Copy part of text from the same cell - vba

I have a problem when I downloaded a file containing different kind of information that should be stored in different cells but all is written in the same cell.
For example A:9 contains:
I would like to have a macro that copies specific parts of this string for example the last part "65164,94" and paste in to cell A:10.
Thank you in advance

As well as Seb's answer, you can use the split function. So:
Sub splitting_string()
Dim arr1 As Variant, var1 As String
var1 = Range("A9")
arr1 = Split(var1, ",")
For i = 0 To UBound(arr1)
Cells(10 + i, 1) = arr1(i)
Next i
End Sub
This will separate the long string in A9 into smaller ones by splitting them every time there's a comma, placing them in the cells below.


Live data cell split and add

I am using live data sheet in which I want to split each cell number into individual number and add them.
cell A1 contains number 265.96
Into 26596 and add these number
ie 2+6+5+9+6
You can do this with a formula like so in B1:
Confirm with: CTLR+SHIFT+ENTER
An UDF might look like
Public Function GetSum(ByRef rng As Range) As Long
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To Len(rng.Value)
If IsNumeric(Mid(rng.Value, i, 1)) Then GetSum = GetSum + Mid(rng.Value, i, 1)
Next i
End Function

select entire value of a cell using VBA

I have a column full of data with multiple lines inside a single cell like below:
I am looping through all the cells in the column and I have to select values inside every cell and search it in another sheet.I know i can split the cell value using the Split() function in vba.
But where I am struck is I am unable to select the whole value of the cell and parse it as input to the split () function. Here is my sample code where i am struck:
For Each C in Range ("A1:A" & ltrow)
If C.Value <> "" Then
SrcStrng = C.Value
TextArray () = Split(SrcStrng)
The problem I face here is in SrcStrng only the first value inside the cell for example in the first cell only t#234 is getting stored, so in split string only that is passed and it is not split properly, so I am unable to search t*567. It happens for every cell.
And also in the third cell, i want to parse only the value t#345 inside the loop for searching, neglecting L1:, I am struck with that too.
Could someone help me with this please.
Here is an example to show how this can be done. Use chr(10) as delimiter
Sub t()
Dim str As String
str = Range("A1").Value
Dim parts As Variant
parts = Split(str, Chr(10))
For i = LBound(parts) To UBound(parts)
MsgBox (parts(i))
Next i
End Sub

Excel VBA: Need Workaround for 255 Transpose Character Limit When Returning Variant Array to Selected Range

I am struggling with a common problem involving an apparent Excel 255-character-limit. I encounter an error when attempting to return a variant-array from a Function to the selected range on the worksheet. When each of the cells in the Function's returning array are under 255 characters, they post to the sheet just as they should: one element appears in each cell within the selected range. However, if any element in my returning variant array is longer than 255 characters I get a Value! error. These errors are bad because I need my long elements and want to keep the data together!
Versions of this problem appear over and over again in many forums, yet I am able to find a clear simple, all-purpose solution for returning variant arrays to the selected range (not necessarily containing formulas) when the array cells exceed 255 characters. My largest elements are around 1000, but it would be better if the solution could accommodate elements up to 2000 characters.
Preferably, I want this to be implemented with a function, or lines of additional code which can be added to my function (not a subroutine). My reason for wanting to avoid subroutines: I do not want to have to hard-code any ranges. I want this to be flexible and for the output location to be dynamically based on my current selection.
Please, if you can help find a way to produce a function, which takes a Variant Array as input, and which maintains the desired array:cell 1:1 relationship, I'd appreciate it greatly.
So this function with short cells works:
Function WriteUnder255Cells()
Dim myArray(3) As Variant 'this the variant array I will attempt to write
' Here I fill each element with less than 255 characters
' it should output them if you call the function properly.
myArray(0) = "dog"
myArray(1) = "cat"
myArray(2) = "bird"
myArray(3) = "fly"
WriteUnder255Cells = Application.Transpose(myArray())
End Function
But this fuction, with cells exceeding 255 will not output.
Function WriteOver255Cells()
Dim myArray(3) As Variant 'this the variant array I will attempt to write
' Here I fill each element with more than 255 characters
' exceeding the 255-character limit causes the VALUE! errors when you output them
myArray(0) = "ThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelaxydog"
myArray(1) = "ThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydog"
myArray(2) = "ThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydog"
myArray(3) = "ThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydog"
WriteOver255Cells = Application.Transpose(myArray())
End Function
This is how you produce the output and results:
First you need to create the two modules(to insert one function into each module, paste the code from one into the respective module). To run "WriteUnder255Cells()", select an area of 4 rows x 1 column on the sheet (this where you return the module) and type "=WriteUnder255Cells()" into the formula bar (do not enter the quotes). Note these are called like array formulas, so instead of hitting (enter) to create the output, you need to hit (control + shift + enter). Repeat the same process for WriteOver255Cells() to produce the errors.
Here are some documents/forums discussions which address it. The solutions seem to be either overly specific or clunky because they evoke subroutines (which I want to avoid):
Excel: Use formula longer that 255 characters
VBA code error when array value exceeds 255 characters
Array formula with more than 255 characters
This works for me:
Function Over255()
Dim myArray(3) As String '<<<<< not variant
myArray(0) = String(300, "a")
myArray(1) = String(300, "b")
myArray(2) = String(300, "c")
myArray(3) = String(300, "d")
'Over255 = Application.Transpose(myArray())
Over255 = TR(myArray)
End Function
'like Application.Transpose...
Function TR(arrIn) As String()
Dim arrOut() As String, r As Long, ln As Long, i As Long
ln = (UBound(arrIn) - LBound(arrIn)) + 1
ReDim arrOut(1 To ln, 1 To 1)
i = 1
For r = LBound(arrIn) To UBound(arrIn)
arrOut(i, 1) = arrIn(r)
i = i + 1
Next r
TR = arrOut
End Function
Seems like you need to return a string array and Application.Transpose doesn't do that

