Generic Way to Determine the Maximum Allowed Length a of String - vba

Take a look at this property(Given you have a table on the first worksheet):
How many characters can this property contain? Well, after testing out a few strings I've come to the conclusion that its 255, any string with more than 255 characters causes an error to be thrown:
Run-Time Error 5 - Invalid procedure call or arguement
Take a look at this property:
How many characters can this property contain? Again, test several strings and you'll come out with a number that's around 50,000, You set it any higher and you get the same error, except in this case excel will sometimes crash or spit out a different error(after multiple attempts):
Dim i As Integer
Dim a As String
For i = 1 To 5001
a = a & "abcdefghih"
Next i
Application.Sheets(1).ListObjects(1).Summary = a
Method "Summary" of object 'ListObject' failed
This sort of "hidden" character limit comes up all over the place(here, here, less specifically here, and so classically here), and it doesn't seem like they're documented anywhere, for example take a look at the page for ListObject.Name, its not noted how many characters you can store in that variable...
So is there a better way to determine this? Are the strings you are setting in properties being stored in a fixed length string somewhere that can be accessed to determine what their maximum length is, or is there some other form of documentation that can be leveraged in order to obtain this information?
It strikes me as odd these character limits that are set on most strings within standard VBA objects, I wonder what their purpose is, why the designers choose to limit "" to 255 characters and whether that was an arbitrary default limit or whether that was a conscious decision that was made. I believe that the standard string length is this, I wonder why the deviation from this standard.
To summarize the points I've made above and to condense this question into one sentence:
Is there a generic way to determine the maximum length of a string that can be set within an object's property, without first testing that string's property by giving it another value and ignoring errors/checking for character truncation?

First of all, if your intention is to store meta information about objects, you could maybe make use of CustomDocumentProperties. You can find examples on their usage here and here and some nice wrappers by Chip Pearson here.
Since they are still very limited (255 chars) in length (thanks for pointing that out!), the best solution might be to use CustomXMLParts like described here. The hard part would then be building correct XML using VBA, but maybe not impossible, if you add a reference to Microsoft XML.
But to provide some help with your question concerning maximum lengths for string properties, too, here is a test setup you can use to (relatively) quickly find these limits for arbitrary properties.
Just replace the ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1).Name on line 19 with the property you want to test and run TestMaxStringLengthOfProperty():
Option Explicit
Const PRINT_STEPS = True ' If True, calculation steps will be written to Debug.Print
Private Function LengthWorks(ByVal iLengthToTest As Long) As Boolean
Dim testString As String
testString = String(iLengthToTest, "#") ' Build string with desired length
' Note: The String() method failed for different maximum string lengths possibly
' depending on available memory or other factors. You can test the current
' limit for your setup by putting the string assignment in the test space.
' In my tests I found maximum values around 1073311725 to still work.
On Error Resume Next
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Start of the Test Space - put the method/property you want to test below here
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1).Name = testString
' End of the Test Space - put the method/property you want to test above here
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LengthWorks = Err.Number = 0
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Private Sub TestMaxStringLengthOfProperty()
Const MAX_LENGTH As Long = 1000000000 ' Default: 1000000000
Const MAXIMUM_STEPS = 100 ' Exit loop after this many tries, at most
' Initialize variables for check loop
Dim currentLength As Long
Dim lowerBoundary As Long: lowerBoundary = 0
Dim upperBoundary As Long: upperBoundary = MAX_LENGTH
Dim currentStep As Long: currentStep = 0
While True ' Infinite loop, will exit sub directly
currentStep = currentStep + 1
If currentStep > MAXIMUM_STEPS Then
Debug.Print "Exiting because maximum number of steps (" & _
") was reached. Last working length was: " & _
Exit Sub
End If
' Test the upper boundary first, if this succeeds we don't need to continue search
If LengthWorks(upperBoundary) Then
' We have a winner! :)
Debug.Print "Method/property works with the following maximum length: " & _
upperBoundary & vbCrLf & _
"(If this matches MAX_LENGTH (" & _
MAX_LENGTH & "), " & _
"consider increasing it to find the actual limit.)" & _
vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Computation took " & currentStep & " steps"
Exit Sub
' Upper boundary must be at least one less
upperBoundary = upperBoundary - 1
PrintStep upperBoundary + 1, "failed", lowerBoundary, upperBoundary, MAX_LENGTH
End If
' Approximately halve test length
currentLength = lowerBoundary + ((upperBoundary - lowerBoundary) \ 2)
' "\" is integer division (
' Using `left + ((right - left) \ 2)` is the default way to avoid overflows
' when calculating the midpoint for our binary search
' (see:
' oldid=809435933#Implementation_issues)
If LengthWorks(currentLength) Then
' If test was successful, increase lower boundary for next step
lowerBoundary = currentLength + 1
PrintStep currentLength, "worked", lowerBoundary, upperBoundary, MAX_LENGTH
' If not, set new upper boundary
upperBoundary = currentLength - 1
PrintStep currentLength, "failed", lowerBoundary, upperBoundary, MAX_LENGTH
End If
End Sub
Private Sub PrintStep(ByVal iCurrentValue As Long, _
ByVal iWorkedFailed As String, _
ByVal iNewLowerBoundary As Long, _
ByVal iNewUpperBoundary As Long, _
ByVal iMaximumTestValue As Long)
Debug.Print Format(iCurrentValue, String(Len(CStr(iMaximumTestValue)), "0")) & _
" " & iWorkedFailed & " - New boundaries: l: " & _
iNewLowerBoundary & " u: " & iNewUpperBoundary
End If
End Sub

The short answer is no.
