Shortcut to switching focus between editor and project tree(explorer) in CodeLite IDE - ide

Is there a shortcut to do - what I mention in topic, or some trick to simulate this in CodeLite IDE?
I know how to change tabs [CTRL+ALT+ARROW]
I found someone who looking the same:
Right now I hack this by open new resources [SHIFT+CTRL+F], but I not satisfied.

No. There is no such shortcut.
Please open a feature request on GitHub or Submit a feature request


How to fix Ctrl Click in IntelliJ Idea

I found, that Ctrl-Click (for example, on class usage) doesn't work on one of my installations of Idea. Simultaneously:
Context menu action like Go To -> Implementation(s) works
Control click in PyCharm works
Machine is remote desktop Windows Server 2016. Idea is 2021.2.
What can be done to fix?
Had a similar issue due to Rider importing settings from Visual Studio on the first run. Resolved it by changing the Keymap (Rider->Preferences->Keymap->Keymap drop down) back to the default one (IntelliJ).
In our case it was really an old SonarLint plugin. Check in Settings / Plugins. After the update the problem was solved.
I was having the same problem and going to File -> Reapair IDE... fixed it for me.

How I can use the JavaFX framework?

firstly, I want let you know how useful this community is for me, I was stuck on an error
`Error: JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this application`
and thanks to this answer I actually solved: link
However I've a couple of questions. I noticed that IntelliJ doesn't change the configurations (Like set the VM option and pick the right library for the javaFX project), so each time I've to create a new JavaFX11 or 12 project I've to being throw all the manually settings again.
There's a way for set a "default behaviour" for the IDE ? It's really cumbersome.
The second question is, how I can use all the beautiful framework that the developer community offer for JavaFX? I've seen on openjFX a couple of interesting framework like TilesFX or CalendarFX but there's no information on how implement them on my IDE neither on GitHub nor here.
I have seen that most of them uses Gradle files, but honestly I don't have the faintest idea of what this kind of file does and how implement it on IntelliJ. Thank's to everybody.
Run the project with a more recent JDK like JDK11, for example.
If it does'nt work, you probably forgot to change the JDK of your builder in IntelliJ!
Open the settings and follow the path as bellow:

elm IDE (editor and elm-reactor browser)

Hi I am looking for a split screen IDE for elm. Just an editor on one side and a browser on the other running elm-reactor. I know I can position vi running in a text window and a browser in the other window, but this takes time and is fiddly, I am always having to adjust and find these screens after watching a video. Is there a nice simple IDE that I can start up to do this. The online try elm site is good (, but I loose my code when I leave the web site. Ideally I'd like to run elm-reactor with an online editor locally on my machine. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
There is an Elm Plug-in for LightTable that you may like. The demo shows that you can have tabs for editing code and tabs for running the web browser, all within the LightTable IDE.
You could also set up the Atom editor to run a web browser in a separate tab. There is an Atom Elm Plugin which will give you syntax highlighting and Elm Oracle support.
There are a few online editors but these are really only good for small bits of Elm code, useful for testing and sharing small ideas, but not much else.
Ellie - This allows the import of any public package, editing the html which wraps an Elm example, and links and forks of examples. - As you mentioned, this does not allow sharing of code. It does, however, include a few non-core packages like StartApp - This site is now defunct This site has the benefit of being able to save code for sharing, or for loading gists. However, as of 2016-01-20, this has not been updated to Elm version 0.16, and it only allows you to import core libraries.
I would be remiss if I didn't mention ElmCast's elm-vim plugin for Vim, and elm-mode for Emacs, both of which offer syntax highlighting and Elm Oracle support, as well as integration with Elm build tools. They don't have a built-in web browser, but with a little configuration, you can certainly streamline your workflow.
...and there is an Elm Plugin for the sophisticated IDEs from Jetbrains like IntelliJ, WebStorm etc.
Most of them are commercial software but there is an open source edition from IntelliJ: IntelliJ Community Edition and also free licenses for education and OSS projects.
For just writing Elm I like Atom Editor with the plugins language-elm, elm-oracle and linter-elm-make.
I really like the elm packages for vscode.
With them it is easy to get auto-complete, and auto-formanting/compilation on save, with compile errors displayed on the code.

