Apex Result Is Not Fullscreen (maybe region/breadcrumbs issue) - sql

Does anyone know why my result for cascading LOV is not showing full screen?
As you can see, there is a line in the middle of the page. I have tried several ways to get it set to fullscreen but was unable to.

Figured it out. Had to change the template under report.


How to Hide the filters dynamically?

I have a switch to go to edit mode that is supposed to show the filters.
I am able to show them, but I do not know how to hide them when I quit the edit mode.
I tried the following but it is not working :
Any ideas?
Since all yadcf filters are being wrapped with a container that got the .yadcf-filter-wrapper class, the following should do
I'm yadcf author

Overlay Drop down issue

While clicking the dropdown in an overlay, it shows the list as expected and the main page gets hided. But when the user tries to scroll on the page, the dropdown content (list) start moving along the page scroll.
We used Dojo 1.8 for our HTML development. Can anyone help me with a suggestion to handle this?
It's not 100% clear from your question, but I believe you are describing https://bugs.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/5777. As far as I can tell, the resolution to this for moving popups along with their opener's container's scroll was only institituted in 1.9 and above (I couldn't find the _repositionAll method in 1.8).
I would suggest trying with 1.9.7 or 1.10.4.

Bootstrap 3 - the menu occupies the entire screen when on mobile

I cannot figure out what I have done wrong...
What I am trying to do is make the Twitter Bootstrap menu behave correctly.
The problem I am experiencing is that on a mobile the menu can collapse and retract but it covers the entire mobile, i.e. you cant see the rest of the page below.
I have literally copied and pasted a bootstrap 3 example and that doesn't work when I host it!!! Have I missed something very obvious? This is probably best viewed on a mobile....
Here is the page that I put my code on http://www.hackerhotshots.com/y.php
And the original page here: http://getbootstrap.com/examples/navbar-fixed-top/
Can anyone pls see what I am doing so wrong?
Thanks -

Drupal - Simple Edit can't find

Ok, I have been searching for days on how to fix the vimeo urls on this page: https://www.createjobsforusa.org
Basically, I just got an SSL certificate and I'd like to change http://{the vimeo url} vimeo linking videos to https://{the vimeo url} Simple edit is all I need, but I can't find where the videos are located.
Content Blocks? All I get are settings for this. Pages? So, I go to "Content" and I see a huge list of pages in there, I see a page called "Home", so I click on the Edit link and the body of the page is blank? Ok, so this has to be coming from someplace else, but where?
Can someone please help me with how to find the vimeo video URLs and change them to "https://" instead of "http://"
I think the View is called: A-Spots... here are pics of what I get when I click on the Edit A-Spot View:
What exactly am I supposed to do here? Seems like so much to do, but every option I seem to choose still doesn't give me the option to change the vimeo URLs.
A view just select nodes (or other entities) to show them. If you edit a view, you just change the way those nodes are selected or shown; you don't edit the nodes a view selects to show.
If you look at the preview of that view, you will notice it shows some numbers; those numbers are node IDs. Just edit the node from https://www.createjobsforusa.org/node/55291246/edit; replace 55291246 with the other IDs shown, and you will be able to edit all the nodes used from the view.
If that doesn't work, https://www.createjobsforusa.org/admin/content lists all the content in the site. Just look for the nodes whose ID is the one shown in that preview, and edit them.

Selenium cursor focus on field

I'm creating tests (in Firefox) for a web app.
Depending on what field the cursor is over, a different help screen will appear. But when creating tests for those help screens, i cant get Selenium to focus on the particular field i want.
I've tried using fireEvent, click, select, and type in order to get the focus to stay on the field i require in order to load that particular help screen but i've had no luck.
Does anyone have ideas on how this can be solved. Or how i can work around it?
You can use selenium2 AdvancedUserInteractions API:
Actions builder = new Actions(driver);
if my understanding of your question is correct, you wanted to display different help screens for differnt elements,
o.k here it is, if the message of the screen is displayed as a tool tip and the styling is taken care by mouseover event
selenium.mouseOver(locator) and then [ Thread.sleep(1000) ] and then use
try with this.if you don't get it and if my understanding of your question is wrong please post it.
you must investigate how that screen is being is displayed. and try to post all that code