upload the html page into custom page of CA Agile rally through code - rally

Is there any way to upload the Html page into custom page of CA Agile rally through code instead of manually doing it, through Web apis.

There is currently no fully supported way to do this via the API. There are private endpoints in the product which could technically be used for this but there is no guarantee their paths or arguments will not change.
If you'd like to explore doing this you can inspect the network tab in your browser when you create a new page (/slm/wt/new.sp) and when you add a custom html app to it (/slm/dashboard/addpanel.sp) and when you edit the settings with your code (/slm/dashboard/changepanelsettings.sp)


Cumulocity File Repository

I am trying to load a csv file in the Cumulocity -> Administration - > Management - > File Repository. My objective is to access the file contents in the HTML widget and show the data in tabular or chart format.
I tried using the fetch() method to use csv file url , but it was not able to fetch the file. The file I believe has been locally stored into the Cumulocity platform now. How can I access the file via fetch().
You are trying to abuse the HTML widget for something it wasn't designed for.
Instead of hacking such logic into the HTML widget you should just extend the Cockpit application with your own widget which is honestly not much more difficult using the WebSDK. https://cumulocity.com/guides/web/introduction/
There is a XSRF protection to prevent exactly what you are currently trying: Bringing in custom javascript code into the live application and trying to access the platform API by "hijacking" the cookies of the logged in user (and you would either need the cookies or hardcode some credentials as you cannot access the API unauthenticated).
If you use the SDK there is even a proper Angular service in order to fetch the file for the API.

How to access BigCommerce internalapi?

I am trying to download (backup) images that customers upload for products that take custom logos (these are typically JPG, PNG, PDF, etc.) These customer files are downloadable by clicking on a hyperlink in the BigCommerce admin page for the order in question. The link is not a link to the image path but instead, a link to a service that sends the file to the browser. In other words, you have to be authenticated into the admin site to download the file. The URL looks like this:
https://mystore.com/internalapi/v1/orders/{order id}/products/{lineItem id}/attributes/{option id}/download
These are easily constructed in the API itself for a given order. If I use the link in a browser tab while I'm logged into the admin site, the file downloads.
But what I am trying to write an app to automatically download all the files (there are thousands). When I try to use this URL in an app, I get a authentication error. I tried at first using my regular API credentials but then used the credentials to log into the admin site. Both give me an authentication error.
I could not find anything documented on this so-called "internalapi." Anyone ever try to use this "internal" API that is used by the admin site?
I believe authentication is cookie based for that internal API, but there could be problems with using our non-publicly documented internal APIs in production, i.e. we may make future updates that would be breaking changes.
Images attached to orders through a file upload option also get copied to WebDAV, in the dav/product_images/configured_products folder. Another way to do this could be to use a WebDAV client library like easywebdav to connect and download the files.

Movilizer : Using third party authentication

Currently we have a Hybrid solution where we show a web form in our Movilizer screen. This solution does not open a new browser window, but the form is shown in the movlizer screen.
This form need to be logged in with our credentials (using our login page).
Now we have a new requirement that on referring to the form, instead of our login screen, it will be redirected to a third party authentication login. Once the user is authenticated by this third party authentication, it will be redirected to the our web form.
How can we achieve this?
This must be solved first in the HTML world. Once the auth in HTML is completed (positive or negative), you can use the Movilizer specific Cordova JScript functions to provide the result to Movilizer, so the MEL logic in your Movelets can operate with it.
Movilizer runs HTML through lightweight html engines / browser components out of the frameworks of that specific platform. In other words, Movilizer clients use functionality that the native frameworks provide ... Movilizer does not have impact on how HTML itself is processed in there. Regarding the typical problems different browsers on different platforms normally bring, this means you have to carefully test the HTML part of this process on a multitude of platforms and devices.

IBM MobileFirst - App Multipage

Good morning,
I am installing a APP with IBM MobileFirst Platform and seen in the documentation, by making an APP multi page, you should avoid the attributes href and document.location.href of javascript. I have verified that the system used is that of a single page and upload the content in div with jquery load () function.
Is strictly necessary this requirement or I can continue using href and document.location.href? I say this, because in my APP, the header and footer, change in each html page and I do not want to reload the html page with many divs, shown and hidden.
What you recommend to resolve this issue? How I can connect different html pages in MobileFirst, without using href or document.location.href?
Thank you.
Best Regards,
The reason why it is recommended to load the page contents via ajax is because MobileFirst libraries are loaded in the main html file. Loading other html files would require you to include all the MobileFirst libraries "including cordova" in every single html file of your application. Doing that will decrease the performance of your application since you will have to load all the library files for each page. It may also cause some conflicts with the objects loaded into the DOM since they may be loaded already.

Launching specific page of worklight application

How to launch a specific page of hybrid worklight application on clicking a link in email?
I did not go through all the steps involved, but yes, you can do this.
Step 1
Create a Worklight application using, for example, jQuery Mobile to handle the multiple pages
Step 2
If the app is intended for Android, you will need to modify the AndroidManifest.xml file with an intent filter in order to associate the app with an action and a custom URL scheme
You can read more about this by googling for "opening android application using a custom URL scheme", for example
If the app is intended for iOS, you will need to modify the <app-name->info.plist file with a custom URL scheme
You can probably follow this guide: http://iosdevelopertips.com/cocoa/launching-your-own-application-via-a-custom-url-scheme.html
Step 3
Once you get the app to open from an external link, you need to handle the parameters. You'll want this since you want to open a specific page. This is also mentioned for iOS in the above link, and you'll need to further google this for Android
Step 4
Once you've obtained the parameter, you can use the Send Action to JavaScript from Native API for iOS and Andriod in Worklight in order to pass a command to JavaScript, telling the web code to do some changePage function that will load the specific page