Variable length dimension in tensor - tensorflow

I'm trying to implement the paper "End-to-End memory networks" (
Each training example consists of a number of phrases, a question and then the answer. The number of sentences is variable, as is the number of words in each sentence and the question. Each word is encoded as an integer. So my input would have the form [batch size, # of sentences, # words in sentence].
Now my problem is that the second and third dimension are unknown for each mini-batch. Can I still somehow represent this input as a single tensor or do I have to use lists of tensors, so that I have a list of length batch_size, and then a sublist of length number of sentences and then for each sentence a tensor, whose size is also not known in advance, corresponding to the words encoded as integers.
Can I use this second approach or will tensorflow then not be able to backpropagate, e.g. I have an operation where I have to calculate the following sum: \sum_i tf.scalar_mul(p_i, c_i), where p_i is a scalar and c_i is an embedding vector that was previously calculated. The tensors for the p and c values are then stored in a list, so I would have to sum over the elements in the two lists in a loop. I'm assuming that tensorflow would not be able to incoorporate this loop in the computation graph, correct? I'm sceptical since theano has a special scan function that allows one to loop over input, so I'm assuming that a regular loop would cause problems in the computation graph. How does tensorflow handle this?

Moving Yaroslav's comment to an answer:
TensorFlow has tf.scan. Dimensions may also be dynamic as in Theano.


Keras input process with DataFrame variable length list of strings

I am trying to build a TF/Keras model that takes in sequential feature and scalar features. The training data is from a Pandas DataFrame. The sequential feature for one example can be considered as a list of strings(or words of different length) under one column of the DataFrame. The words themselves can be seen as categorical, the number of unique words being limited. I am wondering what is the right order and method to process data of this kind? Possible steps include mapping the string to integers, padding/truncating to a fixed length
I was planning to convert the sequential features and scalar features into tensors following Then put the sequential features into a LSTM and the scalar feature into a MLP and use a FCN to combine their outputs. I am stuck at the data process step.
I have tried using keras.layers.StringLookup to convert the string list feature into integer list. But it complains that the nparray cannot be converted to tensor. And I am wondering should I first convert the list of strings into a string Tensor and then convert it into a integer Tensor? And what is the right order and method to process data of this kind.
Yes, as a first step you can convert your list of strings to tensors. To convert a string to tensor, you can use "tf.constant" function. For example:
import tensorflow as tf
s = ["dog", "cat"]
ts = tf.constant(s)
You get:
tf.Tensor([b'dog' b'cat'], shape=(2,), dtype=string)
Then you can use StringLookup and CategoryEncoding like in function get_category_encoding_layer() on

Why does 'dimension' mean several different things in the machine-learning world? [closed]

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I've noticed that AI community refers to various tensors as 512-d, meaning 512 dimensional tensor, where the term 'dimension' seems to mean 512 different float values in the representation for a single datapoint. e.g. in 512-d word-embeddings means 512 length vector of floats used to represent 1 english-word e.g.
But it isn't 512 different dimensions, it's only 1 dimensional vector? Why is the term dimension used in such a different manner than usual?
When we use the term conv1d or conv2d which are convolutions over 1-dimension and 2-dimensions, a dimension is used in the typical way it's used in math/sciences but in the word-embedding context, a 1-d vector is said to be a 512-d vector, or am I missing something?
Why is this overloaded use of the term dimension? What context determines what dimension means in machine-learning as the term seems overloaded?
In the context of word embeddings in neural networks, dimensionality reduction, and many other machine learning areas, it is indeed correct to call the vector (which is typically, an 1D array or tensor) as n-dimensional where n is usually greater than 2. This is because we usually work in the Euclidean space where a (data) point in a certain dimensional (Euclidean) space is represented as an n-tuple of real numbers (i.e. real n-space ℝn).
Below is an exampleref of a (data) point in a 3D (Euclidean) space. To represent any point in this space, say d1, we need a tuple of three real numbers (x1, y1, z1).
Now, your confusion arises why this point d1 is called as 3 dimensional instead of 1 dimensional array. The reason is because it lies or lives in this 3D space. The same argument can be extended to all points in any n-dimensional real space, as it is done in the case of embeddings with 300d, 512d, 1024d vector etc.
However, in all nD array compute frameworks such as NumPy, PyTorch, TensorFlow etc, these are still 1D arrays because the length of the above said vectors can be represented using a single number.
But, what if you have more than 1 data point? Then, you have to stack them in some (unique) way. And this is where the need for a second dimension arises. So, let's say you stack 4 of these 512d vectors vertically, then you'd end up with a 2D array/tensor of shape (4, 512). Note that here we call the array as 2D because two integer numbers are required to represent the extent/length along each axis.
To understand this better, please refer my other answer on axis parameter visualization for nD arrays, the visual representation of which I will include it below.
ref: Euclidean space wiki
It is not overloading, but standard usage. What are the elements of a 512-dimensional vector space? They are 512 dimensional vectors. Each of which can be represented by 512 floating point number as in your equation. Each such vector spans a 1-dimensional subspace of the 512-dimensional space.
When you talk of the dimension of a tensor, a tensor is a linear map (roughly speaking, I am omitting the duals) from the product of N vector spaces to the reals. The dimension of a TENSOR is the N.
If you want to be more specific, you need to be clear on the terms dimension, rank, and shape.
The dimensionality of a tensor means the rank, which has a specific definition: the rank is the number of indices. When you see "3-dimensional tensor", you can take that to mean that the tensor has 3 indices, namely T[i][j][k]. So a vector has rank 1, a matrix has rank 2, a cube has rank 3, etc.
When you want to specify the size of each dimension, you should prefer to use the term shape. A 3-dimensional (aka rank 3) tensor can have shape [10, 20, 30] if the 0th dimension has 10 values, the 1st dimension has 20 values, and the 2nd dimension has 30 values. (This shape might represent, say, a batch of 10 images, each of shape 20x30.)
Note, though, that when talking about vectors, it is common to say "512-D vector". As you mentioned, this terminology comes up a lot with word embeddings (e.g. "we used 512-D word embeddings"). Since "vector" by definition means rank 1, then people will interpret that statement to mean "a structure of rank 1 with 512 values".
You might encounter someone saying "I have a 5-d vector", in which case you'd need to follow up with "wait, do you mean a 5-d tensor or a 1-d vector with 5 values?".
I am not a mathematician, by the way.

