setting/getting object's property value directly or by method? - oop

This is more general question to any OOP, please before answer consider readability and efficiency.
Here is example in Javascript:
function fnc () {
this.var = "abc";
this.setVar = function (val) {
this.var = val;
this.getVar = function () {
return this.var;
Now, i can set value of var via method:
fnc.var = "abc";
I can also get it directly:
or via get method:
Here comes the question:
If the result is the same which option is better? what are the pros and cons for direct or method way?

This highly depends on the features and patterns used in a given language.
Behaviour driven languages
In Java or C++ classes are defined by their behaviour, read "methods". The interfaces and the whole inheritance are based on methods. Fields are 2nd class citizens. Therefore you use methods to get and set attributes. This is the only way of overriding the access and ensuring the integration is correct after you change something later on. Having all fields hidden behind methods also enables you finer grained control (for example getter without a corresponding setter, or a setter that does a calculation instead of simply setting an attribute), but you need a lot of boilerplate, so you write lots of code that does not really add to your business logic and makes the code harder to read from within the class. What makes the code harder to read, however, makes it easier to understand from the client-side through interfaces, as they fully define a class. This concept of methods over attributes usually comes along with visibility settings for methods and attributes. This way you define what is meant for outside world and what is meant for this class or package only. Attributes are almost always private (read "for this class only").
Property driven languages
In languages like JavaScript or Python classes/objects are defined by their fields, read "attributes". Even methods are nothing more than attributes and so both methods and attributes can be overriden (or hidden), switched at runtime etc. Given that you gain nothing but false security using getters and setters, and given that every function call less means better performance and shorter stacktrace, using fields directly is the preferred usage in scripting languages. Regarding readability: the code itself is much easier to read and to understand, but interfaces as known from behaviour based languages don't exist here except in form of documentation (if the code author writes one). Visibility of methods and attributes is usually always public, but some languages offer special annotations or naming schemas to show which methods or fields are meant to be private. There is no strong or no enforcement at all though.
BTW-JFYI: Python has a special solution for the extendability of fields: properties. This is a special thing which enables you using getter and setter with proper logic inside the class but present the field as plain attribute to the outside world. See Python #property versus getters and setters for further reading.

Don't consider the immediate result only. Most software is going to be modified at some point. Considering that, you are more flexible when using getter and setter methods as opposed to direct attribute access.
However the best option - if applicable - is to not use setters at all but create immutable objects.


Kotlin automatically generates Getters and Setters, but WHY?

I'm new to learning Kotlin, and have just covered the fact that Getters and Setters for every object property are automatically generated behind the scenes, like Lombok is built directly into the language (great as far as I'm concerned!), but now I'm left with the question of why does it even bother?
I know you can override the defaults to change how they act, but why is this not just that case of them being created when you need to do something more complex that just getting or setting the value, but just accessing the property normally otherwise?
Having used Java a lot previously, I understand there are arguments for and against the use of Getters and Setters. Many say they're actually pointless and a bad approach to OOP, others would say they're best practice and should be used everywhere. The way many modern frameworks and libraries are written makes them necessary in lots of cases. This argument spans many different languages, but this question isn't really about the theoretical reasons for them in OOP as a whole, I'm looking for insight specifically into why they're used in Kotlin by default, when to my (perhaps naive) eyes it looks like they needn't be.
What would be the practical difference if Kotlin didn't generate standard Getters and Setters and dot notation simply accessed the property directly? Syntactically, as far as I can see, it produces the same result, just with extra steps.
What would be the practical difference if Kotlin didn't generate standard Getters and Setters and dot notation simply accessed the property directly?
So what you are suggesting is, for properties without custom getters/setters,
// Accessing x would access the field backing the property directly
// no getter or setter
var x: Int = 1
And for properties with custom getters/setters,
// both a field and a setter is generated for y
var y: Int = 1
set(newValue) {
field = newValue.also { println("y is being set!") }
// only a getter is generated for z, no field
val z get() = 1
The appropriated getter or setter or both will be generated depending on which ones you wrote.
Well, this would be problematic in a few ways. Here's what I could think of.
Firstly, all of this "when (not) to generate a getter/setter" logic is going to make the compiler more complicated. Why do that, when you can just simply generate a getter and setter, unconditionally, for every property?
Secondly, for Java code interacting with the Kotlin code, they would only have a field to work with, in the case of x, and public fields in Java doesn't look idiomatic at all... Let's say at some point you add a getter to x so that it's computed from something else, rather than backed by a field, then all the Java code would break, because there is no longer a field. I'm not sure whether this is also true on Kotlin/JS.
Thirdly, accessing the values of properties through reflection would be more annoying. You would need to check if it has a getter. If it does, call it. Otherwise, access the backing field instead. They could provide you with a helper property on KProperty that does on this for you, but still, that's a lot more complicated than simply calling the getter and be done with it.
Do note that just for JVM, there is the annotation #JvmField that you can use to make a property not have getters and setters, as far as the JVM is concerned. Kotlin's reflection API will still find a getter and setter though.
The two main arguments against getters and setters:
Verbose. But they aren't verbose in Kotlin.
Performance overhead. But it's not a concern with modern JVM's.
It's much safer for future-proofing to use getters and setters from the original design of a class, even if they are just passing through reads and writes to a field. It leaves open the possibility of adding side effects if you need to later. Forcing the use of properties prevents the possibility of you designing yourself into a corner.
Also, a language is easier to read and write when there are fewer ways of doing the same task. You never have to remember if the property you want to access on a class uses a getter function syntax versus standard property syntax.

