I'm trying to create a new account and I can login but I get to the page that asks my account name, region, company name and role.
I've input in all fields and accepted the terms and conditions but run into an error that says tenant must have a name. I'm not sure what tenant refers to and how I should fill out the form to proceed.
This seems to be a problem on Auth0's side. I'm experiencing it too. I've opened a bug report on their forum here: https://ask.auth0.com/t/signup-flow-causes-tenant-must-have-a-name/2495.
I read this section of the Firebase documentation: https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/js/firebase.auth.Auth.html#getredirectresult
and I can't see the difference between these two errors:
The former says
Thrown if there already exists an account with the email address asserted by the credential
And the latter says
Thrown if the email corresponding to the credential already exists among your users
This and the rest of the paragraphs say the same thing to me, with different words. Any comments on this would be appreciated. Thank you
From what I see in my tests, I would now say that:
auth/account-exists-with-different-credential: happens when the user signs in with a provider credential which is not yet linked to one of our accounts, but which references an email address which is used by one of our accounts
auth/email-already-in-use: happens when trying to link a provider credential which is not yet linked to one of our accounts, but which references an email address which is used by one of our accounts
So basically they are the same thing so far, but happen after different events. In this case, maybe auth/account-exists-with-different-credential should have been used instead, I'll email the Firebase support about this.
But auth/email-already-in-use also happens when trying to link an email credential while the email is already used by one of our accounts. In which case it does make sense.
I'm working on a marketplace website. The idea is to allow for suppliers to login, add their products, view orders, generate reports etc.
I'm using Spree Commerce, and I see everyone suggesting to use spree-drop-ship extension to achieve all/part of above.(it's not really clear from the documentation, all the features that spree-drop-ship is supposed to add)
I've followed 'demo' instructions from https://github.com/spree-contrib/spree_drop_ship and successfully installed spree with the dropship extension, I can see 'suppliers' tab in /admin page. BUT I don't understand how the suppliers are supposed to login. They don't appear to be special user(actually I can't see in Users any supplier), and also when creating new supplier there is no way to set a password.
So my question is, how are supplier supposed to login, i.e. how they/I create supplier user and set password.
Thank you in advance,
- Jack
I know there is also 'marketplace' extension, which is not maintained anymore by #JDutil, but from what I understand it was solving payment issues to the dropshipper.
I think this is still in progress, Please see the following steps.
Register a normal User
From Admin, Add a new supplier. Add the user created above in the user field in new supplier form.
Login as a normal user, using the user from step 1.
It logs in as a normal user.
Now, goto /admin and it will show you supplier admin panel. But, Not able to add a product from here. It shows "Authorization error" when we click on "Add new" link.
Any help would be great.
For this you just need to signup as normal user then from admin panel, from suppliers tab admin can assign a user as supplier. Hope it is helpful for you.
I am working on implementing sign in with gplus in my website. I have added the following settings :
Sign in is successful. I am able to get the following information about the authenticated user (Username,email,firstname,lastname).
How can I go about to get the company, country and phone numbers after signing in? Which scope should I use that will enable me to see this information?
Google plus asks for "placesLived" where the user enters which cities he has lived. I am not sure how to get the country from this information.
I am using a custom pipeline for the create user app.pipeline.user.create_user which has strategy,response and details as arguments. I don't see any of these fields company,country,phone numbers in the details or response received after sign in.
If you check People.get at the very bottom you will notice "try me". you can test the results that the API will bring back for the different scopes.
The scopes you are using should be sufficient to give you the information you require. The trick is that the user needs to have the information set to public. If I have not set my company name to public the API wont return the company name even if it is me that is Authenticated.
So my guess is you aren't getting this information back because your user hasn't set the information to public. This has nothing to do with your python login, Try and test things using that Try it function at the bottom of the documentation page.
Our application is using gapi.auth.signin for authentication. The problem is that the account selection drop down list is not presented when user is logged into multiple accounts. Currently, to overcome this the app sets approvalprompt = force, cookiepolicy = url/single_host_origin. Obviously, this is not very efficient.
Is it possible to display multi-user selection drop down list when using gapi.auth.signin?
Shall gapi.auth.authorize be used instead? (Related question)
Thank you.
Google+ Sign-In uses a mechanism that detects when a user has already authorized a Google account. In order to prompt the user to sign in and not automatically sign the user in, you can call gapi.auth.signout from the JavaScript client as demonstrated here:
However, on Sign in, the currently active Google account will be automatically signed in. Please comment on the Google+ issue tracker, this might be a bug.
I'm trying to decide what to put in a dialog box that tells the user their login doesn't work, there is probably a duplicate. The system uses email addresses as user names, then requires a password.
Right now, I'm using "Email Login" but that just sounds stupid.
For instance:
1) Application Starts, recognizes that it has never been run.
2) Prompts user to create a new account.
3) User puts in an email address and password to use as their new credentials.
4) Well, looks like they've already got an account probably. (This is the most likely case the account creation would fail but I'm using an API and I can't be 100% this is why it failed)
5) I ask them to try again with a different "email login".
Could not create account - try a different email login !
After I check with the API provider, I'll probably try to detect that it is in fact a duplicate account and ask them to try to authenticate that account with a password.
Tell them explicitly that their email address is already in use.
Call it an email address, thats what the user thinks of it as. The fact that you are using it as an id or a database primary key or a hash key is irrelevant to them.
Perhaps: An account already exists for this email address. If you already have an account but forgot your password, please click [here], otherwise please choose a different email address.
I agree with mgb that the best choice is to explain the problem and how the user should proceed.
I would just call it what it is: an email address. I wouldn't suggest that they try a different one, though. Just ask them if they already have an account and, if so, to try logging in with the address/password. If they continue to have problems, give them a contact that they can use to get help.
There is a distinction between the process of authenticating ie logging-on/login and the options a user can use ie. username, userid or email address.
As more websites are having allowing users to login with email address it doesn't pay to be ambiguous, do your users a favour and label the field 'Email Address:'. This way your users are clear on what is expected in the field. If you label it "login:" or something else vague they'll be subtly fooled into thinking they might have created a username when creating their account and try all the usernames they usually use before trying email addresses.