nested swipers on the same axis get mixed up - trackpad only - swiper.js

If you nest swiper instances and don't set the nested swipers to move in a different direction (as the demo does) then they seem to got mixed up on which one should be advanced when you swipe to next/prev.
UPDATE: This only happens when you use a trackpad - if you use a mouse it seems to work fine.
Codepen Example
So in my example I have set up a swiper with a cube effect and it then has four nested swiper instances, each with 3 slides. The nested instances have the default slide effect and have their nested options set to true.
So the desired effect is that you see the cube with an 'A' facing you, you then swipe to next and 'B' slides in, then the next wipe rotates the cube and you see 'C' on a different side - and so on.
This works most of the time, but every so often when you expect the nested slider to advance the parent slider does. So in my example you see the cube spin when it shouldn't.
I've tried to use javascript to lock the swipers when the swipe begins and then unlock when it ends but that didn't fix the problem.


List transitions in vuejs, changing the underlying array

I need to be able to animate drag and drop in my vertical list. I used vuedraggable, wrapped my list in a transition-group and it all worked sweet. Until I fetch new data from the server. Now because of the introduction of transition-group for a split second the old data and the new data live together in the DOM causing the expansion of the list and pushing subsequent div down and back up.
This is kind of expected per the docs:
the DOM operations for insertion and/or removal will be executed
immediately on next frame (Note: this is a browser animation frame,
different from Vue’s concept of nextTick).
Regardless of being able to drag and drop the element, if we were to fade in/fade out the new/old elements they will co-habitate for the time of the animation, which is not great as seen in this pen
Anyway to fade out, change the data, then fade in the new one, while maintaining the height of the list?
Note that without fade the problem is still obvious:
Pen of my issue: click the switch data button to see the issue.
Turns out it's pretty know issue. By reading through this thread and toying with this example, i was able to achieve something to my liking by using:
list-leave-active {
display: none;
Resulting Pen
A css fix may be to wrap the contents within a box of some height and set overflow hidden.
So, even when new elements co-exist the jump in scrollbar can be avoided.

TimelineLite caching values of tweens upon resize

I have a site where I use TimelineLite paused and manually progress the timeline with a scrollbar.
I also have 5 pauses littered throughout the timeline so that I can click a button and watch one 'scene' of the timeline.
Each animation scene basically tweens offscreen at the top while the next element tweens into the screen from the bottom.
Everything works fine.
However when I resize the browser, I notice that the tweens of the timeline are still animating from the old values.
My timeline consists of tweens. For example if my browser height is 700 pixels and I tween scene 1 out of view and scene 2 into view, when I resize and use timeline.reverse();, I see scene 2 tween back to 700 pixels. (Scene 2 is absolutely positioned with translateY set to 100%) However since my tween is using y: '100%' I would expect it to reverse to 100% not this old pre resize value of 700 pixels.
Oddly enough, scene 1, which was originally at 0,0 and tweened to 0,-100%, still tweens to a percent value so that one looks ok.
So I find it really odd that scene 2 is tweening in pixels when I set a percent value and scene 1 tweens in percent.
Whats going on and how do I prevent this pixel value from caching in my tween?
I've already tried invalidate(), kill(), clear() and then setting the timeline to null, followed by reinserting new tweens on a new timeline but somehow those tween values still exist.
I'm at a loss. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I think what you should be using is yPercent for animating your tweens instead of absolute pixel values or instead of simply animating the y property.
What yPercent (and xPercent) do is that they will always align your element regardless on the screen size, hence responsive, based on the value that you provide.
Here is an example made by the GSAP guys themselves which, by the looks of it and by what I was able to understand from your question, is actually very close to your own situation as well.
There is also a video tutorial by Petr Tichy who explains the differences between using x and xPercent.
P.S. Can you share this website you are working on or, prepare a fiddle or a codepen isolating the problem? This would help us in proposing an accurate solution.
Answering my own question since no correct answer exists. GSAP saves any tween data on the actual DOM element. Despite me setting the timeline or tweens to null, it had no effect because as I was tweening the same element, it would check the DOM element if it had the variables GSAP had saved prior.
To fix this I had to manually reset the DOM element variable.
If this is a problem for you, check the ._gsTransform variable on the element. You will see some x, y values that you can manually set to 0 or whatever else you need to set it to.

Adding drag and drop functionality to metro style app buttons with C# and XAML

I'm trying to implement a sort of drag functionality into my app. As a simplistic example imagine I have a 2x2 square of buttons, so four buttons total. Clicking a button will perform some other functionality however I want when they hold and drag one of these buttons for it to do something else (ideally if you drag one button and drop it while in the space of another button the two buttons will swap places, as long as I can get dragging and dropping working the swap should be easy).
I've done some research and followed a few tutorials but seemed to get errors at one step or another with all of those. It seems ListViews and GridViews have some drag and drop functionality in them already , but I had trouble properly arranging my buttons (there are many more than four and they are in very specific positions, like a diagram) inside these views, let alone getting drag and drop working with them.
How would I go about doing this? Ideally I could just tag these buttons as draggable, and then on a drag-drop event check for a drop position, then if the position is valid perform a swap method. I just can't seem to figure out how to make them draggable or how to have an event that checks a drop position.
Easy peasy, create a custom control that looks the way you want it to, set ManipulationMode to TranslateX|TranslateY, handle manipulation delta events to update positioning with something like a Canvas or TranslateTransform and when manipulation completes - either make it click or animate to the new position. From my experience - getting any other manipulations to work with a regular Button class just isn't working and since a button is a really simple control - it is easier to create your own than try to extend the existing one in such cases.

