Spring Data Rest search endpoint - spring-data-rest

We are trying to adopt standardization in the rest endpoints and would like to know why Spring Data Rest exposes FindBy operations using the "search" endpoint. For example http://localhost:8080/ws_springtcri_next/events/search/findByEventCityIn. Is this a standard priniciple?
public interface EventRepository extends JpaRepository<Event, Integer>,
QueryDslPredicateExecutor<Event> {
Page<Event> findByEventCityIn(
#Param("eventCity") Collection<String> cities, Pageable pageable);

All query repository method resources are exposed under the search resource, as they doing search for entities in db matching some criteria. You can not change this /search url. If you really need a link without search, you should override response handler for the entity via writing your own controller with annotation #RepositoryRestController


How to write single objectMapper for spring-data-rest and to my #RestController class

I wrote a UnwrappingBeanSerializer for my entity. Currently this serializer was registered using ConfigureJacksonObjectMapper
This serializer is working fine for REST APIs generated from spring-data-rest. But I have a custom #RestController for the same entity, But it doesn't know about the serializer registered in spring-data-rest configuration.
I want to serialize my response with UnwrappingBeanSerializer both in spring-data-rest APIs and also to my custom controllers.
How to achieve this?
I also tried with #JsonSerialize on my entity class. But I am unable to create bean for unWrappingBeanSerializer with BeanSerializerBase
Regular #RestController and Spring Data REST controllers have different flows and configuration. If you are using Spring Data REST, you'd better use #RepositoryRestController for custom endpoints of the same resource, this will use the same Spring Data REST chain and its configuration, like the one you used in ConfigureJacksonObjectMapper, otherwise your ObjectMapper is visible only for Spring Data REST.
If you want to have #RestController and use the same ObjectMapper for both - you need to have two configurations: one for Spring Data REST (like you already have) and another for regular controllers, so just register it in Spring context (for instance, if you are using Spring MVC, see Customize the Jackson ObjectMapper).

DDD - injecting Factories in aggregate root Entity constructor

I'm writing an app with DDD in mind and trying to avoid having an anemic domain model by delegating doman logic and behaviour to entities. There's an issue I'm running into with constructing entities that are aggregate roots and need to create sub-entities that require handling by a factory class. Here's an example:
I have the following entities: Page, Url and Layout. What makes a Page in my model is a Page with a Url and a Layout - without those two, a Page object would not be valid. In a simple model, the Page constructor method would simply create those two objects as private attributes. However, the Url has a specific requirement; it has to be created from the Page's title - or a slug - and it has to be unique (ensured by appending "-1", "-2", or something similar). This requires communication with a repository.
My initial idea was to pass/inject a UrlFactory object to the Page constructor and have the Page create the Url it needs, but I keep reading about how injecting services into entities is a bad idea.
So, my question is; is there a way - or an established pattern - to allow entities to construct their complex sub-entities without having an anemic domain model, or is injecting a factory in case such as this a valid solution?
If you consider URL construction as a technical concern, you could have an UrlFactory in the Infrastructure layer
in C# :
public class UrlFactory
public string CreateUrl(string title)
var url = // ... construct URL from the title here
return _pageRepository.NextAvailableUrlLike(url);
and then call it from your Application layer service.
If you see it as a Domain concern, Url construction logic could be in a Domain Service instead. The line calling the repository would be moved to the Application layer Service :
public void CreatePage(string title)
var potentialUrl = _urlService.CreateUrl(title);
var realUrl = _pageRepository.NextAvailableUrlLike(url)
new Page(title, realUrl, ...); // do whatever you want with the new Page instance
Do not inject factory class into aggregrate, use factory method instead. Then create method "validate(Validator)" in aggregate (Aggregate will only know it can be valided, but it will not implement logic how to do it).
Validator class which will be passed as parameter to your validate method, will need to have one method ->validateObject(this).
You pass instance of aggregate into validateObject so it will have access to your properties.
Validator class can have injected repository. When you run validateObject method it will search database for uniquness.

Add another UrlHandlerMapping to Spring data rest

I'm having a normal spring-mvc project and I'm also building a rest module as a separate jar file. The goal is when I have the rest jar in my classpath to have the normal website mapped to / and the spring-data-rest repositories mapped to /rest. For the rest module I have defined RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration as well as a WebApplicationInitializer and it all works fine.
So now I want to add some more URLs to the rest module (like /synchronize, and /authenticate, etc.) but as soon as I add controllers in the rest module, they are picked up by the parent application context (the one for the website /). I tried specifying them as bean in the RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration but still they are picked up by the other parent context and the filters of the parent context are fired. And when I access the spring-data-rest through /rest no filters are triggered.
So I was wondering: is there a method I could override in the RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration so that I can add extra url handler mappings?
I assume you mean that you want to have another controller advertised as part of Spring Data REST's root hypermedia.
To do so, you need to create another class in your app like this:
class DogifierResourceProcessor implements ResourceProcessor<RepositoryLinksResource> {
public RepositoryLinksResource process(RepositoryLinksResource objects) {
objects.add(new Link(ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequest()
.concat("dogifier/{id}"), "dogifier"));
return objects;
This will create a hypermedia entry with rel="dogifier" that lists /dogifier/{id} as the URI. It will also prefix it with the proper URN, etc.
Of course, you can use Spring HATEOAS to link to a controller method without having to specify the actual path by hand. That would reduce maintenance and encourage better hypermedia controls.
You need to exclude those controllers from the classpath scanning of the parent context. Just follow the instructions in the Spring documentation.

