I wanted to display numbers as alphanumberics [duplicate] - sql

This question already has answers here:
how to display number value in words
(4 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Suppose in table I have a number column as
I want to display those rows as
How can I do using SQL

You can use a technique from this blog which uses a hack with dates to get the text version of numeric fields. The blog post goes into much more detail, but in short, it converts the number to a Julian date which lets TO_CHAR use the format specifier sp (spelling out in text)
SELECT num, TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(num, 'J'), 'Jsp') num_as_text
FROM myTable
# num num_as_text
# ----------------
# 1 One
# 2 Two
# 3 Three
# 4 Four

You could use the j --> jsp technique to spell the number. It's been a FAQ.
j = julian. take the number and pretend it is a julian date, convert
it into a date.
jsp = Take that date and spell the julian number it represents.
For example,
2 to_char(to_date(LEVEL,'j'), 'jsp') num_spell
3 FROM dual
---------- ----------
1 one
2 two
3 three
4 four
5 five
6 six
7 seven
8 eight
9 nine
10 ten
10 rows selected.

Assuming the schema is structured as you suggest like:
1 2 3 4
value value value value
value value value value
value value value value
You can use AS to rename the column in a query:
2 AS two
3 AS three
4 AS four
FROM table


Set outcome of formula to working days

I would like to change the outcome of a SQL statement formula to 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 (these are working days).
Example 1: when I have day 1, minus 2 days the outcome should be 4.
Example 2: when I have day 4, plus 2 days the outcome should be 1.
Example 3: when I have day 5, minus 20 days, the outcome should be 5
At the moment I'm using a table as shown below (I have the input and days-back and the output is what i want to see):
Input, days-back, output:
1 0 1
Input, days-back, output:
1 1 5
Input, days-back, output:
1 2 4
Input, days-back, output:
2 4 3
P.s. I do not have a date, only day numbers.
I hope you understand what I'm looking for :)
If you want to have "days-back" greater than 5 you need to use the following formula:
((Input + ((5*days-back)-1) - days-back) % 5) + 1
How this works - If you look at the prior formula you can see I'm adding 5 to input to make sure we are always positive before I subtract one and the days back. I then mod by 5 and add the one back in so that we go from 1 to 5 instead of 0 to 4
Since I don't know how large days-back is going to be I need something larger but I also need to have it not effect the mod 5 calculation so I just multiply it by 5. I then subtract one (so I can add it later and offset 0 to 4 to 1 to 5) and we are done.
prior answer below
I note I missed the 5 case -- here is the formula that works for that:
((Input + 4 - days-back) % 5) + 1
original answer
You need to use use modulus math. The formula you want is
(Input + 5 - days-back) % 5
Where % means modulus. In SQL Server you can use % in Oracle it is MOD, etc -- it depends on the platform.
For those that care here is my DB2 test code:
WITH TEST_TABLE(input, days_back) AS

Business Objects CountIf by cell reference

So I have a column with this data
how can I do a count if where the value at any given location in the above table is equal to a cell i select? i.e. doing Count([NUMBER]) Where([NUMBER] = Coordinates(0,0)) would return 3, because there are 3 rows where the value is one in the 0 position.
it's basically like in excel where you can do COUNTIF(A:A, 1) and it would give you the total number of rows where the value in A:A is 1. is this possible to do in business objects web intelligence?
Functions in WebI operate on rows, so you have to think about it a little differently.
If your intent is to create a cell outside of the report block and display the count of specific values, you can use Count() with Where():
=Count([NUMBER];All) Where ([NUMBER] = "1")
In a freestanding cell, the above will produce a value of "3" for your sample data.
If you want to put the result in the same block and have it count up the occurrences of values on that row, for example:
1 3
1 3
1 3
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 3
5 3
5 3
it gets a little more complicated. You have to have at least one other dimension in the query to reference. It can be anything, but you have to be counting something in conjunction with the NUMBER dimension. So, the following would work, assuming there's another dimension in the query named [Duh]:
=Count([NUMBER];All) ForAll([Duh])

SQL find all rows with assigned values

MSSQL: i have this example data:
NAME AValue BValue
A 1 11
B 1 11
C 2 11
D 2 21
E 3 21
F 3 21
G 4 31
H 4 31
I 5 41
I am looking for algorhitm which looks for all the Names closed by values by different seed (AValue and Bvalue, in this case seed is given by 2 for AValue and by 3 for Bvalue, but this can be skipped and given later and so on, not only looking for smallest multiple). In this case output should be 1,2,3,4,11,21,31 as a first group/result. Then all the Names with these values can be updated etc.
I need to find out all the Names in "closed circle" of values by different seed.
(try of simplier example)
Imagine that you have list of names. Each name is given two numbers. In most cases these numbers are given by some seed (in this example AValue is given twice, BValue three times) but some numbers can be skipped, so you cannot just count smallest multiple of these different seeds(in this case it would be 2x3, ever 6 names you have closed group where no Name contains AValue or BValue from next/different group). For example Name A have 1 and 11. 1 is given for A and B, 11 for A, B, C. These Names have 1,2,11,21. So you check for 2 and 21 and then you get E and F in addition and then the loop of checking should continue, but as long as no more Names are contained there should be output 1,2,3,11,21. "Closed circle"

Processing loading table data

I have a text file "celldata.txt" containing a very simple table of data.
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
1 2 3 4
2 3 4 5
The problem is when it comes to accessing the data at a certain column and row.
My approach has been to load using loadTable.
Table table;
int numCols;
int numRows;
void setup() {
table = loadTable("celldata.txt","tsv");
void draw() {
text(numRows +" "+ numCols,100,100); // Check num of cols and rows
Question 1: When I do this, it says the number of rows are 5 and the number of columns is just 1. Why is it not 5 x 4?
Question 2: Why is table.getFloat(0,0) "NaN" instead of the first element of the data?
I want to use a much bigger matrix later and access certain elements (of type double) with something like getFloat(i,j) and be able to loop through all elements.
Using the same example data as I, can someone please help me understand what is wrong with my code and how to access the textfile's data? Should I be using another method than loadTable?
You've told Processing that the file contains tab separated values (by using the "tsv" option), but your file contains space separated values.
Since your file does not contain any tabs, it reads the entire row as a single value. So the 0,0 position of your table is 1 2 3 4, which isn't a number- hence the NaN. This is also why it thinks your table only has one column.
You should modify your celldata.txt file to actually be separated by tabs instead of spaces:
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
1 2 3 4
2 3 4 5
You could also separate them by commas and then use the "csv" option.
If you're still having trouble, you can see what Processing is reading in by adding saveTable(table, "data/new.csv"); to the end of your setup() function and then looking at that file. It will be a list of values separated by commas, so you can see exactly where Processing thinks the cells of the table are.

Convert String into digit in SQL [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Converting words to numbers in PHP
(6 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
How to convert any string into digit in SQL without CASE and Decode function.
eg. THREE to 3
FOUR to 4
FIVE to 5
SIX to 6
Range is not decided.. can be vary upto N.
Well, I'm not sure whether this is what you need, but what about defining a table, say digits, like this:
digit: text | value: int
one | 1
two | 2
three | 3
Then use a query, for example, like this one:
SELECT value FROM digits WHERE digit = 'FIVE'
Sure, it's pretty weird (to say the least), but nonetheless the use of CASE is avoided.