Aurelia Redirection to the anonymous page or any other page with default access-token without going to login page....? - aurelia

I developing a demo app which is having a login page., By default I am loading to that default page. But For some pages I want to go with the URL directly redirect to that page. But aurelia default loading to the login page. How can I redirect to the anonymous URL or some URL with my token directly without going to Login page.
Can anyone explain me or give a sample ?

You can use canActivate()
canActivate(params, routeConfig, navigationInstruction) {
//some check for token in params
if (hasToken) {
return new Redirect(`/someroute/${token}`);
// proceed and load login page
or you can use different routes like
{ route: 'login', moduleId: './pages/login'},
{ route: 'login/token/:token', moduleId: './pages/anonym'},


How to protect multiple routes from unauthorized access in Next.js using next-auth

I am using Next.js and I have a folder learning inside my pages folder. Now, this learning folder has about 10 pages.
All these pages need to redirect to the index page if the user is not logged in. The following code does the job, but is there any other way to protect multiple pages, so that I don't need to add this same code again and again to all the pages ?
export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
//redirect to index page if not logged in
const session = await unstable_getServerSession(context.req, context.res, authOptions);
if (!session) {
return {
redirect: {
destination: '/',
permanent: false
I believe you are confused between protecting pages and protecting API ROUTES.
If you simply want to protect pages, you can indeed use middleware
However, if you wish to protect API Routes (e.g prevent a user from deleting data using your API endpoint and postman), I believe you need to use this unstable_getServerSession
Except creating reusable function, it's true that I didn't find anywhere in the doc how to set it for multiple paths in one folder only...
you can use middleware. docs:
Create a middleware.ts (or .js) file at the root or in the src directory (same level as your pages).
If you only want to secure certain pages, export a config object with a matcher:
export { default } from "next-auth/middleware"
// otherwise your app would require authentication for all
export const config = { matcher: ["/dashboard"] }
Now you will still be able to visit every page, but only /dashboard
will require authentication.
If a user is not logged in, the default behavior is to redirect them
to the sign-in page.
that example is from the docs. You can also write a custom middleware
import { NextResponse } from "next/server";
export function middleware(req) {
const sessionCookie = req.cookies.get("session");
// you could add more if logic for other pages
if (req.nextUrl.pathname.startsWith("/admin ")) {
if (!sessionCookie) {
return NextResponse.redirect("/home");

Nuxt Auth Module - How to create Success Redirect

I'm trying to a page in my nuxt app, where the user is on a dynamic route. On this route he has the possibility to log in and should then be redirected to exactly the same route. For the authentification I want to use the auth0 strategy.
I thought the following line would work:
.then(() => {
But apperently I'm only redirected to my home route "/loggedin". And changing the home redirect in my nuxt.config to false, redirects me to my callback-route "/login"
Right now my nuxt.config.js looks like this:
auth: {
auth0: {
redirect: {
login: '/',
logout: '/',
callback: '/login',
home: '/loggedin',
I think the default behavior of rewriteRedirect in nuxt Auth Module, should redirect you to the original guarded route.
If this is not working maybe you could redirect the user to login route manually passing a query like this
this.$router.push({ path: '/login', redirect: 'actualRoute' });
And then check in your login page if redirect is setted and then after login you call $router passing the value of redirect.
I don't know if this will help you, so let me know.

How to redirect to login without add route to history record in vue?

I'm on the page: /foo and click on the button to redirect me to /bar.
But I have beforeEach route event which redirect me to /login. after I do login, I redirect to /bar.
When I on /bar I click on the back button I get to login page. instend I want to get the the last page which is /foo.
How can I do it? is there a way to redirect to login without add route to history record?
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
if (!to.matched.some((record) => record.meta.auth)) { return next(); }
return next({
path: '/login',
Use replace instead of push when you redirect to the page after login (in the login component).
loginSuccessed() {
Use route.replace insted of router.push. It acts like router.push, the only difference is that it navigates without pushing a new history entry, as its name suggests - it replaces the current entry.
succesffulyLoggedin() {
this.$router.replace({ name: 'dashboard' });
read docs here router replace

vue-auth - Redirection after login to inital request

I'm using the last version of vue-js and vue-auth whose documentation could be find here
By default vue-auth would redirect the user to /login if auth is true and if the user is not logged in.
So if I type I will be redirect to /login.
After being loged, I'm redirect to /
What can I do so after being logged one is redirected to his initial request ?
If I type /mycomponent I'd like to be redirect to /mycomponent after login
path: '/mycomponent',
name: 'mycomponent',
component: mycomponent,
meta: { auth: true }
As stated on the documentation, you can call this.$auth.redirect(); on your login method to detect if the user was redirected to the login page.
You can then add the redirect option with a path.
var redirectObj = this.$auth.redirect();
redirect: {
path: redirectObj ? redirectObj.from.path : '/'
You can also use a named route instead of the path.
redirect: {
name: redirectObj ? : 'default-named-route'

Aurelia cancel navigation in navigation strategy

I have a login route that will redirect the user to an external Open ID Connect login page. Once there, if the user clicks the back button, they hit the same route that redirected them, thus being redirected again. Is there a way to cancel Aurelia's navigation or prevent the current route from being remembered in the history?
name: "login",
nav: false,
// If I exclude the module id, I get the desired behavior but errors are thrown from Aurelia.
moduleId: "components/login/login",
route: "login",
navigationStrategy: (instruction: NavigationInstruction) => {
// This promise constructs the redirect url then sets the window.location.href.
// Unfortunately, Aurelia seems to be finishing its business before the page is redirected because this login route is recorded in history.
return this.userManager.signinRedirect();
I know its been a while so you probably found an answer elsewhere, but you can try
router.navigate('new url', { replace: true });