/login
https://example.com/register --> https://my.example.com/register
For every other every other path on example.com I need to remain untouched so my site still works fine (i.e. /blog shouldn't redirect somewhere else).
You can use the following :
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)?example\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(login|register)/?$ http://my.example.com/$1 [L,R]
This will redirect example.com/login or example.com/register to http://my.example.com/
You can alternatively accomplish this using the RedirectMatch directive (if the newurl is on a diffrent webserver) :
RedirectMatch ^/(login|register)/?$ http://my.example.com/$1

Apache Redirect to static location

I need to do a redirect on any url from one domain to a one static url on another domain
http://myexample.com -> redirect to http://example.myexample.com
http://myexample.com/example -> redirect to http://example.myexample.com
I have seen a lot of example where the redirect carries over the /example to the redirect site.
I DO NOT want this...I need any urls from one sight regardless of parameters to redirect to:
This should be straightforward, see below:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^myexample.com$
RewriteRule ^ http://example.myexample.com/? [R,L]
This will redirect anything hitting myexample.com regardless of the path to http://example.myexample.com/