How can I take screenshot from my APP in SmartTV - screenshot

I want to take screenshots from my APP in a Smart TV (Samsung OS and Tizen).
I need the screenshots for my APP documentation and for submission process.
Does anyone know how can I take the screenshots or if it is possible? I cannot take in the emulator, because my videos use DRM and it is not compatible with the emulator.

You can debug the app on IDE, when the web inspector shows up, select "rendering debug". There is a screen capture option there.


How can I view a ChromeOS App crash log / report?

I have a ChromeOS App that runs well on my PC (windows 10) but it crashes when it runs on a Chromebit.
How can I see the app crash log on Chrome OS?
thanks in advance!
look in chrome://crashes to see if there's anything useful in there. if not, the app crashing isn't generating any logs to disk for you to browse.
sometimes you can get info via the debug console -- go to chrome://extensions, check the developer mode box, and find the app you care about. see if it has a background page which you can inspect -- click the link and it should pop up a console. then try launching the app.

Roku Screenshot

I am trying to take a screenshot of roku app playing on lcdtv.
Put your Roku in developer mode. Confirm the IP address of your Roku.
Side load your app to the Roku:
Go to a browser and type in your Roku IP address, dev username and password for your box when you set it to developer mode.
Go to Utilities. Hit the screenshot button. Save the image.
You will not be able to take screenshots of a video playing.
Edit: You won't be able to take screenshots of anything that's not side loaded.
I followed above instructions but utilities screenshot gives empty notification:
HD mode 1280x720 image required for channel store upload
You can take the screenshot of you dev channel Only. You can't take the screenshot of Roku Home Screen or any other channel available on Roku Store using the steps what you have mentioned.
Roku does not provide the screenshot at video streaming. you take a screenshot and screenshot is captured. But, display screenshot color is black. Any other functionality screenshot is available on Roku.

Sencha Touch work flow

I have started working in Sencha Touch 2.1.1. I would like to know the following:
What is the best work flow for a Sencha Touch app during development? Testing in Chrome may not give the actual mobile view. How can I test my app on Windows during development?
xtype 'label' is not getting resized when I change the browser size.
After changing the code each time I come to Chrome and refresh, but it takes a few seconds to load the app. Is there any quicker way?
Host you app using WAMP or some we server and open it on you mobile
device is you are using same WiFi.
please attach screen shots
Its not an Egyptian magic, it will take few seconds pal...

test mobile website in desktop browser

I'm developing a mobile website for iPhone, Android, etc. using jQuery Mobile. I'd like to be able to test this in my desktop browser and was wondering what the best approach is. I guess I could use a plugin to change the User-Agent header to the appropriate value and manually resize the browser to the device's width, but is there a simpler/more reliable way?
Sorry, I should have mentioned that the only hardware available is a Windows laptop
Well if you have a Mac and xCode is installed you can use the Simulator. Open Mobile Safari and point to you web page on all Apple devices
You can also use the Android Emulator ( But I've not tested that it can access the web from the browser )
Alternatively you could use a plugin ( as you have suggested ).
I personally use Chrome with this plugin:
with pretty good results.
I've used Device Anywhere before
you access the device through a web portal/site and control it, but this costs $$$
Actual device testing in going to be the most reliable
related: ( other suggestions )
Difference between iPhone Simulator and Android Emulator
In Chrome hit F12 to open the Developer Toolbar. Then click 'Toggle device toolbar' (tablet icon, top left next to select element). You can then choose the device at the top to test.
There's also PerfectoMobile for testing on devices remotely...though it can be painfully slow. I'd really recommend at least getting some 'base' testing devices, if possible.
There is also that can be used to get a screenshot of what your site would look like on a number of given devices.
There is however a limitation of how many screenshots you can get in the free version I have linked to here.
I got nice results, visualy, by using Chrome add-on called Ripple Beta. Bad thing is that there is no ability to add some custom device, like tablets of 8" or 9" or bigger... but works. I'm not sure is it able to show some errors visible on real device but seems nice.
Manymo should work very well simulating Android for you. It shows me exactly what my cell phone shows, even though my desktop browsers don't. Manymo is a website with a lot of Android phones pictured. Just click one and enter your URL. There are options such as Android versions and screen sizes.
Look for the Chrome plugin Responsive Web Design Tester - you'll be able to emulate mobile browsers for different device sizes on all platforms.

How to programmatically lock an iPad app into one single application?

we are doing a product display iPad app and don't want customers to be able to quit the app pressing the home button. We're planning to use only UIGesture to let the admin users to quit. How to programmatically lock an iPad app into one single application without install any third party app or profile?
There is a feature for this added in iOS 6 Beta 2 called Guided Access, see
Install the iPhone Configuration Utility:
Make a .mobileconfig with the SBStoreDemoAppLock property set to true
Install the mobile config on the device.
Installation of the mobile config can be done using either the iPCU app or by opening the file with Safari on the device.
Now the device is in kiosk mode and the home button is disabled.
Remove the .mobileconfig file (again using the iPCU app) and reboot the device to re-enable the home button.
I believe that the common solution to this problem is a case that covers the home and power buttons. In practice, you'll want something that is fairly robust to prevent theft of the iPad, and that neatly covers access to the dock connector whilst providing power.
A quick google search of iPad kiosk case turns up plenty of options. Use of iPads as PoS displays in stores and at trade shows is incredibly popular.