Yii2 signup without saving session data - authentication

I have registration form in my Yii2 advanced application. In my application only admin can register users. But when I register new user, admin session data are destroyed and new user's session data are set. What I am trying is not to change session data when I register new user. Admin user is still should be set to session data. How to solve this problem. This is my action in controller:
public function actionSignup()
$model = new SignupForm();
if (($response = self::ajaxValidate($model)) !== false)
return $response;
if (self::postValidate($model))
$trans = Yii::$app->db->beginTransaction();
if ($user = $model->signup()) {
//tagidan tushgan odamining child_left, child_right tini o'zgartirish
$under = UserModel::findOne($user->id_parent_under);
if ($under->id_child_left == 0)
$under->id_child_left = $user->id;
$under->id_child_right = $user->id;
$parents = ChildrenBinaryModel::find()->with('user')->where(["id_child" => $user->id])->orderBy(['depth' => SORT_ASC])->all();
$c_user = $user;
foreach($parents as $p)
$p_user = $p->user;
if ($p_user->id_child_left == $c_user->id)
$p_user->ball_left += 100;
$p_user->ball_right += 100;
$c_user = $p_user;
catch(\Exception $e)
return $this->renderContent($e->getMessage());
return $this->render('index');
return $this->render('signup', [
'model' => $model,
throw new ForbiddenHttpException;

Checkout the documentation for \yii\web\User::login(). When this is run in your code by calling Yii::$app->getUser()->login($user), the session data is set to match your $user.
If it's always the admin user that's signing up new users, I'm not sure you even need to run the login method.

I have solved this problem. In order to make answer clearly and simple I will show you default signup action in site controller (Yii2 advanced template):
public function actionSignup()
$model = new SignupForm();
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {
if ($user = $model->signup()) {
if (Yii::$app->user->enableSession = false &&
Yii::$app->getUser()->login($user)) {
return $this->goHome();
return $this->render('signup', [
'model' => $model,
Only I have done was adding this
Yii::$app->user->enableSession = false
inside the if statement


How to use KnpPaginatorBundle to paginate results for a search form?

I'm working on a Symfony 2 project and I used KnpPaginatorBundle the first page works correctly but the second one shows me this Error : " The controller must return a response (null given). Did you forget to add a return statement somewhere in your controller? " i didn't understand this please help me
this is my controller:
public function searchAction(Request $request) {
$search_form = $this->createForm(new SearchInterventionBatimentType());
if ($request->isMethod('post')) {
if ($search_form->isValid()) {
$data = $search_form->getData();
$from = $data['from'];
$to = $data['to'];
$intervenant= $data['intervenant'];
$type= $data['type'];
$batiment = $data['batiment'];
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$intervention = new InterventionBatiment();
if(is_null($intervenant) && is_null($type) && is_null($batiment)) {
$intervention = $em->getRepository('SecteurBundle:InterventionBatiment')->findByDate($from,$to);
} elseif(is_null($type) && is_null($batiment)) {
$intervention = $em->getRepository('SecteurBundle:InterventionBatiment')->findByDateAndIntervenant($from,$to,$intervenant);
} elseif (is_null($intervenant) && is_null($batiment)) {
$intervention = $em->getRepository('SecteurBundle:InterventionBatiment')->findByDateAndType($from,$to,$type);
} elseif (is_null($intervenant) && is_null($type)) {
$intervention = $em->getRepository('SecteurBundle:InterventionBatiment')->findByDateAndBatiment($from,$to,$batiment);
} elseif (is_null($batiment)) {
$intervention = $em->getRepository('SecteurBundle:InterventionBatiment')->findByDateAndIntervenantAndType($from,$to,$type,$intervenant);
} else {
$intervention = $em->getRepository('SecteurBundle:InterventionBatiment')->findByAll($from,$to,$type,$intervenant,$batiment);
$paginator= $this->get('knp_paginator');
$result= $paginator->paginate(
$intervention, /* query NOT result */
$request->query->getInt('page', 1)/*page number*/,
$request->query->getInt('limit', 8)/*limit per page*/
return $this->render(
array('interventions' => $result,'form' => $search_form->createView())
the controller should always need to send a response.
In your case you need to send a response if the form is not valid
if ($search_form->isValid()) {
return your response here too (if the form is not valid)

Yii2-How to access a variable from model to a controller?

