Error ASP 0177: 8007007e CreateObject fails for COM DLL - dll

We have been trying to install a COM DLL on a new server. The interface is Classic ASP. The Map Connector DLL seems to be the problem but that is as far as I am able to get.
We are unable to get the pages served by IIS to give anything other than a 500 error.
When tracing the ASP:
set g_pcmsrv=Server.CreateObject("PCMServer.PCMServer")
0 ms
ASP 0177 : 8007007e
Server.CreateObject Failed
The DLL is PCMSRV32.DLL in c:\windows
Sub Application_OnStart
set g_pcmsrv=Server.CreateObject("PCMServer.PCMServer")
set application("g_pcmsrv") = g_pcmsrv
set g_pcmmapmgr=Server.CreateObject("Pcmgole.PCMMapMgr")
set application("g_pcmmapmgr") = g_pcmmapmgr
End Sub
Sub Session_OnStart
set Session("currentTrip") = application("g_pcmsrv").NewTrip("NA")
set Session("map") = application("g_pcmmapmgr").createMap()
End Sub
Sub Session_OnEnd
set Session("currentTrip") = Nothing
set Session("map") = Nothing
End Sub
Sub Application_Onend
Set application("g_pcmsrv")=Nothing
Set application("g_pcmmapmgr")=Nothing
End Sub