Why does Kotlin implicitly call getters and setters for properties?

What is the purpose of Kotlin's implicit calling of getter/setter functions for properties when you try to access them? Isn't the point of getter and setters already that you can easily call them if you intend to use them? Kotlin's version basically just introduces an additional complexity with the 'field' identifier and introduces weirdness like the following, where an object may not behave like its interface intended:
interface Counter {
var count: Int
fun increment() {
count = count + 1
class WeirdCounter: Counter {
override var count: Int = 0
get() = field
set(value) {println("ignore the value")}
Just trying to understand the intent behind this.
The way Kotlin implements properties using getters and setters is basically what's common practice — and best practice — in many other languages.
‘Bare’ fields, as in Java, are simple, clear, and easy to use; but bare fields have problems:
They expose an implementation detail (the field, and especially its type), preventing it from being changed in future.
They don't allow the class to control its own state.
Of course, these aren't a problem for simple value classes.  But for more complex classes, they can be a real problem.
For example, you may want to change the way a class stores its state (e.g. replacing a long with a BigDecimal), but if that class is part of a popular library's public interface then thousands of users would get pretty annoyed.
Or suppose it would be really convenient if you could ensure that a String property was always stored in lower-case without leading or trailing whitespace.  But with a ‘bare’ property there's no way to enforce that.
So the usual pattern is to have a field that's private, and only accessible from within the class itself (which you control); and provide accessor methods.
That gives you full control.  You can change the internal representation, as long as you update the accessor methods to convert to/from the new form as needed.  And your setter can do any normalisation, formatting, or whatever to enforce any restrictions on the state.
However, in languages like Java, that's more awkward and long-winded than a simple field: accessor methods turn a one-line field into seven lines (excluding blank lines, and excluding doc comments, so that's probably more like turning 3 lines into 21).  And while calling a getter method is only a few characters longer (with get and ()) than referencing a field, calling a setter is a lot less intuitive than a simple assignment.
The result is that either developers do the right thing and fill their classes with boilerplate (with all the implications for maintainability and risk of error), or they don't bother and risk the problems above.
Kotlin, though, gives the best of both worlds: a simple property looks just like a field, both when defining and when accessing it.  So you get the lean, concise, clear code.  But it's implemented with a private backing field (if needed) and accessor method(s)s, so you get all the advantages of those too.  And if you ever need to add validation or change the representation or log all access or whatever, you have the option of replacing the default accessors with your own implementations.
Your WeirdCounter example is odd, but not as scary (or as likely) as you might think.  In an object-oriented language, a class is master of its own state, and other classes generally don't and shouldn't know about its internals.  (That way, they're insulated from changes to those internals.)  If a class needs to do something counter-intuitive in a setter, that's only a concern if it breaks the class's contract — but that would be a bug, and should become obvious in tests, if not elsewhere.
In practice, the ability for classes to control access to their state is more important than the risk of a class using that to do something stupid or malicious (that would be fairly easy to spot).