Nested scrollviews getting problematic

My problem is that I am using nested scrollviews. One for the horizontal paging and second to show the content with vertical scrolling (cuz content, which is text, is more than the available space). Actually there are multiple copies of this vertical scrollview like:
MainScrollView (Horizontal)
Besides these the vertical scrollviews contains label that are draggable, I implemented dragging using touchesBegan: and moved: events. I developed the whole thing using only one vertical scrollview and it's working just fine and I thought, to my dismay, that it'll work exactly the same for the rest but when I added more vertical scrollviews, only the last one is allowing dragging of the labels. The first two ain't allowing dragging, besides, they are also not responding to the vertical scrolling event, which was perfect earlier. I tried it with two vertical scrollviews and even then only the last one was allowing dragging. Ain't sure about the vertical scrolling cuz right now only the first one has enough content to be scrolled rest need not to. I can try that out too but it's kinda late here, so, if someone can guide me with the provided info. would be much helpful. Else I can try that out tomorrow and post you with the result.
Thanks for your time.
I had similar issues with nesting UIScrollviews. I found this video from WWDC 2010 to be really helpful in showing how to work with scrollviews inside a paging scrollview, and I managed to fix the bugs I had by following the steps in this video and looking at the sample code.
Designing Apps with Scroll Views
Sample code

How to make an object invisible at a particular keyframe without moving it in Blender (2.59)?

I'm quite new to blender, and I'm doing some experiments with it.
I've been searching for a way to make an object disappear from sight at a particular key-frame, without moving it out of the camera view. E.g. at frame 1, cube is there, at (0, 0, 0) and at frame 2, it's not visible anymore, but still there at position (0,0,0), at frame 3 it gets visible again.
After searching the web, I came upon this page which suggests to move the object to another layer, but since it applies to blender 2.49, it seems the software has changed since then: I'm unable to find the 'Layer' option when inserting a key-frame.
I've found some other sites but either they suggest to use a technique similar to the one linked above, or they suggest to change the alpha of the texture, which I'm not interested in.
So, what's the preferred method to make an object invisible in blender 2.59?
Additional information (not relevant for the answer I'm expecting, IMO):
I'm using blender to make models for Unity.
I'm using 2.59 because that's the one that works with the unity version that I have.
There are lots of ways to achieve this effect.
The easiest way is to keyframe the visibility of the object.
To do this, you simply go to the outliner, and click the little eyeball next to your object name, then hover over the closed eyeball and hit "i" to keyframe. The eye will then turn yellow to indicate it's keyframed. Do the same with the camera icon (so that your render behaves the same way). Then go to the point where you want the object to appear, and click the eyball and camera again to make them reappear, then hit "i" again over each to keyframe them... Isn't blender a wonderful program? I love being able to keyframe just about everything! :D
There are also these less easy, but variously useful methods, which you may also use in case you want some sort of transition in your vanishing/appearing:
My perferred way is to just move the opbejct off the screen, keyframe position, then set the animation (in the Graph Editor) curve type to "constant" (Key -> Interpolation Mode -> Constant), and move the object into place and set the keyframe where you want it to appear. It will thus instantaneously appear.
Set the material properties of the object to Transparent, and choose "Z-Transparency" and set alpha to 0. Then simply keyframe the alpha (hover mouse over Alpha value and hit "i"), then go to where you want it to appear, change the alpha value to 1, and keyframe again. This will make it fade in over time, or you can change the curve to constant in the Graph editor, as described in method 1.
If you want to mask the object while it is still in place, you could make a cube around it, set the cube material transparency to "mask", and then move the cube off camera to unmask the object, rather than moving the object. This is handy for when you want to partially unmask something in the course of the animation. For example, if you are creating a text overlay for a video, where you want text to appear as if it's coming out of your hand, you can animate the masked object to follow the contour of your hand as it pulls away to reveal the text.
In Blender 2.65, you can animate the objects visibility toggle in your Outliner panel.
Next to your scene objects there will be three icons: an eye, a cursor, and a camera.
Follow these steps to animate viewport visibility:
Find the object you wish to animate in the Outliner Panel
Mouse over the eye icon and hit "i" on your keyboard to set a keyframe.
Go to the next frame and turn the eye off, then hit "i" moused over it again.
Do the same thing with the camera icon to animate render visibility. I will usually keyframe both the viewport and render visibility icons in tandem so as not to forget to have these toggled when its time to render.
In version 2.9 the eye icon cannot be used to set a keyframe. I've found the best way for me is to use the Object Properties tab and under Transform set the three scale values (X,Y,Z) to zero for invisibility. You can then click the diamond to the right to set the keyframe. To make the object re-appear return the scale values to their original and click on the diamond keyframe icon again.
Obviously you can make it a lot easier for yourself by applying scale to the objects first then just switch them between 0 and 1.
AFAIK there is no easy way to directly set an object invisible in your case. Although the visibility can be animated in Blender (in outline view mive your cursor on the eye and press i) Unity3D doesn't recognise it.
Possible workarounds:
Move it to (1000, 0, 0)
Scale it by a very small value
A more elaborated approach could be to use a driver like when turning FK/IK animation on and off dynamically via a variable.
I found out (today!) that, in Blender 2.8 (& presumably beyond), you can control visibility of objects in animations either in viewports and/or renders. Select the object and, in the Object Properties, open the Visibility section. You will see a dot beside the Viewports and Renders options. Click on the dot in either Viewports or Renders (or both). The relevant boxes should turn green. Either make the object visible or invisible by checking or clearing its box and then click 'i' to insert a keyframe. Repeat the process in other keyframes.
Another way to do this is to make a cube around it and add a boolean modifier to the object you want to disappear, set the operation to difference and select the cube as the modifier's object target. Then turn off the cube's visibility and animate the visibility of the modifier.