How to train with inputs of variable size?

This question is rather abstract and not necessarily tied to tensorflow or keras. Say that you want to train a language model, and you want to use inputs of different sizes for your LSTMs. Particularly, I'm following this paper:
The authors use, among other things, word embeddings and one-hot encoding of characters. Most likely, the dimensions of each of these inputs are different. Now, to feed that into a network, I see a few alternatives but I'm sure I'm missing something and I would like to know how it should be done.
Create a 3D tensor of shape (instances, 2, max(embeddings,characters)). That is, padding the smaller input with 0s.
Create a 3D tensor of shape (instances, embeddings+characters, 1)). That is, concatenating inputs.
It looks to me that both alternatives are bad for efficiently training the model. So, what's the best way to approach this? I see the authors use an embedding layer for this purpose, but technically, what does that mean?
Here are more details. Let's call these inputs X (character-level input) and E (word-level input). On each character of a sequence (a text), I compute x, e and y, the label.
x: character one-hot encoding. My character index is of size 38, so this is a vector filled with 37 zeros and one 1.
e: precomputed word embedding of dimension 200. If the character is a space, I fetch the word embedding of the previous word in the sequence, Otherwise, I assign the vector for incomplete word (INC, also of size 200). Real example with the sequence "red car": r>INC, e>INC, d>INC, _>embeddings["red"], c>INC, a>INC, r>INC.
y: the label to be predicted, which is the next character, one-hot encoded. This output is of the same dimension as x because it uses the same character index. In the example above, for "r", y is the one-hot encoding of "e".
According to keras documentation, the padding idea seems to be the one. There is the masking parameter in the embedding layer, that will make keras skip these values instead of processing them. In theory, you don't lose that much performance. If the library is well built, the skipping is actually skipping extra processing.
You just need to take care not to attribute the value zero to any other character, not even spaces or unknown words.
An embedding layer is not only for masking (masking is just an option in an embedding layer).
The embedding layer transforms integer values from a word/character dictionary into actual vectors of a certain shape.
Suppose you have this dictionary:
1: hey
2: ,
3: I'm
4: here
5: not
And you form sentences like
[1,2,3,4,0] -> this is "hey, I'm here"
[1,2,3,5,4] -> this is "hey, I'm not here"
[1,2,1,2,1] -> this is "hey, hey, hey"
The embedding layer will tranform each of those integers into vectors of a certain size. This does two good things at the same time:
Transforms the words in vectors because neural networks can only handle vectors or intensities. A list of indices cannot be processed by a neural network directly, there is no logical relation between indices and words
Creates a vector that will be a "meaningful" set of features for each word.
And after training, they become "meaningful" vectors. Each element starts to represent a certain feature of the word, although that feature is obscure to humans. It's possible that an embedding be capable of detecting words that are verbs, nouns, feminine, masculine, etc, everything encoded in a combination of numeric values (presence/abscence/intensity of features).
You may also try the approach in this question, which instead of using masking, needs to separate batches by length, so each batch can be trained at a time without needing to pad them: Keras misinterprets training data shape

