Join Table to Another Table then to Itself - sql

I'm using PowerBuilder 12.5 Connected to Oracle 9. I want to select join my employee table to an employee_position table by emp_nbr, then use that emp_nbr to join into the employee table again.
However, I do not want to use the employee_copy table as I did below, since it will be taken down soon. Here's an image that illustrates what I want to do. :
I'm not sure if I should use nested selects or if this is possible only with inner joins. So this SQL code works, and I successfully retrieve the supervisor's name:
So my question is: How can I do this without using the employee_copy table? Also, this has to be done in one SQL query.

No problem: A self-join will work fine:
"EMPLOYEE_MGR"."LAST_NAME" as mgr_last_name,
"EMPLOYEE_MGR"."FIRST_NAME" as mgr_first_name,
"EMPLOYEE_MGR"."MIDDLE_INITIAL" as mgr_last_name
Just use an alias for the EMPLOYEE table of EMPLOYEE_MGR.


Want to concatenate column of the second query to the first query but getting errors such as "query block has incorrect number of result columns"

WHERE ROLL_NO = '554';
Here Roll_No is a user inserted data so for now I have hard coded it. Basically with the help of ROLL_NO I sort the STUDENTS_INFO table from where I get the ID and based on that I try to get PRIM_EMAIL, SEC_EMAIL, PHONE from the STUDENTS.RECORDS table while matching the foreign keys of both the tables. In addition to the current result set I also want to have the prov_name column.
Any help is very much appreciated. Thank you!
I suspect that you want to put all this information on the same row, which suggests a join rather than union all:
inner join STUDENTS.INFO i ON i.ID = r.ID
where I.ROLL_NO = '554';
I think the source of your error query block has incorrect number of result columns is coming from trying to union together a table with 4 columns (id, prim_email, sec_email, phone) with 1 column (name).
From your question, I am gathering that you want a single table of id, prim_email, sec_email, phone from students.records and name from
I think the following query using CTE's might get you (partially) to your final result. You may want to refactor for optimizing performance.
with s_records as ( select * from students.records ),
s_info as ( select * from ),
joined as (
from s_records
left join s_info
on s_records.roll_no = s_info.roll_no
where roll_np = '554' )
select * from joined
Overall, I think that a join will be part of your solution rather than a union :-)

Querying the Result set of a Previous Query

I have a query for example Query1 = Select Name from table where some Criteria.
Now this query returns a result set of course, what I want is to query the result set of this query, for example I only want the unique Names from the above query select Distinct(Name) from Query1. I should mention that I know I can just use distinct in Query1 but this is just an example my real scenario is somewhat different, what I want to know is whether it's possible to query the result set of a previous query.
I am using SQL Server 2012.
There are several ways to solve this:
1: create a view from the first query and run the second query on the view.
2: nest both queries, like this:
FROM table
WHERE some Criteria
) As InnerQuery
3: use a temporary table to store the resultset of the first query as suggested by wewesthemenace in the comments.
4: use CTE as suggested the thebreiflabb in the other answer to this post.
Personally, I would probably go with the first or second option, depending if you need to use the first query as stand alone as well.
You can use the WITH clause
WITH SomeClients AS (
FROM Clients c
WHERE c.Name LIKE '%hello%'
FROM SomeClients sc
You need WITH clause. The Syntax Is-
WITH someName AS(
//Your Db Query
SELECT * FROM someName // OR Whatever you want
you can create a table to store the results temporarily and use that table in a new query
DECLARE #resultset table (
ID int identity(1,1) not null
, name nvarchar(100)
Select top 50 application_Name
into resultset
from Applications_ASIS

Create new table from SELECT with MAX condition using SQL Server

I have a book table with few columns and rows like below......
Later i filter pubdate column between 2000/01/01 and 2000/12/01 by grouping pub_id....with following query
select pub_id,max(pubdate) as max_date
from book
group by pub_id
having MAX(pubdate) between '2000/01/01' and '2000/12/01'
Results are below :
Now i want to shift filtered data into new table book1, and i tried following query but it ends in error !!!!
select * into book1
select pub_id,max(pubdate) as max_date
from book
group by pub_id
having MAX(pubdate) between '2000/01/01' and '2000/12/01'
I tried following thing and it is working
insert into existing_table
select pub_id,max(pubdate) as max_date
from book
group by pub_id
having MAX(pubdate) between '2000/01/01' and '2000/12/01'
But i want to push filtered data dynamically into new table ?
So please correct my mistake in insert into query ......
Thanks in advance !!!!!
Give an alias name
select * into book1
select pub_id,max(pubdate) as max_date
from book
group by pub_id
having MAX(pubdate) between '2000/01/01' and '2000/12/01'
) x
Alias can be used to replace a column name or a table name.
In your case, table alias is needed because sql engine deal with set based logic. If you didn't put a table alias for your defined select statement, the sql engine will not know from which set it should be refer to , even your select statement is valid.
Simply put an alias name will let the sql engine to identify which table (act like a unique ID) to refer.
For instance the simple statement, "select * from TableName", the TableName works like a table alias or an Identity to refer to.
(1) It will not work if you just put "Select * from (Select * from TableName)"
(2) It will work if you put "Select * from (Select * from TableName) x".
Hopefully this explain your doubts.

