WebRTC tunelling through 80/443 tcp - webrtc

I try to make webRTC app work under corporate firewall that allows only 80 and 443 tcp port, but webRTC use random port(49152-65535). How can i reach?

The solution is to setup a TURN server which is capable to handle traffic on TCP 80 and 443 or use a client library which solves this problem by default (such as the mizu webphone).

You could give coturn a try, it supports TCP transport by default, and if the NAT is very strict and blocks all ports( even outgoing ones) other than 80 and 443, you can set the listening-port as 80 and tls-listening-port as 443 in the TURN server configuration before starting it.


Load Balance server HAProxy or alternative

I need load balance server. LB should listen multiple ports and forward to backend servers with the same ports.
Logic for backed should be always send tcp requests to A server with same ports which is defined in LB server, and if A server is down forward to Server B.
LB port 10202 to Backend port 10202
LB port 10203 to Backend port 10203
Is it possible?
Unless I miss-understand then that sounds fairly simple. Just use a port range. Any port in the range is accepted and DONT specify the port on the backend i.e. keep the one you come in on:
listen L7_HTTP
    server RS001 check
    server RS002 check

Which ports should be allowed in firewall to use TURN server?

I want to set up a turn server (coturn) on our company's servers. And I'm not sure which ports should be allowed by outside access. 8443 is a must, using WebRTC. 3478 is a must for credential use. But there's these gazillions of ports which TURN server uses, do they need to be allowed in firewall?Or which ports should be allowed to use CoTURN without problem?
I think it depends on the transport protocols you want to use and the level of security.
With Coturn coturn(git):
The default port for sending (or listening to) STUN/TURN requests is 3478.
TURN listener port for UDP and TCP listeners (Default: 3478). Note:
actually, TLS & DTLS sessions can connect to the "plain" TCP & UDP
port(s), too - if allowed by configuration. For example, the default
listening port can be set to 80 or 443, to go around some strict NATs.
Remember that ports < 1024 may require superuser privileges to start
the turnserver process.
In my project I used also tls listening port but probably it is not necessary:
The default port for sending (or listening to) STUN/TURN over TLS is 5349.
TURN listener port for TLS and DTLS listeners (Default: 5349). Note: actually, "plain" TCP & UDP sessions can connect to the TLS & DTLS port(s), too - if allowed by configuration. For example, the default tls listening port can be set to 443, to go around some strict NATs. Remember that ports < 1024 may require superuser privileges to start the turnserver process. For secure TCP connections, we currently support SSL version 3 and TLS versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2. For secure UDP connections, we support DTLS version 1.
Also, for establishing at last p2p connection :
Each client will send the data through UDP to the other endpoint:
if it’s sending to a TURN server (to a relay candidate) it will send to a port between 49152-65535 (if it’s sending directly to the other party it will send to any port in the 0-65535 range)
--min-port Lower bound of the UDP port range for relay endpoints allocation. Default value is 49152, according to RFC 5766.
--max-port Upper bound of the UDP port range for relay endpoints allocation. Default value is 65535, according to RFC 5766.

FreeSWITCH: Unable to connect from browser(WebRTC) behind enterprise firewall

I am running a FreeSWITCH server on a public domain. I am able to make call from my browser(WebRTC with sipjs) to the FreeSWITCH server from a direct Internet connection.
I am testing it on a Firewall that allows only TCP on port 443. I am running a separate TURN server. I am trying to connect from my browser by specifying TURN server with credentials. I am unable to make it work. PeerConnection is getting closed.
FreeSWTICH server is NOT behind Firewall
Client(browser) is behind Firewall
TURN server is available
Is there any configuration I have to do either in FreeSWITCH server or in the client end(javascript) to make it work?
You need to open UDP ports, cause signalling will go via WSS and media via UDP ports:
mod_sofia to serve SIP signaling via WSS and media via SRTP/DTLS.
Yes, you can use a TURN server. You will have to configure it to listen on port 443 with TCP, because by default a TURN server listens on port 3478.
However, if the Firewall checks for a TLS connection (i.e. for HTTPS), you will have to configure the TURN server as a TURNS (TURN over TLS).

How is it that Apache and Firefox can use port 80 (or sometimes port 8080) simultaneously?

The Apache webserver uses port 80 to listen for incoming requests and replies over port 80. Firefox uses port 80 to send requests to webservers and then listens on port 80 for the response from the webserver. I have run Apache and Firefox simultaneously before and am just wondering how two different programs can share the same port.
Each side of a TCP network connection is defined by a touple of (ipaddress, port #). When a packet leaves your system all it knows is that it needs to find ip address and go the whoever has a socket bound to port 80.
A server socket is going to be defined by the address on which Apache is listening and port 80. The client socket open by Firefox will have the same ip address but a different randomly assign port number which you normally do not see.
You can see it using netstat or tcpview (Windows)
For example when I run netstat right now I see:
tcp4 0 0 x.x.x.x.62993 stackoverflow.co.https ESTABLISHED
where x.x.x.x is my laptops ip address and 62993 is the random port number assigned to my web browser.
Firefox isn't listening to port 80. It's making a request to a server port and handling the response.

DNS through socks proxy. How do I change windows settings for domain resolution.

I am looking for a program to reroute windows domain resolution lookup through a socks proxy capable with many internet browsers and internet proxies.
So far in Control Panel, Local Area Connection 1, TCP/IP Properties, I use the following DNS server addresses, preferred DNS Server, I put and use the default in-built port request 53.
I am reading that it is possible to forward this. I can not find a program to forward it through socks 4/5. I think this is possible because Socks supports UDP.
Has anyone come up with the answer to a solution about a UDP-to-socks forwarding program capable and adapted for socks and windows DNS.
It's really quite easy to configure.
You could write your own server and set the server to listen to incoming calls to port 53 or use this program
here my sample configuration for a socks server running on 1050 and TCP / IP settings on
DNS2SOCKS.exe /la:socks.log
For such a program you can have a look at dnsadblock. Their free daemon/cli app opens up a proxy server that can be configured to use a proxy/socks to communicate with the upstream server. It works since the remote endpoint listens on https which makes DOH (dns over https) possible. Config options/install instructions: https://knowledgebase.dnsadblock.com/how-to-install-and-configure-our-software/