Tool for "ordinary people" be able to run web tests? [closed] - testing

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Which tool would you say have the fastest learning-curve for "ordinary people" (ie, people whose experience with computers is basically using Faceboook) to be able to write "web tests" (for instance, "access this site, type [X] on this input field, press button, wait 5 seconds, check if the response contains 'OK'").
I'm looking for something that could be teachable in 5-10 hours. I don't care if it results in a stable and very reliable test. This is just to be an alternative for a "monkey tester" while integration tests aren't developed.
The simplest idea I can think is a macro-recorder (recommending the tester to wait a longer time for things that may take longer) and taking a screenshot in the end (the tester would select parts of the image that are important).
Is there anything better than that (or at least that)?

With 5-10 hours learning Selenium IDE for basics tests should be more then enough.
It's free
Huge userbase, lots of learning materials and ready to use examples
No installation needed, just add-on to firefox (or other browsers as well)
A little familiarity with html and javascript enables you to write rather complex tests for your web application
If for some reasons Selenium IDE is not an option for you you might check products like e.g. Ghost inspector or Visual Studio Test Manager.


What will be the best tool to automate a Single Page Application test cases [closed]

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Closed 11 months ago.
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I have a new website to test which is a Single page application (SPA) and I'm not sure which tool shall I use to automate it. I thought of Selenium and Protractor but Protractor would not be a good idea as my site has nothing to do with AngularJS and in that case is it like Selenium WebDriver is the only option or there are any other tool available in market?
If selenium is the only good option then what sort of challenge I can face?
I'd go for Watir-Webdriver and Ruby! Main benefits - easy to read and understand code, ruby flexibility, power and irb debugger, speed and reliability. As for challenges - one would be of integrating technologies (if your site uses C# as the backend - i would definitely go with C# and Selenium-Webdriver)
Yes you can go with selenium webdriver with a framework like POM(Page object Model).
Page object model gives flexibility and maintainability for you scripts.
Hope it will help you :)
In case of one page application its will be bad idea to use selenium.
add all the dll's to your project, run the webDriver in your code and so on ...
The best idea will be using (.Net webBrowser + MSHtml) [in case that your test will be on internet explorer web browser]
The Benefits:
Speed !
Build in Framework.

Testing tool for performance [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Which is the best Performance tool to measure the response time for a web application in IE10 and above.
I've used http watch and fiddler.
Kindly suggest any other tools, which are good and simple
Also kindly let me know what is memory leakage in mobiles.
I tried using the Developer tools it dint help.
The web pages which i need to test have a lot of dynamic fields, so if i click on any of the fields the debugger will close as the fields loads. Hence need an external tool to record the response time.
Try using inbuilt "Developer Tools" in IE (Press F12 button on keyboard to open it)
"Best" would depend on your criteria for what that means. Best could mean one that is fast and easy to set up and use and can simulate traffic in a realistic scenario. Or you might have a number of very technical requirements. There are a number of "performance testing as a service" tools out there that meet the simplicity metric eg. you could try Nouvola DiveCloud who have a free plan with 600 user minutes per month.

i am a newbie in automation testing using Selenium. What do I need to run an automation test? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I know Selenium IDE should be needed to record/playback a test. What are the other things in selenium i need, to automate test cases. I am not sure about anything other that recording and playing back. How does this selenium actually works. Do i need to code any programs like developing? or only recording the test will be enough? Share you knowledge about Selenium test.
Where can i get best tutorial for Selenium?
Do i need to code any programs like developing? or only recording the
test will be enough?
This largely depends on what you require your tests to do. If you only need to record a very straightforward set of tests, using the Selenium IDE and recording tests will probably be sufficient. If you are trying to make a robust and extensible test suite, with varied input and/or varied test conditions, you will probably need to do some development to fully tap into the power of Selenium.
The best resources that I know of are the official Selenium documentation, which is well-written and even comes with a bunch of pictures to help walk you through starting with Selenium. For more detailed or technical questions, I would refer to the Selenium google group, which is pretty active.
I recommend these high rating Selenium video tutorial (duration : 2.5 hours in 3 parts) :
Although its title is Selenium + JUnit, but actually it is all about Selenium IDE

Selenium Grid service [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Can anyone recommend a good Selenium Grid "host" for running tests? Instead of having to set up my own network of testing machines?
I'm personally partial to Sauce Labs. For me, the recorded screencasts of your tests is really the key feature. Essentially you just point your existing tests at a sauce server instead of your localhost and you're good to go. One slight drawback is that they don't have Mac instances available for test. They offer a free trial to get you started.
The major thing sauce doesn't handle well is load/performance testing. For that, look at BrowserMob. Essentially, you're driving load tests with real browsers using selenium scripts.
I've heard good things about PushToTest but never used them.
One thing to note is that these are all Selenium 1.x providers. Selenium 2 doesn't have a grid yet, but that should be coming soon.
Selenium Grid2 is now available.
I've been looking at services, and the two most comparable for grid testing look to be sauce labs as mentioned above, and also browserstack which offers a cheaper "unlimited" package I believe. It has 10 parallel users, which I'm not certain if those compare to VMs that sauce labs uses in the same way. This project requires testing over a full suite of browser variations, so the parallel and unlimited aspects are key factors for us.

iMacros is good but unreliable. Is there any alternative? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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iMacros is a very nice tool which allows to authomatically fill HTML forms and extract content, includes cycles and many other features. The problem is that it is quite tricky to make it extracting content properly. For example, I have failed to extract all London-to-Tokio flight prices for all the dates between 1/10/08 to 1/12/08 to find a cheapest one from expedia. Sometimes it just crashes. Does anyone know any good alternative?
Bah, I installed it but never really used it: I am happy enough with Greasemonkey.
Chickenfoot can make it more edible...
Searching for URLs, I found also DéjàClick and Selenium IDE but I don't really know them.
There are lot of other tools for Web automation, most of them professional (read "payware"...).
Alternatively, for just data extraction, I would use cURL or wget and a good HTML parser...
I have heard good things about Selenium IDE also and my limited testing indicates it is pretty capable, and works in Firefox and IE.
For most any macro based testing tool, you will need to do some programming if you need to support multiple, repeatable test cases.
That said, in your example you mention running an Expedia macro... presumably to scrape results. You will want to make sure that you don't hammer Expedia's servers, and/or expect to be booted once they discover you are (effectively) a bot.
I agree imacros is quite unreliable. They crash quite easily if you using complex algorithm or running it continously. The trick is to close it and open it again after loops. It will decrease the number of crash you will find, though not completely.