In Excel 2010, how could I remove duplicates and concatenate values within a cell range that includes multiple values cells?

I made a document in Excel 2010 however, the functionality I'm hoping to get from it doesn't seem to be possible (at least not with the default Excel functions) and I don't know enough about VB programming to make my own UDF. (I'm actually using one I found online which does part of what I want, but doesn't meet all of my needs.)
Let me break it down:
I have multiple sheets with groups of fields where users can add numbers (some will be blank, some will contain a single number, some will contain multiple comma-separated numbers)
I have an "Overview" sheet where I want to Concatenate those numbers (and remove any duplicates) within a few different sections (only looking at specific field groups).
I found a ConcatIf UDF that works fairly well for this, however it can't handle non-consecutive cells to concatenate (For example, I want to concatenate and remove duplicates from cells D30, G30, J30 and M30 together) (Here's the UDF:)
Function ConcatIf(ByVal compareRange As Range, ByVal xCriteria As Variant, Optional ByVal stringsRange As Range, _
Optional Delimiter As String, Optional NoDuplicates As Boolean) As String
Dim i As Long, j As Long
With compareRange.Parent
Set compareRange = Application.Intersect(compareRange, Range(.UsedRange, .Range("a1")))
End With
If compareRange Is Nothing Then Exit Function
If stringsRange Is Nothing Then Set stringsRange = compareRange
Set stringsRange = compareRange.Offset(stringsRange.Row - compareRange.Row, _
stringsRange.Column - compareRange.Column)
For i = 1 To compareRange.Rows.Count
For j = 1 To compareRange.Columns.Count
If (Application.CountIf(compareRange.Cells(i, j), xCriteria) = 1) Then
If InStr(ConcatIf, Delimiter & CStr(stringsRange.Cells(i, j))) <> 0 Imp Not (NoDuplicates) Then
ConcatIf = ConcatIf & Delimiter & CStr(stringsRange.Cells(i, j))
End If
End If
Next j
Next i
ConcatIf = mid(ConcatIf, Len(Delimiter) + 1)
End Function
It also can't handle the "multiple numbers in one cell" as separate numbers.
Is there a way to make a Concatenate UDF that "parses" the cells it's looking at to look for duplicates between the multiple numbers cells and the single numbers cells, and then output the result? Preferably allowing it to take a series of non-consecutive cells to work on (across different sheets).
Sorry if the explanation is a bit convoluted, it's my first time asking for this kind of help. :x
Here's an example:
If I have cells with:
I'd want to be able to simply get:
Right now, instead, I'd get:
Try the below. You can adapt it appropriately if you need to change the delimiter etc. I have documented what it is doing and why.
Example formula: =blah(A1:A7,A8,C9) (it can also be called from code)
Example output: 2,4,6,8
Public Function Blah(ParamArray args()) As String
Dim uniqueParts As Collection
Dim area As Range
Dim arg, arr, ele, part
Dim i As Long
Set uniqueParts = New Collection
'Enumerate through the arguments passed to this function
For Each arg In args
If TypeOf arg Is Range Then 'range so we need to enumerate its .Areas
For Each area In arg.Areas
arr = area.Value 'for large ranges it is greatly quicker to load the data at once rather than enumerating each cell in turn
For Each ele In arr 'enumerate the array
addParts CStr(ele), uniqueParts 'Call our sub to parse the data
Next ele
Next area
ElseIf VarType(arg) > vbArray Then 'an array has been passed in
For Each ele In arg 'enumerate the array
addParts CStr(ele), uniqueParts 'Call our sub to parse the data
Next ele
Else 'assume can be validly converted to a string. If it cannot then it will fail fast (as intended)
addParts CStr(arg), uniqueParts 'Call our sub to parse the data
End If
Next arg
'process our results
If uniqueParts.Count > 0 Then
ReDim arr(0 To uniqueParts.Count - 1)
For i = 1 To uniqueParts.Count
arr(i - 1) = uniqueParts(i)
Next i
'we now have an array of the unique parts, which we glue together using the Join function, and then return it
Blah = Join(arr, ",")
End If
End Function
'Sub to parse the data. In this case the sub splits the string and adds the split elements to a collection, ignoring duplicates
Private Sub addParts(partsString As String, ByRef outputC As Collection)
'ByRef is unecessary but I use it to document that outputC must be instantiated
Dim part
For Each part In Split(partsString, ",")
On Error Resume Next 'existing same key will raise an error, so we skip it and just carry on
outputC.Add part, part
On Error GoTo 0
Next part
End Sub

Separating Strings delimited by vbNewLine

I'm using the code below to separate a group of strings separated by a comma (,), then saves the output in a string variable named, msg. Strings in variable msg is separated by vbNewLine.
For example:
Original string for example is fruits, contains: apple, mango, orange
after applying the function splittext(fruits)
the variable now msg contains: apple <vbNewLine> mango <vbNewLine> orange
Now, I wanted to separate the content of this msg to cell(each string).
For example, mango is in A1, apple is in A2, orange is in A3 (on a different sheet.
I tried 'ActiveWorkbooks.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A" & i).Value = Cs(i), (see the code below). But it's not working. After the execution, the cells in the sheet2 remains unchanged. I really need your help. Thanks.
Function splittext(input_string As String) As String
Dim SptTxt As String
Dim Cs As Variant
Dim CsL As Byte
Dim CsU As Byte
Dim i As Byte
Dim col As Collection
Set col = New Collection
Cs = Split(input_string, ",")
CsL = LBound(Cs)
CsU = UBound(Cs)
Dim msg As String
For i = CsL To CsU
ReDim arr(1 To CsU)
col.Add Cs(i)
msg = msg & Cs(i) & vbNewLine
'ActiveWorkbooks.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A" & i).Value = Cs(i)
splittext = msg
End Function
Here's your macro refactored to give the results you describe, without any looping.
Function splittext(input_string As String) As String
Dim Cs As Variant
Cs = Split(input_string, ",")
splittext = Join(Cs, vbNewLine)
' Put results into workbook
With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")
Range(.[A1], .Cells(UBound(Cs) + 1, 1)).Value = Application.Transpose(Cs)
End With
End Function
Note that copying an array to a range requires a 2 dimensional array, rows x columns. Transpose is a handy function to convert a 1 dim array to a 2 dim array
Note that if you call this as a user-defined function (UDF) from a cell (as you are in the sample file) it will fail (If it is called from a VBA Sub it will work). This is because a UDF cannot modify anything in Excel, it can only return to the calling cell (there is a rather complex workaround, see this answer.) If you remove the With section it does work as a UDF.
If what you are trying to return the list into multiple cells, consider using an array function.
You have to use it like that:
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A" & i+1).Value = Cs(i)
You try to write in the Cell "A0" because "i" is in the First loop zero. And this is not working because there is no cell "A0".
And you had an "s" by ActiveWorkbook.