Simple setter function or set with a property?

Just curious to know what difference does it make if one uses a setter function or a property to set a value? Which of the above two should be preferred?
column.width = 10;
Well, that largely depends on what programming language you are using, or, in other words, whether it supports the concept of properties or not. However, lets look at the problem from a general perspective.
The very basic point of view is properties are just plain syntactic sugar, making reading and writing values to some assumed backing field easier and, which is the important point, defining a clear contract for your code's user. Assumed because there needs not be any backing field at all or they can be many.
The high-level semantic difference between a setter function and a native property setter can be thought as follows:
A setter function is primarily still a function, hence the reader assumes it executes certain action using its arguments; being actually a setter is then just a convention.
A native property setter is primarily a way to write a value into some assumed backing storage / into the backing object; there's no implied notion of executing an action even though the hidden implementation details of the setter may work like that.
Many practicle ramifications of using property accessors (getters and setter) were discussed in this question and its answers.
Prefer properties. Actually it depends on your language. If you develop Python that all attributes are public in Python.

Is it good convention for a class to perform functions on itself?

I've always been taught that if you are doing something to an object, that should be an external thing, so one would Save(Class) rather than having the object save itself: Class.Save().
I've noticed that in the .Net libraries, it is common to have a class modify itself as with String.Format() or sort itself as with List.Sort().
My question is, in strict OOP is it appropriate to have a class which performs functions on itself when called to do so, or should such functions be external and called on an object of the class' type?
Great question. I have just recently reflected on a very similar issue and was eventually going to ask much the same thing here on SO.
In OOP textbooks, you sometimes see examples such as Dog.Bark(), or Person.SayHello(). I have come to the conclusion that those are bad examples. When you call those methods, you make a dog bark, or a person say hello. However, in the real world, you couldn't do this; a dog decides himself when it's going to bark. A person decides itself when it will say hello to someone. Therefore, these methods would more appropriately be modelled as events (where supported by the programming language).
You would e.g. have a function Attack(Dog), PlayWith(Dog), or Greet(Person) which would trigger the appropriate events.
Attack(dog) // triggers the Dog.Bark event
Greet(johnDoe) // triggers the Person.SaysHello event
As soon as you have more than one parameter, it won't be so easy deciding how to best write the code. Let's say I want to store a new item, say an integer, into a collection. There's many ways to formulate this; for example:
StoreInto(1, collection) // the "classic" procedural approach
1.StoreInto(collection) // possible in .NET with extension methods
Store(1).Into(collection) // possible by using state-keeping temporary objects
According to the thinking laid out above, the last variant would be the preferred one, because it doesn't force an object (the 1) to do something to itself. However, if you follow that programming style, it will soon become clear that this fluent interface-like code is quite verbose, and while it's easy to read, it can be tiring to write or even hard to remember the exact syntax.
P.S.: Concerning global functions: In the case of .NET (which you mentioned in your question), you don't have much choice, since the .NET languages do not provide for global functions. I think these would be technically possible with the CLI, but the languages disallow that feature. F# has global functions, but they can only be used from C# or VB.NET when they are packed into a module. I believe Java also doesn't have global functions.
I have come across scenarios where this lack is a pity (e.g. with fluent interface implementations). But generally, we're probably better off without global functions, as some developers might always fall back into old habits, and leave a procedural codebase for an OOP developer to maintain. Yikes.
Btw., in VB.NET, however, you can mimick global functions by using modules. Example:
Module Globals
Public Sub Save(ByVal obj As SomeClass)
End Sub
End Module
Imports Globals
Dim obj As SomeClass = ...
I guess the answer is "It Depends"... for Persistence of an object I would side with having that behavior defined within a separate repository object. So with your Save() example I might have this:
However with an Airplane object you may want the class to know how to fly with a method like so:
This is one of the examples I've seen from Fowler about an aenemic data model. I don't think in this case you would want to have a separate service like this:
new airplaneService().Fly(airplane)
With static methods and extension methods it makes a ton of sense like in your List.Sort() example. So it depends on your usage pattens. You wouldn't want to have to new up an instance of a ListSorter class just to be able to sort a list like this:
new listSorter().Sort(list)
In strict OOP (Smalltalk or Ruby), all methods belong to an instance object or a class object. In "real" OOP (like C++ or C#), you will have static methods that essentially stand completely on their own.
Going back to strict OOP, I'm more familiar with Ruby, and Ruby has several "pairs" of methods that either return a modified copy or return the object in place -- a method ending with a ! indicates that the message modifies its receiver. For instance:
>> s = 'hello'
=> "hello"
>> s.reverse
=> "olleh"
>> s
=> "hello"
>> s.reverse!
=> "olleh"
>> s
=> "olleh"
The key is to find some middle ground between pure OOP and pure procedural that works for what you need to do. A Class should do only one thing (and do it well). Most of the time, that won't include saving itself to disk, but that doesn't mean Class shouldn't know how to serialize itself to a stream, for instance.
I'm not sure what distinction you seem to be drawing when you say "doing something to an object". In many if not most cases, the class itself is the best place to define its operations, as under "strict OOP" it is the only code that has access to internal state on which those operations depend (information hiding, encapsulation, ...).
That said, if you have an operation which applies to several otherwise unrelated types, then it might make sense for each type to expose an interface which lets the operation do most of the work in a more or less standard way. To tie it in to your example, several classes might implement an interface ISaveable which exposes a Save method on each. Individual Save methods take advantage of their access to internal class state, but given a collection of ISaveable instances, some external code could define an operation for saving them to a custom store of some kind without having to know the messy details.
It depends on what information is needed to do the work. If the work is unrelated to the class (mostly equivalently, can be made to work on virtually any class with a common interface), for example, std::sort, then make it a free function. If it must know the internals, make it a member function.
Edit: Another important consideration is performance. In-place sorting, for example, can be miles faster than returning a new, sorted, copy. This is why quicksort is faster than merge sort in the vast majority of cases, even though merge sort is theoretically faster, which is because quicksort can be performed in-place, whereas I've never heard of an in-place merge-sort. Just because it's technically possible to perform an operation within the class's public interface, doesn't mean that you actually should.