I am working on yii2. I have came across a point in which I have to send an email to a person when a meter is installed and it's images are uploaded to the server. Fro this I have already configured the swift mailer.
There is a model named Installations which have a function which saves all the installation data.
public static function saveAll($inputs){
$coutner = 0;
$arr_status = [];
foreach ($inputs as $input) {
$s = new Installations;
foreach ((array)$input as $key => $value) {
if($key != 'image_names') {
if ($s->hasAttribute($key)) {
$s->$key = $value;
$user = Yii::$app->user;
if (isset($input->auth_key) && Users::find()->where(['auth_key' => $input->auth_key])->exists()) {
$user = Users::find()->where(['auth_key' => $input->auth_key])->one();
$s->created_by = $user->id;
if (Installations::find()->where(['ref_no' => $input->ref_no])->exists()) {
$arr_status[] = ['install_id' => $input->install_id, 'status' => 2, 'messages' => "Ref # Already exists"];
$s->sync_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:sā€Šā€Š');
if ($s->istallation_status == 'Installed') {
Meters::change_status_byinstall($s->meter_msn, Meters::$status_titles[4]);
else if ($s->istallation_status != 'Installed' && $s->comm_status =='Failed')
Meters::change_status_byinstall($s->meter_msn, Meters::$status_titles[5]);
$arr_status[] = ['install_id' => $input->install_id, 'status' => 1];
if (isset($input->doc_images_name)) {
foreach ($input->doc_images_name as $img) {
$image = new InstallationImages;
$image->image_name = $img->image_name;
$image->installation_id = $s->id;
if (isset($input->site_images_name)) {
foreach ($input->site_images_name as $img2) {
$image2 = new InstallationImagesSite;
$image2->image_name = $img2->image_name;
$image2->installation_id = $s->id;
$arr_status[] = ['install_id' => $input->install_id, 'status' => 0, 'messages' => $s->errors];
$status = $s->istallation_status;
$msn = $s->meter_msn;
$com = $s->comm_status;
// want to pass these variables to the controller function
return ['status' => 'OK', 'details' => $arr_status, 'records_saved' => $coutner];
Now There Is a Controller name InstallationController. This controller contains all the APIs for my mobile application. Below are two main functions in it
public function actionAddnew()
$fp = fopen('debugeeeeeee.txt', 'w+');
fwrite($fp, file_get_contents('php://input'));
$inputs = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'));
return Installations::saveAll($inputs);
public function actionSavephoto()
try {
$count = 0;
foreach ($_FILES as $f) {
$dd = pathinfo($f['name']);
if (!isset($dd['extension']) || !in_array($dd['extension'], array('jpg', 'png', 'gif'))) {
return ['status' => 'ERROR', 'uploaded_files' => $count, 'message' => 'Invalid File'];
if (move_uploaded_file($f['tmp_name'], Installations::UPLOAD_FOLDER . $f['name'])) {
return ['status' => 'OK', 'uploaded_files' => $count];
} else {
return ['status' => 'ERROR', 'uploaded_files' => $count];
} catch (Exception $x) {
return ['status' => 'ERROR', 'message' => $x->getMessage()];
The mobile application will call the Addnew() api and after that it will call the savephoto. Now I want to pass $msn,$status and $com values from the Model to the controller function Savephoto.
For this I have tried to use session variables but still I am unable to get by desired result(s).
I have also checked the question Yii, how to pass variables to model from controller?
but it didn't worked for me.
How can I achieve it?
Any help would be highly appreciated.
The only way to get those values out of saveAll() is to return them. Presently, they are defined on an object in $s that is overwritten each loop. The best way to do that seems to be creating an array outside of your foreach ($inputs... loop and appending each created Installations object.
Return that at the end, and pass it (or just the relevant element from it) into actionSavephoto() as a parameter. Then, those values will be accessible of properties of that passed object. This handling will occur in the code that is not pictured which calls actionAddNew() and then actionSavephoto()

