I want to create a layer and at the same time put an image from html to it.
So far I did something like this:
var doc=document.getElementByID("img1"); //img1 is from html,it is an img tag
var newLayerRef = app.activeDocument.artLayers.add(doc);
Could someone help me?
I created a document file from word and has exported as pdf . i want to show the pdf content inside the Div element in razor page. How can I show the pdf content from razor page. Please can you provide an example code how to show in blazor server side
If you stored your pdf file directly in your documents for example in the folder wwwroot/pdf.
You can display this PDF with this line of html bellow :
< embed src="pdf/test.pdf" style="width=100%; height=2100px;" />
It will provide you a pdf displayer with printing options !
If you want to go further, upload your file and then display it, I will recommend you to go check this explanation :
The upload for PDF files works the same as Img file, you need to go check IBrowserFile documentation.
You will see that it has a Size obj and a OpenReadStream() function that will help you get the display Url for your file (image or pdf)
If the site abow closes, this is the upload code that is shown on it :
List<string> imgUrls = new List<string>();
private async Task OnFileSelection(InputFileChangeEventArgs e)
foreach (IBrowserFile imgFile in e.GetMultipleFiles(5))
var buffers = new byte[imgFile.Size];
await imgFile.OpenReadStream().ReadAsync(buffers);
string imageType = imgFile.ContentType;
string imgUrl = $"data:{imageType};base64,{Convert.ToBase64String(buffers)}";
This code was written by Naveen Bommidi, author of the blog where I found this usefull code
If you want, as I said, upload a PDF and then display it.
You can use the same html line :
< embed src="#imgUrl" style="width=100%; height=2100px;" />
And your uploaded files will be displaying.
I've been searching the internet and trying various methods to save a picturbox image to the the id3 Album picture tag. One sample code says the Album cover tag name is taglib.ipicture another says taglibVariable.Image and yet another says taglibVariable.picture(0).
I am becoming so confused I'm starting to repeat sample test code.
Where is the documentation that will explain what I have to do.?
What little information I can find are dead links to sample code or incomplete code using variables without explanations. When I look up the commands and try to format or convert to the needed data type, I get an error. Usually system.image.bmp cannot be converted to iPicture.
Can anyone give me some working code or a pointer on how to word the proper search term to add a picturebox.image to the Album picture tag. Saving the image as a file then opening as image to put in tag then deleting file is not an option. I need to create a memory image and add that to the picture tag.
This is what I use:
public void SavePicture(string fileName, string picName) {
try {
IPicture[] pics = new TagLib.IPicture[1];
pics[0] = new TagLib.Picture(picName);
using (var songTag = TagLib.File.Create(fileName)) {
songTag.Tag.Pictures = pics;
catch {
// process
// mpeg header is corrupt
fileName is the full path to the audio file;
picName is the full path to the picture.
You can add multiple pics by setting the array size for the IPicture array accordingly...
My app has a bunch of images stored as blobs in the local SQLite Database. These images are taken with the device camera. I'm using Titanium Alloy, so the image was saved using the .save() method an Alloy Model.
I've started using the TiSocial module that can post an image to Twitter or Facebook. One its parameters is image and it has to be:
a local/remote path to an image you want to share
The image I want to use is set as the image property on an ImageView. The ImageView image is set like this: $.theImageView.image = args.the_image;, where args.image is the image blob, taken from the database collection.
I tried to take this image blob and set it as the image on the TiSocial module initialisation method:
text: "Hello world! Take a look at this: " + args.name,
image: args.the_image,
Alternatively I tried to take use the image saved on the ImageView, like this:
text: "Hello world! Take a look at this: " + args.name,
image: $.theImageView.image,
However neither of these worked, and no image appears in the Tweet or Facebook message dialogs. And no error appears in the console.
