web2py rest api endpoint gives invalid path output - api

I have made a web2py web application. The api endpoints exposed are as follows.
The comments model is as follows
Field('user_id', db.auth_user),
Field('comment_made', 'string', length=2048),
Field('date_commented', 'datetime', default=datetime.now),
Field('complaint_id', db.complaints),
Field('detailed_status', 'string', length=2048),
I have been successful in retriving a single comment via the following request
Now I wish to retrieve all the comments. I am not able to figure out how to use /comments[comments] to retrieve all comments.?
I have tried
But it gives an output with "invalid path"
I have realized requests such as http://localhost:8000/api/comments/complaint-id/1.json
also give "invalid path" as output.
Please help.
def api():
response.view='generic.' + request.extension
def GET(*args,**kargs):
parser = db.parse_as_rest(patterns,args,kargs)
if parser.status == 200:
return dict(content=parser.response)
raise HTTP(parser.status,parser.error)
def POST(*args,**kargs):
return dict()
return locals()
routes.py in the main web2py folder to change the default application:
routers = dict(
BASE = dict(
Another observation:
I added another endpoint as below:
def comm():
"""" Comments api substitute"""
rows=db().select(db.comments.ALL) ## this line shows error
# rows = db(db.comments.id > 0).select()
#for row in rows:
# print row.id
return dict(message=rows)
Even now I am not able to retrieve all comments with "/comm.json". This gives a web2py error ticket which says "need more than 1 value to unpack" on the line "rows=db.select(db.comments.ALL)". Are the above invalid path and this error related in someway?


Getting the root directory of a file in Google Drive using API

I need to get the full path of folders where a file is located in Google Drive. I'm getting the files themselves using the Google Drive API, but I need information about it's parent folders
I'm using the following code tothe the list of spreadsheets in a Shared Drive:
from googleapiclient import discovery
from httplib2 import Http
from oauth2client import file, client, tools
# Change the value of SCOPES to 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive'
# if you want to be able to read and write to the user's Google Drive.
SCOPES = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive'
store = file.Storage('storage.json')
creds = store.get()
if not creds or creds.invalid:
flow = client.flow_from_clientsecrets('client_secret.json', SCOPES)
creds = tools.run_flow(flow, store)
DRIVE = discovery.build('drive', 'v3', http=creds.authorize(Http()))
folder_id = "1Z1GzY-D3I3qwQu3oxIW-L1a9nXgD0PXl"
query = "mimeType='application/vnd.google-apps.spreadsheet'"
query+= "and fullText contains 'CLAS' and trashed = false"
# query += " and parents in '" + folder_id + "'"
spreadsheets = []
# Initialize the page token
next_page_token = None
# Loop until all pages of results have been retrieved
while True:
# Execute the list request
response = DRIVE.files().list(
# orderBy='folder',
fields='nextPageToken, files(id, name, parents, mimeType, webViewLink)',
# Append the results to the list
spreadsheets.extend(response.get('files', []))
# Check if there is another page of results
next_page_token = response.get('nextPageToken', None)
if next_page_token is None:
# Set the page token for the next iteration
# parameters['pageToken'] = next_page_token
# Print the number of results
print(f'Last spreadsheet found: {spreadsheets[-1]["name"]}. Number of spreadsheets: {len(spreadsheets)}')
This returns a list of dictionaries with the specified fields. I would like to know the names of the parent folders for each file, for which I'm trying:
from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError
for item in spreadsheets:
if 'parents' in item:
parent_folders_list = []
parent_id = item['parents'][0]
while parent_id:
folder=DRIVE.files().get(fileId=parent_id, fields='name, id, parents').execute()
parent_folders_list.append(folder.get("parents", []))
if parent_id:
parent_id = parent_id[0]
except HttpError as error:
print('An error occurred: %s' % error)
print(f'{item["name"]} is in {parent_folders_list}')
And I've been able to identify that parent_id is correctly retrieved, and that I am able to access it, as I was able to open it in the browser. However, I get back errors 'File Not Found' for all parent_id. I wonder if the DRIVE.files().get(fileId=) is the correct way to get back a folder using the API.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

