Show unique ID's in a table with all extra info - sql

SELECT Personeelsnummer, Achternaam, Voornaam, Departement, SubDep, SubSubDep, FTE, RedenUitDienst, Anciennitëitsdatum, GeldigOp, Schrapping, Ancienniteit, Positie, Nieveau, OmschrijfingStatuut
FROM tbl_Worker
GROUP BY Personeelsnummer
SELECT (DISTINCT Personeelsnummer), Achternaam, Voornaam, Departement, SubDep, SubSubDep, FTE, RedenUitDienst, Anciennitëitsdatum, GeldigOp, Schrapping, Ancienniteit, Positie, Nieveau, OmschrijfingStatuut
FROM tbl_Worker
GROUP BY Personeelsnummer
I have a worker table with 49000 records, this includes a 'snapshot' from all workers EVERY month. But what I need is a table with all employees the company 'ever' had but only once. so I tried to wright the query's show above but they are not working.
So what I need is a query that shows all unique 'Personeelsnummers' with all the extra information about these persons.
what does work is this: SELECT DISTINCT Personeelsnummer FROM tbl_Worker ==> this gives me a table with 1200 records but only the numbers but I need all the extra information.

Instead of GROUP BY, use WHERE to get the first or last record:
FROM tbl_Worker as w
WHERE monthcol = (SELECT MAX(w2.monthcol)
FROM tbl_Worker as w2
WHERE w2.Personeelsnummer = w.Personeelsnummer
You would use MIN() to get the first month's record. My Dutch is a bit weak, so I don't know which column refers to the date for the record.
For performance, you want an index on tbl_Worker(Personeelsnummer, GeldigOp):
create index idx_tbl_worker_Personeelsnummer_GeldigOp on tbl_Worker(Personeelsnummer, GeldigOp);
Or you can do it with a JOIN:
FROM tbl_Worker as w INNER JOIN
(SELECT Personeelsnummer, MAX(GeldigOp) as max_GeldigOp
FROM tbl_Worker
GROUP BY Personeelsnummer
) as ww
ON ww.Personeelsnummer = w.Personeelsnummer and ww.max_GeldigOp = w.GeldigOp;

You're looking for a group by:
select *
from table
group by field1
Which can occasionally be written with a distinct on statement:
select distinct on field1 *
from table
As seen in this topic.


Count Distinct values in one column based on other column

I am trying to count distinct values on Z_l based on value by using with clause. Sample data exercise included below.
please look at the picture, the distinct values of Z_l based on X='ny'
with distincz_l as (select ny.X, ny.z_l o.cnt From HOPL ny join (select X, count(*) as cnt from HOPL group by X) o on (ny.X = o.Z_l)) select * from HOPL;
You don't even need a WITH clause, since you just need one single sentence:
SELECT z_l, count(1)
FROM hopl
WHERE x='ny'

Is there a way to use DISTINCT and COUNT(*) together to bulletproof your code against DUPLICATE entries?

I got help with a function yesterday to correctly get the count of multiple items in a column based on multiple criteria/columns. However, if there is a way to get the DISTINCT count of all the entries in the table based on aggregated GROUP BY statement.
policyList = ltrim(sp.value),
policyInstanceList = ltrim(dp.value),
FROM dbo.acms_data acms
CROSS APPLY string_split(acms.policyList, ',') sp
CROSS APPLY string_split(acms.policyInstanceList, ',') dp
CROSS APPLY (select day = convert(date, acms.[Time])) ap
GROUP BY, acms.tenantId, sp.value, dp.value, acms.CallingService
I would just like to know if there would be a way to see if there is a workaround for using DISTINCT and Count(*) together and whether or not it would affect my results to make this algorithm potentially invulnerable to duplicate entries.
The reason why I have to use COUNT(*) is because I am aggregating based on every column in the table not just a specific column or multiple.
We can use DISTINCT with COUNT together like this example.
USE AdventureWorks2012
-- This query shows 290 JobTitle
SELECT COUNT(JobTitle) Total_JobTitle
FROM [HumanResources].[Employee]
-- This query shows only 67 JobTitle
SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT JobTitle) Total_Distinct_JobTitle
FROM [HumanResources].[Employee]

SQL Nested Select -Subquery returned more than 1 value-

I have a table Sales with columns SalesID, SalesName, SalesCity, SalesState.
I am trying to come up with a query that only shows salesName where there is one SalesName per SalesCity. So for example, if SaleA is in Houston and SaleB is in Houston, SaleA and SaleB will not be returned.
SalesName, SalesCity, SalesState
(select count(*) from Sales group by SalesCity) = 1;
I am not entirely sure how to link the inner select back out. I need another column in the nested select to identify the SalesID. I am currently stuck and have made no progress.
You can get the names of cities that have only 1 sale by using GROUP BY and HAVING operators. Then use these results in your where clause:
SELECT SalesName, SalesCity, SalesState
FROM Sales WHERE SalesCity IN
SELECT SalesCity
FROM Sales
GROUP BY SalesCity
HAVING COUNT(SalesCity) = 1
You can do this without a subquery:
select MIN(SalesName) as SalesName, SalesCity, MIN(SalesState) as SalesState
from Sales
group by SalesCity
having count(*) = 1;
If there is only one row for the city, then the min() will return the value on that row.