Regards, Zack Barresse


Taking a String and Removing text inbetween brackets

I'm trying to make a simple text converter program for my first Visual Basic program. I've already written this in Python but I'm not sure how to do it in Visual Basic.
I need the program to run through the characters of a string and once it encounters a ( to then remove the bracket and ignore the rest of the text until it encounters a ).
For Example,
"This is a (not so good) sentence",
"This is a Sentence".
Previously I did this with a for loop what looked at a character in the string, then checked if it was open. If it wasn't it would append the character to an output string to the next character or if it was it would then trigger a Boolean to true what would stop the character being appended. It would then continue to stop the future characters from being appended until it found a close bracket. At that point, it would then make the Boolean false, stop the closed bracket from being appended and move back to appending characters, unless it was another bracket.
Sorry if this description is a bit rough as I'm not the best at describing things and I'm very new to visual basic. Thanks for any help given
You can achieve this by several different methods. Here is one method using Instr. Instr returns the character position (index) of a given string in another string. You can use this to determine the bounds of where to include/exclude the string chunk.
You didn't specify if there could be multiple sections encapsulated in () so I assumed there wouldn't be. However, this is a relatively easy tweak by adding either a Do...Loop or a While... loop in the Function.
Hope it helps:
Option Explicit
Public Function removeBrackets(Source As String, Optional RemoveDoubleSpaces As Boolean = False)
Dim FirstBracket As Long
Dim SecondBracket As Long
FirstBracket = InStr(1, Source, "(")
SecondBracket = InStr(1, Source, ")")
If FirstBracket >= SecondBracket Or FirstBracket = 0 Or SecondBracket = 0 Then Exit Function
removeBrackets = Left$(Source, FirstBracket - 1) & Right$(Source, Len(Source) - SecondBracket)
If RemoveDoubleSpaces Then removeBrackets = Replace$(removeBrackets, " ", " ")
End Function
'Run this
Sub Test()
Debug.Print "The value returned is: " & removeBrackets("This is a (not so good) sentence") ' Example given
Debug.Print "The value returned is: " & removeBrackets("This is a (not so good) sentence", True) ' Example given, slight revision. Remove double spaces
Debug.Print "The value returned is: " & removeBrackets("This is a (not so good sentence") ' missing ending bracket
Debug.Print "The value returned is: " & removeBrackets("This is a not so good) sentence") ' missing starting bracket
Debug.Print "The value returned is: " & removeBrackets("This is a not so good sentence") ' No brackets
End Sub

VBA - Find all numbered lines in VBE Modules via pattern search

My goal is to find all numbered lines in procedures of my Code Modules.
The CodeModule.Find method can be used to check for search terms (target parameter).
object.Find(target, startline, startcol, endline, endcol [, wholeword] [, matchcase] [, patternsearch])
The referring help site states:
parameter patternsearch: Optional. A Boolean value specifying whether or not the target string is a regular expression pattern.
If True, the target string is a regular expression pattern. False is the default.
As explained above the find method allows a regex pattern search, which I would like to use in order to identify numbered lines in a precise way:
digits followed by a tab. The example below therefore defines a search string s and sets the last parameter PatternSearch in the .Find method to True.
AFAIK a valid regex definition could be
s = "[0-9]{1,4}[ \t]"
but that doesn't show anything, not even an error.
In order to show at least any results, I defined the search term
s = "[0-9]*[ \t]*)"
in the calling example procedure ListNumberedLines showing erratic results.
Is there any possibility to use a valid regex patternsearch in the CodeModule.Find method?
Example code
Option Explicit
' ==============
' Example Search
' ==============
Sub ListNumberedLines()
' Declare search pattern string s
Dim S As String
10 S = "[0-9]*[ \t]*)"
20 Debug.Print "Search Term: " & S
30 Call findWordInModules(S)
End Sub
Public Sub findWordInModules(ByVal sSearchTerm As String)
' Purpose: find modules ('components') with lines containing a search term
' Method: .CodeModule.Find with last parameter patternsearch set to True
' Based on
' VBComponent requires reference to Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility
' or keep it as is and use Late Binding instead
' Declare module variable oComponent
Dim oComponent As Object 'VBComponent
For Each oComponent In Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents
If oComponent.CodeModule.Find(sSearchTerm, 1, 1, -1, -1, False, False, True) = True Then
Debug.Print "Module: " & oComponent.Name 'Name of the current module in which the term was found (at least once)
'Need to execute a recursive listing of where it is found in the module since it could be found more than once
Call listLinesinModuleWhereFound(oComponent, sSearchTerm)
End If
Next oComponent
End Sub
Sub listLinesinModuleWhereFound(ByVal oComponent As Object, ByVal sSearchTerm As String)
' Purpose: list module lines containing a search term
' Method: .CodeModule.Find with last parameter patternsearch set to True
Dim lTotalNoLines As Long 'total number of lines within the module being examined
Dim lLineNo As Long 'will return the line no where the term is found
lLineNo = 1
With oComponent ' Module
lTotalNoLines = .CodeModule.CountOfLines
Do While .CodeModule.Find(sSearchTerm, lLineNo, 1, -1, -1, False, False, True) = True
Debug.Print vbTab & "Zl. " & lLineNo & "|" & _
Trim(.CodeModule.Lines(lLineNo, 1)) 'Remove any padding spaces
lLineNo = lLineNo + 1 'Restart the search at the next line looking for the next occurence
End With
End Sub
As #MatsMug says, parsing VBA with Regex is hard impossible, but line-numbers are a simpler case, and should be findable with regex alone.