sql select into subquery

I'm doing a data conversion between systems and have prepared a select statement that identifies the necessary rows to pull from table1 and joins to table2 to display a pair of supporting columns. This select statement also places blank columns into the result in order to format the result for the upload to the destination system.
Beyond this query, I will also need to update some column values which I'd like to do in a separate statement operation in a new table. Therefore, I'm interested in running the above select statement as a subquery inside a SELECT INTO that will essentially plop the results into a staging table.
dbo_tblPatCountryApplication.AppId, '',
'Add', dbo_tblpatinvention.disclosurestatus, ...
dbo_tblPatCountryApplication ON dbo_tblPatInvention.InvId = dbo_tblPatCountryApplication.InvId
I'd like to execute the above statement so that the results are dumped into a new table. Can anyone please advise how to embed the statement into a subquery that will play nicely with a SELECT INTO?
You can simply add an INTO clause to your existing query to create a new table filled with the results of the query:
INTO MyNewStagingTable -- Creates a new table with the results of this query
FROM MyOtherTable
JOIN ...
However, you will have to make sure each column has a name, as in:
SELECT dbo_tblPatCountryApplication.AppId, -- Cool, already has a name
'' AS Column2, -- Given a name to create that new table with select...into
INTO MyNewStagingTable
FROM dbo_tblPatInvention INNER JOIN ...
Also, you might like to use aliases for your tables, too, to make code a little more readable;
'' AS Column2,
INTO MyNewStagingTable
FROM dbo_tblPatInvention AS i
INNER JOIN dbo_tblPatCountryApplication AS a ON i.InvId = a.InvId
One last note is that it looks odd to have named your tables dbo_tblXXX as dbo is normally the schema name and is separated from the table name with dot notation, e.g. dbo.tblXXX. I'm assuming that you already have a fully working select query before adding the into clause. Some also consider using Hungarian notation in your database (tblName) to be a type of anti-pattern to avoid.
If the staging table doesn't exist and you want to create it on insert then try the following:
SELECT dbo_tblPatCountryApplication.AppId,'', dbo_tblPatCountryApplication.InvId,
'Add', dbo_tblpatinvention.disclosurestatus .......
INTO StagingTable
FROM dbo_tblPatInvention
INNER JOIN dbo_tblPatCountryApplication
ON dbo_tblPatInvention.InvId = dbo_tblPatCountryApplication.InvId;
If you want to insert them in a specific order then use try using a sub-query in the from clause:
INTO StagingTable
SELECT dbo_tblPatCountryApplication.AppId, '', dbo_tblPatCountryApplication.InvId,
'Add', dbo_tblpatinvention.disclosurestatus .......
FROM dbo_tblPatInvention
INNER JOIN dbo_tblPatCountryApplication ON
dbo_tblPatInvention.InvId = dbo_tblPatCountryApplication.InvId
order by dbo_tblpatcountryapplication.invid
) a;
INSERT INTO stagingtable (AppId, ...)
SELECT ... --your select goes here

SQL Query Quick Question

The following does not work. I get the error message that it doesn't recognize Query.Field4, Query.Field5, and Query.Field6 :
SELECT Table.*
FROM Table
WHERE ((Table.Field1=Query.Field4)
AND ((Table.Field2)=(Query.Field5))
AND (Table.Field3=Query.Field6));
How can I fix this?
I have an issue though, I need to be able to edit the records and when I use the JOIN clause it will not let me edit the records.
It looks like you haven't put a JOIN clause in your statement.
For example:
SELECT Table.*
FROM Table
JOIN Query ON (Table.Field1 = Query.Field4) AND
(Table.Field2 = Query.Field5) AND
(Table.Field3 = Query.Field6)
As you're using a GUI editor to edit rows in a table, you might need to do something like this:
SELECT Table.*
FROM Table
WHERE Table.UniqueIdentifier IN (
SELECT Table.UniqueIdentifier
FROM Table
JOIN Query ON (Table.Field1 = Query.Field4) AND
(Table.Field2 = Query.Field5) AND
(Table.Field3 = Query.Field6)
The query above assumes that you have a primary key set on your table, or a column that gives each row it's own unique identifier (such as an incrementing integer, or a GUID).