How to check parameterised query result through pentaho cda file - pentaho

I am going to cda file of specific dashboard. List of queries are coming, if I have tried query which is non parameterised then it is executing and data is coming.
But in case of parameterised query error is coming saying : Error Executing Query
So how can I check parameterised query result through cda ?
Edit 1:
If i pass default value in parameter then it works fine, and it is speially not working in case where i am using parameter for database name.

You should check if you are passing the parameters correctly, have you assigned the listeners and parameters correctly? if you have the parameters type properly set, string or anything?


Check raw DB query after parameter binding in ASP.NET

I am making a query with ASP.NET with SqlConnection and SqlCommand. I am adding parameters to the query with the AddWithValue method, to avoid SQL injection.
I want to check the resultant query after the parameters have been included, for debug purposes. If I have "WHERE name = #myName", I want to see the query after #myName has been replaced. Is this possible?
Thank you.
Not really, because .NET never sends the complete query. The query is assembled by the database when it receives the SQL string and the parameter values.
The most you can do is log the SQL string, and log the values of the parameters you passed to it. From that you should still be able to easily infer what query was actually executed.

how to add a parameter to a part "from" into sql query in pentaho?

I use postgreSQL/pentaho CDE. I need to transmit parameter as schema prefix in my query. I need to run this query: select * from peredelkino_public.protocol
I used custom parameter in Pentaho (named 'selector_par'), in properties named 'Javascript code' i wrote 'peredelkino_public.protocol'.
Then I changed sql query in component 'sql over sqlJndi' like this: select * FROM (${selector_par})
But this query doesn't work! I get message 'Error processing component'. How I can transmit schema prefix in my query?
Check the Replace variables in script.
Note: if the parameter selector_par does not exists or is misspelled, you may get a hard to understand error message.
You cannot.
CDE can only use JDBC parameters and those cannot be used in the from clause.
If you absolutely need to do that, you should use a Kettle datasource in CDE, as PDI allows any variable to be used in any part of a SQL query.
But make sure you sanitize your inputs. Variable replacements such as that one are a gold mine for hackers.

Parameterize a JDBC SQL Query in SOAP UI from a Custom Property

To proceed with a Database validation, I am having a need of comparing a record in the DB along with a data which is dynamically generated in the previous REST response, using SoapUI.
I have already captured the property value using a Property Transfer step and stored the required value in a custom property in Test-Case successfully i.e., using property expansion, say ${TestCase#customerId}
My intention is to use that particular value stored in the custom properties to query the result I am expecting, in the JDBC Request test step.
The query which I have drafted with the parameter is as below :
Select *
Where ABC.SEC_CUST.CUSTOMER_ID = ${TestCase#customerId}
The response I receive after executing is as below.
Error getting response; java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException : ORA-00911: Invalid character.
But, when I run the query without the parameterized value it executes perfectly. Where, I tend the conclusion as there is a syntax issue in the way I have mentioned the parameter in the query.
But, I am unable to find the correct way to mention the parameter in the query in SoapUI.
Can anyone with experience in SoapUI, please assist me on this?
That is not working because of the use of property expansion which is only known to SoapUI, but not for the SQL query.
In order to get it work for the same, you need to define the variables in the top for all the parameters that are going to be used in the sql query.
Here the screen shot which explains how to use the same:
You forgot a '#'
Select *
Where ABC.SEC_CUST.CUSTOMER_ID = ${#TestCase#customerId}
Try this.
Select * From ABC.SEC_CUST
Where ABC.SEC_CUST.CUSTOMER_ID = :customerId

Querying a pass through query Acess

I'm looking how to run a local query with date filters on a saved pass-through queries in Access. I'm trying to leverage the pass through query as basically a View in my Access database... the local query is constructed dynamically in VBA, and intended to be a clean way to filter my pass through query. I'd like to avoid creating another pass through query, or altering the original, every time i run my Sub Procedure.
My problem is that the normal access date filter format #m/d/yyyy# doesn't seem to work. I've tried both altering the date format as well in the pass through query with 1. Convert(varchar(12),p.startDate,101); 2. Convert(date,p.StartDate,101);
but neither will work when the pass through query is queried against locally.
Does anyone know how to do this?
UPDATE - I just checked and Access is reading the field as Text... does anyone know how it can read it as a date? As i mentioned the CONVERT functions don't seem to be working to do this
In a passthru you MUST use the backend's syntax. If the BE is SQL Server then I'd use a syntax like this:
WHERE DocDate = '2015-03-17'

ora-00939 error in reporting services, SSRS

I have an SSRS report, Oracle is my backend and am using this following query for dataset of my second parameter.
select distinct X
from v_stf_sec_user_staffing_center usc
where usc.center_group_id in (
select distinct center_group_id from V_T_STAFFING_CENTER_GROUP scg
where INSTR(','||REPLACE(:PI_REGION_LIST,' ')||',', ','||scg.group_abbreviation||',') > 0)
and usc.nt_user_name=:PI_NT_USER_NAME
Here PI_REGION_LIST is a multivalued parameter of string type.
and PI_NT_USER_NAME is a default string valued parameter
This query works fine when I try to execute in manually in the Data tab, also in the Oracle tool. But when I run the report in SSRS and select more than 3 values for the parameter PI_REGION_LIST the report throws an error on this dataset
ora-00939 error,too many arguments for function.
I am not able to figure out the error here.
Please help me with an idea.
The REPLACE function takes three string parameters, the last being optional.
The MS documentation says a multi-valued parameter has the following restriction
"The query must use an IN clause to specify the parameter."
If you don't actually need to do the REPLACE to get rid of spaces, you should be able to do something like
WHERE scg.group_abbreviation in (:PI_REGION_LIST)