Fortunately, line numbers can only appear within a procedure body (including before the End Sub/Function/Property statement), so we know they'll never be the first line of your code.
Unfortunately, you can prefix a line-label with 0 or more line continuations:
Sub Foo()
10 Beep
End Sub
Furthermore, a line number isn't always followed by a space - it can be followed by an instruction separator, giving the line-number the appearance of a line-label:
Sub foo()
10: Beep
End Sub
And if you're code is evil, you might encounter a negative line-number (entered by using hex notation - which VBE dutifully pretty prints back to the code-pane with a leading space and a negative number):
Sub foo()
10 Beep
-1 Beep
End Sub
And we also need to be able to identify numbers that appear on a continued line, that aren't line-numbers:
Sub foo()
Debug.Print _
5 & "is not a line-number"
End Sub
So, here's some evil line-numbering, with a mix of all of those edge-cases:
Option Explicit
Sub foo()
5: Beep
10 Beep
20 _
'Debug.Print _
50: Beep
40 Beep
-1 _
Beep 'The "-1" line number is achieved by entering "&HFFFFFFFF"
Debug.Print _
2 & "is not a line-number"
60 End Sub
And here's some regex that identifies the line-numbers:
(?<! _)\n( _\n)* ?(?<line_number>(?:\-)?\d+)[: ]
And here's a syntax highlight from regex101:
For the longest time, Rubberduck was struggling with properly/formally parsing line numbers - our work-around was to remove them (replacing them with spaces) before feeding the code module contents to our parser.
Recently we've managed to formally define line numbers:
// lineNumberLabel should actually be "statement-label" according to MS VBAL but they only allow lineNumberLabels:
// A <statement-label> that occurs as the first element of a <list-or-label> element has the effect
// as if the <statement-label> was replaced with a <goto-statement> containing the same
// <statement-label>. This <goto-statement> takes the place of <line-number-label> in
// <statement-list>.
listOrLabel :
lineNumberLabel (whiteSpace? COLON whiteSpace? sameLineStatement?)*
| (COLON whiteSpace?)? sameLineStatement (whiteSpace? COLON whiteSpace? sameLineStatement?)*
sameLineStatement : blockStmt;
And lineNumberLabel is defined as:
//Statement labels can only appear at the start of a line.
statementLabelDefinition : {_input.La(-1) == NEWLINE}? (combinedLabels | identifierStatementLabel | standaloneLineNumberLabel);
identifierStatementLabel : unrestrictedIdentifier whiteSpace? COLON;
standaloneLineNumberLabel :
lineNumberLabel whiteSpace? COLON
| lineNumberLabel;
combinedLabels : lineNumberLabel whiteSpace identifierStatementLabel;
lineNumberLabel : numberLiteral;
(full Antlr4 grammar here)
Notice the predicate {_input.La(-1) == NEWLINE}?, which force the parser rule to only match a statementLabelDefinition at the start of a line - a logical line of code.
You see VBA code has physical code lines, like what you're getting from the CodeModule's contents. But VBA code also has a concept of logical code lines, and it turns out that is all the parser cares about.
This would trip any typical regex:
Sub DoSomething()
Debug.Print _
End Sub
There's only 1 logical line of code between the signature and the End Sub token, but a simple Find will happily consider that 42 as a "line number" ...which it isn't - it's the argument passed to Debug.Print, in the same instruction, on the same logical code line, but on the next physical code line.
And you can't be dealing with logical code lines without first pre-processing your input, to take line continuation tokens into account.
And in order to do that, you need to actually parse the instructions you're seeing - at least know where they start and where they end... and that's no small undertaking! see ThunderFrame's answer
The VBIDE API is extremely limited, and won't be helpful for that.
TL;DR: You can't parse VBA code with regular expressions alone. So, nope. Sorry! you need a much more complex regex pattern than that - see ThunderFrame's answer.
Conclusion regarding CodeModule.Find via search pattern
Firstly, CodeModule.Find doesn't help via search pattern and its possible use is intransparent.
I agree that the VBIDE API is extremely limited and that there exist excellent professional tools which I highly recommand for any programmer :-)
Consequence: Work around via XML
Secondly I prefer household remedies if possible, so I tried to find an alternative solution using only the helpful parts of VBIDE.
That is why I tried a simple xml conversation of the CodeModule.Lines allowing a flexible search within logical lines.
