Understanding visual basic code - vb.net

I am new to Visual basic and followed a tutorial on how to filter a report viewer.
On the button click I call this function and pass the value within textbox1 as so:
I have a rough understanding of what’s going on just by reading the code but I am wondering if any of you can annotate the code so I can have a full understanding of what’s happening (the tutorial I followed was not well documented)
Here is the Private sub:
Private Sub Mysub(ByVal make As String)
Dim adapter As New Database1DataSetTableAdapters.DataTable1TableAdapter
Dim table As New Database1DataSet.DataTable1DataTable
adapter.FillByModulename(table, make)
Me.ReportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(New ReportDataSource("DataSet1", CType(table, DataTable)))
End Sub
FillByModulename is a query I created with the filter set to =#Modulename for the Module name column so whatever is entered into the textbox is what will be filtered in this column.
Thank you all for your time


Microsoft Project VBA to update Custom field on task change

I have been wracking my brain trying to work out how to write a small piece of code that will activate only when particular fields at a task level have been modified.
I tried to make this code work at the project change level with a for each loop and select cases but that lags the whole program and still doesn't give me the result I need. I also tried to make it work when run manually with a for each loop and select cases or a bunch of If statements, but again, it can't tell me which field changed, but it can highlight a discrepancy between two fields.
The goal is to have a change log field (Text10) that auto updates based on the field that is modified and the date of the change. I only care about 4 fields changing (Date1, Date2, Date3, Date4).
e.g. If [Date1] is modified, Text10 = "Date1 modified 10/11/21"
Note: If 2 fields are modified, I would be happy enough with just listing the last one.
I was hoping there was some sort of "On Change, If Target = xxx" but I have not been able to find anything like that.
I also tried implementing the code as defined here >> Microsoft Documents: Project.Change Event but I am unclear what this is supposed to do and couldn't actually see it doing anything / I never got the message box I believe was supposed to appear.
I am using Microsoft Project Standard 2019.
After much research and trial and error, I ended up solving this.
To get it working, I added a Class Module and ran a piece of code on open to initialize it. This essentially tells Project to start watching for events. I then use the "Field" variant to fill the field name amongst the text string and "NewVal" variant to fill the result. This was an easy solution in the end. The code I found that worked is below:
In Class Module "cm_Events"
Public WithEvents MyMSPApp As MSProject.Application
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set MyMSPApp = Application
End Sub
Private Sub MyMSPApp_ProjectBeforeTaskChange(ByVal tsk As Task, ByVal Field As PjField, ByVal NewVal As Variant, Cancel As Boolean)
'What you want the code to do
End Sub
In Module "m_Events"
Public oMSPEvents As New cm_Events
Sub StartEvents()
Set oMSPEvents.MyMSPApp = MSProject.Application
End Sub
In ThisProject code
Private Sub Project_Open(ByVal pj As Project)
Call m_Events.StartEvents
End Sub