Intellij IDEA 13 - Can't open Project Structure dialog anymore

as already described in title, i'm not able to open the project structure dialog window in intellij anymore.
neither the shortcut (Ctrl+alt+shift+s) nor the menu element under File -> Project Structure nor the little button in the upper right corner do work.
Clarification: Menu element :
This "bug" occured suddenly as I wrote a web (vaadin/maven) project and tried to set up glassfish, where i often had to switch to the project structure dialog.
Since the first occurence i wasn't able to fix it by restarting intellij or switching projects.
This also happened on my laptop running the same intellij and windows version (Ultimate 13.0.1 Build: 133.331 on Windows 7 x64)
i appreciate any help!
This also happened to me, but removing new plugins etc didn't help.
Nor did nuking my project and rebuilding it from scratch.
In the end I deleted all caches, restarted Intellij and at last I could access the project settings again! By the way, I'm using Intellij 11.1 - mainly because I can't get 13 to start up, but that's another story
Your log shows that it is a bug in IntelliJ IDEA - they are trying to create file passing null pathname. Try to delete project files and reopen project from scratch (maybe you've lost some file) - if it won't help then you should create an issue here: - You can even copy-paste text from your question and attach stacktrace
I had the same issue...upon further inspection in the log dump...I noticed the following:
ERROR - llij.ide.plugins.PluginManager - com.intellij.openapi.fileChooser.FileChooserDescriptor.setTitle(Ljava/lang/String;)V
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.intellij.openapi.fileChooser.FileChooserDescriptor.setTitle(Ljava/lang/String;)V
at com.jetbrains.python.sdk.PythonSdkType.getHomeChooserDescriptor(
Disabled the latest Python Plugin and restarted and everything is working normal again.
I remembered I had recently update my python plugin and am not using it presently so I was able to disable it without issue.
Hope this helps someone else.
This also happened to me. The comment above helped. I had just added some plugins. Disabled them and it started working again. Not sure exactly which one because I disabled all 4 -- Bean Validation Support, Bitbucket, Jelastic Cloud Platform Integration, and Quick Notes.
For me it has been resolved by switching off FindBugs plugin and restart IDEA. So Project Structure is available for me now.
One of the plugins might be causing it. To disable a plugin, go here:
You'll know for sure if a plugin is bad if you see this Exclamation picture:
Clicking on it will bring up a pop-up. To disable the plugin, click on this:
For me it got resolved just by restarting the intelliJ IDEA. I'm using intelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2018.1 edition.

Eclipse Plugin to "Open Explorer in this File location" for Package Explorer

Is there any plugin that lets me open the file I selected in the Package Explorer in windows explorer?
I am looking for an extra menu option in the right click menu of the package explorer.
Since Eclipse 4.4 (Luna) there is a Show in System Explorer command available from the context menu.
The Show In menu is also accessible through Alt+Shift+W on Linux/Windows and Alt+Cmd+W on macOS.
While there is a default setting that is suitable in most cases, the command for launching the system explorer can be configured on the General > Workspace preference page.
Hmmm... Looks like we all have this problem.
You can use this plugin to do exactly that and a bit more...
Sorry for self advertising... But I think this is what you are looking for!
I'm using StartExplorer for several years now. It's easy to use, is up-to-date and does simply, what you are expecting from it. You can install it through
Help > Eclipse Marketplace...
If you can live without the context menu, you can even get this without any additional plugin, using just a launch configuration on the active selection.
I'm not sure if there's a direct way, but what you can do is right click on the file/folder, go to properties, then copy "Location" and put that string into a blank explorer window.
right-click --> properties --> Location --> ctrl-c
open explorer window --> ctrl-v --> go button
You might want to have a look at
keeps windows explorer in sync without the need to sync manually via context menu
less explorer windows -> less clutter
possibility to pop out native explorer
keyboard short cuts
Here's a simple plugin with just shell & file explorer