Combining a format string with a superscript and a subscript in pyplot when rendering text in a plot - matplotlib

I would like to include the equation for a "power-law" curve I am creating using pyplot. I have tried several variations of the following code:
of course the text renderer uses the curly brackets as well as the format statement. I have tried doubling the curly brackets to have
and even tripling them
I have also tried splitting the text into two lines
exponent = '{0:}$'.format(b)
none of these really make sense to me or to pyplot, but I can't seem to ask the right search question to get this to work. I have found answers that suggested splitting the line and using double curly brackets but nothing that will make this work. Is this possible?
Through further experimentation I have answered the question above which was a simplified version of the equation I wanted to put in the plot, so let me change this question slightly. To do what I wanted above I have found that:
ax.text(0.1,0.9,r'{0:}x$^{{ {1:} }}$'.format(A,b))
works. I don't know why I hadn't tried it earlier, but I have now. The problem is that I actually want a subscript on x as well. Given that the above works I would have thought that:
ax.text(0.1,0.9,r'{0:}x$^{{ {1:} }}_{{\rm map}}$
would work, but I get the following error:
Subscript/superscript sequence is too long. Use braces { } to remove
ambiguity. (at char 0), (line:1, col:1)
I cannot see where to add braces that will remove any ambiguity. Can anyone tell me what I need to do?

This works:
ax.text(0.1, 0.9, r'${0:}x^{{{1:}}}_{{\rm map}}$'.format(A, b))
The issue was that your x was outside of the mathmode ($...$).
With regards to the double curly braces, there is an easy explanation: When using the format function all single curly braces are matched with an argument to the format function (they can also be nested). Two subsequent curly braces are the defined way of getting one curly bracket after applying format. See the documentation for more information on this.


Dollar and exclamation mark (bang) symbols in VTL

I've recently encountered these two variables in some Velocity code:
I was surprised by the similarity of these so I became suspicious about the correctness of the code and become interested in finding the difference between two.
Is it possible that velocity allows any order of these two symbols or do they have different purpose? Do you know the answer?
#Jr. Here is the guide I followed when doing VM R&D:
Velocity uses the !$ and $! annotations for different things. If you use !$ it will basically be the same as a normal "!" operator, but the $! is used as a basic check to see if the variable is blank and if so it prints it out as an empty string. If your variable is empty or null and you don't use the $! annotation it will print the actual variable name as a string.
I googled and stackoverflowed a lot before I finally found the answer at
According to that:
It is very easy to confuse the quiet reference notation with the
boolean not-Operator. Using the not-Operator, you use !${foo}, while
the quiet reference notation is $!{foo}. And yes, you will end up
sometimes with !$!{foo}...
Easy after all, shame it didn't struck me immediately. Hope this helps someone.

pyspark.sql data.frame understanding functions

I am taking a mooc.
It has one assignment where a column needs to be converted to the lower case. sentence=lower(column) does the trick. But initially I thought that the syntax should be sentence=column.lower(). I looked at the documentation and I couldnt figure out the problem with my syntax. Would it be possible to explain how I could have figured out that I have a wrong syntax by searching online documentation and function definition?
I am specially confused as This link shows that string.lower() does the trick in case of the regular string python objects
from pyspark.sql.functions import regexp_replace, trim, col, lower
def removePunctuation(column):
"""Removes punctuation, changes to lower case, and strips leading and trailing spaces.
Only spaces, letters, and numbers should be retained. Other characters should should be
eliminated (e.g. it's becomes its). Leading and trailing spaces should be removed after
punctuation is removed.
column (Column): A Column containing a sentence.
Column: A Column named 'sentence' with clean-up operations applied.
return sentence
sentenceDF = sqlContext.createDataFrame([('Hi, you!',),
(' No under_score!',),
(' * Remove punctuation then spaces * ',)], ['sentence'])
You are correct. When you are working with a string, if you want to convert it to lowercase, you should use str.lower().
And if you check the String page in the Python Documentation, you will see it has a lower method that should work as you expect:
a_string = "StringToConvert"
a_string.lower() # "stringtoconvert"
However. in the Spark example you provided, in your function removePunctuation you are NOT working with a singlestring, you are working with a Column. And a Column is a different object than a string, that is way you should use a method that works with a Column.
Specifically, you are working with this pyspark sql method. The next time you are in doubt on which method you need to implement, double check the datatype of your objects. Also, if you check the list of imports, you will see it is calling the lower method from pyspark.sql.functions
This is how i managed to do it:
lowered = lower(column)
np_lowered = regexp_replace(lowered, '[^\w\s]', '')
trimmed_np_lowered = trim(np_lowered)
return trimmed_np_lowered
return trim(lower(regexp_replace(column, "\p{Punct}", ""))).alias('sentence')