Needing Assistance with vb.NET Application

I don't normally post on forums because I try to find information for myself, and ask as an absolute last resort. I've tried scouring the net for answers, but I'm only receiving about half of the answer I'm looking for.
I'm currently building an application that deals with state law. There's one combo box and one text box. One for the offense title, and one for the numerical code for that particular code section. So say if I select "Kidnapping", it prepopulates the text box below it with "11-5-77", for example.
The method I've been using for, oh, about the last hour now, is:
If AWOffenseTitle.Text = "Kidnapping" Then
AWCN.Text = "11-5-77"
ElseIf AWOffenseTitle.Text = "False Imprisonment" Then
AWCN.Text = "11-5-78"
With AWOffenseTitle being the combo box name, and AWCN being the text box name. While this has proved to work perfectly well so far, I'm sure you can imagine with hundreds of offense titles, this is going to take a ridiculously long time. Well, I finally found a spreadsheet with offense titles and their respective title codes. What I'm looking to do is create two text files within a folder in the local directory "Offenses". One with a vertical list of offenses, and one with a vertical list of offense code numbers that populate the same lines in each. What I'm looking to do is populate the combo box with the contents of text file one (which I can do already), but then selecting an offense title will read the second text file and display it's proper title code. That's what has me at a loss. I'm relatively well-versed with vb.NET, but I'm not an expert by any means.
I'm hoping someone here will be able to provide a code example and explain it to me line-by-line so I can gain a better understanding. I want to get more proficient with VB although it's not so popular anymore. I've been using VB since 6.0, but not on a regular basis. More on a sporadic project kind of basis.
I really appreciate any assistance anyone might be able to provide, and if you need more information, I'd be glad to answer any questions. I tried to be as thorough as I could.
Thank you in advance!
First, you need to retrieve your data. I demonstrated using an Sql Server database containing a table named Offenses with columns named OffenseTitle and OffenseCode. You will have to change this code to match your situation.
Private Function GetOffenseData() As DataTable
Dim dt As New DataTable
Using cn As New SqlConnection("Your connection string"),
cmd As New SqlCommand("Select OffenseTitle, OffenseCode From Offenses;")
End Using
Return dt
End Function
As the Form loads, set the properties of the ComboBox. DisplayMember matches the name of the title column and ValueMember is the name of the code column.
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim dt = GetOffenseData()
ComboBox1.DisplayMember = "OffenseTitle"
ComboBox1.ValueMember = "OffenseCode"
ComboBox1.DataSource = dt
End Sub
Then when the selected item in the combo changes, just set the .Text property of TextBox to the SelectedValue in the combo and your code appears.
Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectionChangeCommitted(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectionChangeCommitted
TextBox1.Text = ComboBox1.SelectedValue.ToString
End Sub
There are other ways to do this if your data source is other than a database. Please advise if you need additional help.
In addition to HardCode's comment and Mary's detailed answer, I can only add an answer that's somewhere in between them.
It might be the case, that the information is not taken from a database, but from another source, like a text/data file or a web service. So it might be useful to create an abstraction for the data source you actually use.
First, I create a class or struct that will hold the data for each combo box item.
Class Offense
Public ReadOnly Property Title As String
Public ReadOnly Property Code As String
Public Sub New(title As String, code As String)
Me.Title = title
Me.Code = code
End Sub
End Class
Next, you need a method that retrieves a list of offenses that you can bind to your combo box. It's entirely up to you how you fill/fetch the offenses list. I have simply hard coded your two values here.
Private Function GetOffenseData() As List(Of Offense)
Dim offenses As New List(Of Offense)
offenses.Add(New Offense("Kidnapping", "11-5-77"))
offenses.Add(New Offense("False Imprisonment", "11-5-78"))
Return offenses
End Function
At a certain moment (probably in your form's Load event handler), you need to initialize your combo box. Just like Mary did, I use data binding.
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
AWOffenseTitle.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList
AWCN.ReadOnly = True
AWOffenseTitle.DisplayMember = NameOf(Offense.Title)
AWOffenseTitle.ValueMember = NameOf(Offense.Code)
AWOffenseTitle.DataSource = GetOffenseData()
End Sub
Note that I use the NameOf operator to get the desired property names of the Offense class. If you ever decide to rename the properties of your Offense class, you will be able to easily detect where they are used, since the compiler will complain if your code still uses the wrong property names somewhere.
Finally, the app needs to react to combo box value changes, so that the text box will show the corresponding offense code. Mary used an event handler for the SelectionChangeCommitted event, but I use a handler for the SelectedIndexChanged event instead:
Private Sub AWOffenseTitle_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles AWOffenseTitle.SelectedIndexChanged
AWCN.Text = AWOffenseTitle.SelectedValue
End Sub
(Up to now, I was not aware of the SelectionChangeCommitted event of the ComboBox control. I will need to look into this event to see if it is actually a better choice for this scenario, but I found that the SelectedIndexChanged event does the job just fine, so for now I sticked with that event, since I am more familiar with it.)

read event log detail in vb.net

I'm writing a application at the moment, part of it will be scraping some information from the windows event log, it mostly works....
Dim strValue As String
Dim objLogs() As EventLog
Dim Logname As String = "Application"
Dim objEntry As EventLogEntry
Dim objLogEntry As EventLogEntry
Dim objLog As EventLog
objLogs = EventLog.GetEventLogs()
For Each objLog In objLogs
If objLog.LogDisplayName = Logname Then
For Each objLogEntry In objLog.Entries
Exit For
End If
This will happily write out the EventID, machine name and event message.
details tab in event viewer
What I can't figure out is how to output the "details" tab in event viewer ideal into strings or similar.
MSDN isn't being helpful, could anyone point me in the right direction please?
Thanks in advance,
Looks like the details in the EventLogEntry is represented by the Data property that is stored as a byte array. You would have you would have to then converted to something readable. But the format of the data seems to vary on the Windows OS version.
Here an alternative way to do it. Code copied from answer to from the following question and converted to VB.Net.
Serializing a .NET EventLogEntry instance to XML
Imports System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader
Sub Main()
Dim query As New EventLogQuery("System", PathType.LogName)
Dim watcher As New EventLogWatcher(query)
AddHandler watcher.EventRecordWritten, AddressOf watcher_EventRecordWritten
watcher.Enabled = True
End Sub
Public Sub watcher_EventRecordWritten(sender As Object, e As EventRecordWrittenEventArgs)
End Sub
Put in the main module of a simple console application and an watches for system events. Writing out the event data converted to XML as one long string.
Worked using 4.5 framework on a Windows 7 machine.

