Save and Save As option in Tableau Server 9 - permissions

I'm trying to figure out a way to allow users to save their view on the Tableau server. I have set allow access permissions for 'download and save option' to the group while publishing the report to a particular group of users.
Even though when they log in the only option available for them is 'Revert' and 'Done'.
I have tried given ALL permissions to the user with no luck what so ever...
What can the issue be then?
I, as the owner, can see the "Save" "Save As" buttons,
Any help is appreciated. Thanks much

Take a look at:
Download/Save As—determines whether the user sees the Save and Save As commands while they are editing a view, and whether they can save their changes to a new workbook. It also determines whether users can open a workbook on the server using Tableau Desktop.
To save changes to a workbook or save a workbook as a new workbook on Tableau Server, a user must have a site role of Publisher. The Save and Download/Save As capabilities must be set to Allow in the workbook permissions.
Note: Users with a site role of Interactor are not allowed to save or download workbooks.


Accessing workbooks without have tenant roles?

We have a set of log analytics workspaces, each with some workbooks. One workspace for each project. We need to grant the administrators access to the workbooks for general monitoring. I have assigned the as owner on the log analytics, but hey only see their own workbooks. They cannot see the one I created. When I read this article it states you need:
Global administrator
Security administrator
Security reader
Report reader
Application administrator
But I am sure I have misunderstood you need those privileges' to show workspaces to system administrators. Anyone know how to manage access for a single workspace and related workbooks?
where did you save your workbooks? when you saved, you would have picked sub+resource group. do those users have access to query resources in the sub+resource group you saved yours to?
the workspace RBAC controls access to the database itself, but where you save your resources (the workbooks) determines if other users can see them or not.
If you think of all this as a file system,
think of the workspace as a specific database file, "C:\rg1\workspace A\database.db"
subscription sub as a drive letter, "sub a" = "C:", "sub b" as "D:", etc
resource group as a folder inside a sub ("D:\rg2")
Just because you granted a user RBAC access to #1, doesn't mean they can see things you saved into #3.
by default when you save a workbook it would try to save it to the same sub+rg as the workspace itself, but depending on RBAC users might not be able to create resources there.
(with the analogy above, the default setting would be to try save new workbooks into "C:\rg1" where the workspace is, if you have write access on that RG)
Additionally, if you created your workbooks at some point in the past, you would have had the option to save them as "shared" or "private" (aka "my workbooks", which we're working on deprecating because this confuses everyone). Make sure you didn't save yours to "my workbooks", as only the author can see those. you'd have to use the "move to shared" command in the editing toolbar to make sure your workbooks are shared so the others can see them.

Excel, vba, and onedrive or sharepoint file sharing

I have two local excel files on my hard drive. Both have Macros to achieve certain goals. But after all being done the end result is that after i click a command button from one excel file (lets call it 'A') the data gets transferred based on a macro behind that command button to the other file (let call this one 'B') in a certain format.
All this works great. The source file 'A' is accessible by everyone to enter data, but the destination file to maintain data integrity is read only but a macro is able to write into it. For obvious reasons, both file are on a shared folder so data can be entered one file and transferred to another by everyone.
Now I want to be able to continue with the same functionality but now on a sharepoint or onedrive. Unfortunately I am unable to do so.
I am not sure what are your exact requirements, however I think you can use SharePoint lists with SPD workflows to meet your requirements instead of using excels.
Whenever business users need data in excel they can always export them from list.
There is one more easy way where you can let users enter data in excel however it will be stored in SharePoint list.

Password Protect ALL Excel Macro Creation and Use

I have a spreadsheet that I have password protected from allowing users to edit.
I would also like to password protect ANY and ALL actions related to Macros within this spreadsheet. I don't want anyone to be able to create a new macro in this sheet, run an old macro in this sheet, or even run a macro stored in another place on the computer.
Is this possible?
This is not possible in excel. There may be some system adminy thing you can do with Group Policies to force macro security, but that would affect all excel spreadsheets for that user, and not just the specific one you want. The whole idea is Excel is a document, not an application. Documents by design are reproduced and shared, and what the end user does with it is his/her perogative.

How can multiple users run macros on a shared excel file?

I have an excel file on shared location where multiple users (4 in this case) are accessing the file at the same time.
This file has a “Master data” tab where all the base data is there and then there are 4 identical tabs (one for each user).
Each user tab has a set of filters using which the user will be able to extract relevant data based on the filters selected and can add or edit the rows. Once the user is done editing/adding rows, user will submit the data which will get updated/appended in the master data tab.
Users can select same or different options in the filters. I am facing errors when multiple users click on the submit button (macro) at the same time.
How can I resolve this?
Like some comments say, Excel is not designed for this...
But if you want to use Excel, i would recommend something like this:
Every time someone writes in the master data, you have to "lock" the master data tab. Just put a boolean in a cell, set it to true while you are writing and back to false as soon as you finished altering the master data tab.
Now, if someone wants to change values in the master data tab at the same time, check if the boolean is set to true. If yes, then you have to wait, if not, you can write the data.
Adding to Manuel Allenspach's response, my suggestion is to create a queue.
Queue should have a spot for user processing and other spots for users waiting.
Than, before running code, you should include a check to make sure no two users have their macros updating database at same time.

Having trouble with buttons in mde file: list box .rowsource

I have a form that has a list box and several buttons that run sqk statements for the list box.
sub on_onClick()
' error checking
me.listbox.rowsource = "SELECT tblMain.First, tblMain.last FROM tblMain ORDER BY tblMain.Last;"
so this kinda thing is what I use for the list box. it works fine for me in the .mdb, and after i have converted the database, split it, made the .mde I go into the mde and it works fine for me still. This is placed on a shared drive
HOWEVER, anyone else that tries to use this, none of the buttons are having an effect. Can't tell if they are not working, or the VBA is not returning any results for them. It works for me, but it is not working for them. So...this is for my local LAN team, I think they all have full control permissions??? The button clicks that get them to that form are working fine also.
please help!
A couple of things come to mind:
It is not clear from your question whether the mde file itself is on a shared drive or whether the back-end database is on the shared drive and each user has a copy of the mde file on their PC. If the users are using the same mde file on the network share then I would strongly suggest not taking this approach. (It probably isn't the cause of the issue, but it will get you into trouble down the road.) Give each user a copy of the mde (front end) and have the application point to the back-end database on the network share.
Make sure that the mde has the ability to relink the tables to the back-end mdb file.If you search SO you'll probably find examples of how to do this in code.
I suspect you may be running into an issue where the mde file is not able to find the back-end tables. In this case you won't receive an error message in your VBA code when you're setting the listbox's rowsource and it will appear as though nothing is happening.
Do they have Macro security disabled? By default, MAcro security is enabled in Access and none of your VBA code will run. To disable: open Access, Tools -> Macro -> Security and set to low.
I think it is generally best to use self-certified projects or a secure location rather than change security levels.
Some information on macro security:
Self Certify projects
General information on security principals for Office code and macro security
Trusted location defaults for Office 2003
Macro security in Office 2003