The advice below relates to both Server.CreateObject and CreateObject use in
vbscript jscript vba
The Web Server sections are specific to asp-classic but still worth reading.
What Causes This error?
Server.CreateObject Failed
is caused most commonly when Web Applications are moved from one Web Server to another without an understanding of external COM components that are in use and registered with the Web server.
From PRB: Server.CreateObject Returns HTTP 500.100 or ASP 0177 Error (0x8007007E)
This error occurs when you attempt to use the Server.CreateObject method to instantiate an object that is not registered on the local system.
Identifying the Source of the Error
If you are using COM components inside a ASP Web application you will see a line like this
set g_pcmsrv=Server.CreateObject("PCMServer.PCMServer")
Usually the error will point to the Set line which makes identifying the cause easier (luckily you have some nice trace code in place so it's even better).
What If You Don't Know Where the DLL Is Located?
Note: Please be careful when accessing the Windows Registry as it is very easier to inadvertently make changes that have serious consequences for the Operating System and in extreme cases will require a system restore or re-install / repair.
The string inside the CreateObject method is known as a ProgId and is used as an identifier to a key inside the Windows Registry that can be found inside the
Note: Windows Registry can be browsed in most versions of Windows using the regedit.exe also known as the Registry Editor. Be very careful when using this tool to browse the Windows Registry.
and by extension
Whenever the ASP processor encounters a ProgId it attempts to talk to the Windows Registry and find a corresponding key that denotes the location of the registered COM accessible DLL.
A common approach to this is the key contains a subkey called CLSID which points to the Class GUID for the associated registered DLL. Once the GUID key is located in the
hive it can be used to find the location by looking in the subkey
where the location will be stored in the (default) value.
Example Using the ProgId - Scripting.FileSystemObject
Locate Scripting.FileSystemObject subkey in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
Identify GUID from subkey CLSID
(default) - "{0D43FE01-F093-11CF-8940-00A0C9054228}"
Use GUID to find registered DLL subkey in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID
Check subkey InprocServer32 (default) value for the DLL location
(default) - "C:\Windows\System32\scrrun.dll"
No ProgId for PCMServer.PCMServer in the Registry?
If you cannot find the corresponding ProgId in the registry it is likely due to one of two reasons we will elaborate on here.
The DLL is not registered.
The DLL is registered in the wrong area.
How to register COM DLL with Windows
COM DLLs can be registered and have the corresponding Registry entries created by running the regsvr32.exe tool from the Windows Command Prompt using elevated permissions (this varies from version to version of Windows).
Before we continue though the architecture of both the Operating System and the mode used by the ASP Web application are very important.
Most newer hardware is 64 Bit this creates a conundrum in Windows as it now has to support newer 64 bit architecture and still maintain support for 32 bit architecture. The solution Microsoft came up with was to split the OS in two, so we have 64 bit elements and 32 bit elements. The main OS programs are broken down into two folders (only on 64 bit OS because a 32 Bit OS doesn't have to contend with 64 Bit, even if the hardware is capable of it).
Note: On 32 Bit only systems just use the 64 Bit locations for both System Files and the Windows Registry.
On a 64 Bit OS the System Programs are located in
For 64 Bit programs
For 32 Bit programs
This is also applies to the Windows Registry
64 Bit
32 Bit
So for example on a 64 Bit version of Windows, the following command will register the PCMSRV32.DLL in the 32 Bit Registry and create the associated COM DLL registry keys.
C:\Windows\SysWOW64>regsvr32 "C:\Windows\PCMSRV32.DLL"
IIS Application Pool
As everything begins to support 64 Bit including IIS you still need to be able to support legacy applications that only support 32 Bit COM, so IIS introduced in IIS 6.0 (starting with Windows Server 2003, Service Pack 1) under the Application Pool settings the configurable property Enabled32BitAppOnWin64 which allows the Application Pool to run in 32 Bit mode on 64 Bit versions of Windows.
With this in mind before you register the COM DLL to know where you should be registering it you need to know whether the Application Pool is running in 32 Bit Mode. In IIS 7.0 and above you can just check this from the Application Pool properties inside the IIS Manager application. The setting is in the Advanced Settings under the General section and is called Enable 32-Bit Applications (can also be configured in the applicationHost.config using enable32BitAppOnWin64 under the <ApplicationPools> section).
If Enable 32-Bit Applications is set to False
The IIS Application Pool is running in native 64 Bit mode and any COM DLLs that need to be used by the ASP Web Application will need to support 64 Bit and be registered using the 64 Bit version of regsvr32.exe to be added into the 64 Bit registry.
C:\Windows\System32>regsvr32 "C:\Windows\PCMSRV32.DLL"
If Enable 32-Bit Applications is set to True
The IIS Application Pool is running in 32 Bit Mode and any COM DLLs that need to be used by the ASP Web Application will need to be 32 Bit COM DLLs and be registered using the 32 Bit version of regsvr32.exe to be added into the 32 Bit registry.
C:\Windows\SysWOW64>regsvr32 "C:\Windows\PCMSRV32.DLL"
Registering the COM DLL Using the Wrong Version of regsvr32.exe
For example, using
C:\Windows\SysWOW64>regsvr32 "C:\Windows\PCMSRV32.DLL"
to register the COM DLL with the 32 Bit registry on a 64 Bit version of Windows when the IIS Application Pool is not in 32 Bit Mode will cause the ASP 500.100 Internal Server error
Server object error 'ASP 0177: 8007007e'
Server.CreateObject Failed
COM DLL Checklist
What is the IIS Application Pool Advanced Setting Enable 32-Bit Applications set to, as it impacts on how you register the COM DLL?
Is the DLL registered using the architecture-specific version of regsvr32.exe (if Windows version isn't 64 Bit use the default) that reflects the setting of Enable 32-Bit Applications?
Does the Windows Registry contain a ProgId for the DLL in the architecture-specific location of
that reflects the setting of Enable 32-Bit Applications?
Does the InprocServer32 key contain the correct location for the DLL?
In the context of the account I'm using to access the COM DLL (ApplicationIdentity, LocalSystem, NetworkService etc), do I have permission to access both the physical DLL file and the registry entries?
Useful Links
PRB: Server Object Error 'ASP 0177:80040154' Server.CreateObject.


Where SBODI_Server library is save?

I need to create a C # project that uses the DI server library. But I do not know where the libray is saved.
I reinstalled the SDK (and enabled to add the Di server library), but when I try to add it as a reference, I do not find it.
I'm using VS2017 and SAP 9.3.
enter image description here
If it's installed correctly it should show up as a COM reference called "SAP Business One DI Server API". See
The default installation location is C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One ServerTools\DI_Server
Note that if you're going to use it in a web service hosted under IIS, you have to set DCOM security to enable it to be instantiated. In Component Services it's called "SBODI_Server".