Mid() don't extract string in accurate position

I am using VBA in Ms Access environment, to handle long string (memo field storing HTML originally).
After positioning by Instr(), I put the position into Mid(vStr,vStartPos,vEndPos-vStartPos+1) to extract the string, but the output doesn't match. I have already carefully checked this in immediate windows, as well as NotePad++. What I can say is Instr() and NotePad++ have given the same counting result, while Mid() is different. Mid()'s result are former than Instr()'s in some cases, and latter in other cases. I don't know the reason, and can just believe Mid() use different mechanism or have defeative (surprised!) in handling long string mixed with single-byte and bi-byte chars (but this is common in the world, and meet no problem before), and possibly some special characters.
I believe I need to custom-make a Mid() function. Any idea how to do it effectively and efficiently?
Thanks all for your reply. After I created a custom Mid() by RegEx and find that the problem has no change, I have found out the silly mistake I made. The Instr() and Mid() have no problem, but the string has been carelessly modified between them. So this case should be closed now.

Why programming documentation has square brackets and commas in weird places?

Why in various programming documentation for functions do they have square brackets around parameters, but they are ordered such that the later parameters seem to be subsets of the first? Or if the brackets in that language delineate arrays it's as if the second parameter is supposed to be inside of the array of the first, but often the parameters are not even supposed to be arrays, and also they have commas in weird places.
I've seen this style all over the place and tried to find some place where it is written down why they do this. Maybe someone just arbitrarily decided on that and other programmers thought, "oh that looks cool, I'll try that in writing my own documentation.."
Or maybe there is some big book of rules for how to make programming docs? If so I'd like to know about it.
Here is an example:
if you go to the link in the blue box near the top of the page right bellow the h2? heading "syntax" it says this: arr.slice([begin[, end]]) meaning that the first parameter is begin, and the next parameter is end, for the slice method. When you first see something like this it looks like the brackets and commas are randomly placed.. but they do it all over the place and the same way. There must be some method to the madness!
Brackets around a parameter name indicate that it is an optional parameter. E.g. you can call the slice method without an end parameter. This is just a general rule of language syntax documentation, square brackets indicate optional words/tokens.

Getting around the lack of a Left Trim(string, char[]) function in JET / Access

I need to remove leading zeros from a string field in an Access database that is destroyed and recreated every time it is used within a C# program. Most string libraries (even SQL ones) include a Trim function to remove leading or following whitespace. Unfortunately, Access does not seem to have a LTrim(string s, char[] trimChars) or something similar. To get around this, I concocted this monstrosity:
Replace(LTrim(Replace(ADDRNO,'0', ' ')),' ', '0')
But this resulted in an undefined function reference for Replace, even though it is obviously an Access function.
What I am looking for is a way to trim these zeros, either by getting the JET engine to let me use the Replace function or by some other method entirely.
EDIT: Fixed syntax of Replace function. Problem still persists.
I suggest
It will return the number portion without the leading zeros.
I think it's just the order of your parameters that is wrong:
debug.? Replace("My string", "i", "o") -> "My Strong"
You can use Trim and Replace.
I'm not sure what context you are running this but this seems to show the parameter order is different and uses double quotes instead of single quotes(I haven't used Access in awhile so maybe it doesn't matter), also try square brackets on column name:
Replace(LTrim(Replace([ADDRNO], "0", " "))," ", "0")
If that gives the same error just try the replace function by itself to narrow down the problem:
Replace ("alphabet", "a", "e")
If this works then you know the Replace function works, and there is some other issue.
Edit: If it doesn't work at all, then Replace is likely a VBA function available only in the Access application, and is not part of Jet. You could try some combination of Left/Right function and chop the string up, this can get quite ugly. I personally would just iterate over the record set and use C# code to modify the values. Hopefully you don't have such a large number of records that this would be a problem.