Instead of using regular expressions in requesting the xml data, I demonstrate a method to find leading numbers via a well defined XPath search (loop thru node list),
thus resolving most problems shown by #ThunderFrame. The search string in function showErls is defined as "line[substring(translate(.,'0123456789','¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹'),1,1)="¹"]"
Furthermore function 'lineNumber' returns the logical line number within the module.
Note: To keep it simple, the search is restrained to one module only (user defined constant MYMODULE) and code avoids any regex.
Work around code - main sub
Option Explicit
' ==========================================
' User defined name of module to be analyzed
' ==========================================
Const MYMODULE = "modThunderFrame" ' << change to existing module name or userform
' Declare xml file as object
Dim xCMods As Object ' Late Binding; instead of Early Bd: Dim xCMods As MSXML2.DOMDocument6
Public Sub TestLineNumbers()
' =================
' A. Load/refresh code into xml
' =================
' set xml into memory - contains code module(s) lines
Set xCMods = CreateObject("MSXML2.Domdocument.6.0") ' L.Bd.; instead of E.Bd: Set xCMods = New MSXML2.DOMDocument60
xCMods.async = False
xCMods.validateOnParse = False
' read in user defined code module and load xml, if failed show error message
If xCMods Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
' ======================
' B. search line numbers
' ======================
' =============================
' C. Save xml if needed
' =============================
' xCMods.Save ThisWorkbook.Path & "\VBE(" & MYMODULE & ").xml"
' MsgBox "Successfully exported Excel data to " & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\VBE(" & MYMODULE & ").XML!", _
' vbInformation, "Module " & MYMODULE & " to xml"
' =================
' D. terminate xml
' =================
Set xCMods = Nothing
End Sub
Sub procedures
Private Sub showERLs()
' Purpose: [B.] declare XPath search string and define special translate character
Dim s As String
Dim S1 As String: S1 = Chr(185) ' superior number 1 (hex B9) replaces any digit
' declare node and node list
Dim line As Object
Dim lines As Object
' define XPath search string for first digit in line (usual case)
s = "line[substring(translate(.,'0123456789','" & String(10, S1) & "'),1,1)=""" & _
S1 & _
' start debugging
Debug.Print "**search string=""" & s & """" & vbNewLine & String(50, "-")
Debug.Print "Line #|Line Content" & vbNewLine & String(50, "-"); ""
' set node list
Set lines = xCMods.DocumentElement.SelectNodes(s)
' -------------------
' loop thru node list
' -------------------
For Each line In lines
Debug.Print Format(lineNumber(line), "00000") & "|" & line.Text ' return logical line number plus line content
Next line
End Sub
Private Sub refreshCM(sModName As String)
' Purpose: [A.] load xml string via LoadXML method
Dim sErrTxt As String
Dim line As Object
Dim lines As Object
Dim xpe As Object
Dim s As String ' xpath expression
Dim pos As Integer ' position of line number prefix
' ======================================
' 1. Read code module lines and load xml
' ======================================
If Not xCMods.LoadXML(readCM(sModName)) Then
' set ParseError object
Set xpe = xCMods.parseError
With xpe
sErrTxt = sErrTxt & vbNewLine & String(20, "-") & vbNewLine & _
"Loading Error No " & .ErrorCode & " of xml file " & vbCrLf & _
Replace(" " & Replace(.URL, "file:///", "") & " ", " ", "[No file found]") & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
xpe.reason & vbCrLf & _
"Source Text: " & .srcText & vbCrLf & _
"char?: " & """" & Mid(.srcText, .linepos, 1) & """" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Line no: " & .line & vbCrLf & _
"Line pos: " & .linepos & vbCrLf & _
"File pos.: " & .filepos & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
End With
MsgBox sErrTxt, vbExclamation, "XML Loading Error"
Set xCMods = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
' 2. resolve hex input problem of negative line numbers with leading space (thx #Thunderframe)
s = "line"
Set lines = xCMods.DocumentElement.SelectNodes(s)
' loop thru all logical lines
For Each line In lines
pos = ErlPosInLine(line.Text)
If pos <= Len(line.Text) Then
' to do: add attribute to line node, if wanted
' correct line content
line.Text = Mid(line.Text, pos)
End If
End Sub
Private Function lineNumber(node As Object) As Long
' Purpose: [B.] return logical line number within code module lines
' Param.: IXMLDomNode
' Method: XPath via preceding-sibling count plus one
Dim tag As String: tag = "line"
lineNumber = node.SelectNodes("preceding-sibling::" & tag).Length + 1
End Function
Private Function readCM(Optional modName = "*") As String
