WIX Error 1327. Invalid Drive - wix

I have windows service installation process, which worked before untill today.
When I run msiexec /i "C:\installation.msi" /log "C:\logs.log" TARGETDIR=C:\destinationPath
I got error: Error 1327. Invalid Drive: D:\
In logs I can see TARGETDIR repeated 3 times:
Property(N): TARGETDIR = D:\
Property(S): TARGETDIR = C:\
Property(C): TARGETDIR = C:\
In Wix I have
<Property Id="TARGETDIR"/>
And installation
<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
What can be wrong that firt value of property TARGETDIR is D ? I don't have this drive, can it be cache, or some windows key ? Any suggestion ?

It would help to see more of the verbose log, but if the only log entries related to cached products are as you posted then you are not doing a fresh install. A fresh setup will say something about running from the actual MSI file, and will not refer to cached context. That implies that your ProductCode (or sometimes PackageCode) is still installed on the system, and you are NOT installing your MSI product - you are causing a maintenance mode operation on that already installed product, and that's what is looking for a D:\ drive.
The fact that you removed all those registry entries and it worked confirms this, but it would have been preferable to locate that installed product and uninstall it. There are all kinds of registry entries related to PackageCode, UpgradeCode, Component IDs that may still cause issues. If you were to ask Windows which products are using a particular Component ID you may find it believes there are two. If you uninstall your product does it remove all the files and run any custom actions successfully? If the ref counting of component Ids is wrong that's the kind of thing that can happen.

when I dumped all logs using /lvoicewarmupx
I saw
MSI (s) (D0:0C) [18:55:43:619]: Using cached product context: machine assigned for product: EDA754DD57D2E6245809CEAB950DA2D7
MSI (s) (D0:0C) [18:55:43:619]: Note: 1: 1327 2: D:\
Then I removed from registry all entries for key EDA754DD57D2E6245809CEAB950DA2D7
And Problem is solved.

We have experienced a similar problem "Inavlid Drive A:" on installs where users are either:
Trying to run the MSI from a zip
Trying to run the MSI from a network location


Wix FindRelatedProducts has found a product which is not installed

After testing many of install/uninstall of my product in the machine I've ended up a scenario where I don't have my product installed, at least I cannot see it in the control panel, but when I try to install it again, Wix is trying to Update a product which is not installed.
I've executed the msi with the logs, then I found that FindRelatedProducts is found a GUID and populating the WIX property WIX_UPGRADE_DETECTED.
part of the log:
FindRelatedProducts: Found application: {MY-GUID}
MSI (c) (24:8C) [07:21:36:885]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WIX_UPGRADE_DETECTED property. Its value is '{MY-GUID}'.
As I'm using WIX_UPGRADE_DETECTED to select with dialog (Install or Upgrade) to show, It's showing a upgrade dialog, but no product is installed.
If I test in another machine, doing the same scenario, FindRelatedProducts doesn't find any product, which is the correct case.
I'm suspecting of some entry in the windows Registry(regedit) was not cleaned.
Do you know how Wix detects FindRelatedProducts? Or why Wix is populating the WIX_UPGRADE_DETECTED with no product installed?
Short Answer: The answer below is probably too elaborate, just do an uninstall of what your upgrade setup finds and then try to
install again.
From a command prompt (Windows Key + Tap R +
Type: cmd.exe + Enter) run the following command:
msiexec.exe /x {GUID-FROM-LOG-FILE}
The GUID is (most likely) the one from your log file: WIX_UPGRADE_DETECTED. Then try
installing again.
Failing Uninstall: If the uninstall fails, try running this Microsoft FixIt tool. Sometimes it can sort out setups that don't uninstall properly. Alternative, under the hood fix (not recommended).
UpgradeTable: The first thing I would do is to verify what is in the UpgradeTable in the compiled MSI file that shows the problem. Does the upgrade code there match the upgrade code for your setup? (UpgradeCode entry in the Property Table).
The content of the UpgradeTable determines what existing installations (if any) are detected as related to your new installation. If you configure weird stuff here you could even end up uninstalling competitive products erroneously detected as related to yours - I wouldn't try that :-). Too much paperwork.
Uninstall: Now, how to get rid of the problem installation? You need to get hold of the ProductCode GUID. There are numerous ways to obtain this information. It should be the product GUID you see in your MSI log for WIX_UPGRADE_DETECTED, so try that first:
msiexec.exe /x {GUID}
Here is an answer on uninstalling MSI setups in a general sense (all kinds of different options - have a quick read?): Uninstalling an MSI file from the command line without using msiexec.
ProductCode (GUID): Rob has already mentioned the right MSI API to list installed products, I will just add that I have this answer here that can help: How can I find the product GUID of an installed MSI setup? It lists several options to see what is installed on your box.
VBScript / COM Automation: I will just inline the VBScript option from the first link above (there are several options listed in that linked answer):
' Retrieve all ProductCodes (with ProductName and ProductVersion)
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set output = fso.CreateTextFile("msiinfo.csv", True, True)
Set installer = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
On Error Resume Next ' we ignore all errors
For Each product In installer.ProductsEx("", "", 7)
productcode = product.ProductCode
name = product.InstallProperty("ProductName")
output.writeline (productcode & ", " & name & ", " & version)
PowerShell: Throwing in the PowerShell option as well. In some cases this can trigger unexpected self-repair.
get-wmiobject Win32_Product | Format-Table IdentifyingNumber, Name, LocalPackage -AutoSize
The Windows Installer has registration spread about the registry. It provides an API to introspect over that registration. In this case, you want ::MsiEnumRelatedProducts(). It will get you all the products related via that UpgradeCode.
You can then uninstall those products by doing:
msiexec /x {PRODUCT-CODE-GUID}
You should find {PRODUCT-CODE-GUID} is the same as what you redacted as {MY-GUID}.
Note: this has nothing to do with the WiX Toolset. Is 100% Windows Installer behavior (aka: MSI).
FindRelatedProducts is executed by Windows Installer not WiX. Your assertion that the behavior is incorrect is most certainly incorrect. You have a dirty machine and MSI has artifacts indicating that it's installed. Your other machine is clean and does not.
I was able to identify what were the registry entries left on the machine which was causing the errors that I mentioned.
They are in the following location:
Note that, the {OTHER-GUID} is not my product code, but a generated one, my product code is one of a values present into those registry entries.
Just removing them makes my installer working again.
Tks #stein-Åsmul this command: get-wmiobject Win32_Product is very helpful.

WIX Installer Error: The system cannot open the device or specified file

I have a WIX installer that acts as a content installer for users. It's supposed to install these files in a specific directory. Unfortunately when I run it I get the following error: "The system cannot open the device or specified file." This then gives me error code 2755 after canceling the install (retry does not work).
I've looked through other questions with similar issues, and it does not appear to be an encryption problem on temp, the install folder, or the MSI installer itself - these all appear fine. This also isn't a problem with the C:\Windows\Installer folder being read-only.
I've never had a problem with a WIX installer before. What other things can I try to get this working?
For me the problem solved when the installer run as administrator.
I was seeing all of the following errors when installing my 3.5 GB .msi generated by WiX:
DEBUG: Error 2709: The specified Component name ('cmpF7216C180B7A7119CC61FDB3BD209D5D') not found in Component Table.
DEBUG: Error 2755: Server returned unexpected error 110 attempting to install package D:\...\setup.msi.
The system cannot open the device or specified file
Turning off EmbedCab made them all go away:
<MediaTemplate EmbedCab="no" />
I unfortunately now have 30 cab files to deal with, but at least the install succeeds.

MSI Registry prepend value not updated

We are using wix 3.9.1208.0 to generate MSI. Below code prepend the value to Upperfilters registry key.
<RegistryKey Id="UpperFilters" Root="HKLM" Key="xxxxxxxxx" Action="create">
<RegistryValue Name="UpperFilters" Type="multiString" Action="prepend" Value="xxxxx"/>
After install observed, value not prepend to 'UpperFilters' registry key and not found any errors in MSI log. This issue happened only once.
MSI Log:
MSI (s) (0C:28) [10:38:08:835]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId=xxxx,KeyPath=02:xxxxx,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (0C:28) [10:38:24:455]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=xxxxx,,BinaryType=0,,)
MSI (s) (0C:28) [10:38:24:456]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=UpperFilters,Value=xxxxx[~],)
Is MSI returns any failures when unable to update registry?
Will all registry failures are recorded in MSI log?
What's the issue in my scenario?
Thanks in Advance.
It might help to show more from the log. It's hard to tell what's going on from those log fragments. ComponentRegister isn't typically next to RegOpenKey - it's just a register of the keypath in the registry and not related to the actual issue.
There are few things that could be wrong:
Why is the Component id xxxx? Have you hidden the actual guid when you posted the log information or is that what you actually used? It's not a legal id.
It's a 64-bit system and you tried to update the 32-bit registry. Without knowing the system bitness and your MSI's architecture we can't tell if you updated the required key.
Prepending doesn't really do anything if there is nothing in the existing data, so without seeing the data before and the data afterwards it's not clear if it worked correctly (because there was nothing to prepend to) or failed (because it did not actually prepend your data to the existing data).

Got error "DIRCA_CheckFX. Return value 3." while unInstalling a program

I created an installer project for Win XP using VS 2013.
While trying to install it, I got an error:
"DIRCA_CheckFX. Return value 3."
I visited this article in StackOverFlow: DIRCA_CHECKFX Return Value 3 - VS 2013 Deployment Project.
I did the Suggestion that I read there - to replace the "dpca.dll" - and it works great !
But only at machines that I didn't install the bad msi before.
While trying to install the new version of msi on a machine that has the bad version, I got an error that this program is already installed.
But while trying to uninstall the program - I got the error of : "DIRCA_CheckFX. Return value 3."
My question Is - How to Unistall the bad Version Of my installer and prevent this error?
The root cause of this is the perhaps silly choice to do a check for the .NET Runtime when uninstalling the product. I suppose it's possible that someone uninstalled the .NET FW and that you are running uninstall custom actions that require it, and maybe that happened to you, but it seems unnecessary to me IMO.
If I were to have this problem, there are two solutions:
If you have that exact same MSI file, same version, ProductCode, identical in every way, then open it with Orca and go to the InstallExecuteSequence table. Go to the DIRCA_CheckFX call and set a condition of False, save the MSI file. Then install that MSI file with a command line msiexec /i [path to new MSI] REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=vomus and this will do an update in place of the installed product, including the call to DIRCA_CheckFX that is now suppressed. Uninstall should work.
In the absence of the proper MSI file, troll through the Windows\installer folder looking at the cached MSI files. Hovering the mouse over each should get you to your cached MSI for the broken product. Again, edit with Orca as above to suppress the call on DIRCA_CheckFX.

WiX Property passthrough not working (sometimes)

Using WiX 3.6 I'm trying to create an MSI for silent installation of an in-house product.
One some machines, my installer works fine, but on others the installer fails with an error message indicating the property value hasn't been passed through from the UI phase to the Install phase of the process:
This error comes from a guard clause in my WiX source:
<Condition Message="The property SERVER must be defined on the commandline. Installation will abort.">
<![CDATA[Installed or SERVER]]>
Why is my Guard clause triggering even though I provide the property SERVER on the command line?
The installation commandline:
msiexec /i 'C:\work\Excel.2010(x86).msi' SERVER=fsis-app-server ENVIRONMENT=Production SKIN=Black
According to everything I can find by consultation with Professor Google, all I should need is to make my property public (by using all capitals for the name) and to mark it Secure="yes":
<Property Id="SERVER"
I've done this, but it's still not working - any ideas what I've missed?
Other details ...
... my installer is configured to run as a MajorUpgrade every time.
... I'm deploying exclusively to Windows 7. On my machine (which does have this problem), I have Windows Installer. V 5.0.7601.17514
... Most machines upgrade fine, but a handful (<10 out of 200) fail with this error. My machine is one (helpful for troubleshooting). The previous version is NOT listed under Programs and Features on this machine.
Update #1
Very interesting, reading the logs. My properties (e.g. SERVER) are not losing their values as the install progresses.
If I'm reading the log right, it seems my error in being shown by the previous MSI, not the one I'm currently running:
MSI (s) (D8:D0) [13:20:19:213]: Product: FSIS Plugin for Excel 2010 (32 bit) v4.7.1047.0 -- The property SERVER must be defined on the commandline. Installation will abort.
The installer I'm using is v4.8.9999.0, so the old version number is my clue as to what's happening ... though this doesn't match the v4.5.0.0 in my original screenshot.
Looks like I have two jobs ahead of me ...
... napalm the old installer to clean up this machine
... alter the installer to prevent recurrence.
Update #2
I've verified that my failure happens on UNinstallation.
<Condition Message="The property SERVER must be defined on the commandline. Installation will abort.">
<![CDATA[Installed or SERVER]]>
Why does this guard clause trigger and abort uninstallation?
I thought the point of having "Installed or" was to allow it to work properly when removing the product.