How to specify path like /pets/{id} but with multiple ids? - api

I want to create a path which accepts any number of IDs separated with commas. It should accept all the following:
GET /pets/1,2 # returns info about pets with ids 1, 2
GET /pets/4,10,12,124,2 # same, for pets with ids 4, 10, 12, 124, 2
The book "building apis you won't hate" gave me this idea.
How do I do that in swagger?

Swagger 2.0 supports the collectionFormat parameter. From the documentation:
Determines the format of the array if type array is used. Possible values are:
csv: comma separated values: foo,bar
ssv: space separated values: foo bar
tsv: tab separated values: foo\tbar
pipes: pipe separated values: foo|bar
multi: corresponds to multiple parameter instances instead of multiple values for a single instance foo=bar&foo=baz. This is valid only for parameters in "query" or "formData".
Default value is csv.
An example of use can be seen on the documentation:
"get": {
"description": "Returns pets based on ID",
"summary": "Find pets by ID",
"operationId": "getPetsById",
"produces": [
"responses": { ... }
"parameters": [
"name": "id",
"in": "path",
"description": "ID of pet to use",
"required": true,
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"collectionFormat": "csv"


Shopify section schema: different content for each present block

I'm just starting out with Shopify development, and I'm creating a custom section called USP Banner which has a single block type called column that can be added up to 4 times; and that column just has one text and one richtext field within it. The content of each column is identical on every page, but the section can appear in different places depending on the page itself.
I've given the column default values for the text & richtext and added the 4 columns that will be used into the presets definition of the schema; however because it's just the same column x 4, each column has the same content 4 times. What I'm aiming for is that when you add the section to any page, it prefills each column with different content.
I read through the Shopify docs and all I found was some vague allusion to having a settings object within the block presets, but I can't find any examples of that anywhere. I also found an old SO answer stating that presets can't contain default content.
Is there an easy way to add default content to repeating blocks within a section?
Although it's not made clear in the official docs, you can set default values for repeated blocks in the presets; but whereas the settings when defining the blocks are arrays of objects, the settings within the preset blocks are objects where each pre-determined field value uses the field's unique ID as its key. For example, a typical section schema might look like:
{% schema %}
"name": "USP Banner",
"blocks": [
"type": "column",
"name": "Column",
"limit": 4,
"settings": [
"type": "text",
"id": "heading",
"label": "Heading",
"type": "richtext",
"id": "text",
"label": "Text",
"presets": [
"name": "USP Banner",
"blocks": [
"type": "column"
"type": "column"
{% endschema %} to create preset values for each block, we simply add settings to the preset definition like so:
"presets": [
"name": "USP Banner",
"blocks": [
"type": "column",
"settings": {
"heading": "Remarkable Value",
"text": "<p>Never knowingly undersold</p>"
"type": "column",
"settings": {
"heading": "5-Year Warranty",
"text": "<p>We're that confident in our products</p>"
...where the key for each field (heading & text in this case) is the ID of the defined fields in the blocks section at the top of the schema.

Add computed field to Query in Grafana using JSON API als data source

What am I trying to achieve:
I would like to have a time series chart showing the total number of members in my club at any time. This member count should be calculated by using the field "Eintrittsdatum" (joining-date) and "Austrittsdatum" (leaving-date). I’m thinking of it as a running sum - every filled field with a joining-date means +1 on the member count, every leaving-date entry is a -1.
Data structure
I’m calling the API of with a secret key. This is my data structure with sample data per member:
"type": "member",
"meta": {
"created": "2020-03-02 11:33:00",
"createuser": {
"label": "Joana Doe",
"type": "user"
"lastmodified": "2022-12-06 16:32:56",
"lastmodifieduser": {
"label": "Joana Doe",
"type": "user"
"readonly": true,
"properties": {
"Mitglieder ID": 99,
"Anrede": "Dear",
"Vorname": "Jon",
"Name": "Doe",
"Strasse": "Doeington Street",
"Adresszusatz": null,
"PLZ": "9999",
"Ort": "Doetown",
"E-Mail": "",
"Telefon Privat": null,
"Telefon Geschäft": null,
"Mobile": "099 877 54 54",
"Geschlecht": "m",
"Geburtstag": "1966-03-10",
"Mitgliedschaftstyp": "Aktivmitgliedschaft",
"Eintrittsdatum": "2020-03-01",
"Austrittsdatum": null,
"Passfoto": null,
"Wordpress Benutzername": null,
"Wohnhaft im Glarnerland": false,
"Lat": "43.1563379",
"Long": "6.0474622"
"parents": [
"children": {
"links": {
"debitor": [
"attendee": [
"id": 1815
Grafana data source
I am using the “JSON API” by Marcus Olsson: GitHub - grafana/grafana-json-datasource: A data source plugin for loading JSON APIs into Grafana.
Grafana v9.3.1 (89b365f8b1) on Linux
My current approach
Query C - uses a filter on the source-API to only show entries with "Eintrittsdatum" IS NOT EMPTY
Field 1 (alias "datum") has a JSONata-Query of:
Field 2 (alias "names") should return the full name and has a query of:
$map($.properties, function($v) {(
($v.Vorname&" "&$v.Name);
Field 3 (alias "value") should return "1" for every entry and has a query of:
$map($.properties, function($v) {(
Query D - uses a filter on the source-API to only show entries with "Austrittsdatum" IS NOT EMPTY
Field 1 (alias "datum") has a JSONata-Query of:
Field 2 (alias "names") should return the full name and has a query of:
$map($.properties, function($v) {(
($v.Vorname&" "&$v.Name);
Field 3 (alias "value") should return "1" for every entry and has a query of:
$map($.properties, function($v) {(
Here's a screenshot to clarify things
My applied transformations
What's working
I can correctly gather the number of members added/subtracted per day.
What's not working
I can't get the graph to display the way i want: I'd like to have a running sum of these numbers instead of the following two graphs.
Time series graph with merged queries
Time series graph with unmerged queries
I can't get the names to display within the tooltip of the data points (really not THAT necessary).

How to set one schema for n-1 elements and another for the nth element

For example, look at the schema:
"type": "array",
"items": {
{"type": "number"},
{"type": "string"}
The schema would then allow a list of numbers and the last element would be a string. and the string can be optional.
For example:
"list_of_items" : [ 3, 4, 5, "hello"]
is allowed.
"list_of_items" : [ 3, "hello" , 4, 5 ]
Is not allowed because text is only allowed on the last element.
From reading the documentation. I see how to do a constant amount of numbers and a text element.
Or all numbers,
But I don't see how to create n-1 numbers and text for the nth.
It could be that is is not something json-schema can do.

How to extract the field from JSON object with QueryRecord

I have been struggling with this problem for a long time. I need to create a new JSON flowfile using QueryRecord by taking an array (field ref) from input JSON field refs and skip the object field as shown in example below:
Input JSON flowfile
"name": "name1",
"desc": "full1",
"refs": {
"ref": [
"source": "source1",
"url": "url1"
"source": "source2",
"url": "url2"
QueryRecord configuration
JSONTreeReader setup as Infer Schema and JSONRecordSetWriter
select name, description, (array[rpath(refs, '//ref[*]')]) as sources from flowfile
Output JSON (need)
"name": "name1",
"desc": "full1",
"references": [
"source": "source1",
"url": "url1"
"source": "source2",
"url": "url2"
But got error:
QueryRecord Failed to write MapRecord[{references=[Ljava.lang.Object;#27fd935f, description=full1, name=name1}] with schema ["name" : "STRING", "description" : "STRING", "references" : "ARRAY[STRING]"] as a JSON Object due to java.lang.ClassCastException: null
Try the following approach, in your case it shoud work:
1) Read your JSON field fully (I imitated it with GenerateFlowFile processor with your example)
2) Add EvaluateJsonPath processor which will put 2 header fileds (name, desc) into the attributes:
3) Add SplitJson processor which will split your JSON byt refs/ref/ groups (split by "$.refs.ref"):
4) Add ReplaceText processor which will add you header fields (name, desc) to the split lines (replace "[{]" value with "{"name":"${}","desc":"${json.desc}","):
5) It`s done:
Full process in my demo case:
Hope this helps.
Solution!: use JoltTransformJSON to transform JSON by Jolt specification. About this specification.

Swagger 2,0 query parameter syntax for a list or array of integers

I have been wrecking my brain reading docs and trying to successfully pass through a list or an array of integers using swagger because I am trying to test my API.
I am trying to pass through a list of teamIDs like this: (I've been trying all kinds of variations, mind you) but the values are still not pulling through when I debug
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "integer",
"enum": [
I am using "enum" because its a list of values I am trying to pass through.
Here is a screenshot of my swagger method as well:
A query parameter that is an array of integers is defined as follows:
"in: query",
"name": "teamIDs",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "integer"
In your Swagger UI, enter the values for the teamIDs parameter one per line, like so: