template Integrate in Sylius method? - sylius

I can not integrate a template after installing the setup on my machine.
I had put the template in folder i.e app > Resources > views > Front end > layout.html.twig
I got the template but not getting cascading style sheets files for this
template while saved those Cascading style sheets and java script
and other file in WEB folder of my project.
How can I implement this template?

The template I think you're looking for is located in:

As the previous answer suggested, try putting the template in folder: app > Resources > SyliusWebBundle > views > Frontend > layout.html.twig


How I can add new module to odoo 15

I am new to Odoo and I need to know what is the basic steps of adding a new module.
More specifically I need to know how to add custom modules to the addons-path.
In Odoo document they explain this step as this
$ ./odoo-bin --addons-path=../custom,../enterprise/,addons
but did not work for me.
For adding a new module you should do these steps:
Build your module with your written code or scaffold command.
Add the module path in your config file at addons-path = '',''
Change your URL like this: http://localhost:8091/web?debug=1
Go to apps and from up tabs
Select update app list and refresh your page.
Now you can see your module in the apps.
If you are not getting your custom module in Odoo after adding the path then you can try to add the full path of your folder into addons-path.
To get the full path of your custom folder just right-click on the folder and go to properties and find the path of your folder.
Also, you have to make sure to Apply the Update App list in your Odoo App Dashboard after restarting the server with custom addons.

Adding static PDF file to nuxt js project

I have a project in vue and I want to build it with Nuxt.
I have link in footer that I want user to download a PDF file by clicking on it , it works fine on local server but when I build the project I can't find the pdf file .
I stored the file in Static/documents folder
You have to put the .pdf in the static folder. Then to see you go to http://localhost:3000/yourpdf.pdf (localhost o your domain)
Perhaps you forgot to push it the server ? How your are deploying your application ? using git ? if yes check if there is files in the stage with "git status" command
Did you try to access to yourdomain.com/documents/yourfile.pdf ?

how i can add a vue template in exist project

how i can add a vue template like this :
in my vue cli project
i want just add it in specify route like :
in documentaion just write about run demo
but its folder like a complete project and i dont know how i can add it to specify part of my project
If I understood you correctly what you can do to is right click on the vue-pager-dashboard and inspect so the developer tools shows up. When the developer tools shows up click on the sources like the picture below
After that you will see webpack you can go in there and see how they made their files and designed the dashboard so you can from there work your way and copy the important parts that you want in your project. In the (. dot) folder you can see the routes plugins etc.. and in the src folder you can see pages components well in both folders you can see the components. So this is the way you can do it but if it isn't as you asked or didn't help you out be more specific with your question.

Combine all my custom JS into one single file with dojo build

I'm having a hard time trying to set up dojo build in my project.
Basically, I have my js folder with all my custom widgets and components. I simply want to combine all javascript files form js folder into one single file.
dojo sources are located outside this folder. The structure looks similar to this:
Do you have any idea on how should I configure the package.json and profile.js? The documentation doesn't seem to help since all I am getting is an output folder with the same contents as the js folder (no javascript is merged).
You can start by reading this article:
It provides a simplified overview of dojo build system.
Additional there is dojo boilerplate with a sample of folder structure and profile.js configuration for quick start here:
I definitely suggest you to use the boilerplate as start for your project as it simplify a lot initial configurations.

How to use Free CSS Templates with ASP.NET MVC 4?

I need to use a css template for webpage I am building but I don't know how to use in asp.net mvc4. so How to use CSS Templates with ASP.NET MVC 4 in visual studio 2012 for web application?
It's simple:
Move your css and images into ~/Contents folder.
Move your js files into ~/Scripts folder
Copy and paste your html snippets to cshtml files
On 3rd step you need to port the layout portion of your template to ~/Veiws/Shared/_Layout.cshtml. Here you need to point references to your css and js correctly. For example:
And also you need to be aware that _Layout.cshtml should contain #RenderBody(). That's where all child views will be inserted.
Just found a video with basic demonstration of process: link
It is the same as you use for simpe HTML files. In the solution you can add an existing item and your browse your CSS file which will be added in the Content folder then you have to reference it in the page where it will be used.
If you want to apply all the rules to every page you can reference it in the _Layout.cshtml page which is called before everypage. It is like the container.
You have many options to call it. I will suggest you also reading Bundling and minification in this link which is also interesting to know.
There are Few Steps:
Make Directory inside Content folder in my case mytemplate.
Copy all your template content inside mytemplate folder.
Add new Layout page in View>Shared Folder in my case _mytemplate.cshtml.
open your template Index.html file inside any editor(i.e: Dreamviewer,Notepad etc).
Copy all header stuff from your html file to inside of Header in _mytemplate.cshtml file.
Copy all body stuff Inside of your Index.cshtml to Layout page.
Save your Project by Cntrl+S and Run it in browser. Thats it.