how to read the console output in python without executing any command

I have an API which gets the success or error message on console.I am new to python and trying to read the response. Google throws so many examples to use subprocess but I dont want to run,call any command or sub process. I just want to read the output after below API call.
This is the response in console when success
17:50:52 | Logged in!!
This is the github link for the sdk and documentation
This is the code
from py5paisa import FivePaisaClient
email = "myemailid#gmail.com"
pw = "mypassword"
dob = "mydateofbirth"
client = FivePaisaClient(email=email, passwd=pw, dob=dob,cred=cred)
In general it is bad practice to get a value from STDOUT. There are some ways but it's pretty tricky (it's not made for it). And the problem doesn't come from you but from the API which is wrongly designed, it should return a value e.g. True or False (at least) to tell you if you logged in, and they don't do it.
So, according to their documentation it is not possible to know if you're logged in, but you may be able to see if you're logged in by checking the attribute client_code in the client object.
If client.client_code is equal to something then it should be logged in and if it is equal to something else then not. You can try comparing it's value when you successfully login or when it fails (wrong credential for instance). Then you can put a condition : if it is None or False or 0 (you will have to see this by yourself) then it is failed.
Can you try doing the following with a successful and failed login:
Source of the API:
# Login function :
# (...)
message = res["body"]["Message"]
if message == "":
log_response("Logged in!!")
# (...)
# _set_client_code function :
def _set_client_code(self, client_code):
self.client_code = client_code # <<<< That's what we want
except Exception as e:
Since this questions asks how to capture "stdout" one way you can accomplish this is to intercept the log message before it hits stdout.
The minimum code to capture a log message within a Python script looks this:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class RequestHandler(logging.Handler):
def emit(self, record):
if record.getMessage().startswith("Hello"):
print("hello detected")
handler = RequestHandler()
logger.warning("Hello world")
Putting it all together you may be able to do something like this:
import logging
from py5paisa import FivePaisaClient
email = "myemailid#gmail.com"
pw = "mypassword"
dob = "mydateofbirth"
client = FivePaisaClient(email=email, passwd=pw, dob=dob,cred=cred)
class PaisaClient(logging.Handler):
def __init__():
self.loggedin = False # this is the variable we can use to see if we are "logged in"
def emit(self, record):
if record.getMessage().startswith("Logged in!!")
self.loggedin = True
def login():
logging.getLogger(py5paisa) # get the logger for the py5paisa library
# tutorial here: https://betterstack.com/community/questions/how-to-disable-logging-from-python-request-library/
logging.basicConfig(handlers=[PaisaClient()], level=0, force=True)
c = PaisaClient()

Karate framework variable usage

I have this steps:
Then status 200
And match response.requests[0].request.url == "/endpoint"
And json body = response.requests[0].request.body
And match body == { "something": "something"}
To simplify, I tried to put response.requests[0].request in a variable called request:
Then status 200
And def request = response.requests[0].request
And match request.url == "/endpoint"
And json body = request.body
And match body == { "something": "something"}
I'm having the following error:
'request' is not a variable, use the form '* request <expression>' instead
I read the documentation and the use of request seems to be fine:
Given def color = 'red '
And def num = 5
Then assert color + num == 'red 5'
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Just make this change:
* def req = response.requests[0].request
# other steps
* request req
We simply disallow def request (using request as a variable name) because a lot of newbie users get confused. The error message has worked 99.9% of the time for users to understand what the problem is, but I guess you fall in the 0.1% :)

How to pass single param to separate feature file

I've tried below to send a param to separate feature file ( by following this example ) but, it is not working as expected.
* def id = '55000000005021'
* def result = call read('delete_project.feature')
Given path 'project', '#(id)'
When method DELETE
Then status 200
Then match response.status == 'success'
Getting below exception
com.intuit.karate.exception.KarateException: projects.feature:48 -
delete_project.feature:11 - status code was: 404, expected: 200,
response time: 239, url: https://localhost:8080/project/%23(id)
check if the URL trying to access is a correct one"}} at ✽.* def
result = call read('delete_project.feature') (projects.feature:48)
One more doubt, How to iterate this by passing list of ids. I've multiple id in foo variable, I would like call delete_project.feature for each id availble in that foo variable.
* def foo = get response.data[*].id
I think you over-complicated the path params, change to:
Given path 'project', id
And read this part of the docs: https://github.com/intuit/karate#rules-for-embedded-expressions

python ldap "Bad search filter" error

This filter works just fine in my LDAP browser by python ldap won't pick it up:
resulting in:
Request Method: GET Request
URL: http://localhost:8000/ldap_find/%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D1%82/
Django Version: 1.4
Exception Type: FILTER_ERROR
Exception Value: {'desc': 'Bad search filter'}
here's the code that does it:
scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
filter = '(&(!objectClass=computer)(sn=*%s*))' % search_string
result_set = list()
result = LDAPClient.client.search(base.encode(encoding='utf-8'), scope, filter.encode(encoding='utf-8'),['cn','mail'])
res_type, res_data = LDAPClient.client.result(result)
for data in res_data:
if data[0]:
return json.dumps(result_set)
except Exception, e:
raise e
it works fine with simple filters, like
filter = 'sn=*%s*' % search_string
so I'm guessing this is some kind of escaping of & or something inside ldap lib but can't find the root yet.
The search filter syntax is incorrect. Use (&(sn=*%s*)(!(objectClass=computer))). Search filters are well-documented in RFC4511 and RFC4515.