Setting up the input on an RNN in Keras

So I had a specific question with setting up the input in Keras.
I understand that the sequence length refers to the window length of the longest sequence that you are looking to model with the rest being padded by 0's.
However, how do I set up something that is already in a time series array?
For example, right now I have an array that is 550k x 28. So there are 550k rows each with 28 columns (27 features and 1 target). Do I have to manually split the array into (550k- sequence length) different arrays and feed all of those to the network?
Assuming that I want to the first layer to be equivalent to the number of features per row, and looking at the past 50 rows, how do I size the input layer?
Is that simply input_size = (50,27), and again do I have to manually split the dataset up or would Keras automatically do that for me?
RNN inputs are like: (NumberOfSequences, TimeSteps, ElementsPerStep)
Each sequence is a row in your input array. This is also called "batch size", number of examples, samples, etc.
Time steps are the amount of steps for each sequence
Elements per step is how much info you have in each step of a sequence
I'm assuming the 27 features are inputs and relate to ElementsPerStep, while the 1 target is the expected output having 1 output per step.
So I'm also assuming that your output is a sequence with also 550k steps.
Shaping the array:
Since you have only one sequence in the array, and this sequence has 550k steps, then you must reshape your array like this:
(1, 550000, 28)
#1 sequence
#550000 steps per sequence
#28 data elements per step
#PS: this sequence is too long, if it creates memory problems to you, maybe it will be a good idea to use a `stateful=True` RNN, but I'm explaining the non stateful method first.
Now you must split this array for inputs and targets:
X_train = thisArray[:, :, :27] #inputs
Y_train = thisArray[:, :, 27] #targets
Shaping the keras layers:
Keras layers will ignore the batch size (number of sequences) when you define them, so you will use input_shape=(550000,27).
Since your desired result is a sequence with same length, we will use return_sequences=True. (Else, you'd get only one result).
LSTM(numberOfCells, input_shape=(550000,27), return_sequences=True)
This will output a shape of (BatchSize, 550000, numberOfCells)
You may use a single layer with 1 cell to achieve your output, or you could stack more layers, considering that the last one should have 1 cell to match the shape of your output. (If you're using only recurrent layers, of course)
stateful = True:
When you have sequences so long that your memory can't handle them well, you must define the layer with stateful=True.
In that case, you will have to divide X_train in smaller length sequences*. The system will understand that every new batch is a sequel of the previous batches.
Then you will need to define batch_input_shape=(BatchSize,ReducedTimeSteps,Elements). In this case, the batch size should not be ignored like in the other case.
* Unfortunately I have no experience with stateful=True. I'm not sure about whether you must manually divide your array (less likely, I guess), or if the system automatically divides it internally (more likely).
The sliding window case:
In this case, what I often see is people dividing the input data like this:
From the 550k steps, get smaller arrays with 50 steps:
X = []
for i in range(550000-49):
X.append(originalX[i:i+50]) #then take care of the 28th element
Y = #it seems you just exclude the first 49 ones from the original

Tensorflow: getting outputs form bidirectional_rnn with variable sequence length

I'm using tf.nn.bidirectional_rnn with the sequence_length parameter for variable input size, and I can't figure out how to get the final output for each sample in the minibatch:
output, _, _ = tf.nn.bidirectional_rnn(forward1,backward1,input,dtype=tf.float32,sequence_length=input_lengths)
Now, if I had constant sequence lengths, I would simply use output[-1] and get the final output. In my case I have variable sequences (their lengths are known).
Also, is this output the output of both forward and backward LSTMs?
This question can be answered by looking at the source code
For sequences with dynamic length, the source code says:
If the sequence_length vector is provided, dynamic calculation is
performed. This method of calculation does not compute the RNN steps
past the maximum sequence length of the minibatch (thus saving
computational time), and properly propagates the state at an
example's sequence length to the final state output.
Therefore, in order to get the actual last output, you should slice the resulting output.
For bidirectional_rnn, the source code says:
A tuple (outputs, output_state_fw, output_state_bw) where:
outputs is a length T list of outputs (one for each input), which
are depth-concatenated forward and backward outputs.
output_state_fw is the final state of the forward rnn.
output_state_bw is the final state of the backward rnn.
Therefore, the output is a tuple rather than a tensor.
You can concatenate this tuple into a vector if you wish.