Tensorflow multi-dimension argmax - tensorflow

Say I have a tensor of size BxWxHxD. I want to process the tensor such that I have a new BxWxHxD tensor where only the maximum element in each WxH slice is kept, and all other values are zero.
In other words, I think the best way to achieve this is to somehow take a 2D argmax across the WxH slices, resulting in BxD index tensors for the rows and colums that can then be converted to a one-hot BxWxHxD tensor to be used as a mask. How do I make this work?

You can use the following function as a starting point. It calculates the indexes of the maximum element for each batch and for each channel. The resulting array is in the format (batch size, 2, number of channels).
def argmax_2d(tensor):
# input format: BxHxWxD
assert rank(tensor) == 4
# flatten the Tensor along the height and width axes
flat_tensor = tf.reshape(tensor, (tf.shape(tensor)[0], -1, tf.shape(tensor)[3]))
# argmax of the flat tensor
argmax = tf.cast(tf.argmax(flat_tensor, axis=1), tf.int32)
# convert indexes into 2D coordinates
argmax_x = argmax // tf.shape(tensor)[2]
argmax_y = argmax % tf.shape(tensor)[2]
# stack and return 2D coordinates
return tf.stack((argmax_x, argmax_y), axis=1)
def rank(tensor):
# return the rank of a Tensor
return len(tensor.get_shape())


tensor slicing in tensorflow

I want to do the same numpy operation as follow to make a custom layer
img=cv2.imread('img.jpg') # img.shape =>(600,600,3)
img2=np.expand_dims(img,axis=0) #img.shape => (1,600,600,3)
img2[:,mask,:].shape # => (1, 204030, 3)
this is my first attemp but I failed. I can't do the same operation for for tensorflow tensors
class Sampling_layer(keras.layers.Layer):
def __init__(self,sampling_matrix):
def call(self,input_img):
return input_img[:,self.sampling_matrix,:]
More Explanations:
I want to define a keras layer so that given a batch of images it use a sampling matrix and give me a batch of sampled vectors for the images.The sampling matrix is a random boolean matrix the same size as the image. The slicing operation I used is straight forward for numpy arrays and works perfectly. but I can't get it done with tensors in tensorflow. I tried to use loops to perform the operation I want manually but I failed.
You can do the following.
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
# Batch of images
img=np.random.normal(size=[2,600,600,3]) # img.shape =>(600,600,3)
# You'll need to match the first 3 dimensions of mask with the img
# for that we'll repeat the first axis twice
mask = np.repeat(np.expand_dims(mask, axis=0), 2, axis=0)
# Defining input layers
inp1 = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(600,600,3))
mask_inp = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(600,600))
# The layer you're looking for
out = tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: tf.boolean_mask(x[0], x[1]) )([inp1, mask])
model = tf.keras.models.Model([inp1, mask_inp], out)
# Predict on sample data
toy_out = model.predict([img, mask])
Note that both your images and mask needs to have the same batch size. I couldn't find a solution to make this work without repeating the mask on batch axis to match the batch size of images. This is the only possible solution that came to my mind, (assuming that your mask changes for every batch of data).

How to mask logits for tf.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits to implement valid actions

I want to compute the softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits of a batch tensor.
I have a batch of logits tensor as input, however I want to mask this tensor before with a boolean mask. The boolean mask is also a batch of masks, in every mask there can be a different amount of True.
Thus applying this mask to the whole tensor will not be dense afterwards.
Trying this either flattens the tensor (tf.boolean_mask) or creates a ragged one (tf.ragged.boolean_mask), which both produce wrong results or don't work with the softmax function.
So basically I want to make the following code work:
# logits.shape = (batch, outputs), e.g. (512,8)
# mask.shape = (batch, valid), e.g. (512,8)
# expected result shape (512,)
one_hot_actions = tf.one_hot(x, logits.get_shape().as_list()[-1])
stopgradient = tf.stop_gradient(one_hot_actions)
return tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2(
logits=tf.boolean_mask(logits, mask),
labels=tf.boolean_mask(stopgradient, mask))
But with tf.boolean_mask this produces just one value, not four and with tf.ragged.boolean_mask this function does not work.
I tried combing the two ragged tensors row wise (first masked logits row with first masked labels row) and compute the softmax rowwise. This did not work since the tf.map_fn that I used does not accept ragged tensors as inputs. I tried this same idea also with SparseTensors and list of Tensors (tf.split) but never got any working code out of it.
The only idea I had to solve this issue is very ugly.
Replace all masked values with tf.where to NaN and then use map_fn on these now dense tensors. Every row I can then mask again to exclude NaN and now can call the softmax function row-wise again.
EDIT This is what the code currently looks like:
stopgradient = tf.stop_gradient(one_hot_actions)
nan_logits = tf.where(mask, logits, float('NaN') + tf.zeros_like(self.logits))
nan_labels = tf.where(mask, stopgradient, float('NaN') + tf.zeros_like(stopgradient))
nan_lola = tf.stack([nan_logits, nan_labels], axis=1)
def fn(x):
nan_lo = x[0]
nan_la = x[1]
masked_lo = tf.boolean_mask(nan_lo, tf.logical_not(tf.math.is_nan(nan_lo)))
masked_la = tf.boolean_mask(nan_la, tf.logical_not(tf.math.is_nan(nan_la)))
return tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2(
result = tf.map_fn(fn, nan_lola)
return result
This works but is very slow (my training time almost doubles).
To those interested: I stumbled upon this problem trying to mask valid actions in reinforcement learning.
Do you know of any way to do this (faster)?
Can you replace the masked values with a value that does not affect the softmax?
Thank you!

Printing tensor in strides

I am creating a tensor of one_hot encodings from an audio file loaded in through librosa. The tensor is massive, and I don't want to print all of it.
In fact this is what it shows me and then never prints when I try to print it: (or maybe it will but I don't want to wait) W tensorflow/core/framework/allocator.cc:124] Allocation of 1387692032 exceeds 10% of system memory.
How would I print only certain values? For example I would like to print every 50th one hot encoding in the tensor.
one_hot = _one_hot(load_audio()) # Tensor
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
one_hot_prnt = tf.Print(one_hot, [one_hot], "One hot encoding:")
evaluator = tf.add(one_hot_prnt, one_hot_prnt)
Tensors in tensorflow support fancy indexing similar to numpy. You can iterate over some dimension of the tensor.
Consider the following tensor(t) with shape(10000, 10). Now you can iterate over the first dimension one index at a time, and get array with shape (10, )
t = tf.random.uniform(shape=(10000, 10)
print(t[0, :].eval(session=session)) # This prints first row of the tensor. The result is array with shape (10, )
You can also access value individual (cell) position inside the tensor by specify the coordinate([row, col]) value.
t = tf.random.uniform(shape=(10000, 10)
print(t[0, 0].eval(session=session)) # This prints first element of first row. If the tensor has dimensions more than two, is this value would be a matrix or a tensor.

Organizing tensor into batches of dynamically shaped tensors

I have the following situation:
I want to deploy a face detector model using Tensorflow Serving: https://www.tensorflow.org/serving/.
In Tensorflow Serving, there is a command line option called --enable_batching. This causes the model server to automatically batch the requests to maximize throughput. I want this to be enabled.
My model takes in a set of images (called images), which is a tensor of shape (batch_size, 640, 480, 3).
The model has two outputs: (number_of_faces, 4) and (number_of_faces,). The first output will be called faces. The last output, which we can call partitions is the index in the original batch for the corresponding face. For example, if I pass in a batch of 4 images and get 7 faces, then I might have this tensor as [0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3]. The first two faces correspond to the first image, the third face for the second image, the 3rd image has 3 faces, etc.
My issue is this:
In order for the --enable_batching flag to work, the output from my model needs to have the 0th dimension the same as the input. That is, I need a tensor with the following shape: (batch_size, ...). I suppose this is so that the model server can know which grpc connection to send each output in the batch towards.
What I want to do is to convert my output tensor from the face detector from this shape (number_of_faces, 4) to this shape (batch_size, None, 4). That is, an array of batches, where each batch can have a variable number of faces (e.g. one image in the batch may have no faces, and another might have 3).
What I tried:
tf.dynamic_partition. On the surface, this function looks perfect. However, I ran into difficulties after realizing that the num_partitions parameter cannot be a tensor, only an integer:
tensorflow_serving_output = tf.dynamic_partition(faces, partitions, batch_size)
If the tf.dynamic_partition function were to accept tensor values for num_partition, then it seems that my problem would be solved. However, I am back to square one since this is not the case.
Thank you all for your help! Let me know if anything is unclear
P.S. Here is a visual representation of the intended process:
I ended up finding a solution to this using TensorArray and tf.while_loop:
def batch_reconstructor(tensor, partitions, batch_size):
Take a tensor of shape (batch_size, 4) and a 1-D partitions tensor as well as the scalar batch_size
And reconstruct a TensorArray that preserves the original batching
From the partitions, we can get the maximum amount of tensors within a batch. This will inform the padding we need to use.
- tensor: The tensor to convert to a batch
- partitions: A list of batch indices. The tensor at position i corresponds to batch # partitions[i]
tfarr = tf.TensorArray(tf.int32, size=batch_size, infer_shape=False)
_, _, count = tf.unique_with_counts(partitions)
maximum_tensor_size = tf.cast(tf.reduce_max(count), tf.int32)
padding_tensor_index = tf.cast(tf.gather(tf.shape(tensor), 0), tf.int32)
padding_tensor = tf.expand_dims(tf.cast(tf.fill([4], -1), tf.float32), axis=0) # fill with [-1, -1, -1, -1]
tensor = tf.concat([tensor, padding_tensor], axis=0)
def cond(i, acc):
return tf.less(i, batch_size)
def body(i, acc):
partition_indices = tf.reshape(tf.cast(tf.where(tf.equal(partitions, i)), tf.int32), [-1])
partition_size = tf.gather(tf.shape(partition_indices), 0)
# concat the partition_indices with padding_size * padding_tensor_index
padding_size = tf.subtract(maximum_tensor_size, partition_size)
padding_indices = tf.reshape(tf.fill([padding_size], padding_tensor_index), [-1])
partition_indices = tf.concat([partition_indices, padding_indices], axis=0)
return (tf.add(i, 1), acc.write(i, tf.gather(tensor, partition_indices)))
_, reconstructed = tf.while_loop(
(tf.constant(0), tfarr),
reconstructed = reconstructed.stack()
return reconstructed

Use coo_matrix in TensorFlow

I'm doing a Matrix Factorization in TensorFlow, I want to use coo_matrix from Spicy.sparse cause it uses less memory and it makes it easy to put all my data into my matrix for training data.
Is it possible to use coo_matrix to initialize a variable in tensorflow?
Or do I have to create a session and feed the data I got into tensorflow using sess.run() with feed_dict.
I hope that you understand my question and my problem otherwise comment and i will try to fix it.
The closest thing TensorFlow has to scipy.sparse.coo_matrix is tf.SparseTensor, which is the sparse equivalent of tf.Tensor. It will probably be easiest to feed a coo_matrix into your program.
A tf.SparseTensor is a slight generalization of COO matrices, where the tensor is represented as three dense tf.Tensor objects:
indices: An N x D matrix of tf.int64 values in which each row represents the coordinates of a non-zero value. N is the number of non-zeroes, and D is the rank of the equivalent dense tensor (2 in the case of a matrix).
values: A length-N vector of values, where element i is the value of the element whose coordinates are given on row i of indices.
dense_shape: A length-D vector of tf.int64, representing the shape of the equivalent dense tensor.
For example, you could use the following code, which uses tf.sparse_placeholder() to define a tf.SparseTensor that you can feed, and a tf.SparseTensorValue that represents the actual value being fed :
sparse_input = tf.sparse_placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[100, 100])
# ...
train_op = ...
coo_matrix = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(...)
# Wrap `coo_matrix` in the `tf.SparseTensorValue` form that TensorFlow expects.
# SciPy stores the row and column coordinates as separate vectors, so we must
# stack and transpose them to make an indices matrix of the appropriate shape.
tf_coo_matrix = tf.SparseTensorValue(
indices=np.array([coo_matrix.rows, coo_matrix.cols]).T,
Once you have converted your coo_matrix to a tf.SparseTensorValue, you can feed sparse_input with the tf.SparseTensorValue directly:
sess.run(train_op, feed_dict={sparse_input: tf_coo_matrix})