When to use dispatch_once versus reallocation? (Cocoa/CocoaTouch) - objective-c

I often use simple non compile-time immutable objects: like an array #[#"a", #"b"] or a dictionary #{#"a": #"b"}.
I struggle between reallocating them all the time:
- (void)doSomeStuff {
NSArray<NSString *> *fileTypes = #[#"h", #"m"];
// use fileTypes
And allocating them once:
- (void)doSomeStuff {
static NSArray<NSString *> * fileTypes;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
fileTypes = #[#"h", #"m"];
// use fileTypes
Are there recommendations on when to use each construct? Like:
depending on the size of the allocated object
depending on the frequency of the allocation
depending on the device (iPhone 4 vs iMac 2016)
How do I figure it out?

Your bullet list is a good start. Memory would be another consideration. A static variable will stay in memory from the time it is actually initialized until the termination of the app. Obviously a local variable will be deallocated at the end of the method (assuming no further references).
Readability is something to consider too. The reallocation line is much easier to read than the dispatch_once setup.
For a little array, I'd reallocate as the first choice. The overhead is tiny. Unless you are creating the array in a tight loop, performance will be negligible.
I would use dispatch_once and a static variable for things that take more overhead such as creating a date formatter. But then there is the overhead of reacting to the user changing the device's locale.
In the end, my thought process is to first use reallocation. Then I consider whether there is tangible benefit to using static and dispatch_once. If there isn't a worthwhile reason to use a static, I leave it a local variable.
Use static if the overhead (speed) of reallocation is too much (but not if the permanent memory hit is too large).

Your second approach is more complex. So you should use it, if it is needed, but not as a default.
Typically this is done when the object creating is extreme expensive (almost never) or if you need a single identity of the instance object (shared instance, sometimes called singleton, what is incorrect.) In such a case you will recognize that you need it.

Although this question could probably be closed as "primarily opinion-based", I think this question addresses a choice that programmers frequently make.
The obvious answer is: don't optimize, and if you do, profile first - because most of the time you'll intuitively address the wrong part of your code.
That being said, here's how I address this.
If the needed object is expensive to build (like the formatters per documentation) and lightweight on resources, reuse / cache the object.
If the object is cheap to build, create a new instance when needed.
For crucial things that run on the main thread (UI stuff) I tend to draw the line more strict and cache earlier.
Depending on what you need those objects for, sometimes there are valid alternatives that are cheaper but offer a similar programming comfort. For example, if you wanted to look up some chessboard coordinates, you could either build a dictionary {#"a1" : 0, #"b1" : 1, ...}, use an array alone and the indices, take a plain C array (which now has a much less price tag attached to it), or do a small integer-based calculation.
Another point to consider is where to put the cached object. For example, you could store it statically in the method as in your example. Or you could make it an instance variable. Or a class property / static variable. Sometimes caching is only the half way to the goal - if you consider a table view with cells including a date formatter, you can think about reusing the very same formatter for all your cells. Sometimes you can refactor that reused object into a helper object (be it a singleton or not), and address some issues there.
So there is really no golden bullet here, and each situation needs an individual approach. Just don't fall into the trap of premature optimization and trade clear code for bug-inviting, hardly readable stuff that might not matter to your performance but comes with sure drawbacks like increased memory footprint.

