As per the documentation its not clear we can add,delete but only rename the elements and also can we modify relations, property etc ?
The Titan documentation states:
The definition of an edge label, property key, or vertex label cannot
be changed once its committed into the graph.
The SchemaManager interface shows all of the methods that are available. As you can see, you can create the schema elements, but there are no methods for delete or modify/update.
It’s not very clear how idProperty is used in the data store when building a data model. The documentation says “If the store has a single primary key, this indicates the property to use as the identity property. The values of this property should be unique. This defaults to "id".
Is this assuming the schema from which the model is based, has a mostly flat structure? For example an array of objects – each with an identity property?
What if the schema is not a simple array but has more complex structure starting from a single object that contains several sub levels of properties within properties. OR is just multiple arrays on the same level where each group of arrays identify property are independent of one another?
A store is an extension of a collection.
A collection is the interface for a collection of items (your obect with a potentially complex schema).
You can use Custom Querying on a collection to define special queries to find your data with any subset of properties.
In short, yes you can querying your data even if it has a custom schema but you need to define a Custom Querying.
More info can be found here at the end of the article:
I am looking a way to remove a propertyKey in the schema. The documentation here explains how to add properties but no information about the removal. Does that mean that it is not possible?
Since DataStax relies on Cassandra that supports table altering I guess there is some way to achieve that, otherwise how to deal with dynamic schemas where properties can be added or removed?
Edit: For more clarity I want to remove the property both in the schema and in the data. Exactly like the ALTER DROP in SQL:
ALTER TABLE table_name
DROP COLUMN column_name
The DSE Graph reference for dropping data, schema or graphs is:
As DSE Graph is built on the standards of TinkerPop, you can also leverage the TinkerPop 3 API references here -
For this item, i believe you are looking for .drop().
From the above link, if you want to remove a property, do this: .properties("X").drop()
I want to know, if the two settings node_auto_indexing and relationship_auto_indexing in the concerning the ids of nodes and rels?
or creates neo4j automatically an index for the ids of the inserted nodes and rels?
the auto index creates index for all properties defined at the *_keys_indexable line in the file.
the index then bounds the node ID with the specific property value. thus, searching the index for the the property value will return the node.
since your question is a bit unclear to me, you might want to take a look at official docu:
No you shouldn't add your ID to the auto index. There is no use for it, since you can already retrieve nodes by ID, without using auto index.
There are however occassions where the usual ID is not sufficient. For instance, when working with users, you may have a user id of some kind. You'd then store this in a property, and add that property to the auto index. This way, you can search by user id. Underlying, Neo4J matches your custom user ID, with the actual node id.
Important to keep in mind here is that per definition, auto index is not unique. You need to design your application in such a fashion that the property is in fact unique, if you're expecting a single node result.
I have three table -
1. Anomaly
2. Markup
3. Anomaly_Markup
Mapping -
public AnomalyMap()
Id(x => x.Id).Column("ID").CustomType("decimal");
HasManyToMany<DMMarkupData>(x => x.DMMarkupData)
public MarkupDataMap()
Id(x => x.Id).Column("ID");
Condition :
Save data by Anomaly - Anomaly contains MarkupData. It saves data. It is working functionality with me.
Delete markup - which should delete relationship from map table and markup data. I am facing this issue.
Anyone help me to find out solution, how to delete markup data ?
I see no relationship of MarkUpData with Anomaly. There must be same relationship and you should specify the control of cascade operation by using Inverse attribute in your mapping.
You can refer : How to set "cascade delete" option to "Set Null" in Fluent NHibernate?
To delete DMMarkupData just remove the object from collection and call for Save Anomaly.
From what you've posted it looks like you haven't defined a relationship on DMMarkupData -> Anomaly, so NHibernate won't know to delete it the MarkupData entries from the anomaly_markup table (despite the reverse relationship being there). You can either solve it with a database level cascade which removes entries in anomaly_markup when deleting MarkupData, or you can map the relationship in code & NHibernate and then NHibernate will do the cascade for you.
NHibernate does not manage the object graph, it only persists it. Removing the item from the list when it gets deleted is responsibility of the business logic!
(All the tricks with triggers and stuff that workaround it lead to inconsistencies and side effects within the transaction which does the change. From point of view of persistence ignorance it is not recommended. I would only do it when facing performance issues that can't be solved in another way.)
You can simplify it by using components. Provided that
you don't reference the same markup from somewhere else
you don't need to query for markup unrelated to Anomality
markups do never live outside of an Anomality
given all that, it is much easier to work with components. (I don't know how it is called in fluent, but in xml mapping it is called a "composite-element").
When using components, you don't need to delete the markup from the database. You just remove it from the list where it lives in.
I want to set custom NSManagedObject IDs to match the IDs of their corresponding objects in my CouchDB. The CoreData documentation (in "Using Managed Objects") says:
You can sometimes benefit from creating your own unique ID (UUID) property which can be defined and set for newly inserted objects. This allows you to efficiently locate specific objects using predicates (though before a save operation new objects can be found only in their original context).
But the NSManagedObjectContext documentation says you "absolutely must not override" objectID.
So, how does one properly set a custom object ID?
Reading through the documentation I think it is suggesting that you create an additional property on your object that stores your own UUID (the ID from CouchDB in this case) rather than overriding objectID. You can then use a predicate to search against your own UUID property you created and stored the CouchDB ID in. Note that you must perform a save operation first if you are searching outside of the original context.