Declaring WebBrowser in VB.NET Other Form

I am working on a project that has WebBrowsers in Other Forms;
I wrote the code below to control these WebBrowsers; but I need the code to recognize (Declare) the WebBrowsers of these forms.
Dim openForm As Form = Nothing
For Index As Integer = My.Application.OpenForms.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
openForm = My.Application.OpenForms.Item(Index)
If openForm IsNot Me Then
MyWebBrowser.navigate("http://www.google.com/") ' PROBLEM IN THIS LINE
End If
My Module created them as below:
Module MMMBrowser
Dim frmNew As New Form
Dim MekdamBrowser As New WebBrowser
Other info gleaned from comments:
there is form factory of some sort which creates new frmNew
there are many of these open at a time, which is the reason for the backwards loop thru OpenForms to find the last one.
The MekdamBrowser reference is an attempt to refer to the browser on the form.
The easy things is to provide a way for outsiders to tell the form to navigate somewhere using a new Sub, and let the form drive the browser control. This probably eliminates the need for a global MekdamBrowser reference. In the browser form add something like this:
Public Sub GotoNewURL(url As String)
End Sub
This procedure only exists for Form1 not the generic Form type, so we need to change how you find the form to use. Your existing loop is wonky. It will only ever find the last instance of a form which is not the current form. If you add a third form type, it wont work well:
Dim lastBrowserFrm As Form1 ' use the class name!
' this will try to get the last Instance of Form1
lastBrowserFrm = Application.OpenForms.OfType(Of Form1)().LastOrDefault
' LastOrDefaultcan return nothing if there are none,
' so test
If lastBrowserFrm IsNot Nothing Then
lastBrowserFrm .GotoNewUrl("www.stackoverflow.com")
' create a new one, I guess
End If
Your loop was not considering that there could be other form types in the collection which are not Form1 or even if a new browser form was the last one created! This is more important now because GotoNewURL is only available on Form1 instances.
I changed the name to lastBrowserFrm to reflect what is really going one - it will just find the last one created. If you are trying to work with a specific instance, you need to provide a way to track the ones you create such as with a List(of Form1) or use the Name property so you can tell one from the other. As is, you do not a way to get back a specific form instance.

Dynamic programming in VB

We develop applications for SAP using their SDK. SAP provides a SDK for changing and handling events occuring in the user interface.
For example, with this SDK we can catch a click on a button and do something on the click. This programming can be done either VB or C#.
This can also be used to create new fields on the pre-existing form. We have developed a specific application which allows users to store the definition required for new field in a database table and the fields are created at the run time.
So far, this is good. What we require now is that the user should be able to store the validation code for the field in the database and the same should be executed on the run time.
Following is an example of such an event:
Private Sub SBO_Application_ItemEvent(ByVal FormUID As String, ByRef pVal As SAPbouiCOM.ItemEvent, ByRef BubbleEvent As Boolean) Handles SBO_Application.ItemEvent
Dim oForm As SAPbouiCOM.Form
If pVal.FormTypeEx = "ACC_QPLAN" Then
If pVal.EventType = SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_LOST_FOCUS And pVal.BeforeAction = False Then
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Sub ItemPressEvent(ByRef pVal As SAPbouiCOM.ItemEvent)
Dim oForm As SAPbouiCOM.Form
oForm = oSuyash.SBO_Application.Forms.GetForm(pVal.FormTypeEx, pVal.FormTypeCount)
If pVal.EventType = SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_LOST_FOCUS And pVal.BeforeAction = False Then
If pVal.ItemUID = "AC_TXT5" Then
Dim CardCode, ItemCode As String
ItemCode = oForm.Items.Item("AC_TXT2").Specific.Value
CardCode = oForm.Items.Item("AC_TXT0").Specific.Value
UpdateQty(oForm, CardCode, ItemCode)
End If
End If
End Sub
So, what we need in this case is to store the code given in the ItemPressEvent in a database, and execute this in runtime.
I know this is not straight forward thing. But I presume there must be some ways of getting these kind of things done.
The SDK is made up of COM components.
Thanks & Regards,
Rahul Jain
I've not done this myself, but I think you're going to have to actually use the Systems.Runtime.CompilerServices functions to dynamically compile an assembly and then link it in. Another solution if you are using SQL Server might be to take advantage of the fact that you can write C# or VB.NET code in stored procedures. That might be a way.
Dim sqlstring1 As String = "Blah Blah Blah SQL here"
Dim Rs SAPbobsCOM.Recordset
Rs = GetDIConnection.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset)
You can create the code dynamically and compile it..
Have some simple interfaces to call the validation code and in all your dynamic code, implement the interface(s). This way, you can load assembly dynamically and get the class as an interface and use that interface directly..