This allows two major benefits: 1) a method is guaranteed to be called only once, during the lifetime of an application run, and 2) it can be used to implement lazy initialization, as reported in the Man Page below.
From the OS X Man Page for dispatch_once():
The dispatch_once() function provides a simple and efficient mechanism to run an initializer exactly once, similar to pthread_once(3). Well designed code hides the use of lazy initialization.
Some use cases for dispatch_once_t
Initialization of a file system resource, such as a file handle
Any static variable that would be shared by a group of instances, and takes up a lot of memory
static, without dispatch_once_t
A statically declared variable that is not wrapped in a dispatch_once block still has the benefit of being shared by many instances. For example, if you have a static variable called defaultColor, all instances of the object see the same value. It is therefore class-specific, instead of instance-specific.
However, any time you need a guarantee that a block will be called only once, you will need to use dispatch_once_t.
You also mentioned immutability. Immutability is independent of the concern of running something once and only once--so there are cases for both static immutable variables and instance immutable variables. For instance, there may be times when you need to have an immutable object initialized, but it still may be different for each instance (in cases where it's value depends on other instance variables). In that case, an immutable object is not static, and still may be initialized with different values from multiple instances. In this case, a property is derived from other instance variables, and therefore should not be allowed to be changed externally.
A note on immutability vs mutability, from Concepts in Objective-C Programming:
Consider a scenario where all objects are capable of being mutated. In your application you invoke a method and are handed back a reference to an object representing a string. You use this string in your user interface to identify a particular piece of data. Now another subsystem in your application gets its own reference to that same string and decides to mutate it. Suddenly your label has changed out from under you. Things can become even more dire if, for instance, you get a reference to an array that you use to populate a table view. The user selects a row corresponding to an object in the array that has been removed by some code elsewhere in the program, and problems ensue. Immutability is a guarantee that an object won’t unexpectedly change in value while you’re using it.
Objects that are good candidates for immutability are ones that encapsulate collections of discrete values or contain values that are stored in buffers (which are themselves kinds of collections, either of characters or bytes). But not all such value objects necessarily benefit from having mutable versions. Objects that contain a single simple value, such as instances of NSNumber or NSDate, are not good candidates for mutability. When the represented value changes in these cases, it makes more sense to replace the old instance with a new instance.
A note on performance, from the same reference:
Performance is also a reason for immutable versions of objects representing things such as strings and dictionaries. Mutable objects for basic entities such as strings and dictionaries bring some overhead with them. Because they must dynamically manage a changeable backing store—allocating and deallocating chunks of memory as needed—mutable objects can be less efficient than their immutable counterparts.


Strategy for a self-retaining and self-releasing object

I need to implement a bit of functionality that can be used from a few different places in an application. It's basically sending something over the network, but I don't need it to be attached to any particular view - I can communicate everything to the user by UIAlertViews.
What I would like to do is encapsulating the functionality in an object (?) that can maintain it's own state for a while and then disappear all by itself. I've read in several similar topics that it's generally not advised to have an object that retains and then releases itself, but on the other hand you have singletons which apart from the fact that they never get released, are very similar in nature. You don't need to keep reference to them just to use them properly. In my situation however I feel it woud be somewhat wasteful to create a singleton and then keep it alive for something that takes a few seconds to execute.
What I came up with is a static dictionary local to the class, that keeps unique references to the instances of the class, and then, when an instance is done with its task, it performs selector 'removeObjectForKey' after delay which removes the only existing reference and effectively kills the object. This way I keep only a dictionary in memory which for the most time is empty anyway.
The question is: are there any unexpected side effects of such a solution that I should be aware of and are there any other good patterns for described situation?
So basically instead of a persistent object of your own class, you've got a persistent object of type NSDictionary? How does that help matters? Is your object unusually large? If you are making your codebase more complicated for the sake of a few bytes, that's not a good tradeoff.
Especially now ARC is commonplace, this kind of trickery is usually not a good idea. Have you measured how much memory a singleton approach takes and found it to be a problem? Unless you have done this, use a singleton. It's simpler code, and all other things being equal, simpler code is far better.

objective-c memory management--how long is object guaranteed to exist?