ZF2 - init or something that is called in every module controller

I have a Module called "Backend" and in this module I want to check for valid authentication on all pages except the backend_login page. How do I do this? I tried to add it to the onBootstrap in the Backend/Module.php , but it turns out that is called in my other modules as well... which is of course not what I want.
So how do I do this?
Thanks in advance!
To get clear information about zf2 authentication you can follow:
ZF2 authentication
adapter auth
database table auth
LDAP auth
digest auth....These all are different methods here is an example of database table auth:
in every controller's action, where you need user auth something should like this:
use Zend\Authentication\Result;
use Zend\Authentication\AuthenticationService;
use Zend\Authentication\Adapter\AdapterInterface;
use Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter as DbAdapter;
use Zend\Authentication\Adapter\DbTable as AuthAdapter;
public function login($credential)
$bcrypt = new Bcrypt();
$user = new User();
$auth = new AuthenticationService();
$password = $user->password;
$data = $this->getUserTable()->selectUser($user->username);
if (!$data){
$message = 'Username or password is not correct!';
elseif($auth->getIdentity() == $user->username){
$message = 'You have already logged in';
elseif($bcrypt->verify($password, $data->password)){
$sm = $this->getServiceLocator();
$dbAdapter = $sm->get('Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter');
$authAdapter = new AuthAdapter(
$authAdapter -> setIdentity($user->username) -> setCredential($data->password);
$result = $auth->authenticate($authAdapter);
$message = "Login succesfull.Welcome ".$result->getIdentity();
} else {
$message = 'Username or password is not correct';
return new ViewModel(array("message" =>$message));
Like this in every action you can check whether it is authenticated or not
if($auth -> hasIdentity()){
//your stuff
//redirected to your login route;
I had once a similar problem and figured it out within my Module.php in the onBootstrap() function. Try this, it worked for me:
class Module {
// white list to access with being non-authenticated
//the list may contain action names, controller names as well as route names
protected $whitelist = array('login');
public function onBootstrap($e){
$app = $e->getApplication();
$em = $app->getEventManager();
$sm = $app->getServiceManager();
$list = $this->whitelist;
$auth = new AuthenticationService();
$em->attach(MvcEvent::EVENT_ROUTE, function($e) use ($list, $auth) {
$match = $e->getRouteMatch();
// No route match, this is a 404
if (!$match instanceof RouteMatch) {
// Route is whitelisted
$action = $match->getParam('action');
if (in_array($action, $list) ) {
// User is authenticated
if ($auth->hasIdentity()){
// the user isn't authenticated
// redirect to the user login page, as an example
$router = $e->getRouter();
$url = $router->assemble(array(
'controller' => 'auth',
), array(
'name' => 'route_name',
$response = $e->getResponse();
$response->getHeaders()->addHeaderLine('Location', $url);
return $response;
}, -100);
Or you may see bjyauthorize.

