SSAS - Communication link failure : Shared Memory Provider Timeout when trying to process a Big Dimension - sql

The processing of one dimension in the SSAS environment or in SSIS failed with the following error :
Communication link failure; 08S01; Shared Memory Provider: Timeout error [258]. ; 08S01.
Operation canceled; HY008.
I use the following Processing Options:
-Parallel (All objects will be processed in a single transaction)
-Maximum parallel tasks : Let the server decide
-Storage mode of dimension: MOLAP
I know that this is a timeout message and I already searched for a resolution or an workaround and I couldn't find something useful.
Could anyone advice for an workaround?

Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect Object Explorer to SSAS. Right click on the server node and choose Properties. Go to the General tab and check the "Show Advanced (All) Properties". The ExternalCommandTimeout property defaults to 3600 seconds which is 1 hour. If you think processing will complete in 10 hours then change that property to 36000 and click OK. Then try processing again.


GCP Server crashing with "cloudsql.enable_instance_password_validation"

Over the past day I have been experiencing this error very frequently which results in the cloud instance needing to be reset in order to continue connections:
ERROR: unrecognized configuration parameter "cloudsql.enable_instance_password_validation"
This is operating on a PostgreSQL 14 GCP Cloud SQL community shared 1 vCPU, 0.614 GB instance but was also tested on the standard 1 vCPU, 3.7 GB instance where the problem persisted.
The only code that has changed since this occurrence is a listen/notify call with a Golang PGX pool interface which has been reverted and the problem persists.
The problem hits regularly with any database calls (within 30 mins of a reset) and I have not set anything involving "enable_instance_password_validation" - I am also unable to find any parameters involving this name.
This was an interesting one, #enocom was correct in pointing out that the error experienced within Postgresql was a red herring. Throughout the process, there were several red herrings due to the problem spanning across both the Go server instance and the Postgresql server.
The real reason for the crashes was that the Golang PGX pool interface for interacting with the Postgres DB had a maximum 'DBMaxPools' cap of 14 connections by default. When we get to this number of connections the server hangs without any error log and all further connections are refused perpetually.
To solve this problem all that is required is adding a 'pool_max_conns' within the dbURI when calling:
dbPool, err := pgxpool.Connect(context.Background(), dbURI)
This can do done with something like:
dbURI = fmt.Sprintf(`postgresql://%s:%s#%s:%s/%s?pool_max_conns=%s`, config.DBUser, config.DBPassword, config.DBAddress, config.DBPort, config.DBName, config.DBMaxPools)
Detailed instructions can be found here: pgxpool package info
When setting PGX max conns, be sure to set this number to the same or similar to your maximum concurrency connections for the server instance to avoid this happening again. For GCP cloud run instances, this can be set within Deployment Revisions, under 'Maximum requests per container'

Time-out occurred while waiting for buffer latch type 3 while processing MOLAP cube

This is the error I get from the Log while trying to process a SQL Server 2012 MOLAP Cube.
"Time-out occurred while waiting for buffer latch type 3 for page (1:2044928) database ID 2.; 42000." Source="Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Analysis Services" HelpFile="Error ErrorCode="3240034318" Description="Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while processing the 'Measurement' partition of the measure group for the 'PE cube' cube from the Cube database."
I have scripted the processing task in XMLA and execute the processing via a SSAS Command in an Agent Job.
The first step is to Process Update all dimensions and this succeeds, but when I want to Process Data of the cube the load fails and this error pops up.
I first tried processing with an SSIS package, but this caused the whole server to crash instead of just the job failing. This leads me to believe this a performance issue, but the machine running the job is an Azure VM with 16 processors and 112 GB RAM so I don't know where to look. I also tried running the job without any other activities on the server, but that did not help.
The disk containing the SSAS Instance still has 500GB Free.
The measure group is querying a table containing 180 million records.
While processing the cube on a Dev server with way less data there are no issues. I once succeeded to Process Full the whole cube while processing the SSAS cube directly within SSAS, but via DTEXEC, SSISDB or using SSDT the processing results in a server crash.
Earlier I got different time-out errors, but after adjusting the SSAS ExternalCommandTimeOut, ExternalConnectionTimeOut and ForceCommitTimeout properties to 0 this did not occur anymore.
I have tried multiple processing settings, but because I think it is a performance issue I tried to make the processing as low as possible on performance.
Processing Settings:
Object: Cube; Option: Process Data;
Processing Order: Sequential with Seperate Transactions.
Writeback Table Option: Use Existing;
Do not process affected objects.
I have processed the measure which triggered the error on its own, this did not finish and in the Activity Monitor I saw a lot of Wait_Type IO_Completion and CXPacket. And when querying the sys.dm_exe_requests I see a Select with wait_type IO_Completion which is already running for a long time and a lot of reads.
Last night I tried to process all measurements excluding the measuregroup which triggered the error earlier, but unfortunately the whole server crashed again...
We have looked into upgrading to premium storage, but this means we have to switch from A11 to a DS or GS serie. Meaning we need to resize the whole VM which contains live solutions resulting in down-time and effort to restore the VHDS and replacing the current OS disk which contains parts of live solutions.
Another option we identified is applying partitioning or improving the underlying queries from the measures. Unfortunately way more effort than anticipated, a quick work-around for now would help a lot in selling a long-term solution improvement.
We have had contact with Microsoft and they advice to migrate from an A11 VM to a D14 V2 and upgrade to premium storage disks. This will be our next step and will be executed upcoming friday. After the migration I will update or close this post.
If you miss information, please let me know. Any suggestions that would help me pin-point the situation would be much appreciated!
The upgrade to a VM better suitable for the situation (DS14 V2) and upgrade to P30 premium storage disks have resolved the occuring issues. The issue was not in the way the cube was being processed or configured, but in the hardware used.