What is an efficient way to create/manage RESTful API with grails?

I've built my first grails application. My URL mappings are what the default application provides:
static mappings = {
constraints {
// apply constraints here
I have a controller called ColorController with actions save and list. It simply does something like this:
def save () {
def colorInstance = new Color(params)
colorInstance.save(flush: true)
def list () {
[colorList: Color.list, colorTotal: Color.count()]
I would like to build a simple API for these actions.
The save action should accept parameters as JSON and provide a successful message if the records save.
The list action should provide the list as JSON
Should I make a separate URL mapping for api? (e.g. http://<domain>/<app>/rest/controller/action)
Should I be making a separate controller for my API's
I am using spring security plugin for authentication. But at some point I might want to authenticate the restful api as well. What are some solutions for that?
If I use the same controller, how can I modify these simple actions to do what I need.
Before even looking below for my opinion/answers I would suggest to visit this SO Question for the basic understanding of RESTful WS in Grails.
"The save action should accept parameters as JSON and provide a successful message if the records save" - Save is mapped to POST RESTful. Instead of binding a JSON body to params it is bound to the request. In order to access the JSON object you just need to use request.JSON in the action method.
request.JSON instanceof JSONObject
"The list action should provide the list as JSON" - list() action is mapped to a GET Request and you can render the map as JSON in the list() as below
//Controller list()
import grails.converter.JSON
def list () {
[colorList: Color.list, colorTotal: Color.count()] as JSON
Answers to Questions:-
Should I make a separate URL mapping for api?
Abiding by the basics of REST, the client should only access the resource (Color in this case) and should not bother about the underlying controller or action. The server side logic should be abstracted from the client. URL Mapping is what the client would use to as form of request. I would have something like this in my url mapping for Color Resource.
/color/$id?(resource: "color")
/color/$id?(controller: 'color'){
action = [GET: "list", POST: "save"]
Should I be making a separate controller for my API's? - Depends on the way the App is designed. You also can have the above controller as the API. For example, currently I am working on a grails app which used AngularJS in the front End which connects to the Grails APP RESTFully. In order to achieve I had a RestClientController which works as an API to Angular. The rationale behind having a REST api in the same app is that in future we can expose the underlying service to external clients other than the Angular client present in the app itself.
I am using spring security plugin for authentication. But at some point I might want to authenticate the restful api as well. What are some solutions for that? - You can use Spring Security here as well. In my case I am using the plugin and I secure the controller by using the plugin's annotated component #Secured. I have custom OAuth enabled as well for authorization which interacts to the company wide LDAP and AD Groups.
If I use the same controller, how can I modify these simple actions to do what I need. - I think you would have got the answer to this question by now (after going through the SO question I mentioned above). Here is my opinion, controller actions can route to appropriate service classes which does the business implementations based on the request parameters.
For example,
def show(){
} else {
In the above example, the url mapping would be /color/123 or /color. In the former case, it will get the color and in the later it will search the colors

Searching with WebAPI

I have made a web API class for my Customer model. I have the standard methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE). The problem is, I want to implement another GET method which is a search. Something like this:
public IEnumerable<Customer> Search(string id)
var customers = customerRepository.Search(id);
return customers;
The search method performs a search based on the account number of my customers, using the .Contains() method.
The problem is, when I navigate to: mySite.com/api/Customers/Search/123 I get a 404. What am I doing wrong here?
While Darin's answers are always of top quality this question would actually benefit from an answer that explains how searching, paging and filtering should actually be done in any API and how it should be done using the most current version of Web API (v2).
This is a post which I consider a good resource on the matter (technology indenpendent):
The answer should also reflect what's new in ASP.NET Web API v2 because Darin's answer is quite old.
Since this question comes up at the top when doing Google search for "asp.net web api searching" I will try to explain few things here.
To get as close as possible to REST principles with the latest version of ASP.NET Web API (v2) one should take a serious look at attribute routing that was introduced in the latest version. It is very hard to achieve RESTful routing with the old, classic, convention based routing (in global.asax.cs or RouteConfig.cs).
You should read more about that here
Now, to go into details how to implement the specifics you ask about.
The most common practice is to expose these types of functionality through query string parameters.
Per REST principles, you should have one endpoint for your Customers resource, for instance
To achieve this you would decorate your GetCustomers() action in your Web API controller like this
public HttpResponseMessage GetCustomers(string q="", string sortBy="", string sortDirection="", bool active=true, ...)
// q = being optional search query
// sortBy = optional sort by column/property
// sortDirection = optional sort direction
// active = filter on 'active' column/property
// ... other filters may be applicable
You would implement this action closely to what you did in classic MVC if you wanted to provide filtered Views.
I would only introduce new controllers and custom actions if really needed, for some custom edge cases.
with regards to a comment about SearchFilter strongly typed object, let's explain that this won't work out of the box because the default model binder will not bind to this class when using GET requests.
So I'd either take those properties out of SearchFilter class and put them on the action itself so they'd bind via query string binder or use the [FromBody] binder if you wanted to bind from the request body. As per http://www.asp.net/web-api/overview/formats-and-model-binding/parameter-binding-in-aspnet-web-api
As per the default route setup only the standard controller action names are allowed (the RESTful ones and the dispatching is done based on the HTTP verb). If you want to violate the RESTful conventions and use some custom action names then you will have to modify your route setup in order to include the action name in the url: api/{controller}/{action}/{id}. Now you can send a request to /api/Customers/Search/123 which will invoke the Search action on the Customers API controller.