How To Reference a Com Object in a WCF Service

I need to reference a Com DLL from within a Silverlight program. Since this is not allowed, I created a wcf service and put my reference to the Com in it.
This idea seems to work fine when I ran my wcf service from my local machine but when I publish the service to my server it failed to work. The error was “Object reference not set to an instance of an object” where I tried to instance the DLL.
Here problem line is
m_cloVB6Encryption = New VB6Encryption.cEncryption
VB6Encryption is a complicated one. It called another DLL which calls several others.
To try to isolate the problem I created a very simple VB6 component, this time I got the error
"Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {74FE605A-5861-41A0-BA13-27DDD9C2EBB8} failed due to the following error: 80040154 Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG))."
This is despite the fact that I manually registered the component and it was successful.
The problem line was cloSimple = New Simple.cSimple.
My computer runs Windows 7; the server runs Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard.
Presumably your COM component was build as when you register it is registered as a (InProc) 32bit COM component....(and can only be loaded by a 32bit application).
Your ASP.NET Website is most likely running in an AppPool that is set to be 64bit...thus it can't use the 32bit COM class.
There are 2 options (the clearest and easiest is option 1):
1) Get your IIS WebSite/Application to run as 32bit, so it can access your already registered 32bit COM component.
To make sure your website is running as 32bit too (instead of as 64bit)...change the DefaultAppPool to enable 32bit applications (or you can create a new AppPool which is 32bit specifically for that webservice/site and make it use it...if you don't want to affect other sites).
2) Do some additional registration so that your COM class is available to 64bit clients too (you register it so it is run OUT OF it can be consumed by either 32bit or 64bit clients....but you might not want that for perf reasons...and it might not always be possible)

Registering DCOM proxy on client machine

I have a .net 2 COM+ class library. It is installed on my machine running as the host server.
The COM+ object builds and registers, and I am able to call if via VB (open Excel and using dev mode added the reference, and then can call the object without any problems).
Now attempting to deploy to our test machine. Tried the following:
Export the COM+ object as Application Proxy
Export the COM+ object as Application Proxy with "Save application in COM+ 1.0 format."
After taking the msi and cab files to the client machine, ran the MSI. There were no errors on installation.
The object does show up in the registry (searched for it by GUID). The object does NOT however show up in the DCOM Config tree (also checked the COM+ tree as well just to make sure it is not there).
Looking at the win32 file in registry for the object, it shows it pointing to c:\Program Files\COMPlus Applications\ {GUID} \class.tlb This is valid as that is where the tlb is sitting, and the GUIDs match as well.
Does anyone know how to get this to work correctly?
Additional information:
The COM+ object is built via ClassInterfaceType.AutoDual as AutoDispose and None I could not get to work correctly.

Why is my ObjectContext empty when debugging vb 6 dll for an asp classic page IIS6?

I'm trying to debug a VB 6 dll that is used in an ASP classic page. I've gotten other dll working, but one in particular is causing me some real headaches. This one references the COMSVCSLib COM and when debugging, is empty.
Dim objContext as COMSVCLib.ObjectContext
Set objContext = GetObjectContext
When compiled and called from the asp page, all is fine,
dim obj
set obj = Server.CreateObject("page_builder.glue")
set obj = nothing
I have 'EVERYONE' added to all aspects of the VB ASP debugging DCOM.
I am running Windows Server 2003 in 32-bit on a 64 bit machine, using IIS 6.
As I mentioned other DLLs debug fine, it's just this aspect of this one that doesn't work.
Any suggestions?
The COMSVCLib.ObjectContext object represents the object context in the DCOM host (dllhost.exe). This context gives you access to properties that describe the configuration of your DCOM Application in Component Services.
When you run your .DLL project in debug mode in VB6 however, the DLL will be hosted by the VB6.exe process. This process doesn't have any configuration of the kind that your DCOM Application has, so the VB6.exe process doesn't contain any object context information.
Therefore the GetObjectContext will return nothing.

IIS 6.0 Default webpage won't work

In IIS 6.0 running on a server 2003 r2 the default webpage can't be found, but if I change the url to specifically go to the default page it works.
i.e. doesn't work when defaultwebsite.html is set as the default website, but works.
I've done simple stuff like enabled default content page and reset iis, but I'm not too familiar with it.
I have another website that works just fine that I compared the settings to. The only difference is that it is running on 32 bit and this new one is 64 bit. Are there any settings in particular that need to be changed or added to get the same functionality?
This fixed it:
In the Windows registry, open the following node: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ASP.NET\4.0.30319.0
Create a new DWORD value named EnableExtensionlessUrls.
Set EnableExtensionlessUrls to 0. This disables extensionless URL behavior.
Save the registry value and close the registry editor.
Run the iisreset command-line tool, which causes IIS to read the new registry value.
Make sure if you're on a 64 bit system that in the registry you are under the Wow6432Node and not just SOFTWARE: