In RabbitMQ, is there an easy/simple way to migrate the custom exchanges with bindings and queues from one Vhost to Another. (Vhost:dev to Vhost:stage)
Since the version 3.6.1is possible to Export/import config on virtual host level.
It is not possible to export one specific Exchange.
But you can take the Exchange defition through the HTTP API
Using :
for example:
you will get a json like:
source: "my_company",
vhost: "/",
destination: "amq.gen-yZGNV22TwLcP3K-X69Yjyw",
destination_type: "queue",
routing_key: "#",
arguments: { },
properties_key: "%23"
source: "my_company",
vhost: "/",
destination: "my.queue",
destination_type: "queue",
routing_key: "#",
arguments: { },
properties_key: "%23"
Hi I was trying to implement ocelot for our experimental tests on dev.
Here is end-point of api that I want to reach by via ocelot. using 443 port for both of project.
but getting 502 bad gateway all the time.
end point => https://localhost/document/api/v1/Documents/XYZ
"ReRoutes": [
"DownstreamPathTemplate": "/document/api/v1/Documents/{name}",
"DownstreamScheme": "https",
"DownstreamHostAndPorts": [
"Host": "localhost",
"Port": 443
"UpstreamPathTemplate": "/apigateway/{name}/document",
"UpstreamHttpMethod": [ "Post" ],
"Priority": 0
"GlobalConfiguration": {
"BaseUrl": "https://localhost:443"
Microgateway alias name =>"apigateway"
Api alias name => "document"
In addition this I was able to debug on visiual studio but whenever I host both app on my local IIS getting 502 bad gateway
It appears that the configuration you have used is redirecting the request to the gateway itself, resulting in a circle.
i.e. the upstream call to the base URL of "localhost:443" is redirecting to the downstream "localhost:443" - the same.
Furthermore, the later versions of Ocelot appear to look for Routes in the configuration instead of ReRoutes documentation
I'm trying to create a custom project template in OpenShift Origin. The Service configuration specifically, looks like below:
"kind": "Service",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "${NAME}",
"annotations": {
"description": "Exposes and load balances the node.js application pods"
"spec": {
"ports": [
"name": "web",
"port": "${APPLICATION_PORT}",
"targetPort": "${APPLICATION_PORT}",
"protocol": "TCP"
"selector": {
"name": "${NAME}"
where, APPLICATION_PORT is supplied as a user parameter:
"parameters": [
"displayName": "Application Port",
"description": "The exposed port that will route to the node.js application",
"value": "8000"
When I try to use this template to create a project, I get the following error:
spec.ports[0].targetPort: Invalid value: "8000": must be an IANA_SVC_NAME (at most 15 characters, matching regex [a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])*...
I get a similar error in my DeploymentConfig as well, for the http ports in the liveness and readiness probes:
"readinessProbe": {
"timeoutSeconds": 3,
"initialDelaySeconds": 3,
"httpGet": {
"path": "/Info",
"livenessProbe": {
"timeoutSeconds": 3,
"initialDelaySeconds": 30,
"httpGet": {
"path": "/Info",
where, APPLICATION_ADMIN_PORT, again, is user-supplied.
spec.template.spec.containers[0].livenessProbe.httpGet.port: Invalid value: "8001": must be an IANA_SVC_NAME...
spec.template.spec.containers[0].readinessProbe.httpGet.port: Invalid value: "8001": must be an IANA_SVC_NAME...
I've been following to understand templates, and it, unfortunately, does not have any examples of ports being parameterized anywhere.
It almost seems as if strings are not allowed as the values of these ports. Is that the case? What's the right way to parameterize these values? Should I switch to YAML?
OpenShift Master: v1.1.6-3-g9c5694f
Kubernetes Master: v1.2.0-36-g4a3f9c5
Edit 1: I tried the same configuration in YAML format, and got the same error. So, JSON vs YAML is not the issue.
Unfortunately it is not currently possible to parameterize non-string field values:
" Parameters can be referenced by placing values in the form "${PARAMETER_NAME}" in place of any string field in the template."
Templates are in the process of being upstreamed to Kubernetes and this limitation is being addressed there:
The proposal is being implemented in PRs 25622 and 25293 in the kubernetes repo.
Templates now support non-string parameters as documented here:
I don't know if this option was available in 2016 when this post was added but now you can use ${{PARAMETER_NAME}} to parameterize non-string field values.
externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
- name: ${NAME}-port
protocol: TCP
targetPort: ${{PORT_PARAMETER}}
sessionAffinity: None
This may a be a bad practice but I'm using sed to substitute int parameters:
cat template.yaml | sed -e 's/PORT/8080/g' > proxy-template-subst.yaml
kind: Template
- apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: ${NAME}
namespace: ${NAMESPACE}
externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
- name: ${NAME}-port
port: PORT
protocol: TCP
targetPort: PORT
sessionAffinity: None
type: NodePort
loadBalancer: {}
- description: Desired service name
name: NAME
required: true
value: need_real_value_here
- description: IP adress
name: IP
required: true
value: need_real_value_here
- description: namespace where to deploy
required: true
value: need_real_value_here
Can’t find any resources that simply say here’s where your cert goes and here’s how to enable it. I have the cert there when I run gcloud compute ssl-certificates list. I have a cluster with kubernetes running and exposing http traffic via this service:
"kind": "Service",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "foo-frontend-service"
"spec": {
"selector": {
"app": "foo-frontend-rc"
"ports": [
"protocol": "TCP",
"port": 80,
"targetPort": 3009
Need to know how to put the cert in the right place to be utilized
Need to know how to reconfigure my service
Need to know what my new SSL endpoint will be. Is it the same?
K8s doesn't have special TLS support for the ordinary services. You need to use one of the following methods:
using Ingress: see You need to choose a Ingress controller which implements the Ingress functionalities, you can use GLBC if you are on GCE, or you can use the nginx one. Both of them supports TLS. Please note that the Ingress is still beta feature with limitations.
The service-loadbalancer in the contrib repo also supports tls:
The following API call to RabbitMQ:
http -a USER:PASS localhost:15001/api/queues/
Returns a list of queues:
"messages_unacknowledged_ram": 0,
"name": "foo_queue",
"node": "rabbit#queue-monster-01",
"policy": "",
"state": "running",
"vhost": "/"
Note that the vhost parameter is /.
How do I use a / vhost for the /api/queues/vhost/name call, which returns the details for a specific queue?
I have tried:
But both failed with 404 Object Not Found:
URL Encoding did the trick. The URL should be:
For the record, I think that REST resources should not be named /, especially not by default.
I've been trying to attach a SSL certificate that I'm currently using for one of my Elastic Load Balancing Instances on a new Cloud Formation Template but each time I get:
Server Certificate not found for the key
And then the Cloudformation template starts to roll back at that point.
"Listeners" : [
"LoadBalancerPort" : "443",
"InstancePort" : "80",
"SSLCertificateId" : "start_certname_com",
"Protocol" : "HTTPS"
Amazon is asking for the The ARN of the SSL certificate to use. and I believe this is correct since this is the exact string which appears in the dropdown of the current set up ELB which takes 443 to port 80 on the instances.
Am I missing something on my Listener?
You can derive the ARN for a certificate in CloudFormation with only the certificate name. No need to run a command line tool and hard code the value into your CloudFormation template.
"Description":"AWS Path",
"Listeners" : [
"LoadBalancerPort" : "443",
"InstancePort" : "80",
"SSLCertificateId" : {
"Protocol" : "HTTPS"
This determines your account id with the {"Ref":"AWS::AccountId"} pseudo parameter and combines it with the other elements needed to form the ARN. Note that I'm using a variable called Path in case you've set a path for your certificate. If not the default of "/" works fine.
This solution was mentioned by #Tristan and is an extension of merrix143243's solution
I've actually figured out how to do this while waiting for the answer, you need to use the IAM CLI tools provided by amazon and then use the command
iam-servercertgetattributes -s certname
This will provide you a string like:
This is the value you place in the "SSLCertificateId" value pair field
The setup instructions for the IAM command line tools (CLI) can be found at:
Download the tool kit from aws here
All in all your final block will look like:
"Listeners" : [
"LoadBalancerPort" : "443",
"InstancePort" : "80",
"SSLCertificateId" : "arn:aws:iam::123456789123:server-certificate/start_certname_com",
"Protocol" : "HTTPS"
Here's how you get the long cert name with the latest AWS CLI:
pip install awscli
aws iam list-server-certificates