Why does Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition intellisense not see ARM "apiVersion": "2016-03-30" for virtualMachines? - intellisense

Using Visual Studio 2015 Community edition it flags an error for the below:
"type": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines",
"name": "[variables('VMNamejumpBox')]",
"location": "[parameters('resourceLocation')]",
"apiVersion": "2016-03-30",
It gives message:
Value must be one of the following values: "2015-05-01-preview","2015-06-15"
But I know 2016-03-30 is available:
((Get-AzureRmResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Compute -Location "Australia East").ResourceTypes | Where-Object ResourceTypeName -eq virtualMachines).ApiVersions
I want to use the intellisense so for now, I can just use "2015-06-15" and miss out on the latest, but how does Visual Studio get the updates?
I note that I am coming across this issue the same date as the apiVersion 2016-03-30 so perhaps something has not been updated yet for Visual Studio to call out to online?

The schemas have not been updated yet to support that apiVersion, the best thing to do in the short term is to use an older one (as you have) and file an issue here: https://github.com/Azure/azure-resource-manager-schemas/issues
Once it's updated, you can right-click on the json doc in the editor and select "Reload Schemas" (then close and re-open the file). The schemas are cached, that will refresh the cache immediately instead of waiting for it to expire.
In general, you should never need to update the schema property of the template file. The schemas for the resource providers are sub-schemas and when they are refreshed they are picked up via the top level schema.


Can't get SQL code working on Visual Studio

With the exception of a little HTML/Javascript, I've always used C++ on Visual Studio C++ 2010. I have an internship next week that will involve the use of SQL and .Net. I'm currently reading a book on SQL and it instructs us to go to its website to download code so that we can practice. The website is here: http://forta.com/books/0672336073/ I downloaded the one labeled "Microsoft SQL Server" which is basically two .sql files. One creates a simple database and the other one populates it.
However, for the life of me I cant figure out how to do it on Visual Studio 2010 or 2013 (I downloaded the full version of 2010). If anyone knows how to get these file to run on either VS version I would be very happy. I'm used to just hitting the green arrow button in Visual Studio C++ 2010, which I believe is execute. Obviously it isnt working for my sql code.
On VS 2013 I created a new "SQL Server Database Project". I then added two new "Application Role" items for the two .sql files. Now after clicking the "SQL" tab and "Execute" I get error messages about duplicate objects/keys, which I assume means the database is already created...but how do I view it? At one instance I mustve hit the right combination of buttons because I was able to view my database in a table format.
Thanks for any suggestions!
In visual studio go to view and select sql server, (see image) then click the + symbol and connect to the server installed on your machine (if its not yet listed)

Visual Studio 2013 SQL Query and View Designer not appearing

Not sure why the Query and View Designer is not appearing as per
It's an ASP.net project with database in the AppData folder, and a connection using SQL 2008 Express.
If it helps the connection string is:
Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename="C:\folders...\App_Data\database.mdf";Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True
If I open the project in VS2012 (where I've worked on this project for some time), find a table, right click, new query, I get the nice interactive visual design tool.
If I open the project in VS2013 (just installed) and do the same, blank page named SQLQuery1.sql and a basic connection to SQL Express (ie. master, model, etc.)
MS page tells me Tools / Options / Visual Database tools - but this doesn't exist on my installation!
Am I missing something?
Also tried with blank project, added App_Data and a new database (so using LocalDB), added a table, right click, new query - exactly the same blank file.
I have been having the same problem and think I have found the solution.
When you are adding the connection to the Database, in the Add Connection Dialog.
Click 'Change...' next to the Data source
Dialog opens showing 'Change Data Source'
You probable have selected 'Microsoft SQL Server' and then below that there is a drop down where you can select:
.NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB
.NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server (This is probably selected by default)
try changing to the OLE DB connection.
Click OK, and then complete the rest of the connection on the 'Add Connection' dialog.
I have then found that using the database works as it did in VS2012 and as you are describing above.
Was searching for a solution to a similar issue. Unable to use Query Designer for a local mdf file database. This is what I found...hope it helps someone.
Reading the comments here (http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/ed4675d3-aa84-47db-bdf5-f852355409e6/query-designer-not-displaying-in-visual-studio-2013?forum=ssdt).
According to the moderator of that forum question (Kevin Cunnane of Microsoft), "in Visual Studio 2013 the query designer and database diagram features are no longer available from the Server Explorer. If you wish to keep using the query designer, the only other workaround for now is to access it from SSMS. "
My current workaround is to use Visual Studio 2012 Server Explorer to view data and write queries for a local MDF file. And to use Visual Studio 2013 for everything else.
I have researched about 5 minutes how to run a query in Visual Studio. At the end I found this:
Even though i followed same steps , It did not work at once it gave some error and Studio closed. It was problem at my end and unknowingly it got sorted out on its own.
This component is called "SQL Server Data Tools". You can download it from MSDN. I found this page simply by googling "vs2013 ssdt". It seems that what TsugaSoft posted is true, however you still can install this component separetely... And it also works for Visual Studio 2012.

cannot add members to tabular model roles using visual studio 2012

I've created a tabular model project in Visual Studio 2012 and everything seems to work properly until I go to use the Role Manager. I can create roles easily enough, but when I click the Add button on the members tab for a role - absolutely nothing happens. No dialog, no error, nothing.
I'm pretty disgusted by this, but I thought I would ask if anyone else has seen this behavior or knows a workaround.
I believe I've found a workaround for this. On two separate computers, installing the following SQL Server features resolved the issue:
"Client Tools Connectivity"
"Management Tools - Basic"
"Management Tools - Complete"

how to restore TFS project?

I deleted a project folder in TFS, without realizing and checked in pending changes as well.
The local project copy was in offline state and I mistakingly made it online. Because of this I lost the only copy I had. Is there a way to restore the project? I know this is foolish and careless but I made the mistake already. Please help.
check this : here
In Team Explorer (in Visual Studio): Tools | Options | Source Control | Visual Studio Team Foundation Server and select Show Deleted Items...
Then in source control explorer you'll see the items greyed out. You can right click on them and Undelete. (This option will only be available if they, after the undelete, will be included in your current workspace).
Alternatively using the TFS PowerToys you can look at history and right click to select "Rollback Entire Changeset": this will create pending changes to revert the changes of the selected changeset.

How do I change Process Template on an existing Team Project in TFS 2010?

How do I change process template to MSF for Agile on an already existing team project in TFS 2010?
We have upgraded our TFS 2008 to 2010, and now I would also like to change the process template to MSF for Agile (currently CMMI).
We haven't used the workitem functionality much so if some information gets lost in the conversion doesn't matter.
Once you've created a Team Project, you unfortunately can't just upload a new process template. As Robaticus says, you'll have to download the XML for the template and modify it, then re-upload it. The power tool lets you create NEW templates for NEW team projects, but it won't modify an existing one.
Instead, you can use the witadmin.exe tool (on any computer with Team Explorer installed, under \Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE, or just from a Visual Studio Command Prompt) to export the current workitem definitions and re-import them once you've made your changes.
Luckily, if you're not using workitem tracking much, then this might not be too difficult. You might be able to just delete all the existing workitem types and then re-upload the new types.
If this is too much trouble, consider how much you want to retain your source control history. It might be worth creating a new Team Project with the Agile template and then just moving all your source code into it.
You can't change the process template, however you can change the work item types. So for bugs, tasks you can swap to the Agile definitions.
You can do this in 2010 with witadmin, in 2008 it's importwit, by first downloading the template to disk (you'll need the TFS power tools for this). Then point the console app at bug.xml, task.xml etc..
Usage: witadmin importwitd /collection:collectionurl [/p:project] /f:filename [/e:encoding] [/v]
/collection Specifies the Team Foundation project collection. Use a fully specified URL such as
/p Specifies the team project in which the new work item type is imported. This is required, except when
the validation-only option is used.
/f Specifies the work item type XML definition file to import.
/e Specifies the name of the .NET Framework 2.0 encoding used to import the XML file. For example,
/e:utf-7 will use Unicode (UTF-7) encoding. Encoding is automatically detected whenever possible. If
the encoding cannot be detected, UTF-8 is used.
/v Validates the XML definitions for the work item type, link type, or global workflow without importing
You can export the agile process template to disk, then import the work items into your existing project. You may need the TFS Power Tools to do this.
I may be too late for this question, but the TFS Integration Platform tools could really help here.
See this question on server fault that details on how to move from Scrum For Team System V2 to Microsoft Visual Studio Scrum 1.0.
You would need to setup your own mappings to move from your templates to the target template, but the process is the same.
Please note witadmin.exe could help in some scenarios but TFS Integration Platform is your ultimate choice to achieve this task. There is a user voice item still pending. Please check this SO thread.
I think the best way to accomplish this is to create a new Team Project with "the new" process template and use the TFS Integration tool to migrate your existing WorkItems and choose create a new branch from Source Control, so you'll have new work Items (with the new workflow) and the source control history (as well). You'd even do this across versions of TFS!! (On the case interested on migrate TFS 2005/2008/2010)
Another way might be to use the WorkItem Templates, but I think this is more a kind-of visual style (I've not much experience) applied to the Work Item. To do so, just right click on your project, import the WITDefinition and apply the template by selecting Apply template on desired WorkITems.