select single row based on count of rows present oracle - sql

I've got below table using a query, Now I want to fetch single record based on conditions explained below and assign it to two variable i.e. v_dte_meeting and v_status_meeting declared in my stored procedure,
Dte_Meeting| Ststus_Meeting
15-Oct-14 | Due
30-Oct-14 | Due
15-Dec-14 | Init
30-Dec-14 | Init
30-Nov-15 | Approved
I want to assign value to these variables based on below conditions:
If a a single or multiple records present with Status_Meeting as 'Due' Then assign v_dte_meeting the greatest date with 'Due' status and assign v_status_meeting with value 'Due'
If above condition fails then, check If a single or multiple records present with Ststus_Meeting as 'Init' If it does, Then assign v_dte_meeting the greatest date with 'Init' status and assign v_status_meeting with value 'Init'
If both condition fails then assign both variables NULL value
Please help me to do it the best way in Oracle

Hope this helps. I am only showing the SELECT statement (I didn't create variables, so I am not selecting INTO, but that wasn't your difficulty, you know how to do that.) I use subquery factoring (the WITH clause), available only in versions >= 11 I believe, otherwise you can rewrite to put the subqueries where they belong.
Note the use of rank(); in Gordon's solution, he will pick up max(dte) over ALL rows, not just those with status = 'Due', so it can't be as simple as what he wrote. EDIT: I also don't see where he selects NULL, NULL if neither 'Due' nor 'Init' are present. (Sorry for the abuse, this should be a comment to his answer, I lack privileges.)
WITH t (Date_Meeting, Status_Meeting) AS
SELECT TO_DATE('15-NOV-15', 'DD-MON-YY'), 'Approved' FROM dual
s (Date_Meeting, Status_Meeting) AS
SELECT Date_Meeting, Status_Meeting FROM t
WHERE Status_Meeting = 'Due' OR Status_Meeting = 'Init'
UNION ALL SELECT NULL, NULL FROM dual -- To ensure you have the nulls if needed
r (Date_Meeting, Status_Meeting, rk) AS
SELECT Date_Meeting, Status_Meeting,
RANK() OVER (ORDER BY DECODE(Status_Meeting, 'Due', 0, 'Init', 1, 2),
Date_Meeting DESC) -- make sure you understand this
SELECT Date_Meeting, Status_Meeting FROM r WHERE rk = 1
--------- --------
30-OCT-14 Due
1 row selected.

One method uses aggregation:
select (case when sum(case when status_meeting = 'Due' then 1 else 0 end) > 0
then max(case when status_meeting = 'Due' dte_meeting end)
when sum(case when status_meeting = 'Init' then 1 else 0 end) > 0
then max(case when status_meeting = 'Init' then dte_meeting end)
(case when sum(case when status_meeting = 'Due' then 1 else 0 end) > 0
when sum(case when status_meeting = 'Init' then 1 else 0 end) > 0
then 'Init'
into v_dte_meeting, v_status_meeting
from t;
However, I think a simpler version just uses order by:
select max(dte_meeting), max(status_meeting)
into v_dte_meeting, v_status_meeting
from (select t.*
from t
where status_meeting in ('Due', 'Init')
order by (case when status_meeting = 'Due' then 1
when status_meeting = 'Init' then 2
) t
where rownum = 1;
The max() is just to ensure that exactly one row is returned.


How to Count Distinct on Case When?