Allow user to change password Cakephp 2

I've looked over various approaches, and various questions published on this subject, but with no luck. In my case, the controller code "appears" to work, and the message flashes up "Your changes have been saved", but the password database field is unchanged. Is there something I am missing?
Controller code
public function changepass($id = null) {
$this->layout = 'profile_page';
//$this->request->data['User']['id'] = $this->Session->read('Auth.User.id');
$user = $this->User->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array('User.id' => $this->Auth->user('id'))
)); // 'User.id' => $id
if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('put'))
$this->User->saveField('password', AuthComponent::password($this->request->data['User']['newpass']));
// $this->User->saveField('password', $this->data['User']['password']);
// $this->data['User']['password']= $this->request->data['User']['newpass'];
if ($this->User->save($this->request->data))
$this->Session->setFlash(__('Your password has been changed!'));
$this->Session->setFlash(__('Whoops! Something went wrong... try again?'));
$this->request->data = $this->User->read(null, $id);
unset($this->request->data['User']['password']); // tried commenting out
public function beforeSave($options = array()) {
if (isset($this->data[$this->alias]['password'])) {
$this->data[$this->alias]['password'] = AuthComponent::password($this->data[$this->alias]['password']);
if (isset($this->data[$this->alias]['newpass'])) {
$this->data[$this->alias]['password'] = AuthComponent::password($this->data[$this->alias]['newpass']);
return true;
Of course later I'd put in existing password check, and confirm new password check, but i need to get the existing password update basic approach working.
Many thanks in advance for any light you can shed on this,
I think I've sussed this. First, major bloop on my part - in my view I'd put echo $this->Form->create('User', array('action' => 'edit')); -- of course change action to 'changepass'
New Controller code:
public function changepass ($id = null) {
$this->layout = 'profile_page';
$this->User->id = $id;
if (!$this->User->exists()) {
throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid user'));
if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('put')) {
$this->data['User']['password']= $this->request->data['User']['newpass'];
if ($this->User->save($this->request->data)) {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('Your password changes have been saved'));
$this->redirect(array('controller' => 'articles', 'action' => 'index'));
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('The profile could not be saved. Please, try again.'));
} else {
if ($this->Auth->user('id')!= $id) {
$this->Session->setFlash('You are not allowed that operation!');
$this->redirect(array('controller' => 'articles', 'action' => 'index'));
$this->request->data = $this->User->read(null, $id);
Model - tidied up as per advice from eboletaire
public function beforeSave($options = array()) {
if (isset($this->data[$this->alias]['password'])) {
$this->data[$this->alias]['password'] = AuthComponent::password($this->data[$this->alias]['password']);
if (isset($this->data[$this->alias]['newpass'])) {
$this->data[$this->alias]['password'] = AuthComponent::password($this->data[$this->alias]['newpass']);
return true;
if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('put')) {
$this->data['User']['password']= $this->request->data['User']['newpass'];
if ($this->User->save($this->request->data)) {
Should be
if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('put')) {
$this->data['User']['id'] = $id;
$this->data['User']['password']= $this->request->data['User']['newpass'];
if ($this->User->save($this->data)) {
Watch out for $this->data vs $this->request->data.
First of all, you are saving the password twice. Remove/comment this line:
$this->User->saveField('password', AuthComponent::password($this->request->data['User']['newpass']));
Anyway, I think the problem is in your model. Check out your beforeSave method. Why are you setting password first with field password and then with field newpass???
PD. Cleaning up your code I've also seen that maybe the second if should be outside the first one.