On the other hand, if I set the image property to an image saved in the assets folder, then it works just fine. For example:
`image: "an_image.jpg"`
I tried a solution mentioned in the comments below, which was to save the image to Ti.FileSystem, and then read the image from there. However, this still did not work.
You could try sharing remote images this way...
var largeImg = Ti.UI.createImageView({
width : Ti.UI.SIZE,
height : 'auto',
image :'http://www.google.com/doodle4google/images/splashes/featured.png'
var imageGoogle =largeImg.toBlob();
// share image
status : "Hello world! Take a look at this: ",
image : imageGoogle,
then i would suggest to add one field called img_path in your database table because you can not get path from blob so when you store any blob to alloy model then also add its path to that model so you can retrieve it later and can share.
Hope you understand.
I had some luck by saving the file to the Ti.Filesystem, and then later retrieving it and using the .getNativePath() method:
function getImage() {
var f = Ti.Filesystem.getFile(Ti.Filesystem.applicationDataDirectory, args.alloy_id + '.jpg');
return f.read();
var theImage = getImage();
text: "Just tried this beer called " + args.name,
image: theImage.getNativePath(),
My app retrieves file content from remote server. File can be image or text. When the file is image it returns some string like this:
????\bNExif\0\0MM\0*\0\0\0\b\0\a\0.... and so on. As I understand it's an image but in other format (binary?).
So how can I convert that string to an image and set it to control as source?
I think you can do something like this:
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bytes);
BitmapImage bi = new BitmapImage();
Then if you have an Image element in XAML, say XamlImage:
XamlImage.Source = bi;
I pieced together some code to insert a dynamic image into a PDF using both ColdFusion and iText, while filling in some form fields as well. After I got it working and blogged about it, I couldn't help but think that there might be a better way to accomplish this. I'm using the basic idea of this in a production app right now so any comments or suggestion would be most welcomed.
// full path to PDF you want to add image to
readPDF = expandpath(”your.pdf”);
// full path to the PDF we will output. Using creatUUID() to create
// a unique file name so we can delete it afterwards
writePDF = expandpath(”#createUUID()#.pdf”);
// full path to the image you want to add
yourimage = expandpath(”dynamic_image.jpg”);
// output buffer to write PDF
fileIO = createObject(”java”,”java.io.FileOutputStream”).init(writePDF);
// reader to read our PDF
reader = createObject(”java”,”com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfReader”).init(readPDF);
// stamper so we can modify our existing PDF
stamper = createObject(”java”,”com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfStamper”).init(reader, fileIO);
// get the content of our existing PDF
content = stamper.getOverContent(reader.getNumberOfPages());
// create an image object so we can add our dynamic image to our PDF
image = createobject(”java”, “com.lowagie.text.Image”);
// get the form fields
pdfForm = stamper.getAcroFields();
// setting a value to our form field
pdfForm.setField(”our_field”, “whatever you want to put here”);
// initalize our image
img = image.getInstance(yourimage);
// centering our image top center of our existing PDF with a little margin from the top
x = (reader.getPageSize(1).width() - img.scaledWidth()) - 50;
y = (reader.getPageSize(1).height() - img.scaledHeight()) / 2 ;
// now we assign the position to our image
img.setAbsolutePosition(javacast(”float”, y),javacast(”float”, x));
// add our image to the existing PDF
// flattern our form so our values show
// close the stamper and output our new PDF
// close the reader
<!— write out new PDF to the browser —>
<cfcontent type=”application/pdf” file = “#writePDF#” deleteFile = “yes”>
<cfpdf> + DDX seems possible.
See http://forums.adobe.com/thread/332697
I have made it in another way with itext library
I don´t want overwrite my existing pdf with the image to insert, so just modify the original pdf inserting the image, just insert with itext doesn´t work for me.
So, I have to insert the image into a blank pdf (http://itextpdf.com/examples/iia.php?id=59)
And then join my original pdf and the new pdf-image. Obtaining one pdf with several pages.
After that you can overlay the pdf pages with this cool concept