I have been building up a query today and I have got stuck. I have two unique Ids that identify if and order is Internal or Web. I have been able to split this out so it does the count of how many times they appear but unfortunately it is not providing me with the intended result. From research I have tried creating a Count Distinct Case When statement to provide me with the results.
Please see below where I have broken down what it is doing and how I expect it to be.
Original data looks like:
Company Name Order Date Order Items Orders Value REF
CompanyA 03/01/2019 Item1 Order1 170 INT1
CompanyA 03/01/2019 Item2 Order1 0 INT1
CompanyA 03/01/2019 Item3 Order2 160 WEB2
CompanyA 03/01/2019 Item4 Order2 0 WEB2
How I expect it to be:
Company Name Order Date Order Items Orders Value WEB INT
CompanyA 03/01/2019 4 2 330 1 1
What currently comes out
Company Name Order Date Order Items Orders Value WEB INT
CompanyA 03/01/2019 4 2 330 2 2
As you can see from my current result it is counting every line even though it is the same reference. Now it is not a hard and fast rule that it is always doubled up. This is why I think I need a Count Distinct Case When. Below is my query I am currently using. This pull from a Progress V10 ODBC that I connect through Excel. Unfortunately I do not have SSMS and Microsoft Query is just useless.
My Current SQL:
, SopOrder_0.SooOrderDate
, Count(DISTINCT SopOrder_0.SooOrderNumber) AS 'Orders'
, SUM(CASE WHEN SopOrder_0.SooOrderNumber IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 'Order Items'
, SUM(SopOrderItem_0.SoiValue) AS 'Order Value'
, SUM(CASE WHEN SopOrder_0.SooParentOrderReference LIKE 'INT%' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 'INT'
, SUM(CASE WHEN SopOrder_0.SooParentOrderReference LIKE 'WEB%' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 'WEB'
SBS.PUB.Company Company_0
, SBS.PUB.SopOrder SopOrder_0
, SBS.PUB.SopOrderItem SopOrderItem_0
SopOrder_0.SopOrderID = SopOrderItem_0.SopOrderID
AND Company_0.CompanyID = SopOrder_0.CompanyID
AND SopOrder_0.SooOrderDate > '2019-01-01'
, SopOrder_0.SooOrderDate
I have tried using the following line but it errors on me when importing:
, Count(DISTINCT CASE WHEN SopOrder_0.SooParentOrderReference LIKE 'INT%' THEN SopOrder_0.SooParentOrderReference ELSE 0 END) AS 'INT'
Just so know the error I get when importing at the moment is syntax error at or about "CASE WHEN sopOrder_0.SooParentOrderRefer" (10713)
Try removing the ELSE:
COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN SopOrder_0.SooParentOrderReference LIKE 'INT%' THEN SopOrder_0.SooParentOrderReference END) AS num_int
You don't specify the error, but the problem is probably that the THEN is returning a string and the ELSE a number -- so there is an attempt to convert the string values to a number.
Also, learn to use proper, explicit, standard JOIN syntax. Simple rule: Never use commas in the FROM clause.
count distinct on the SooOrderNumber or the SooParentOrderReference, whichever makes more sense for you.
If you are COUNTing, you need to make NULL the thing that your are not counting. I prefer to include an else in the case because it is more consistent and complete.
, Count(DISTINCT CASE WHEN SopOrder_0.SooParentOrderReference LIKE 'INT%' THEN SopOrder_0.SooParentOrderReference ELSE null END) AS 'INT'
Gordon Linoff is correct regarding the source of your error, i.e. datatype mismatch between the case then value else value end. null removes (should remove) this ambiguity - I'd need to double check.
Editing my earlier answer...
Even though it looks, as you say, like count distinct is not supported in Pervasive PSQL, CTEs are supported. So you can do something like...
This is what you are trying to do but it is not supported...
dups as
select 1 as id, 'A' as col1 union all select 1, 'A' union all select 1, 'B' union all select 2, 'B'
select id
,count(distinct col1) as col_count
from dups
group by id;
Stick another CTE in the query to de-duplicate the data first. Then count as normal. That should work...
dups as
select 1 as id, 'A' as col1 union all select 1, 'A' union all select 1, 'B' union all select 2, 'B'
,de_dup as
select id
from dups
group by id
select id
,count(col1) as col_count
from de_dup
group by id;
These 2 versions should give the same result set.
There is always a way!!
I cannot explain the error you are getting. You are mistakenly using single quotes for alias names, but I don't actually think this is causing the error.
Anyway, I suggest you aggregate your order items per order first and only join then:
, so.sooorderdate
, COUNT(*) AS orders
, SUM(soi.itemcount) AS order_items
, SUM(soi.ordervalue) AS order_value
, COUNT(CASE WHEN so.sooparentorderreference LIKE 'INT%' THEN 1 END) AS int
, COUNT(CASE WHEN so.sooparentorderreference LIKE 'WEB%' THEN 1 END) AS web
JOIN so ON so.companyid = c.companyid
SELECT soporderid, COUNT(*) AS itemcount, SUM(soivalue) AS ordervalue
GROUP BY soporderid
) soi ON soi.soporderid = so.soporderid
GROUP BY c.coacompanyname, so.sooorderdate
ORDER BY c.coacompanyname, so.sooorderdate;

