How to undelete files on ext4 filesystem without unmounting or mounting read-only - ext4

I accidentally deleted a user account, including the home directory (with userdel -r), and now I need to recover the contents of the home directory.
Is there a way to do this without umounting the filesystem or remounting the filesystem read-only?

I wouldn't bet on that, but I believe there's no way to undelete files on a mounted read-write partition.
The main reason being that the longer you keep a filesystem up on a machine, the more likely the deallocated data will be overwritten by new stuff from apps and other users.
So instead of loosing time (and data!) trying to figure out a way, just immediately do a mount -o 'remount,ro' /home, and if you have a lot of users that will get angry at you because of that, then you dd if=/dev/sdXX of=home_partition_backup.img and once it's done, you mount -o 'remount,rw' /home.
Then you can do whatever undelete procedure you want on the image you've copied from the partition.


How to get list of mounted filesystems on NFS server

For auditing purposes I need to track all remotely mounted NFSv4 filesystems requests on an NFS server (CentOS7) to get both the identity of the mounting system AND the filesystem that they mounted. Using the 'netstat -an' command gets me the identity of the remote system but now I need to know what they mounted. It also gives no clue as to whether that system unmounted a file and then mounted a different one.
I have seen various references to both 'rmtab' and 'showmount' but they do not show me the currently mounted files and, from what I can see, they are only good for NFSv3 and older mounts. I have also seen reference to the file /proc/fs/nfsd/clients but cannot see such a file on any of my servers. Surely the information as to who has what mounted has to be available somewhere in the server even if it is a convoluted path to get there (auditing nfsservctl syscalls worked in olden days.)
Related to that, 'ps' shows me the '[nfsv4.1-svc]' process but I haven't been able to track down who/what/why that is and if it is useful.

Undo zfs create

I have a problem. I created a pool consisting of single volume of 1 file 2.5Tb just to fight with file duplicates. I copied a folder with photos. Some of the photos were not backed up. Just now I see my pool folder is empty. When I checked with 'sudo zfs list' it said 'No datasets available'.
I thought it was detached and to attach I started again all these commands.
sudo zpool create singlepool -f /home/john/zfsvolumes/zfs_single_volume.dat -m /home/share/zfssinglepool
sudo zfs set dedup=on singlepool
sudo zpool get dedupratio singlepool
sudo zfs set compression=lz4 singlepool
sudo chown -R writer:writer /home/share/zfssinglepool
I see now empty pool!
May I get my folders back which I copied to the pool before I started create pool again?
Unfortunately, use of zpool create -f will recreate the pool from scratch even if ZFS recognizes that a pool has already been created using that storage:
-f Forces use of vdevs, even if they appear in use or specify a
conflicting replication level. Not all devices can be over-
ridden in this manner.
This is similar to reformatting a partition with other file systems, which will leave whatever data is there written in place, but still erase the references the file system needs to find the data. You may be able to pay an expert to reconstruct your data, but otherwise I'm afraid the data will be very hard to get back from your pool. As in any data recovery mission, I'd advise making a copy of the data ASAP on some external media that you can use to do the recovery from, in case further attempts at recovery accidentally corrupt the data even worse.

Oracle ZFS chown command not permitted

After successfully mounting the directory (ZFS remote storage) from one of the server, I'm getting an "Operation not permitted" error when I try changing the ownership of the directory. I'm using the following command:
To mount the remote directory:
mount -t nfs /home/materials
After mounting the directory, the contents are belongs to nobody:nobody
I want to change ownership so I can run the installer inside the directory.
I'm using the command below to change ownership but it's not working:
chown -R otm:otm materials/
I can always upload the file to the server without using the ZFS storage, however I want to start making a central installer repository so I don't need to upload the files/installers for future server install. I appreciate your help guys.
NFS servers by default do not allow root access to files - root is normally mapped to "nobody".
See "root squash":
Root squash[2][3] is a reduction of the access rights for the remote
superuser (root) when using identity authentication (local user is the
same as remote user). It is primarily a feature of NFS but may be
available on other systems as well.
This problem arises when a remote file system is shared by multiple
users. These users belong to one or multiple groups. In Unix, every
file and folder normally has separate permissions (read, write,
execute) for the owner (normally the creator of the file), for the
group to which the owner belongs, and for the "world" (all other
users). This allows restriction of read and write access only to the
authorized users while in general the NFS server must also be
protected by firewall.
A superuser has more rights than an ordinary user, being able to
change the file ownership, set arbitrary permissions, and access all
protected content. Even users that do need to have root access to
individual workstations may not be authorized for the similar actions
on a shared file system. Root squash reduces rights of the remote
root, making one no longer superuser. On UNIX like systems, root
squash option can be turned on and off in /etc/exports file on a
server side.
After implementing the root squash, the authorized superuser performs
restricted actions after logging into an NFS server directly and not
just by mounting the exported NFS folder.
In general, you DO NOT want to disable root squash unless you REALLY know what you're doing as there are serious security issues you can create if you do that. And since you didn't even know it exists...
(And that mention of /etc/exports is an extremely limited statement that is wrong on many systems - like Solaris.)

NFS server receives multiple inotify events on new file

I have 2 machines in our datacenter:
The public server exposes part of the internal servers's storage through ftp. When files are uploaded to the ftp, the files in fact end up on the internal storage. But when watching the inotify events on the internal server's storage, i notice the file gets written in chunks, probably due to buffering at client side. The software on the internal server, watches the inotify events, to determine if new files have arrived. But due to the NFS manner of writing the files, there is no good way of telling when a file is complete. Is there a way of telling the NFS client to write files in only one operation, or is there a work around for this behaviour?
The events i get on the internal server, when uploading a file of around 900 MB are:
./ CREATE big_buck_bunny_1080p_surround.avi
# after the CREATE i get around 250K MODIFY and CLOSE_WRITE,CLOSE events:
./ MODIFY big_buck_bunny_1080p_surround.avi
./ CLOSE_WRITE,CLOSE big_buck_bunny_1080p_surround.avi
# when the upload finishes i get a CLOSE_NOWRITE,CLOSE
./ CLOSE_NOWRITE,CLOSE big_buck_bunny_1080p_surround.avi
of course, i could listen to the CLOSE_NOWRITE event, but reading inotify documentation says:
A watched file or a file within a watched directory was closed, after being opened in read-only mode.
Which is not exactly the same as 'the file is complete'. The only workaround I see, is to use .part or .filepart files and move them, once uploaded, to the original filename and ignore the .part files in my storage watcher. Disadvantage is I'll have to explain this to customers, how to upload with .part. Not many ftp clients support this by default.
Basically, if you want to check when the write operations is completed, monitor the event IN_CLOSE_WRITE.
IN_CLOSE_WRITE gets "fired" when a file gets closed which was open for writing. Even if the file gets transferred in chunks, the FTP server will close the file only after the whole file has been transferred.

Smart local copy of a remote directory

Currently I have a bunch of local copies of dev/production websites. Each copy contains the "files" directory, which contains files uploaded by site users. Currently I use rsync to synchronize the directories contents from remote servers (via ssh).
There are some annoyances:
I have to run rsync manually each time when I want fresh files (this could be automated of course, but as I have a lot of website copies, it's not a good idea).
The rsync execution takes some time.
Disc space on my laptop is running out.
I think all of this could be solved if there is some kind of a software that can work like a proxy:
When I list files, it requests the file list from the remote server and caches the results for some (configurable) time.
When I first time request file contents, it retrieves the remote file and saves it locally.
When I update a file, it only gets updated locally.
When I save a new file in the "files" directory, it not goes to the remote server.
Of course, the logic of such software should be much more complex, but I hope, my idea is clear: don't waste disk space, download files on demand, no remote changes.
Is there any software that works like that?
Map a network drive with NFS or sshfs. Make local copies if you really need a file.
I did not mention it in the question, but I needed this for work with Drupal. And now I have found a Drupal-only solution, the Stage File Proxy module.
It does exactly what I need: downloads files from a remote server only when they are requested.