I have ARC code of the following form:
NSMutableData* someData = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:123];
CTRunGetGlyphs(run, CGRangeMake(0, 0), someData.mutableBytes);
const CGGlyph *glyphs = [someData mutableBytes];
...followed by code that reads memory from glyphs but does nothing with someData, which isn't referenced anymore. Note that CGGlyph is not an object type but an unsigned integer.
Do I have to worry that the memory in someData might get freed before I am done with glyphs (which is actually just pointing insidesomeData)?
All this code is WITHIN the same scope (i.e., a single selector), and glyphs and someData both fall out of scope at the same time.
PS In an earlier draft of this question I referred to 'garbage collection', which didn't really apply to my project. That's why some answers below give it equal treatment with what happens under ARC.
You are potentially in trouble whether you use GC or, as others have recommended instead, ARC. What you are dealing with is an internal pointer which is not considered an owning reference in either GC or ARC in general - unless the implementation has special-cased NSData. Without that owning reference either GC or ARC might remove the object. The problem you face is peculiar to internal pointers.
As you describe your situation the safest thing to do is to hang onto the real reference. You could do this by assigning the NSData reference to either an instance variable or a static (method local if you wish) variable and then assigning nil to that variable when you've done with the internal pointer. In the case of static be careful about concurrency!
In practice your code will probably work in both GC and ARC, probably more likely in ARC, but either could conceivably bite you especially as compilers change. For the cost of one variable declaration and one extra assignment you avoid the problem, cheap insurance.
[See this discussion as an example of short lifetime under ARC.]
Under actual, real garbage collection that code is potentially a problem. Objects may be released as soon as there is no longer any reference to them and the compiler may discard the reference at any time if you never use it again. For optimisation purposes scope is just a way of putting an upper limit on that sort of thing, not a way of dictating it absolutely.
You can use NSAllocateCollectable to attach lifecycle calculation to C primitive pointers, though it's messy and slightly convoluted.
Garbage collection was never implemented in iOS and is now deprecated on the Mac (as referenced at the very bottom of this FAQ), in both cases in favour of automatic reference counting (ARC). ARC adds retains and releases where it can see that they're implicitly needed. Sadly it can perform some neat tricks that weren't previously possible, such as retrieving objects from the autorelease pool if they've been used as return results. So that has the same net effect as the garbage collection approach — the object may be released at any point after the final reference to it vanishes.
A workaround would be to create a class like:
#interface PFDoNothing
+ (void)doNothingWith:(id)object;
Which is implemented to do nothing. Post your autoreleased object to it after you've finished using the internal memory. Objective-C's dynamic dispatch means that it isn't safe for the compiler to optimise the call away — it has no way of knowing you (or the KVO mechanisms or whatever other actor) haven't done something like a method swizzle at runtime.
EDIT: NSData being a special case because it offers direct C-level access to object-held memory, it's not difficult to find explicit discussions of the GC situation at least. See this thread on Cocoabuilder for a pretty good one though the same caveat as above applies, i.e. garbage collection is deprecated and automatic reference counting acts differently.
The following is a generic answer that does not necessarily reflect Objective-C GC support. However, various GC implementaitons, including ref-counting, can be thought of in terms of Reachability, quirks aside.
In a GC language, an object is guaranteed to exist as long as it is Strongly-Reachable; the "roots" of these Strong-Reachability graphs can vary by language and executing environment. The exact meaning of "Strongly" also varies, but generally means that the edges are Strong-References. (In a manual ref-counting scenario each edge can be thought of as an unmatched "retain" from a given "owner".)
C# on the CLR/.NET is one such implementation where a variable can remain in scope and yet not function as a "root" for a reachability-graph. See the Systems.Timer.Timer class and look for GC.KeepAlive:
If the timer is declared in a long-running method, use KeepAlive to prevent garbage collection from occurring [on the timer object] before the method ends.
As of summer 2012, things are in the process of change for Apple objects that return inner pointers of non-object type. In the release notes for Mountain Lion, Apple says:
Methods which return pointers (other than Objective C object type)
have been decorated with the clang compiler attribute
objc_returns_inner_pointer (when compiling with clang) to prevent the
compiler from aggressively releasing the receiver expression of those
messages, which no longer appear to be referenced, while the returned
pointer may still be in use.
Inspection of the NSData.h header file shows that this also applies from iOS 6 onward.
Also note that NS_RETURNS_INNER_POINTER is defined as __attribute__((objc_returns_inner_pointer)) in the clang specification, which makes it such that
the object's lifetime will be extended until at least the earliest of:
the last use of the returned pointer, or any pointer derived from it,
in the calling function;
or the autorelease pool is restored to a
previous state.
If you're using anything older then Mountain Lion or iOS 6 you will still need to use any of the methods discussed here (e.g., __attribute__((objc_precise_lifetime))) when declaring your local NSData or NSMutableData objects.
Also, even with the newest compiler and Apple libraries, if you use older or third party libraries with objects that do not decorate their inner-pointer-returning methods with __attribute__((objc_returns_inner_pointer)) you will need to decorate your local variables declarations of such objects with __attribute__((objc_precise_lifetime)) or use one of the other methods discussed in the answers.

If blocks are objects, how do they keep internal state and what are their advantages over regular objects?

I was under the impression that blocks were supposed to resemble first-class functions and allow for lambda calc-style constructs. From a previous question however, I was told they are actually just objects.
Then I have 2 questions really:
Besides the feature of having access to their defining scope, which
I guess makes them usable in a way resembling C++ "friendship", why
would one go for a block instead of an object then? Are they more
lightweight? Because if not I might as well keep passing objects as
parameters instead of blocks.
Do blocks have a way of keeping an internal state? for instance,
some variable declared inside the block which will retain its value
across invocations.
Besides the feature of having access to their defining scope, which I guess makes them usable in a way resembling C++ "friendship", why would one go for a block instead of an object then?
Flexibility. Less to implement. A block is able to represent more than a parameter list or specific object type.
Are they more lightweight?
Not necessarily. Just consider them another tool in the toolbox, and use them where appropriate (or required).
Do blocks have a way of keeping an internal state? for instance, some variable declared inside the block which will retain its value across invocations.
Yes, they are able to perform reference counting as well as copy stack objects. That doesn't necessarily make them lighter-weight to use than an object representing the parameters you need.
What's the difference between NSInvocation and block?
blocks were supposed to resemble first-class functions [...] they are actually just objects.
They are in fact first-class functions, implemented for the purposes of ObjC as objects. In plain-C, where they are also available, they have a closely-related but non-object-based implementation. You can think about them in whichever way is most convenient at the moment.
why would one go for a block instead of an object then?
A block is an executable chunk of code which automatically captures variables from its enclosing scope. The state and actions of a custom object have to be more explicitly handled, and are less generic; you can't use any old object as a completion argument, whereas an executable object fits that bill perfectly.
Do blocks have a way of keeping an internal state? for instance, some variable declared inside the block which will retain its value across invocations.
Sure, you can declare a static variable just like you could with a function or method:
void (^albatross)(void);
albatross = ^{
static int notoriety;
NSLog(#"%d", notoriety++);

In Objective-C, if #property and #synthesize will add getter and setter, why not just make an instance variable public?

In Objective-C, we can add #property and #synthesize to create a property -- like an instance variable with getter and setter which are public to the users of this class.
In this case, isn't it just the same as declaring an instance variable and making it public? Then there won't be the overhead of calling the getter and setter as methods. There might be a chance that we might put in validation for the setter, such as limiting a number to be between 0 and 100, but other than that, won't a public instance variable just achieve the same thing, and faster?
Even if you're only using the accessors generated by #synthesize, they get you several benefits:
Memory management: generated setters retain the new value for a (retain) property. If you try to access an object ivar directly from outside the class, you don't know whether the class might retain it. (This is less of an issue under ARC, but still important.)
Threadsafe access: generated accessors are atomic by default, so you don't have to worry about race conditions accessing the property from multiple threads.
Key-Value Coding & Observation: KVC provides convenient access to your properties in various scenarios. You can use KVC when setting up predicates (say, for filtering a collection of your objects), or use key paths for getting at properties in collections (say, a dictionary containing objects of your class). KVO lets other parts of your program automatically respond to changes in a property's value -- this is used a lot with Cocoa Bindings on the Mac, where you can have a control bound to the value of a property, and also used in Core Data on both platforms.
In addition to all this, properties provide encapsulation. Other objects (clients) using an instance of your class don't have to know whether you're using the generated accessors -- you can create your own accessors that do other useful stuff without client code needing changes. At some point, you may decide your class needs to react to an externally made change to one of its ivars: if you're using accessors already, you only need to change them, rather than make your clients start using them. Or Apple can improve the generated accessors with better performance or new features in a future OS version, and neither the rest of your class' code nor its clients need changes.
Overhead Is Not a Real Issue
To answer your last question, yes there will be overhead—but the overhead of pushing one more frame and popping it off the stack is negligible, especially considering the power of modern processors. If you are that concerned with performance you should profile your application and decide where actual problems are—I guarantee you you'll find better places to optimize than removing a few accessors.
It's Good Design
Encapsulating your private members and protecting them with accessors and mutators is simply a fundamental principle of good software design: it makes your software easier to maintain, debug, and extend. You might ask the same question about any other language: for example why not just make all fields public in your Java classes? (except for a language like Ruby, I suppose, which make it impossible to expose instance variables). The bottom line is that certain software design practices are in place because as your software grows larger and larger, you will be saving yourself from a veritable hell.
Lazy Loading
Validation in setters is one possibility, but there's more you can do than that. You can override your getters to implement lazy loading. For example, say you have a class that has to load some fields from a file or database. Traditionally this is done at initialization. However, it might be possible that not all fields will actually be used by whoever is instantiating the object, so instead you wait to initialize those members until it's requested via the getter. This cleans up initialization and can be a more efficient use of processing time.
Helps Avoid Retain Cycles in ARC
Finally, properties make it easier to avoid retain loops with blocks under ARC. The problem with ivars is that when you access them, you are implicitly referencing self. So, when you say:
_foo = 7;
what you're really saying is
self->_foo = 7;
So say you have the following:
[self doSomethingWithABlock:^{
_foo = 7;
You've now got yourself a retain cycle. What you need is a weak pointer.
__block __weak id weakSelf = self;
[self doSomethingWithABlock:^{
weakSelf->_foo = 7;
Now, obviously this is still a problem with setters and getters, however you are less likely to forget to use weakSelf since you have to explicity call self.property, whereas ivars are referenced by self implicitly. The static analayzer will help you pick this problem up if you're using properties.
#property is a published fact. It tells other classes that they can get, and maybe set, a property of the class. Properties are not variables, they are literally what the word says. For example, count is a property of an NSArray. Is it necessarily an instance variable? No. And there's no reason why you should care whether it is.
#synthesize creates a default getter, setter and instance variable unless you've defined any of those things yourself. It's an implementation specific. It's how your class chooses to satisfy its contractual obligation to provide the property. It's just one way of providing a property, and you can change your implementation at any time without telling anyone else about it.
So why not expose instance variables instead of providing getters and setters? Because that binds your hands on the implementation of the class. It makes other acts rely on the specific way it has been coded rather than merely the interface you've chosen to publish for it. That quickly creates fragile and inter-dependent code that will break. It's anathema to object-oriented programming.
Because one would normally be interested in encapsulation and hiding data and implementations. It is easier to maintain; You have to change one implementation, rather than all. Implementation details are hidden from the client. Also, the client shouldn't have to think about whether the class is a derived class.
You are correct... for a few very limited cases. Properties are horrible in terms of CPU cycle performance when they are used in the inner loops of pixel, image and real-time audio DSP (etc.) code. For less frequent uses, they bring a lot of benefits in terms of readable maintainable reusable code.
#property and #synthesize is set are getting getter and setter methods
other usage is you can use the that variable in other classes also
if you want to use the variable as instance variable and your custom getter and setter methods you can do but some times when you set the value for variable and while retrieving value of variable sometimes will become zombie which may cause crash of your app.
so the property will tell operating system not to release object till you deallocate your object of class,
hope it helps

Objective-c: Objects by value / Structs with methods / How can I get something like that?

I'm starting to code in objective-c and I've just realized that objects can only be passed by reference.
What if I need an object to use static memory by default and to be copied instead of referenced?
For example, I have an object Color with 3 int components r, g and b. I dont want these objects to be in dynamic memory and referenced when passing to functions, I want them immutable and to be copied like an int or a float.
I know I can use a c struct, but I also need the object Color to have methods that gets/sets lightness, hue, saturation, etc. I want my code to be object oriented.
Is there any solution to this?
EDIT: If for example I'm building a 3d game engine, where I'll have classes like Vector2, Vector3, Matrix, Ray, Color, etc: 1) I need them to be mutable. 2) The size of the objects is roughly the same size of a pointer, so why would I be copying pointers when I can copy the object? It would be simpler, more efficient, and I wouldnt need to manage memory, specially on methods that returns colors. And In the case of a game engine, efficiency is critical.
So, if there is no solution to this... Should I use c-structs and use c-function to work on them? Isn't there a better choice?
You can't do this. This isn't how Objective-C works (at least the Apple/GNU version*). It simply isn't designed for that sort of extreme low-level efficiency. Objects are allocated in dynamic memory and their lifetimes are controlled by methods you call on them, and that's just how it works. If you want more low-level efficiency, you can either use plain C structs or C++. But keep in mind that worrying about this is pointless in 99% of circumstances — the epitome of premature optimization. Objective-C programs are generally very competitive with C++ equivalents both in execution speed and memory use despite this minor inefficiency. I wouldn't go for a more difficult solution until profiling had proved it to be necessary.
Also, when you're new to Objective-C, it's easy to psych yourself out over memory management. In a normal Cocoa (Touch) program, you shouldn't need to bother about it too much. Return autoreleased objects from methods, use setters to assign objects you want to keep around.
*Note: There was an old implementation of Objective-C called the Portable Object Compiler that did have this ability, but it's unrelated to and incompatible with the Objective-C used on Macs and iOS devices. Also, the Apple Objective-C runtime includes special support for Blocks to be allocated on the stack, which is why you must copy them (copy reproduces the block in dynamic memory like a normal object) if you want to store them.
What if I need an object to use static memory by default and to be copied instead of referenced?
You don't.
Seriously. You never need an object to use static memory or be allocated on the stack. C++ allows you to do it, but no other object oriented language I know does.
For example, I have an object Color with 3 int components r, g and b. I dont want these objects to be in dynamic memory and referenced when passing to functions, I want them immutable and to be copied like an int or a float.
Why do you not want the objects to be in static memory? What advantage do you think that gives you?
On the other hand it's easy to make Objective-C objects immutable. Just make the instance variables private and don't provide any methods that can change them once the object is initialised. This is exactly how the built in immutable classes work e.g. NSArray, NSString.
One solution that people use sometimes is to use a singleton object (assuming you only need one of the objects for your entire app's lifetime). In that case, you define a class method on the class and have it return an object that it creates once when it is first requested. So you can do something like:
#implementation MyObject
+ (MyObject *)sharedObjectInstance
static MyObject *theObject=nil;
if (theObject==nil)
theObject = [[MyObject alloc] init];
return theObject;
Of course the object itself isn't what's being statically allocated, it's the pointer to the object that's statically allocated, but in any case the object will stick around until the application terminates.
There are times when you want to do this because you really only want one globally shared instance of a particular object. However, if that's not your objective, I'm not sure why you'd want to do what you're describing. You can always use the -copy method to create a copy of an object (assuming the object conforms to the NSCopying protocol) to manipulate without touching the original.
EDIT: Based on your comments above it seems you just want to have immutable objects that you can copy and modify the copies. So using -copy is probably the way to go.