Change Dimension Storage Type as Real-time rolap but error occurs

I Create a measure group and two dimensions using [AdventureWorksDW2012], I try to change one dimension's storage mode with setting proactive caching as Real-Time ROlap. There is no any warning message when deploying and processing, but error occurs when I query in sql server analysis services, see below for the error messages and the screen capture.
Error occurred retrieving child nodes: the current operation was cancelled because another operation in the transaction failed.
Does somebody have a hit ?

SQL Server - Timed Out Exception

We are facing the SQL Timed out issue and I found that the Error event ID is either Event 5586 or 3355 (Unable to connect / Network Issue), also could see few other DB related error event ids (3351 & 3760 - Permission issues) reported at different times.
what could be the reason? any help would be appreciated..
Can you elaborate a little? When is this happening? Can you reproduce the behavior or is it sporadic?
It appears SharePoint is involved. Is it possible there is high demand for a large file?
You should check for blocking/locking that might be preventing your query from completing. Also, if you have lots of computed/calculated columns (or just LOTS of data), your query make take a long time to compute.
Finally, if you can't find something blocking your result or optimize your query, it's possible to increase the timeout duration (set it to "0" for no timeout). Do this in Enterprise Manager under the server or database settings.
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors. It never fails.
Are some of your webapps running under either the Local Service or Network Service account? If so, if your databases are not on the same machine (i.e. SharePoint is on machine A and SQL on machine B), authentication will fail for some tasks (i.e. timerjob related actions etc.) but not all. For instance it seems content databases are still accessible (weird, i know, but i've seen it happen....).

Stop Monitoring SQL Services for Registered Servers in SMSS

Question: Is it possible to stop SSMS from monitoring the service status of registered servers?
SSMS 2008 monitors the service status of every registered server. From what I have seen it seems to reach out to every registered server every minute or so to check it's status, in my case that is over 100 servers. This process has raised issues with our Security and Network departments. Network identified it initially as suspicious traffic due to the fact that it appeard as an unknown utility was scanning the network for SQL Servers. Security was concerned because the Security Event Logs on each server are being filled up with my logon events.
I have looked all over for a setting but can't seem to find one. Am I missing it somewhere?
I finally found an answer!!
While it is not possible (at least that I've found) to stop SSMS from checking the service status of registered servers it is possible to change the interval at which it checks it.
The short version is to create the following registry keys (DWORD):
(SQL Server 2008)
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Shell | PollingInterval = 600 (decimal)
(SQL Server 2005)
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Shell | PollingInterval = 600 (decimal)
This will make SSMS connect automatically every minute instead of every few seconds.
See this MS Connect Post for details.
Since it doesn't appear that there's any way to stop these status checks by SSMS, can you focus on helping them to see their harmlessness?
Can the network group allow certain exceptions to this particular rule (pinging servers on port 1433) in their scanning software, which would allow you and your group to monitor SQL Server uptime? Even if you weren't using SSMS, this type of sweeping monitoring activity is pretty common, and you'll know the requests will only ever come from a handful of workstations.
I don't think these SQL status checks generate any more events in the security log than any other activity, so maybe they were just concerned because it was something they weren't expecting. Could the security group be convinced that these events aren't dangerous, again as long as they're coming from certain approved workstations?
If neither of these is an option (or even if it is), you could help mitigate the problem by not connecting to all your SQL servers at once. Maybe just connect to the ones you need at the time - it looks like loading the entire list actively connects to each of them, but just connecting to the ones you intend to use in that session might help reduce the number of network sessions open.
I hope this helps - if it doesn't, or you've got some additional input that might help find a workaround, please post it!