Convert .odt to .docx using libreoffice5.0 in python - apache

command = "libreoffice5.0 --headless --convert-to odt /data/Format/000001535edbaf8f27a9c331003600c900520045/test.docx --outdir /data/Format/000001535edbaf8f27a9c331003600c900520045"
When we run this command on terminal that gives me output
But whenever I am trying with apache request os.system(command) it goes in process but doesn't return anything. The process keeps running in background continously.

Have you thought about using["ls", "-l"])
"The subprocess module allows you to spawn new processes, connect to their input/output/error pipes, and obtain their return codes. This module intends to replace several older modules and functions:"
Ref Python 2.7.x module subprocess


How to save the python code in command prompt?

I've typed a python code that calculates GST in command prompt and I want to save the code now.
As I'm using command prompt for the first time but unable to save the code. I've searched ways to save it but can't find solution to it.
You would need to save it as a python file and then call the script.
Assuming python is already installed, put your code in
Eg: print('Hello World!')
Then cd to the folder and type python
But you might want to check out jupyter notebooks

Why does multiprocessing Julia break my module imports?

My team is trying to run a library (Cbc with JuMP) with multiprocessing and using the julia -p # argument. Our code is in a julia package and so we can run our code fine using julia --project, it just runs with one process. Trying to specify both at once however julia --project -p 8 breaks our ability to run the project since running using PackageName after results in an error. We also intend to compile this using the PackageCompiler library so getting it to work with a project is necessary.
We have our project in a folder with a src directory, a Project.toml, and a Manifest.toml
src contains: main.jl and Solver.jl
Project.toml contains:
name = "Solver"
uuid = "5a323fe4-ce2a-47f6-9022-780aeeac18fe"
authors = ["..."]
version = "0.1.0"
Normally, our project works fine starting this way (single threaded):
julia --project
julia> using Solver
julia> include("src/main.jl")
If we add the -p 8 argument when starting Julia, we get an error upon typing using Solver:
ERROR: On worker 2:
ArgumentError: Package Solver [5a323fe4-ce2a-47f6-9022-780aeeac18fe] is required but does not seem to be installed:
- Run `Pkg.instantiate()` to install all recorded dependencies.
We have tried running using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate(); using Solver but this doesn't help as another error just happens later (at the include("src/main.jl") step):
ERROR: LoadError: On worker 2:
ArgumentError: Package Solver not found in current path:
- Run `import Pkg; Pkg.add("Solver")` to install the Solver package.
and then following that suggestion produces another error:
ERROR: The following package names could not be resolved:
* Solver (not found in project, manifest or registry)
Please specify by known `name=uuid`.
Why does this module import work fine in single process mode, but not with -p 8?
Thanks in advance for your consideration
First it is important to note that you are NOT using multi-thread parallelism, you are using distributed parallelism. When you initiate with -p 2 you are launching two different processes that do not share the same memory. Additionally, the project is only being loaded in the master process, that is why the other processes cannot see whatever is in the project. You can learn more about the different kinds of parallelism that Julia offers in the official documentation.
To load the environment in all the workers, you can add this to the beginning of your file.
using Distributed
addprocs(2; exeflags="--project")
#everywhere using Solver
#everywhere include("src/main.jl")
and remove the -p 2 part of the line which you launch julia with. This will load the project on all the processes. The #everywhere macro is used to indicate all the process to perform the given task. This part of the docs explains it.
Be aware, however, that parallelism doesn't work automatically, so if your software is not written with distributed parallelism in mind, it may not get any benefit from the newly launched workers.
There is an issue with Julia when an uncompiled module exists and several parallel processes try to compile it at the same time for the first use.
Hence, if you are running your own module across many processes on a single machine you always need to run in the following way (this assumes that Julia process is run in the same folder where your project is located):
using Distributed, Pkg
#everywhere using Distributed, Pkg
#everywhere Pkg.activate(".")
using YourModuleName
#everywhere using YourModuleName
I think this approach is undocumented but I found it experimentally to be most robust.
If you do not use my pattern sometimes (not always!) a compiler chase occurs and strange things tend to happen.
Note that if you are running a distributed cluster you need to modify the code above to run the initialization on a single worker from each node and than on all workers.

LMOD TCL execute bash script while loading module

having a small problem where you can help me out. On our new cluster we use LMod as environmental module system.
Creating a Module TCL Script for OpenFOAM, a system-dependent bashrc file need to be loaded.
This is the TCL script which I am using on another module system, it works fine. I am not able to execute the "source" command line in Lmod, what I am missing here?
## modules software/openfoam_v1812
## /opt/software/openfoam/openfoamv1812/OpenFOAM-v1812
proc ModulesHelp { } {
global version modroot
puts stderr "software/OpenFOAM-v1812 - sets the Environment for OpenFOAM-v1812 ("
module-whatis "Sets the environment for using OpenFOAM-v1812"
# for Tcl script use only
set VERSION v1812
set OpenFOAM_PATH /opt/software/openfoam/openfoam${VERSION}/OpenFOAM-${VERSION}
set FOAM_INST_DIR /opt/software/openfoam/openfoam${VERSION}
puts stdout "source /opt/software/openfoam/openfoam${VERSION}/OpenFOAM-${VERSION}/etc/bashrc;"
I am not an expert, but I have recently come across a similar problem, in my case for activating Anaconda Python in a model. In my case, the solution was to use the 'execute' command in LMod
which has the documentation:
execute {cmd=”<any command>”,modeA={“load”}}
Run any command with a certain mode. For example execute {cmd=”ulimit
-s unlimited”,modeA={“load”}} will run the command ulimit -s unlimited as the last thing that the loading the module will do.
Hope this helps

Pycharm giving error on a script which is working from terminal (Module: Tensorflow)

I was working with the tensorflow(GPU version) module in Pycharm. If I run a script from terminal, it works as expected. However when I run the script from pycharm, it says:
ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No
such file or directory
How do I resolve this?
Pycharm interpreter shows tensorflow as a package.
In the terminal, when I check for the version of tensorflow, it was the same as in pycharm (0.10.0rc0)
Looks like your CUDA_HOME or LD_LIBRARY_PATH configured correctly in the console, but not in PyCharm. You can check and compare their values, in console do
In PyCharm (say, in your main script):
import os
You can configure them for the given Run Configuration in Environment Variables section.
Better approach would be configuring those environment variables globally, so every process in the system would have an access to them. To do that you have to edit /etc/environment file and add original values, which you got from console.
Here are very similar problems: one, two, three.

"#php_bin#" is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file

I using PHPUnit and Selenium Server to testing Yii Application,
i m using xp operating system. and i install PHPUnit_Selenium (1.0.1) and other software.actually i follow this bellow instruction to install
and i also download the selenium-server-standalone-2.20.0.jar file and through command prompted i started server using java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.0b3.jar command..
and after that i opened new command prompt and i tried to test my simple hello world yii application. and i invoked this command phpunit functional/SiteTest.php and ya i also set the Test_Base_URL in webtestcase ..
but after invoking above command for test.. some process going on and 2 or 3 times firefox opened and closed automatically and at the end i got this error
"#php_bin#" is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file
even i attached screen shots of both cmd prompt ...
You should replace #php_bin# by the path to the php binary. I guess PEAR or PHPUnit installer was supposed to do that.