sql case statement IN with group by

I have a 2 column table with the columns : "user_name" and "characteristic". Each user_name may appear multiple times with a different characteristic.
The values in characteristic are:
I want to write a sql statement that goes like this - but obviously this isn't working:
SELECT user_name,
when characteristic in ("online","instore") then 1
else 0
END as purchase_yn,
when characteristic in ("online","instore") and
characteristic in ("email",'account') then 1
else 0
END as purchaser_with_account
FROM my_table
GROUP BY user_name;
Essentially the first is a flag where I check for the presence of either value for that user_name.
The Second field is that they meet this criteria AND that they meet the criteria for having either 'email' or 'account'
An example the structure of your data would help better understand what you are trying to accomplish. But I think I get what you are trying to do.
You have to use an aggregate function in order to use a group by.
Something like SUM or AVG.
But you need first to build a pivot of your data and then you could use that pivot to check for your criterias:
This would create a table pivot that shows for each record what criterias are met:
case when characteristic = "online" then 1 else 0 end as online_yn,
case when characteristic = "instore" then 1 else 0 end as instore_yn,
case when characteristic = "account" then 1 else 0 end as account_yn,
case when characteristic = "email" then 1 else 0 end as email_yn,
FROM my_table
Now what you might wanted to do is to create an averaged version of these entries grouped by user_name and use those averages to create the fields you wanted. For that you need to use the same statement created earlier as an inline table :
case when avg(online_yn + instore_yn) >= 1 then 1 else 0 end as purchase_yn,
case when avg(online_yn + instore_yn) >= 1 and avg(email_yn + account_yn) >= 1 then 1 else 0 end as purchaser_with_account
case when characteristic = "online" then 1 else 0 end as online_yn,
case when characteristic = "instore" then 1 else 0 end as instore_yn,
case when characteristic = "account" then 1 else 0 end as account_yn,
case when characteristic = "email" then 1 else 0 end as email_yn,
FROM my_table) avg_table
group by
This should help.
It may not be efficient in terms of performance but you'll get what you want.
You just have to enclose the CASE expressions in COUNT aggregates:
SELECT user_name,
COUNT(case when characteristic in ("online","instore") then 1 END) as purchase_yn,
COUNT(case when characteristic in ("email",'account') then 1 END) as user_with_account
FROM my_table
GROUP BY user_name
If purchase_yn > 0 then you first flag is set. If purchase_yn > 0 and user_with_account > 0 then you second flag is set as well.
Note: You have to remove ELSE 0 from the CASE expressions because COUNT takes into account all not null values.
You haven't mentioned a specific RDBMS, but if SUM(DISTINCT ...) is available the following is quite nice:
WHEN characteristic in ('online','instore') THEN 1
END) AS purchase_yn,
WHEN characteristic in ('online','instore') THEN 1
WHEN characteristic in ('email','account') THEN 2
) = 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as purchaser_with_account
If I correctly understand, if user have 'online' or 'instore', then for this user you want 1 as purchase_yn column, and if user also have 'email' or 'account', then 1 as purchaser_with_account column.
If this is correct, then one way is:
with your_table(user_name, characteristic) as(
select 1, 'online' union all
select 1, 'instore' union all
select 1, 'account' union all
select 1, 'email' union all
select 2, 'account' union all
select 2, 'email' union all
select 3, 'online'
-- below is actual query:
select your_table.user_name, coalesce(max(t1.purchase_yn), 0) as purchase_yn, coalesce(max(t2.purchaser_with_account), 0) as purchaser_with_account
from your_table
left join (SELECT user_name, 1 as purchase_yn from your_table where characteristic in('online','instore') ) t1
on your_table.user_name = t1.user_name
left join (SELECT user_name, 1 as purchaser_with_account from your_table where characteristic in('email', 'account') ) t2
on t1.user_name = t2.user_name
group by your_table.user_name

Pulling data while pivoting at the same time

ID | Type | Code
1 Purchase A1
1 Return B1
1 Exchange C1
2 Purchase D1
2 Return NULL
2 Exchange F1
3 Purchase G1
3 Return H1
3 Exchange I1
4 Purchase J1
4 Exchange K1
Above is sample data. What I want to return is:
ID | Type | Code
1 Purchase A1
1 Return B1
1 Exchange C1
3 Purchase G1
3 Return H1
3 Exchange I1
So if a field is null in code or the values of Purchase, Return and Exchange are not all present for that ID, ignore that ID completely. However there is one last step. I want this data to then be pivoted this way:
ID | Purchase | Return | Exchange
1 A1 B1 C1
3 G1 H1 I1
I asked this yesterday without the pivot portion which you can see here:
SQL query to return data only if ALL necessary columns are present and not NULL
However I forgot to note the last part. I tried to play around with excel but had no luck. I tried to make a temp table but the data is too large to do that so I was wondering if this could all be done in 1 sql statement?
I personally used this query with success:
select t.*
from t
where 3 = (select count(distinct t2.type)
from t t2
where = and
t2.type in ('Purchase', 'Exchange', 'Return') and
t2.Code is not null
So how can we adjust that to include the pivot part. Is that possible?
Quite easily. Just use conditional aggregation:
max(case when type = 'Purchase' then code end) as Purchase,
max(case when type = 'Exchange' then code end) as Exchange,
max(case when type = 'Return' then code end) as Return
from t
where 3 = (select count(distinct t2.type)
from t t2
where = and
t2.type in ('Purchase', 'Exchange', 'Return') and
t2.Code is not null
group by;
This is actually simpler to express (in my opinion) using having without the subquery:
max(case when type = 'Purchase' then code end) as Purchase,
max(case when type = 'Exchange' then code end) as Exchange,
max(case when type = 'Return' then code end) as Return
from t
group by
having max(case when type = 'Purchase' then code end) is not null and
max(case when type = 'Exchange' then code end) is not null and
max(case when type = 'Return' then code end) is not null;
Many databases would allow:
having Purchase is not null and Exchange is not null and Return is not null
But Oracle doesn't allow the use of table aliases in the having clause.
UPDATE - Based on discussion in the question comments, my previous query had a faulty assumption (which I carried over from what I thought I saw in the original query in the question); I've eliminated the bad assumption.
select id
, max(case when type='Purchase' then Code end) Purchase
, max(case when type='Return' then Code end) Return
, max(case when type='Exchange' then Code end) Exchange
from t
where code is not null
and type in ('Purchase', 'Return', 'Exchange')
group by id
having count(distinct type) = 3
I will point out again (as I did in your other thread) that analytic functions will do the job much faster - they need the base table to be read just once, and there are no explicit or implicit joins.
test_data ( id, type, code ) as (
select 1, 'Purchase', 'A1' from dual union all
select 1, 'Return' , 'B1' from dual union all
select 1, 'Exchange', 'C1' from dual union all
select 2, 'Purchase', 'D1' from dual union all
select 2, 'Return' , null from dual union all
select 2, 'Exchange', 'F1' from dual union all
select 3, 'Purchase', 'G1' from dual union all
select 3, 'Return' , 'H1' from dual union all
select 3, 'Exchange', 'I1' from dual union all
select 4, 'Purchase', 'J1' from dual union all
select 4, 'Exchange', 'K1' from dual
-- end of test data; actual solution (SQL query) begins below this line
select id, purchase, return, exchange
from ( select id, type, code
from ( select id, type, code,
count( distinct case when type in ('Purchase', 'Return', 'Exchange')
then type end
) over (partition by id) as ct_type,
count( case when code is null then 1 end
) over (partition by id) as ct_code
from test_data
where ct_type = 3 and ct_code = 0
pivot ( min(code) for type in ('Purchase' as purchase, 'Return' as return,
'Exchange' as exchange)
--- -------- -------- --------
1 A1 B1 C1
3 G1 H1 I1
2 rows selected.

Trying to aggregate string column by choosing 1 of several values

I have a dataset that I want to aggregate based on a string column. Dataset is basically:
system status
PRE3-SYS2 <blank>
Basically, I want this to become:
system status
I have the sql needed to trim down the system values to PRE1, and PRE2, but I'm not sure how to aggregate the string function so that a system is:
only SUCCESS, then status is SUCCESS
only nulls, then status is PENDING
any other combination, then RUNNING (SUCCESS/RUNNING, SUCCESS/null, RUNNING/null)
I've looked at LISTAGG but I don't think it applies.
Here is an SQL query you could use:
select regexp_substr(system, '^[^-]*') as prefix,
when count(status) = 0 then 'PENDING'
when count(*) = count(case when status = 'SUCCESS' then 1 end) then 'SUCCESS'
else 'RUNNING'
end as status
from mytable
group by regexp_substr(system, '^[^-]*')
inputs ( system, status ) as (
select 'PRE1-SYS1', 'SUCCESS' from dual union all
select 'PRE1-SYS2', 'SUCCESS' from dual union all
select 'PRE2-SYS1', 'RUNNING' from dual union all
select 'PRE2-SYS2', 'SUCCESS' from dual union all
select 'PRE3-SYS1', 'SUCCESS' from dual union all
select 'PRE3-SYS2', '' from dual
prep ( system, flag ) as (
select substr(system, 1, instr(system, '-') - 1),
case status when 'SUCCESS' then 0
when 'RUNNING' then 1 else 2 end
from inputs
select system,
case when min(flag) = 2 then 'PENDING'
when max(flag) = 0 then 'SUCCESS'
else 'RUNNING' end as status
from prep
group by system
order by system;
--------- -------
I would approach it by ranking the responses. For example set a value to the most desired to the least desired results:
<blank> = 3
Then select a min based on that.
select xval = case status when 'Success' then 1
when 'Running' then 2
when 'Pending' then 3
else 3
Use a nested sub select on the value you get here so you only get one record per system.
select System, Min(Xval)
then display the 1 as Success
the 2 as Running
and 3 as Pending
It is hard to do in text format, easier to do with numbers. The numbers you assign to the string are important because they determine when you have multiple values which single one you return in your final query.
Another alternative. Practically, this ends up being very similar to #trincot's solution, I'm just separating the logic for getting the counts from the logic that interprets those counts. If your logic gets more complicated in the future, this may be a bit more flexible.
inputs ( system, status ) as (
select 'PRE1-SYS1', 'SUCCESS' from dual union all
select 'PRE1-SYS2', 'SUCCESS' from dual union all
select 'PRE2-SYS1', 'RUNNING' from dual union all
select 'PRE2-SYS2', 'SUCCESS' from dual union all
select 'PRE3-SYS1', 'SUCCESS' from dual union all
select 'PRE3-SYS2', '' from dual
/* The cnts CTE counts how many rows relate to a SYSTEM,
how many of those are SUCCESS, and how many are NULL.
cnts( system, num_rows, num_success, num_null ) as (
select substr(system,1,instr(system, '-')-1) system,
sum(case when status = 'SUCCESS' then 1 else 0 end),
sum(case when status is null then 1 else 0 end)
from inputs
group by substr(system,1,instr(system, '-')-1)
/* Using the counts from the CTE, we can implement whatever logic we
select system,
(case when num_rows = num_success then 'SUCCESS'
when num_rows = num_null then 'PENDING'
else 'RUNNING'
end) status
from cnts

Looping in select query

I want to do something like this:
select id,
count(*) as total,
FOR temp IN SELECT DISTINCT somerow FROM mytable ORDER BY somerow LOOP
sum(case when somerow = temp then 1 else 0 end) temp,
from mytable
group by id
order by id
I created working select:
select id,
count(*) as total,
sum(case when somerow = 'a' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_a,
sum(case when somerow = 'b' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_b,
sum(case when somerow = 'c' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_c,
sum(case when somerow = 'd' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_d,
sum(case when somerow = 'e' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_e,
sum(case when somerow = 'f' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_f,
sum(case when somerow = 'g' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_g,
sum(case when somerow = 'h' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_h,
sum(case when somerow = 'i' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_i,
sum(case when somerow = 'j' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_j,
sum(case when somerow = 'k' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_k
from mytable
group by id
order by id
this works, but it is 'static' - if some new value will be added to 'somerow' I will have to change sql manually to get all the values from somerow column, and that is why I'm wondering if it is possible to do something with for loop.
So what I want to get is this:
id somerow_a somerow_b ....
0 3 2 ....
1 2 10 ....
2 19 3 ....
. ... ...
. ... ...
. ... ...
So what I'd like to do is to count all the rows which has some specific letter in it and group it by id (this id isn't primary key, but it is repeating - for id there are about 80 different values possible).!15/18feb/2
Are arrays good for you? (SQL Fiddle)
sum(totalcol) as total,
array_agg(somecol) as somecol,
array_agg(totalcol) as totalcol
from (
select id, somecol, count(*) as totalcol
from mytable
group by id, somecol
) s
group by id
id | total | somecol | totalcol
1 | 6 | {b,a,c} | {2,1,3}
2 | 5 | {d,f} | {2,3}
In 9.2 it is possible to have a set of JSON objects (Fiddle)
select row_to_json(s)
from (
sum(totalcol) as total,
array_agg(somecol) as somecol,
array_agg(totalcol) as totalcol
from (
select id, somecol, count(*) as totalcol
from mytable
group by id, somecol
) s
group by id
) s
In 9.3, with the addition of lateral, a single object (Fiddle)
select to_json(format('{%s}', (string_agg(j, ','))))
from (
select format('%s:%s', to_json(id), to_json(c)) as j
sum(totalcol) as total_sum,
array_agg(somecol) as somecol_array,
array_agg(totalcol) as totalcol_array
from (
select id, somecol, count(*) as totalcol
from mytable
group by id, somecol
) s
group by id
) s
cross join lateral
total_sum as total,
somecol_array as somecol,
totalcol_array as totalcol
) c
) s
In 9.2 it is also possible to have a single object in a more convoluted way using subqueries in instead of lateral
SQL is very rigid about the return type. It demands to know what to return beforehand.
For a completely dynamic number of resulting values, you can only use arrays like #Clodoaldo posted. Effectively a static return type, you do not get individual columns for each value.
If you know the number of columns at call time ("semi-dynamic"), you can create a function taking (and returning) polymorphic parameters. Closely related answer with lots of details:
Dynamic alternative to pivot with CASE and GROUP BY
(You also find a related answer with arrays from #Clodoaldo there.)
Your remaining option is to use two round-trips to the server. The first to determine the the actual query with the actual return type. The second to execute the query based on the first call.
Else, you have to go with a static query. While doing that, I see two nicer options for what you have right now:
1. Simpler expression
select id
, count(*) AS total
, count(somecol = 'a' OR NULL) AS somerow_a
, count(somecol = 'b' OR NULL) AS somerow_b
, ...
from mytable
group by id
order by id;
How does it work?
Compute percents from SUM() in the same SELECT sql query
SQL Fiddle.
2. crosstab()
crosstab() is more complex at first, but written in C, optimized for the task and shorter for long lists. You need the additional module tablefunc installed. Read the basics here if you are not familiar:
PostgreSQL Crosstab Query
SELECT * FROM crosstab(
, count(*) OVER (PARTITION BY id)::int AS total
, somecol
, count(*)::int AS ct -- casting to int, don't think you need bigint?
FROM mytable
$$SELECT unnest('{a,b,c,d}'::text[])$$
) AS f (id int, total int, a int, b int, c int, d int);