' Purpose: return code module line string (VBIDE) of a user defined module to be read into xml
' Call: called from [A.] refreshCM
' xCMods.LoadXML(readCM(sModName))
' Declare variable
Dim s As String
Dim md As CodeModule
If modName = "*" Then Exit Function
On Error GoTo OOPS
' get code module lines into string
Set md = Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents(modName).CodeModule ' MSAccess: Modules("modVBELines")
' change to xml tags
s = getTags(md.lines(1, md.CountOfLines))
' return
readCM = s
End Function
Private Function getTags(ByVal s As String, Optional mode = False) As String
' Purpose: prepares xml string to be loaded
' define constant
Const HEAD = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>" & vbCrLf & "<cm>" & vbCrLf
' 1. change tag characters
s = Replace(Replace(s, "<", "<"), ">", ">")
' 2. change special characters (ampersand)
s = Replace(s, "&", "&")
' 3. change "_" points
s = Replace(s, "_" & vbCrLf, Chr(133) & vbLf)
' 4. define logical line entities
If Right(s, 2) = vbCrLf Then s = Left(s, Len(s) - 2)
s = HEAD & " <line>" & Replace(s, vbCrLf, "</line>" & vbCrLf & " <line>") & "</line>" & vbCrLf & "</cm>"
' debug xml tags if second function parameter is true (mode = True)
If mode Then Debug.Print s
' return
getTags = s
End Function
Sub testErlPosInLine()
' Purpose: Test Thunderframe's problem with ERL prefixes (underscores, " ",..) and hex inputs
Dim s As String
s = " _" & vbLf & " -1 xx"
MsgBox "|" & Mid(s, ErlPosInLine(s)) & "|" & vbNewLine & _
"prefix = |" & Mid(s, 1, ErlPosInLine(s) - 1) & "|"
End Sub
Private Function ErlPosInLine(ByVal s As String) As Integer
' Purpose: remove prefix (underscore, tab, " ",.. ) from numbered line
' cf:
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To Len(s) ' loop each char
Select Case Mid$(s, i, 1) ' examine current char
Case " " ' permitted chars
Case "_"
Case vbLf, Chr(133), Chr(34)
Case "0" To "9": Exit For ' cut off point
Case Else: Exit For ' i is the cut off point
End Select
If Mid$(s, i, 1) = "-" And Len(s) > 1 Then
If IsNumeric(Mid$(s, i + 1, 1)) Then i = i + 1
End If
' return
ErlPosInLine = i
' debug.print Mid$(s, i) '//strip lead
End Function

Adding Logic for an Optional Argument in a Custom HL7 Parsing Function

I wrote a custom function that parses an HL7 interface message. These are messages sent between healthcare information systems, but basically it's just a long text string, delimited with various characters to indicate different fields, that I paste into a cell in Excel. The function I created searches and counts to find the fields specified in the arguments.
DISCLAIMER: I am new to VBA. I've been teaching myself via online research and trial-and-error over the past 3-4 weeks, so I'm no VBA expert. I'd prefer NOT to use arrays because when I tried that, the code got too complex for me to troubleshoot. So, I'm OK with the code being easy-to-follow, as opposed to being the fastest/most-efficient.
Anyhow, I've got it working pretty well to do what I want, but I'm stuck on adding in logic for an OPTIONAL argument.
So, this is how I WANT it to work:
Formula =KWHL7(A1, "MSH", 8)
NOTE only 3 arguments
Result I Want ADT^A08
Result I Get ADT
NOTE I know I told it to stop at the next instance of "HL7_SUBFIELD_DELIMITER" which is " ^ "
Formula =KWHL7(A1, "MSH", 8,1)
NOTE the optional 4th argument
Result I Want ADT
Formula =KWHL7(A1, "MSH", 8,2)
NOTE the optional 4th argument
Result I Want A08
The contents "value" of cell A1:
PID|1||000000808^^^SCH MRN^MRN^SC||ZZTEST^LEANN||20160706|F|||459 CORPORATION ST.^^BEAVER^PA^15009^USA||(724)775-7418^PRN|||S||000000008082^^^SCH Account Number^FIN NBR|||||||0<13>
PV1|1|I|SCH Periop^^^^^^||||08888^Bullian^Leann~08888^Naylor^Daniel|||10|||||||08888^Nguyen-potter^Rose~00187^TEST^STCHRISRES^L^MD^^MD^^SCH Doc Number|1|1287593^^^TEMP FIN^VISITID||||||||||||||||||||384||A|||20160707131900<13>
OBX|1||Dosing Weight^WEIGHT||5|kg<13>
AL1|1|Drug|d00308^morphine^Multum Drug||66382015<13>
AL1|3|Drug|d00012^codeine^Multum Drug||103576018<13>
My VBA code (sorry for all the comments, I'm just learning!):
Public Function KWHL7(KW_Cell_With_HL7_Message As Variant, KW_HL7_Segment_Name As String, KW_HL7_Field_Number As Integer)
'KW_Cell_With_HL7_Message = KW_Cell_With_HL7_Message.Value
'KW_Cell_With_HL7_Message = ActiveCell.Value
'KW_HL7_Segment_Name = "PID"
'KW_HL7_Field_Number = 18
Const HL7_SEGMENT_DELIMITER = vbLf 'using "<13>" did not work due to carriage return
Const HL7_FIELD_DELIMITER = "|" ' Pipe means next field
'Various carriage returns and line breaks: vbLf, vbCr, vbCrLf, vbNewLine, Chr(10), Chr(13)
KWSegmentStringToSearchFor = HL7_SEGMENT_DELIMITER & KW_HL7_Segment_Name 'Using the segment delimiter ("<13>" or "vbLf" / carriage return) before segment name implies that the segment / line STARTS with this text
KWSegmentCharacterPosition = InStr(1, KW_Cell_With_HL7_Message, KWSegmentStringToSearchFor)
'** FOR TESTING ** MsgBox ("Segment Character Position: " & KWSegmentCharacterPosition & ", 5 Characters starting there = " & Mid(KW_Cell_With_HL7_Message, KWSegmentCharacterPosition, 5))
'Now we have the character position of the start of the proper SEGMENT / line
'Now we have to find the Proper Field in that segment
'So we'll use this position + the length of the end of the Segment Delimiter as the start
'***WARNING***: Still must add logic to make sure we stop if we encounter another Segment Delimiter
KWFieldCharacterPosition = KWSegmentCharacterPosition + Len(HL7_SEGMENT_DELIMITER) 'instead of starting at character 0, start at the beginning of the segment found previously
' ** FOR TESTING ** MsgBox ("Length of Segment Delimiter = " & Len(HL7_SEGMENT_DELIMITER))
' ** FOR TESTING ** MsgBox ("Field Character Position: " & KWFieldCharacterPosition & ", 5 Characters starting there = " & Mid(KW_Cell_With_HL7_Message, KWFieldCharacterPosition, 5))
For J = 1 To KW_HL7_Field_Number
KWFieldCharacterPosition = InStr(KWFieldCharacterPosition + 1, KW_Cell_With_HL7_Message, HL7_FIELD_DELIMITER)
If KWFieldCharacterPosition = 0 Then Exit For
' ** FOR TESTING ** MsgBox ("Field Character Position: " & KWFieldCharacterPosition & ", 5 Characters starting there = " & Mid(KW_Cell_With_HL7_Message, KWFieldCharacterPosition, 5))
'Determine the number of characters to return after the start position
'Want to pull text UNTIL the next Segment Delimiter or Field Delimiter or Subfield Delimiter
'Find the position of the next Segment Delimiter or Field Delimiter or Subfield Delimiter
'Since the InStr function does not accept multiple substrings to search for, and does not allow OR statements inside...
Next_HL7_Segment_Delimiter = InStr(KWFieldCharacterPosition + 1, KW_Cell_With_HL7_Message, HL7_SEGMENT_DELIMITER)
Next_HL7_Field_Delimiter = InStr(KWFieldCharacterPosition + 1, KW_Cell_With_HL7_Message, HL7_FIELD_DELIMITER)
Next_HL7_Subfield_Delimiter = InStr(KWFieldCharacterPosition + 1, KW_Cell_With_HL7_Message, HL7_SUBFIELD_DELIMITER)
'Added logic to handle issue where the next delimiter was not found, making result 0, making it the lowest value in the next lines of code
If Next_HL7_Segment_Delimiter = 0 Then Next_HL7_Segment_Delimiter = 99999
If Next_HL7_Field_Delimiter = 0 Then Next_HL7_Field_Delimiter = 99999
If Next_HL7_Subfield_Delimiter = 0 Then Next_HL7_Subfield_Delimiter = 99999
'Set the Last Character Position to whichever Next Delimiter is the lowest / minimum number - Segment or Field or Subfield
KWLastCharacterPosition = WorksheetFunction.Min(Next_HL7_Segment_Delimiter, Next_HL7_Field_Delimiter, Next_HL7_Subfield_Delimiter)
' ** FOR TESTING ** MsgBox ("Last Character Position: " & KWLastCharacterPosition & ", 5 Characters starting there = " & Mid(KW_Cell_With_HL7_Message, KWLastCharacterPosition, 5))
'Determine the number of characters to return in the MID function by subtracting the first character position from the last character position
KWNumberOfCharactersToReturn = KWLastCharacterPosition - KWFieldCharacterPosition - 1
' ** FOR TESTING ** MsgBox ("Number of characters to return: " & KWNumberOfCharactersToReturn)
KWResult = Mid(KW_Cell_With_HL7_Message, KWFieldCharacterPosition + 1, KWNumberOfCharactersToReturn)
'MsgBox ("Result: Segment " & KW_HL7_Segment_Name & ":" & KW_HL7_Field_Number & " is " & KWResult)
KWHL7 = KWResult
End Function
The problem I had with using the split function was that it put everything into arrays. And since I needed to search FIRST for the KWSegmentStringToSearchFor (i.e. "MSH" or "PV1"), before couting the pipe (|) characters, I would need the array to have separate nested arrays and it got way too confusing for me.
So I abandoned the split function, and my initial plans to use arrays, and just wrote everything to find things sequentially. So it searches for the KWSegmentStringToSearchFor (i.e. "MSH" or "PV1") with InStr() and then counts the pipe (|) characters from there to determine which number field to return.
Since the strings are of variable length, but delimited with special characters, next I have to determine how many characters to return with the MID function. So I search for the next delimiter FROM THERE / using the field I found as the starting point and call that the end of my field.
The issue:
The logic considers ANY of the 3 possible delimiters the end of the field.
If I take that out, the code wouldn't know where the end of the string is.
Even if I add some sort of IF statement that IF the optional 4th argument exists (which I'm not sure how to do yet), THEN ignore the ^ as a delimiter... that would always return the full field (ADT^A08). It wouldn't return just the sub-field / component I want.
A simple answer, would be to split on the LineFeed then it may need tweaking would be, split(range("a1").value,"|")(intFieldNumber)
gives the result ADT^A08

How do I program a loop into a DDEPoke call on VBA?

I am attempting to program a loop into a DDEPoke call to a VBA-supported function known as OPC. This will enable me to write to a PLC (RSLogix 500) database from an excel spreadsheet.
This is the code:
Private Function Open_RsLinx()
On Error Resume Next
Open_RsLinx = DDEInitiate(RsLinx, C1)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Error Connecting to topic", vbExclamation, "Error"
OpenRSLinx = 0 'Return false if there was an error
End If
End Function
Sub CommandButton1_Click()
RsLinx = Open_RsLinx()
For i = 0 To 255
DDEPoke RsLinx, "N16:0", Cells(1 + i, 2)
Next i
DDETerminate RsLinx
End Sub
This code works and will, if there is a link set up with an OPC server (in this case through RSLinx) write data to the PLC.
The problem is that I can't get the part DDEPoke RsLinx, "N16:0", Cells(1 + i, 2) to write data, sequentially, from one excel cell to one element of the PLC's data array.
I tried to do DDEPoke RsLinx, "N16:i", Cells(1 + i, 2) and DDEPoke RsLinx, "N16:0+i", Cells(1 + i, 2) but neither has any effect and the program doesn't write anything at all.
How can I set up the code to get N16:0 to increment all the way up to N16:255 and then stop?
Break the variable i out of the string. Be careful for the implicit type conversion though, depending on which (Str() or CStr()), you'll wind up with a leading space. Thus, convert the number Str(i), then wrap with Trim() to make sure there's no extra spaces, and concatenate that result back to your "N" string:
RsLinx = Open_RsLinx()
For i = 0 To 255
DDEPoke RsLinx, "N16:" & Trim(Str(i)), Cells(1 + i, 2)
Next i
The reason the i didn't work when it's inside the string is because that in VBA, anything within a set of quotes is considered a literal string. Unlike some other languages (PHP comes to mind) where variables can be resolved within a string like that, VBA must have variables concatenated. Consider the following:
Dim s As String
s = "world"
Debug.Print "Hello s!"
This outputs the literal of Hello s! to the immediate window, because s is treated not as a variable, but as part of the literal string. The correct way is through concatenation:
Dim s As String
s = "world"
Debug.Print "Hello " & s & "!"
That outputs the expected Hello World! to the immediate window, because s is now treated as a variable and is resolved and concatenated.
If that were not the case, the following might be difficult to deal with:
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 to 9
Debug.Print "this" & i
Next i
You would then have:
That'd make things pretty difficult to manage in a lot of cases.
With all that said, there are some languages - notably PHP - where, when using a certain set of quotes (either "" or '' - I don't recall which offhand), in fact does resolve the variable when embedded into the string itself:
$i = 5;
echo "this is number $i";
VBA does not have this feature.
Hope it helps...

Word VBA: iterating through characters incredibly slow

I have a macro that changes single quotes in front of a number to an apostrophe (or close single curly quote). Typically when you type something like "the '80s" in word, the apostrophe in front of the "8" faces the wrong way. The macro below works, but it is incredibly slow (like 10 seconds per page). In a regular language (even an interpreted one), this would be a fast procedure. Any insights why it takes so long in VBA on Word 2007? Or if someone has some find+replace skills that can do this without iterating, please let me know.
Sub FixNumericalReverseQuotes()
Dim char As Range
Debug.Print "starting " + CStr(Now)
With Selection
total = .Characters.Count
' Will be looking ahead one character, so we need at least 2 in the selection
If total < 2 Then
End If
For x = 1 To total - 1
a_code = Asc(.Characters(x))
b_code = Asc(.Characters(x + 1))
' We want to convert a single quote in front of a number to an apostrophe
' Trying to use all numerical comparisons to speed this up
If (a_code = 145 Or a_code = 39) And b_code >= 48 And b_code <= 57 Then
.Characters(x) = Chr(146)
End If
Next x
End With
Debug.Print "ending " + CStr(Now)
End Sub
Beside two specified (Why...? and How to do without...?) there is an implied question – how to do proper iteration through Word object collection.
Answer is – to use obj.Next property rather than access by index.
That is, instead of:
For i = 1 to ActiveDocument.Characters.Count
'Do something with ActiveDocument.Characters(i), e.g.:
Debug.Pring ActiveDocument.Characters(i).Text
one should use:
Dim ch as Range: Set ch = ActiveDocument.Characters(1)
'Do something with ch, e.g.:
Debug.Print ch.Text
Set ch = ch.Next 'Note iterating
Loop Until ch is Nothing
Timing: 00:03:30 vs. 00:00:06, more than 3 minutes vs. 6 seconds.
Found on Google, link lost, sorry. Confirmed by personal exploration.
Modified version of #Comintern's "Array method":
Sub FixNumericalReverseQuotes()
Dim chars() As Byte
chars = StrConv(Selection.Text, vbFromUnicode)
Dim pos As Long
For pos = 0 To UBound(chars) - 1
If (chars(pos) = 145 Or chars(pos) = 39) _
And (chars(pos + 1) >= 48 And chars(pos + 1) <= 57) Then
' Make the change directly in the selection so track changes is sensible.