Is it poor design to create objects that only execute code during the constructor?

In my design I am using objects that evaluate a data record. The constructor is called with the data record and type of evaluation as parameters and then the constructor calls all of the object's code necessary to evaluate the record. This includes using the type of evaluation to find additional parameter-like data in a text file.
There are in the neighborhood of 250 unique evaluation types that use the same or similar code and unique parameters coming from the text file.
Some of these evaluations use different code so I benefit a lot from this model because I can use inheritance and polymorphism.
Once the object is created there isn't any need to execute additional code on the object (at least for now) and it is used more like a struct; its kept on a list and 3 properties are used later.
I think this design is the easiest to understand, code, and read.
A logical alternative I guess would be using functions that return score structs, but you can't inherit from methods so it would make it kind of sloppy imo.
I am using and these classes will be used in an web app as well as in a distributed app.
thanks for your input
Executing code in a constructor is OK; but having only properties with no methods might be a violation of the tell don't ask principle: perhaps instead those properties should be private, and the code which uses ("asks") those properties should become methods of the class (which you can invoke or "tell").
In general, putting code that does anything significant in the constructor a not such a good idea, because you'll eventually get hamstrung on the rigid constructor execution order when you subclass.
Constructors are best used for getting your object to a consistent state. "Real" work is best handled in instance methods. With the work implemented as a method, you gain:
separation of what you want to evaluate from when you want to evaluate it.
polymorphism (if using virtual methods)
the option to split up the work into logical pieces, implementing each piece as a concrete template method. These template methods can be overridden in subclasses, which provides for "do it mostly like my superclass, but do this bit differently".
In short, I'd use methods to implement the main computation. If you're concerned that an object will be created without it's evaluation method being called, you can use a factory to create the objects, which calls the evaluate method after construction. You get the safety of constructors, with the execution order flexibility of methods.