SQL: multiple counts from same table

I am having a real problem trying to get a query with the data I need. I have tried a few methods without success. I can get the data with 4 separate queries, just can't get hem into 1 query. All data comes from 1 table. I will list as much info as I can.
My data looks like this. I have a customerID and 3 columns that record who has worked on the record for that customer as well as the assigned acct manager
1-------1374----------Bob Jones--------Mary Willis------Bob Jones
2-------1375----------Mary Willis------Bob Jones--------Bob Jones
3-------1376----------Jay Scott--------Mary Willis-------Mary Willis
4-------1377----------Jay Scott--------Mary Willis------Jay Scott
5-------1378----------Bob Jones--------Jay Scott--------Jay Scott
I want the query to return the following data. See below for a description of how each is obtained.
Employee___Created__Modified__Mod Own__Created Own
Bob Jones--------2-----------1---------------1----------------1
Mary Willis------1-----------2---------------1----------------0
Jay Scott--------2-----------1---------------1----------------1
Created = Counts the number of records created by each Employee
Modified = Number of records where the Employee is listed as Last User
(except where they created the record)
Mod Own = Number of records for each where the LastUser = Acctman
(account manager)
Created Own = Number of Records created by the employee where they are
the account manager for that customer
I can get each of these from a query, just need to somehow combine them:
Select CreatedBy, COUNT(CreatedBy) as Created
FROM [dbo].[Cust_REc] GROUP By CreatedBy
Select LastUser, COUNT(LastUser) as Modified
FROM [dbo].[Cust_REc] Where LastUser != CreatedBy GROUP By LastUser
Select AcctMan, COUNT(AcctMan) as CreatePort
FROM [dbo].[Cust_REc] Where AcctMan = CreatedBy GROUP By AcctMan
Select AcctMan, COUNT(AcctMan) as ModPort
FROM [dbo].[Cust_REc] Where AcctMan = LastUser AND NOT AcctMan = CreatedBy GROUP By AcctMan
Can someone see a way to do this? I may have to join the table to itself, but my attempts have not given me the correct data.
The following will give you the results you're looking for.
create_count=(select count(*) from customers c where c.createdby=e.employee),
mod_count=(select count(*) from customers c where c.lastmodifiedby=e.employee),
create_own_count=(select count(*) from customers c where c.createdby=e.employee and c.acctman=e.employee),
mod_own_count=(select count(*) from customers c where c.lastmodifiedby=e.employee and c.acctman=e.employee)
from (
select employee=createdby from customers
select employee=lastmodifiedby from customers
select employee=acctman from customers
) e
Note: there are other approaches that are more efficient than this but potentially far more complex as well. Specifically, I would bet there is a master Employee table somewhere that would prevent you from having to do the inline view just to get the list of names.
this seems pretty straight forward. Try this:
select a.employee,b.created,c.modified ....
from (select distinct created_by from data) as a
inner join
(select created_by,count(*) as created from data group by created_by) as b
on a.employee = b.created_by)
inner join ....
This highly inefficient query may be a rough start to what you are looking for. Once you validate the data then there are things you can do to tidy it up and make it more efficient.
Also, I don't think you need the DISTINCT on the UNION part because the UNION will return DISTINCT values unless UNION ALL is specified.
Created =(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Cust_REc WHERE Cust_REc.CreatedBy=Employees.EmployeeID),
Mopdified =(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Cust_REc WHERE Cust_REc.LastUser=Employees.EmployeeID AND Cust_REc.CreateBy<>Employees.EmployeeID),
ModOwn =
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Cust_REc WHERE AcctMan=Employees.EmployeeID)
CreatedOwn=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Cust_REc WHERE AcctMan=Employees.EmployeeID AND CReatedBy=Employees.EMployeeID)
IsManager=CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT AcctMan FROM CustRec WHERE AcctMan=EmployeeID)
SELECT EmployeeID=CreatedBy FROM Cust_Rec
SELECT EmployeeID=LastUser FROM Cust_Rec
SELECT EmployeeID=AcctMan FROM Cust_Rec
AS Employees
I had the same issue with the Modified column. All the other columns worked okay. DCR example would work well with the join on an employees table if you have it.
SELECT CreatedBy AS [Employee],
COUNT(CreatedBy) AS [Created],
--Couldn't get modified to pull the right results
SUM(CASE WHEN LastUser = AcctMan THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) [Mod Own],
SUM(CASE WHEN CreatedBy = AcctMan THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) [Created Own]
FROM Cust_Rec
GROUP BY CreatedBy

SQL query for the given table

I have 2 tables, Student and Supervisor:
Now I need to print supervisor name, email and the # of students under the supervisor (they will have same supervisor id). Something like:
select supervisorname,
tot_stud as (select count(*)
Phd_Student s
where s.supervisor_id = r.supervisor_id)
from Phd_Supervisor r
Can you please tell me the SQL query for this.
You will want to use the group by clause for this query. You can specify all of the fields that you want to display, as well as the count(*), join the tables, relate the tables , and then put in your group by clause, listing all of the display fields,(without the count(*)), as those are the fields you are grouping the students by to get their count.
select supervisorname,
(select count(*)
from Phd_Student s
where s.supervisor_id = r.supervisor_id) as tot_stud
from Phd_Supervisor r