Responsive background image without media queries - twitter-bootstrap-3

I need some guidance into making a responsive background image for an admin page without using media queries. The background image needs to respond to the browser window without stretching.
Similar to this example page
I using bootstrap 3.3.6 to build this page. The admin login page is divided as a split screen.
Left hand side is login area
Right hand side is a background image with text content on top.
I need all the guidance I can get to going about making this happen. Thank you!

You should change your .bg-image class with following:
.bg-image {
background: url(../img/bg-image-md.jpg) no-repeat center center;
background-size: cover;
-webkit-background-size: cover;
-moz-background-size: cover;
-o-background-size: cover;

Here's something to get you started:
background-image: url(;
background-position:50% 0 ;
Use the background-size property with the value of either cover or contain, and position the background image as required.
More info on the background-size property


Positioning in Slimbox

Slimbox is working perfectly for me with one exception... my slideshows often open way to low. The positioning is effected by any scrolling already done on the page. Every time the page is scrolled a bit, the slideshow opens lower than it had previously for the same page. Scroll down the page much and the show can be completely out of sight.
lbCenter and lbBottomContainer in the CSS control the positioning, but I can't find how to adjust them accurately. The default is:
#lbBottomContainer {
position: absolute;
z-index: 9999;
overflow: hidden;
background-color: #fff;
In an old thread here, I found suggestion for adding:
top: 30px !important;
As long as !important is included, this does work but with a significant caveat; the caption is moved from below to above the image and covers some of it. ( And !Important doesn't seem like an ideal solution )
How can I adjust the positioning of both while keeping the caption below the image?
This one was on me. My links included href="#" as some others required. The # caused the page to scroll to the top even as the slide show opened where the link was located.
<a href="#" onclick="show('homes')">
Eliminating the hash tag resolved it.

Safari Browser z-index or Transform CSS Property Issue - Elements Not Visible / Backgrounded

I've got an issue with visibility of HTML elements in Safari (Mobile and Desktop) not rendering in the foreground that I've spent at least 8 hours of dedicated troubleshooting on trying to address.
The concept I'm after seems very simple; I'm trying to display a couple of labels (<p>'s and <a>'s within a <div> that is position:absolute;. I'm leveraging a 3rd party Javascript coverflow that is forcing the absolute positioning but I'm willing to make any modifications needed to get this working.
I naturally assumed this was a z-index issue that was only effecting Safari but there are no rendering issues in Chrome, IE, Edge, and Firefox including Android mobile devices.
The issue can easily be reproduced on when looking at the media coverflow from iOS/Safari and likely macOS; for a brief second while it is initially loading, the elements are visible and then the album artwork moves to the foreground. You can also see a slight hint of the '+1' badge on the corner at the lower edge of the album artwork. You can even click where the two invisible buttons are and interact with the document (e.g. play song immediately or add to playlist).
What I've Tried
Changing (and IIRC dropping entirely) transform usage from each Coverflow item (see "Additional Detail" section below for an important note)
z-index changes (including absurdly large values like 10000000000000)
Changing position to fixed, relative, sticky for the parent div
Changing position to fixed, relative, sticky for child elements
Changing display between block and inline-block
Changing overflow on most elements in the hierarchy
Additional Detail
I've seen issues in the past with Safari not playing nicely with transform; that could be the issue here and the symptoms are very similar to my past experiences but I haven't been able to fix the issue. This is where I'd guess the problem actually resides.
Rendered HTML for each Coverflow item
<div style="position: absolute; display: block; overflow: visible; left: 0px; top: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: none; max-height: none; border: none; line-height: 1; background-color: transparent; backface-visibility: hidden; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; width: 95px; transform: translate(142px, 119px); opacity: 1;"><p class="largeLabel"><i class="fa fa-list-ol"></i><span class="badge">+1</span><i class="fa fa-play play-btn-adjust"></i></p><p class="smallLabel"><span class="title-cf-main">Song Title</span><br><span class="title-cf-artist">Artist Title</span><br><span class="title-cf-verse">Acts 17</span></p></div>
How To Reproduce
Visit from desktop or mobile Safari and notice how the album artwork takes foreground positioning over the label/text.
Desired End State
The blue background label, song title, artist title, and verse title should be visible above the album artwork in the coverflow (as seen in non-Safari browsers)
Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide. I can't tell you how much I'd appreciate addressing this issue!
Try setting the z-index on the div instead of the label. If you create a fiddle I'll play around with it a little more.

bootstrap - how to add background color for all the screen width when using containter

I need to use container (and not container-fluid) , but I still need to add background to all the remaining background( the background color differ from container to container). any idea how to do it?
Your question is not pretty clear.
I will answer according to my understanding.
There should be only one container in the web application. Because it comes with fix width(not in %) i.e. 1170px/970px/750px.
So there should be only one to contain the website.
Now the only background out of container can be styled with the body tag.
background-color: #ddd;

PyQt Scaling background image using styleSheet ? or any other way?

I'm trying to resize a background image on a button
btn.setStyleSheet("background-image: url(:/AddButton.png);"
"background-repeat: no-repeat;");
tried it with
background-size: 10px auto;
but pyqt seems to be missing this CSS attribute
Is there any other way of scaling the background image on the button?
I need the background image as the icon on the button will be used on top.
any suggestions?
I believe you need to use border-image. Since the border-image property provides an alternate background, it is not required to specify a background-image when border-image is specified. In the case when both of them are specified, the border-image draws over the background-image.

Placing an image from the sprite in the specific position

Let's say i have a sprite with lots of icons. I want to place one of the icons in the specific position over the div, e.g. 15px from the right side and 20px from the top.
Previously, when i had single image file i used the following code:
background: white url(./imgs/some/icon.png) no-repeat 91% 47%;
Now then the image is in the sprite i can access it using
background-position: 0 -471px;
But as i see it there is no place to add my current 91% 47%. Is there some kind of workaround?
It's possible to use CSS3 in the project if it helps.
Would you be able to add another <div>, give it the correct background, and absolute position it where it needs to be? I'm thinking that your background-position percentages are probably out when you use a sprite sheet.
If I understand your set of constraints correctly, you might be able to pull it off with a single div, but only if your png has a transparent background and the icon has enough "transparent space" as to not reveal any other icons.
background: white url(./imgs/some/icon.png) 91% 47% no-repeat, transparent url(./imgs/some/icon.png) 0 -471px no-repeat;