Yii::app()->user->isGuest always returns true even though login was successful

I started to make some differences between those users which have authenticated and those that not. For this, i am using
However, in a determined view i put the following code:
if(Yii::app()->user->isGuest) {
print("Welcome back Guest!");
print("Your id is ".Yii::app()->user->id);
} else {
print("Welcome back ".Yii::app()->user->name);
print("Your id is ".Yii::app()->user->id);
And i always get the "welcome back guest!", whether i have logged in (successfully) or not. And if i have logged in, then it displays the welcome message together with the user's id!
Hey.. sorry for the late reply, I hope you are still following this! I am not extending the given UserIdentity class. Is this mandatory? Since i still dont get very well the whole authorization issue, i thought it would be best to give a try with the class they provide, and then extend with my own functionality.. Anyway, next i post my UserIdentity class with its small tweaks.. maybe the problem lies here??
<?php class UserIdentity extends CUserIdentity{
private $_id;
public function authenticate()
$user = Users::model()->findAll('username=\''.$this->username.'\' AND password=\''.$this->encryptedPassword.'\'');
return false;
$this->setState('id', $user[0]->id);
$this->username = $user[0]->username;
return true;
public function getId()
return $this->_id;
Here is the output i got when i started to log as you suggested; i got this output immediately after successfully logging in.
[05:23:21.833][trace][vardump] CWebUser#1 (
[allowAutoLogin] => true
[guestName] => 'Guest'
[loginUrl] => array ( '0' => '/site/login' )
[identityCookie] => null
[authTimeout] => null
[autoRenewCookie] => false
[autoUpdateFlash] => true
[CWebUser:_keyPrefix] => '0f4431ceed8f17883650835e575b504b'
[CWebUser:_access] => array()
[behaviors] => array()
[CApplicationComponent:_initialized] => true
[CComponent:_e] => null
[CComponent:_m] => null
Any help is much appreciated!
Maybe you can try to debug harder:
change messages to something like this:
if(Yii::app()->user->isGuest) {
print("Not logged");
} else {
print("Welcome ".Yii::app()->user->name);
print("Your id is ".Yii::app()->user->id);
And check session variable in your config/main.php file
'session' => array(
The error is in the following line
$this->setState('id', $user[0]->id);
As seen in the official yii documentation regarding auth & auth, setState should be used for anything but the id field. In order to implement the key Yii will use to identify your user, return a unique value per user in the Identity getId() function.
In your case, this means you simply have to change the above line into the following:
$this->_id = $user[0]->id;
Regarding the actual inner working of the login procedure, I'd recommend a look at the CWebUser class, and especially at its login function, which is responsible for the actual storage of the Identity getId() return value.
when you call authenticate function login user as
$userIdentity = new UserIdentity($username, $password);
if ($userIdentity->errorCode===UserIdentity::ERROR_NONE) {
and fetch id as
echo 'id='.Yii::app()->user->getId();
apply this code and check
I have faced same problem and found that only one line in UserIdentity Component will resolve this issue.
This is your code:
$this->setState('id', $user[0]->id);
$this->username = $user[0]->username;
return true;
Update this code by this one
$this->_id = $user[0]->id;
$this->setState('id', $user[0]->id);
$this->username = $user[0]->username;
return true;
First of all, you need to know condition that sets guest and logged-in user apart.
Based on Yii master's branch CWebUser::getIsGuest():
public function getIsGuest()
return $this->getState('__id')===null;
Compared to your code:
$user = Users::model()->findAll('username=\''.$this->username.'\' AND password=\''.$this->encryptedPassword.'\'');
if(!isset($user[0])) {
// false
} else {
$this->setState('id', $user[0]->id); // this is for persistent state sakes
In short: you did supply 'id' to Identity persistent state but Yii CWebUser expecting '__id' based on UserIdentity::getId().
Solution is pretty dead simple. You just need to set $this->_id
$user = Users::model()->findAll('username=\''.$this->username.'\' AND password=\''.$this->encryptedPassword.'\'');
if(!isset($user[0])) {
// false
} else {
$this->setState('id', $user[0]->id); // this is for persistent state sakes
$this->_id = $user[0]->id; // this is UserIdentity's ID that'll be fetch by CWebUser
This routine explains how CWebUser get UserIdentity's ID: https://github.com/yiisoft/yii/blob/master/framework/web/auth/CWebUser.php#L221
Please do test it out.
Please try following code. Its working well
return array (
'component' => array(
'session' => array(
'savePath' => INSTANCE_ROOT.DS.'runtime'.DS.'session',
'autoStart' => true,
// LoginController
class LoginController extends CController {
public function actionLogin () {
$form = new LoginForm;
if ($form->validate()) {
$user = Users::model()->find('upper(username) = :username', array(
':username' => strtoupper($form->username)));
return $this->authenticate($user, $form);
else {
Yii::log( 'som.....', 'error');
$form->addError('password', Yii::t('Username or Password is incorrect'));
return false;
protected function authenticate($user, $form) {
$identity = new UserIdentity($user->username, $form->password);
switch($identity->errorCode) {
case UserIdentity::ERROR_NONE:
$duration = $form->rememberMe ? 3600*24*30 : 0; // 30 days
return $user;
case UserIdentity::ERROR_EMAIL_INVALID:
$form->addError("password",Yii::t('Username or Password is incorrect'));
$form->addError("status",Yii::t('This account is not activated.'));
case UserIdentity::ERROR_STATUS_BANNED:
$form->addError("status",Yii::t('This account is blocked.'));
case UserIdentity::ERROR_STATUS_REMOVED:
$form->addError('status', Yii::t('Your account has been deleted.'));
Yii::log( Yii::t(
'Password invalid for user {username} (Ip-Address: {ip})', array(
'{ip}' => Yii::app()->request->getUserHostAddress(),
'{username}' => $form->username)), 'error');
$form->addError("password",Yii::t('Username or Password is incorrect'));
return false;
class UserIdentity extends CUserIdentity {
public function authenticate()
$user = Users::model()->find('username = :username', array(
':username' => $this->username));
else if($user->status == YumUser::STATUS_INACTIVE)
else if($user->status == YumUser::STATUS_BANNED)
else if($user->status == YumUser::STATUS_REMOVED)
return !$this->errorCode;
class Users extends CActiveModel
const STATUS_ACTIVE = 1;
const STATUS_BANNED = -1;
const STATUS_REMOVED = -2;
// some ..........
public static function encrypt($string = "")
$salt = 'salt';
$string = sprintf("%s%s%s", $salt, $string, $salt);
return md5($string);
check your security configuration for cookies and sessions.
disable session.use_only_cookies & session.cookie_httponly in php.ini
in PHP.INI => session.use_only_cookies = 0