NServiceBus exceptions logged as INFO messages - nservicebus

I'm running an NServiceBus endpoint on an Azure Workerrole. I send all diagnostics to table storage at the moment. I was getting messages in my DLQ, and I couldn't figure out why I wasn't getting any exceptions logged in my table storage.
It turns out that NSB logs the exceptions as INFO, which is why I couldn't easily spot them in between all the actual verbose logging.
In my case, a command handler's dependencies couldn't be resolved so Autofac throws an exception. I totally get why the exception is thrown, I just don't understand why they're logged as INFO. The message ends up in my DLQ, and I only have a INFO-trace to understand why.
Is there a reason why exceptions are handled this way in NSB?

NServiceBus is not logging container issue as an error because it's happening during an attempt to process a message. First Level Retry and Second Level Retry will be attempted. When SLR is executed, it will log a WARN about the retry. Ultimately, a message will fail processing and an ERROR message will be logged. NSB and Autofac sample can be used to reproduce this.
When endpoint is running with a scaled out role and MadDeliveryCount is not big enough to accommodate all the role instances and retry count that each instance would hold, this will result in DeliveryCount reaching it's max while NServiceBus endpoint instance still thinks it has attempts before sending message to an error queue and logging an error. Similar to the question here I'd recommend to increase MaxDeliveryCount.
There is an open NServiceBus issue to have a native support for SLR counter. You can add your voice to the issue. The next version of NServiceBus (V6) will be logging message id along with the exception so that you at least could correlate between message in DLQ and log file.


RabbitMQ 405 RESOURCE_LOCKED - cannot obtain access to locked queue

rabbitMQ version: 3.11.8 , MassTransit: 8.0.1.
I have a queue with this config:
x-queue-type:quorum, x-single-active-consumer:true, durable:true
sometimes I need to do the action: GetMessage(s) in the Management panel.
but now with this queue I got this exeption:
405 RESOURCE_LOCKED - cannot obtain access to locked queue 'myQueue' in vhost 'xxx'. basic.get operations are not supported by quorum queues with single active consumer
usaully I need to read messages from errpr_queue that Masstransit created.
I've searched for that, and I found just some solutions for exclusive queues- for example issue 1 and issue 2.
but I couldn't find any solution for 'cannot obtain access to locked queue'
So, you've requested a single active consumer on the queue. And when you try to get messages in the console, it reports that the queue is locked.
Seems like that would be expected behavior, and it's telling you as much in the error message.

Mule 4 - Anypoint MQ Retry Exhausted Exception and dead letter queue

I started using Anypoint MQ Subscribe with Max Redelivery Countset to 2.
Application should throw ANYPOINT-MQ:RETRY_EXHAUSTED exception after 2 failed deliveries, but the message was returned back to main queue and picked up again in the next batch.
I am trying to put the messages in DLQ manually after 2 failed deliveries using Try scope.
Any idea, how to put the messages in DLQ manually?
Errors related to anypoint-mq:RETRY_EXHAUSTED or HTTP: RETRY_EXHAUSTED, always occurs when it failed to connect to any point mq or http request to any other service.
When you set retry connection strategy in connector like retry 2 time then connector tries to connect 2 times and after that still no connection then we will get retry exhausted error
To catch that error and see message to DLQ, do categorisation of error in on error propagate use type ANYPOINT-MQ:RETRY_EXHAUSTED Or HTTP:RETRY_EXHAUSTED based on which connector you are using.
Then it will catch that error and then inside on error propagate use any logic like send message to file or dlq whatever but there also if it fails to send to file then put a logger with proper details to track the message without losing it

How to log recovery by redelivery in Apache-Camel error handler?

How can I find when a Camel route redelivery error handler successfully recovered one error case.
I would like to be able to get metrics around successful redelivery by a camel error handler retry.
I would like to know how many message exchange instances that happened to have a network error performing file transfer where successful recovered after retry.

Troubleshooting Web App process restarting

Our web app process is restarting regularly and we are unable to determine the reason.
When looking into Application Events (using the 'Diagnostics and solve problems' blade in the Azure Portal), there exists a bunch of the following Info logs by 'IIS AspNetCore Module'
Event ID 1005:
Failed to gracefully shutdown process '14040'.
Event ID 1001:
Application 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST/myapplication__xxxx' started process '31628' successfully and is listening on port '17663'.
There is nothing fishy with general resource usage and nothing in our application logs.
What is the best way to troubleshoot the reason behind these process restarts?
After fiddling around with web logging in the Web App's Diagnostic Logs, I now get an error logged from W3SVC-WP after each restart, but the message is nonsense:
Event Id 2284 refers to this:
FailedRequestTracing module failed to write buffered events to log
file for the request that matched failure definition. No logs will be
generated until this condition is corrected. The problem happened at
least %1 times in the last %2 minutes. The data is the error.
I'm not sure if this could be related to our Diagnostic Logs configuration, but seems unlikely.
As per Brando Zhang's suggestion, I've used the Web App Crash Diagnoser extension and tried monitoring 2nd Chance Unhandled Exceptions on both my application process AND on w3wp, but nothing is dumped.
From how I understand it, 1st Chance Exceptions will not crash the process, so no need to monitor these.
Very likely application is crashing due to fatal exception and causing the restarts.
On Azure App Service platform.You can use the Diagnostics as a
Service (DaaS) to troubleshoot this
It can also do an analysis and tell you the root cause most of the time.More step by step infofrmation can be found on this msdn blog .Also refer tips for using crash diagnoser

NServiceBus 2.6 continually retries message when handler throws an exception

We have a production issue that happens infrequently but when it does it makes the entire service unusable.
The issue is that an exception in a message handler causes NServiceBus to enter an endless loop where it continually retries the message.
I found this post that seems to describe the same issue but I can't find a fix: