Content Provider vs ORM - orm

I think, that I understand the difference between Content Providers and Databases. I have two apps, that should share data between them, so I need to use Content Provider. Yet, the amount of boilerplate code in Content Providers makes me shiver.
I have used some ORM libs previously, such as SugarORM & Requery, that seriously simplify communication with SQLite DB.
Is there some commonly used libs to simplify Content Providers code in similar way?
Is there any use of ORM libs for implementing backing DB for Content Provider?
If there is, a link for such project, combing Content Providers with backing ORM DB will be really appreciated.

StorIO provides ORM-like functionality for an Android ContentProvider with very similar API and functionality as their SQLite library and with native RxJava support.
Read about StorIOContentResolver at this link.


Does Suave include tools for database?

Is there built-in way to access databases in Suave?
Suave is a web server library, so it doesn't come with a built-in way to access a database or anything like a sql abstraction.
An option if you're looking for a framework that does have a way to access data built in, Saturn is a fine choice. It's also used as the backend for SAFE-stack if you're interested in full-stack F#.
Under the covers it's relatively simple, the template just lays down a CLI that lets you scaffold out some code and do migrations. And Dapper gets used as your database access library. But it does at least put things together in a template so that you can see how to connect things.

ABP without ORM

I recently stumbled upon ABP (previously Asp.Net BoilerPlate) as a framework to rebuild a web-app in a modular way. It's very interesting indeed, and come with a very wild bunch of basic elements like authentication, logging, security, multi-tenancy, settings and so on...
But, as far as I have understood it by now, ABP is "strongly coupled" with EF Core or Dapper, and I don't like to use ORM in my code, I have a more "database driven" approach and like to write queries myself.
So, the main question is: it's possible to use ABP WITHOUT using EFCore/Dapper? Or it's better to switch to other modular framework like OrchardCore or ExtCore?
EDIT: 11/11/2020 after #hikalkan reply.
Hi #hikalkan, thanks for your kind reply. Maybe I have to explain more what I want to achieve, so you can advise me better. My goal is to create a "pluggable" web-app, in which I can replace a module with another with same functionality but different details.
A little introduction: I have a "complex" web-app for HR departments of small-to-medium companies, many customers use it, and each one have its own copy installed in its premises. The app is composed by many functionality: personal data, contracts data, trainings data, shifts and so on. But each customer have slightly different modules, while the app itself is an old, monolithic one: it works, but I have to maintain different versions, almost one for each customer, very difficult and time consuming. Don't blame it on me, I have "inherited" the app and have to maintain and improve it that way.
But, finally, I can spend some time rebuild it from scratch, and I want it to be "modular", so that the main part (authentication, profiling, db interaction, theming, security, logging, etc...) stay stable & solid, shared among all installations, and each customer have a selection of module/plug-in to choose from. A bit like Wordpress, but better.
For example, let's say I have a simple module "contactSimple" for managing contacts (emails, phone numbers, pagers, and so on), each contact have a type and a value field in the database, very basic, and 90% of my customers are happy with it. But the remaining 10% want to add a note field, a flag "is main contact" or other minor changes. Now, what i want to do is: develop the "contactEnhanced" module as a separetad class library, with same interface and main functions of "contactSimple", compile it as a dll, simply change the dll in the web-app, update the database if needed to, reload the app and the new dll takes place, without altering any other component.
I was thinking to simply use dynamic reflection to obtain it, but then i found that reflection is not very suited, 'cause is slow and heavy on resources, so while surfing the web I find ABP.
Now, THE question: in your opinion, is ABP the framework/solution I was searching for? Please let me know!
ABP is designed to be database provider independent. It currently has two DB provider integration options: EF Core & MongoDB. That means ABP is not strongly coupled with the EF Core or Dapper: It works with MongoDB too. You set -d mongodb if you've created your solution with the ABP CLI.
So, the Framework itself has no relation to any database provider. But the pre-built modules have. For example, ABP provides an Identity module that has user and role management functions and needs to a database and includes some code to interact with the database. So it can't be db provider independent. All the pre-built modules provides EF Core & MongoDB integration packages.
If you want to use these modules (when you create a new application from the startup templates, some modules come pre-installed), you have to decide to use EF Core or MongoDB for the database operations of these modules.
When it comes to you own application code: You are free to use any approach, including ADO.NET with manual SQL queries. Just do it how you do in a regular application. If you want to isolate database queries, create your own repository classes. In this way, you don't see ORM in your code. But the modules still use EF Core or MongoDB.
Actually there a possibility to completely drop the EF Core references: Implement all the repositories needed by the pre-built modules yourself. Then they will work since they only depend on repository interfaces.
BTW; If you use OrchardCore, it uses YesSQL (Yes, YES SQL) as a core dependency and you can not change it because all the OrchardCore framework depends on it everywhere. Also, OrchardCore is UI dependent: It uses aspnet core MVC / Razor Pages UI while the ABP Framework is UI independent and provides 3 built-in options: Angular, MVC and Blazor.
Edit: After edit of the question
The story you've explained is one of the goals of the ABP Framework. ABP is highly modular and also extensible. We built all the modules to be extensible. For example, the module entity extension system allows you to add new properties to existing entities of a module (the module is used as a NuGet package) without touching its source code. You can override the server side logic of the module.
But modularity is hard in general. I mean the module also should be designed so extensible/replaceable. If you want to declare some interfaces for a module, so the module can be completely replaceable, you have a lot of restrictions. For example, you can not write SQL join queries to tables of that module (because the replacement module can use a different table structure).
However, if the customizations will be lighter, you can follow the ABP Framework's module design to make your module extensible/customizable. See and (commercial docs will be moved to the open source side since they are available as open source now). BTW, ABP supports to load modules as dlls from a folder. It reads dlls and initializes modules on application initialization.
I can only explains what ABP offers. I can't make suggestion, unfortunately. Because a real life project is complex and I can't predict all the problems & requirements you will have in the future :)

AWSDynamoDBObjectMapper or AWSDynamoDB?

The AWS documentation is seemingly endless, and different pages tell me different things. For example, one page tells me that AWSDynamoDBObjectMapper is the entry point to working with DynamoDB, while another tells me that AWSDynamoDB is the entry point to working with DynamoDB. Which class should I be using? Why?
EDIT: One user mentioned he didn't understand the question. To be more clear, I want to know, in general, what the difference is between using AWSDynamoDB and AWSDynamoDBObjectMapper as entry points to interfacing a DynamoDB.
Doc links for both:
Since both can clearly read, write, query, and scan, you need to pick out the differences. It appears to me that the ObjectMapper class supports the concept of mapping an AWSDynamoDBModel to a DB vs. directly manipulating specific objects (as AWSDynamoDB does). Moreover, it appears that AWSDynamoDB also supports methods for managing tables directly.
I would speculate that AWSDynamoDB is designed for managing data where the schema is pre-defined on the DB, and AWSDynamoDBObjectMapper is designed for managing data where the schema is defined by the client.
All of this speculation aside though, the most important bit you can glean from the documentation is:
Instead of making the requests to the low-level DynamoDB API directly from your application, we recommend that you use the AWS Software Development Kits (SDKs). The easy-to-use libraries in the AWS SDKs make it unnecessary to call the low-level DynamoDB API directly from your application. The libraries take care of request authentication, serialization, and connection management. For more information, go to Using the AWS SDKs with DynamoDB in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
I would recommend this approach rather than worrying about the ambiguity of class documentation.

.NET native support of NoSQL

I am messed up with the data access technologies of .NET Framework.
Is it correct, that .NET natively only supports SQL-Databases, providing ADO.NET? Are there other natives ways of accessing relational databases?
NoSQL-Databes are only supported through extensions developped by community, like the MongoDB C# driver?
ADO.NET is a technology for accessing relational databases only. It doesn't support any databases which are not queried through SQL.
There are some NoSQL databases (like CouchDB) which can be accessed through web services which the .NET framework can handle without 3rd party libraries. But even for CouchDB I would recommend you to use the SharpCouch utility class, which makes it much easier to use.
Theoretically you could access any database (SQL or not) using pure network sockets. Databases aren't black magic. When you get the documentation of the on-the-wire protocol of a database, you could implement that protocol yourself. But why reinvent the wheel when you can just download an already working database driver?
NosDB (An Open Source NoSQL Database) provides ADO.NET support if that helps you
From ADO.NET Integration Page
By using the NosDB ADO.NET provider, you can migrate your existing relational database access code to NosDB very easily. Additionally, you can continue to use your favorite third-party tools and controls in your application because they’re also able to access NosDB database through ADO.NET.

WCF OData for multiplatform development?

The OP in this question asks about using an WCF/OData as an internal data access layer.
Arguments of using WCF/OData as access layer instead of EF/L2S/nHibernate directly
The resounding reply seems to be don't do it. I'm in similar position to the OP, but have a concern not raised in the original question. I'm trying to develop (natively) for a lot of different platforms but want to keep as much of the data and business logic server side as possible. So I'll have iOS/Android/Web (MVC)/Desktop applications. Currently, I have a single WinForms applications with an ORM data access layer (LLBLGen Pro).
I'm envisioning moving most of my business / data access logic (possibly still with LLBLGen or other ORM) behind a WCF / OData interface. Then making all my different clients on the different platforms very thin (basically UI and WCF calls).
Is this also overengineered? Am I missing a simpler solution?
I cannot see any problem in your architecture or consider it overengeenered as a OData is a standard protocol and your concept conforms the DRY principle as well.
I change the question: Why would you implement the same business logic in each client to introduce more possible bugs and loose the possibility to fix the errors at one single and centralized place. Your idea makes you able to implement the security layer only once.
OData is a cross-platform standard and you can find a OData libraries for each development platform (MSDN,, JayData for JavaScript). Furthermore, you can use OData FunctionImports/Service methods and entity-level methods, which will simplify your queries.
If you are running multiplatform development, then you may find more practical to choose platform-agnostic communication protocol, such as HTTP, rather than bringing multiple drivers and ORMs to access your data Sources directly. In addition since OData is a REST protocol, you don't need much on the Client side: anything that can format OData HTTP requests and parse HTTP responses. There are however a few aspects to be aware of:
OData server is not a replacement for an SQL database. It supports batches but they are not the same as DB transactions (although in many cases can be used to model transactional operations). It supports parent-child relations but it does not support JOINs in classic SQL sense. So you have to plan what you expose as OData entity. It's too easy to build an OData server using WCF Data Services wrapping EF model. Too easy because People often expose low Level database content instead of building high level domain types.
As for today an OData multiplatorm clients are still under development, but they are coming. If I may suggest something I am personally working on, have a look at Simple.Data OData adapter (, look at its Wiki pages for examples) - it has a NuGet package. While this a Client Library that only supports .NET 4.0, part of it is being extracted to be published as a portable class Library Simple.OData.Client to support .NET 4.x, Windows Store, Silverlight 5, Windows Phone 8, Android and iOS. In fact, if you check winrt branch of the Git repository, you will find a multiplatform PCL already, it's just not published on NuGet yet.