How do I write an .htaccess file so that it can proxy images outside of the web root on an Apache server? - apache

I want to proxy a bunch of images on my Apache server so that they are not stored in the webroot.
Specifically, I have all my images in the following folder on my Linux server:
However, I want it so that when a user goes to (which has the server path /var/www/html/img/img1.jpg), it references the following file outside of the webroot:
It seems like this is possible using the ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse rules in an .htaccess file (source:, but I'm having trouble understanding their syntax and which path goes where, etc.
Given my above situation, could someone please provide some explicit code that I can write into an .htaccess file to achieve what I want?
Edit: I just solved this problem by adding the following one line to my Apache httpd.conf file, and then restarting the server:
Alias "/img" "/var/www/img"
Where the /img part refers to the img directory in my webroot, and the /var/www/img part refers to the Linux filesystem directory I want to point to with the actual files in it.

Best way is to add a symbolic link to your other folder:
ln -s /my/target/folder /var/www/html/mynewfolder
If you can edit the Apache conf file for the server you need to add the FollowSymLinks directive in the directory block:
<Directory "/var/www/html/">
AllowOverride All
Options FollowSymLinks
You might also be able to add that to your .htaccess file as Options +FollowSymLinks if you can't edit the Apache file

You can try doing this with the PassThrough PT flag and mod_rewrite.
You create an alias to the actual path and then use it in the rule.
Alias "/img" "/var/www/img/"
RewriteRule "img/(.+)\.(jpe?g|gif|png)$" "/img/$1.$2" [PT]
See how that works for you.


Configure .htaccess with mod_rewrite one level up approach

The structure of my project is
In it's corresponding virtual host the configuration is:
DocumentRoot /var/www/mysite/pages/
Because of that, when serving the index.php from the pages folder, the resources(scripts/images etc ) are not found, as expected, because the page is trying to load them like so.
This of course makes sense.
How would you approach solving this? I am aware that by setting some mod_rewrite rules you can conditionally rewrite urls, is that a way to go about it? Im mainly interested in seeing what my options are here rather than getting one solution like, move your .html file up one layer.
There are 2 possible solutions:
Using alias in your Apache server config (of course you need to have control over Apache config). An example of alias command:
Alias /scripts /var/www/mysite/scripts
<Directory /var/www/mysite/scripts>
Options Indexes
Allow from all
Create a symbolic link inside pages/ directory. For example on *nix systems use this command to create symlinks:
cd pages
ln -s ../scripts .
ln -s ../other .

Set IndexIgnore inside httpd.conf

I want to prevent directory file listing in all of my folders, so when a user types, the directory file listing do not show up.
According to a tutorial all I have to do is set IndexIgnore *
I try to set it in the httpd.conf, so I do
<IfModule mod_autoindex>
IndexIgnore *
at the bottom of the httpd.conf.
It does not work. I get my 404errorPage.html without any styles.
How can I fix this? Thanks.
Disclaimer : I try to set this in httpd.conf and not htaccess because "You should avoid using .htaccess files completely if you have access to httpd main server config file. Using .htaccess files slows down your Apache http server. Any directive that you can include in a .htaccess file is better set in a Directory block, as it will have the same effect with better performance." According to this.
Your <IfModule> argument is wrong so the enclosing directive is never evaluated. The argument either needs to be the modules name (you can see
this in the corresponding LoadModule) or the main source filename.
Both "autoindex_module" and "mod_autoindex.c" work.
Here is another way to do it:
You should edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, find the code block with
<Directory "/var/www/html">
Options Index FollowSymLinks
You should remove the Index in there then restart your httpd service by
sudo service httpd restart

Can't remove index.php without 404 error

I'm using Joomla 2.5 and Apache and I have followed this steps:
1- mod_rewrite module is eneabled? YES
2- htaccess.txt renamed to .htaccess
3- set "Use URL Rewriting" to YES.
And this is what I get:
Not Found
The requested URL /about-us was not found on this server.
The web is located in /var/www/
The .htaccess is located in /var/www/
And this is my .htaccess:
Thanks for the help.
Since you said allowoverride was set to none, your .htaccess file will be ignored. You need to set allowoverride to all the other option is leave allowoverride at none, and take the contents of the .htaccess file and incorporate it into your apache configuration file. This has the benefit of being slightly faster as apache doesn't need to look in directory tree for .htaccess files (they are really good to allow users that don't have access to the configs the ability to override the base settings, but if you have access to /var/www you should also have access to make changes to the config files.
There is no need to enable any mod_rewrite module.
Need to enable URL rewriting option in global configuration. Also need to rename htaccess.txt file to .htaccess.
please check there is no any third party component of security like admin tools are enable or installed which is blocking this mod rewrite option.


How are the Apache2 (2.4) CGI environment variables CONTEXT_DOCUMENT_ROOT and CONTEXT_PREFIX defined?
From experimentation, I've determined the following:
CONTEXT_DOCUMENT_ROOT appears to be the full local path to the original request when DirectoryIndex or ErrorDocument call a CGI script.
CONTEXT_PREFIX appears to be the original REQUEST_URI, sans any query part, when DirectoryIndex or ErrorDocument have called a CGI script. (In these cases, REQUEST_URI is set to the URI of the CGI script, rather than the original.)
However, I can't seem to find any official documentation from Apache on these variables. Does anyone here have a link to such documentation, or more authoritative knowledge to share?
CONTEXT_PREFIX and CONTEXT_DOCUMENT_ROOT tell you how apache used an Alias directive (or similar feature - like mod_userdir) to translate the URL path to the file system path. The file system path will end up pointing to the the file to be served or a cgi script to run.
So, if apache translates the URL:
to the file system path:
it implies there is an Alias (or ScriptAlias or similar mechanism such as mod_userdir) like the following:
Here is one example of using it. In a <Directory> context RewriteRule translates a path name relative to the directory to a absolute URL path, or an absolute file name (which must exist). So if you wanted to translate URL's that ended in .htm to .php, you would have to write it like this:
<FilesMatch "*.htm">
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule (.*)[.]html$ /_CONTEXT_DOCUMENT_ROOT/$1.php
Now you can write it without repeating /_CONTEXT_DOCUMENT_ROOT, but perhaps more importantly the file does not have to exist because we are rewriting it to a URL path:
<FilesMatch *.htm>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule (.*)[.].* ${CONTEXT_PREFIX}/$1.php

Apache Mod_ReWrite Suddenly Stopped Working

I had mod_rewrite set on my server to rewrite a url like the following
In order words a URL shortern. Everything was working fine when the system was running under a sub-domain on my development site, but now it just generates a Not Found error, although if I manually enter the url /index.php?show=1 it works fine.
So the only changes is the urls switching from
however it's still running on the same server and the same sub-folder inside public_html on the server just the new domain name has been pointed to that folder.
The folder it's stored in is /public_html/paste
The full .htaccess file running in the directory is
# Set Default File
DirectoryIndex index.php
# Turn ReWrite Engine On
RewriteEngine on
# Create Rule To Write URLs To Shorter Versions
RewriteRule /([a-z0-9]+) /index.php?show=$1
I can't enable RewriteLog as the hosting doesn't allow it for some reason.
It sounds like the AllowOverride directive is not properly set for that folder. In your Apache configuration, you should make sure that the Directory or Vhost you're using for the primary domain has the AllowOverride set to All
You probably need to specify the RewriteBase directive.
I'll also note that Options +FollowSymlinks would be good to have in there too in case you ever turn it off further up the config chain (rewrite wont work without it).