' I have to use 213 instead of 146 for reasons I don't understand--
' probably has to do with encoding on Mac, but anyway, this shows the change.
Selection.Characters(pos + 1) = Chr(213)
End If
Next pos
End Sub
Maybe this?
Sub FixNumQuotes()
Dim MyArr As Variant, MyString As String, X As Long, Z As Long
Debug.Print "starting " + CStr(Now)
For Z = 145 To 146
MyArr = Split(Selection.Text, Chr(Z))
For X = LBound(MyArr) To UBound(MyArr)
If IsNumeric(Left(MyArr(X), 1)) Then MyArr(X) = "'" & MyArr(X)
MyString = Join(MyArr, Chr(Z))
Selection.Text = MyString
Selection.Text = Replace(Replace(Selection.Text, Chr(146) & "'", "'"), Chr(145) & "'", "'")
Debug.Print "ending " + CStr(Now)
End Sub
I am not 100% sure on your criteria, I have made both an open and close single quote a ' but you can change that quite easily if you want.
It splits the string to an array on chr(145), checks the first char of each element for a numeric and prefixes it with a single quote if found.
Then it joins the array back to a string on chr(145) then repeats the whole things for chr(146). Finally it looks through the string for an occurence of a single quote AND either of those curled quotes next to each other (because that has to be something we just created) and replaces them with just the single quote we want. This leaves any occurence not next to a number intact.
This final replacement part is the bit you would change if you want something other than ' as the character.
I have been struggling with this for days now. My attempted solution was to use a regular expression on document.text. Then, using the matches in a document.range(start,end), replace the text. This preserves formatting.
The problem is that the start and end in the range do not match the index into text. I think I have found the discrepancy - hidden in the range are field codes (in my case they were hyperlinks). In addition, document.text has a bunch of BEL codes that are easy to strip out. If you loop through a range using the character method, append the characters to a string and print it you will see the field codes that don't show up if you use the .text method.
Amazingly you can get the field codes in document.text if you turn on "show field codes" in one of a number of ways. Unfortunately, that version is not exactly the same as what the range/characters shows - the document.text has just the field code, the range/characters has the field code and the field value. Therefore you can never get the character indices to match.
I have a working version where instead of using range(start,end), I do something like:
Set matchRange = doc.Range.Characters(myMatches(j).FirstIndex + 1)
matchRange.Collapse (wdCollapseStart)
Call matchRange.MoveEnd(WdUnits.wdCharacter, myMatches(j).Length)
matchRange.text = Replacement
As I say, this works but the first statement is dreadfully slow - it appears that Word is iterating through all of the characters to get to the correct point. In doing so, it doesn't seem to count the field codes, so we get to the correct point.
Bottom line, I have not been able to come up with a good way to match the indexing of the document.text string to an equivalent range(start,end) that is not a performance disaster.
Ideas welcome, and thanks.
This is a problem begging for regular expressions. Resolving the .Characters calls that many times is probably what is killing you in performance.
I'd do something like this:
Public Sub FixNumericalReverseQuotesFast()
Dim expression As RegExp
Set expression = New RegExp
Dim buffer As String
buffer = Selection.Range.Text
expression.Global = True
expression.MultiLine = True
expression.Pattern = "[" & Chr$(145) & Chr$(39) & "]\d"
Dim matches As MatchCollection
Set matches = expression.Execute(buffer)
Dim found As Match
For Each found In matches
buffer = Replace(buffer, found, Chr$(146) & Right$(found, 1))
Selection.Range.Text = buffer
End Sub
NOTE: Requires a reference to Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5 (or late binding).
The solution without using the Regular Expressions library is still avoiding working with Ranges. This can easily be converted to working with a byte array instead:
Sub FixNumericalReverseQuotes()
Dim chars() As Byte
chars = StrConv(Selection.Text, vbFromUnicode)
Dim pos As Long
For pos = 0 To UBound(chars) - 1
If (chars(pos) = 145 Or chars(pos) = 39) _
And (chars(pos + 1) >= 48 And chars(pos + 1) <= 57) Then
chars(pos) = 146
End If
Next pos
Selection.Text = StrConv(chars, vbUnicode)
End Sub
Benchmarks (100 iterations, 3 pages of text with 100 "hits" per page):
Regex method: 1.4375 seconds
Array method: 2.765625 seconds
OP method: (Ended task after 23 minutes)
About half as fast as the Regex, but still roughly 10ms per page.
EDIT 2: Apparently the methods above are not format safe, so method 3:
Sub FixNumericalReverseQuotesVThree()
Dim full_text As Range
Dim cached As Long
Set full_text = ActiveDocument.Range
full_text.Find.MatchWildcards = True
cached = full_text.End
Do While full_text.Find.Execute("[" & Chr$(145) & Chr$(39) & "][0-9]")
full_text.End = full_text.Start + 2
full_text.Characters(1) = Chr$(96)
full_text.Start = full_text.Start + 1
full_text.End = cached
End Sub
Again, slower than both the above methods, but still runs reasonably fast (on the order of ms).