How to list recently deleted pages by Wikipedia API? - wikipedia-api

I am using the Wikipedia API to retrieve the latest version of Wikipedia content. I also want to call the API separately and only retrieve a list of recently deleted pages.

To list the last 50 deleted pages in the main namespace see deletedrevs:
To list the last 50 deleted revisions in the main namespace see alldeletedrevisions:
But in both cases you will need administrator rights.


Create login for multiple users with customized content with TYPO3 11.5.21

First of all, I must confess that I'm very, very new in TYPO3, therefore, my questions might be a bit confusing or not properly understandable. So, please be patient with me.
As already stated in the title, I want to create a login page for multiple users and every user should see a customized content, for example some pdf files or slides.
I was able to create a login page and it's working but I have no clue what's happening afterwards. I'm searching for a solution since days but the TYPO3 documentation is super shitty, especially for beginners like me.
My idea was to work with a MySQL database (I don't even know if this is possible). After the login all data about the customer are read from the database and defined files (some pdf and slides) should be shown.
Is this possible like that? Or how is the usual way to do that?
I'm happy for every hint!
Thanks a lot in advance :-)
I tried to find a solution online but without success
you need a custom extension which will render the files based on the logged in user. By using the extension "extension builder" you can create a first version of your extension very quickly which can be used as base.
If you are german speaking, take a look at the videos of Stefan, e.g. which document how to create an extension as well
If you use the Login of TYPO3 you can also use the access-management from TYPO3 for FrontEnd content:
for each erecord (page, content, news, ...) you can decide which group(!) of users can see it.
Each record in TYPO3 normaly contains a field (in the access tab) to select which groups can see this record.
It's up to you to define the groups each user belongs to.
And each group can access some content. TYPO3 merges it and even can give access to one record to multiple groups.
Regarding files like PDFs: if you do not need absolute access restrictions it would be possible to only list links to the files for the apropriate groups. (other users, even not logged in users could access the files if they know the URL)
You have users in three groups like owner of product A, product B, product C.
Of course there are owners of multiple Products.
For each group you can provide content like manuals, updates or lists of service points.
First you can give access to the pages about each product only to member of the matching group. All the content of that pages are visible only after login and if the user belongs to that group.
But you also can have mixed pages:
Maybe news where all updates are shown. Although each news record has (at least) one group to be shown to.
There could be one page with the news plugin to show all news. After login only those records are shown which belong to the groups of the user, other records are hidden. (not logged in users can see only records not restricted to any group)
If you want a individuality of content by person you need a group for each user.
If you want the user to select by himself what his interests are you need a FE plugin where he can select his memberships of individual groups.

Google API to track document view and edits - google sheets

I maintain ~450 unique Google Sheets for all of the teachers in our school district (updated nightly using a python script). For auditing and reporting purposes I would like to track opens and edits of these Sheets.
I've found the Changes resource that should be able to help me identify edits, but that's only getting me halfway there. Is there any Drive API Resource out there that will identify page views (count, most recent) by user?
Track Google Drive document changes using the Reports API from the Admin SDK.
What you are trying to do can be achieved using the Reports API.You can have a list of all the file IDs and use the activities.list method and set the userKey parameter to "all" so that you get the activities from any user, or set a specific email address or user ID to get the information from a specific user only.
The applicationName parameter needs to be set to "drive" so that it recognizes that it is the Google Drives report the one you are accessing, and then for the filters parameter you can use for example "doc_id==12345" (replace 12345 with the file ID) to get the activity report from a specific document.
An example:
Note: Be aware that this can only pull information from the last 6 months.

Lists the most viewed pages Wikimedia projects (Wikipedia) with more than 1000 results

I have seen that there are various APIs and various tools that allow you to see the most visited pages of the Wikimedia projects such as Wikipedia, but all these services have a limit, they do not allow to show more than 1000 pages, while I would like to have the list of 5000-10000(or more) most visited pages in order of traffic.
these are all the services that I checked and with which I found this limit:|table|last-month|~total|monthly
I have also found services like or where you can run a query, technically perhaps through this service you could but I don't know the query to be performed to show the pages with most visits.
I also found an interesting article here: where it is explained that it is possible to use Google's BigQuery but it is an external service and before using it I wanted to know if it existed a simpler method.
If the REST API doesn't suit your purpose, you'd need to parse the raw data yourself. That's because all the tools you've linked just consume the REST API.
The raw data are available at There are two groups of files there. One starts with pageviews-, which lists the number of views of individual pages, the second starts with projectviews-, which lists the number of views of individual projects.
For your target, you need the pageviews ones. Download the files for your timespan, and then analyze them using a script.
The file is space-separated. Each row represents one page that was visited in that hour. First column represents the project (en is English Wikipedia, for instance), second is the page title (spaces are represented by underscores) and then there are total pageviews.
The technical documentation is available at

Multipage Bootstrap and Google Analytics

I have sort of a problem how to use Google Analytics properly with Boostrap.
My page has 3 level deep subpages and the last subpage has it's own subdomain. In GA I see I can use max. 50 tracking codes within one service. What if I need more than that?
You are limited to 50 properties not 50 pages. Each property can track many pages and (up to 10 million hits a month for the free version) and events.
Typically you would use the same property code on all pages on the same site so you can see all that data together (though with option to drill down).
You would only use a new property code for a new site (though your subdomain might qualify for that if you want to track it separately).
So the two questions you want to ask yourself are:
Do you want to be able to report on two pages together? E.g. To see that your site gets 10,000 hits and 20% are for this page and 5% are for that page. Or people start at this page and then go to that page and then on to this page. If so it should be the same analytics property.
Do different people need to see these page stats? And is it a problem if they do? If so put as a separate property so you can permission separately.
It sounds like these are part of the same site so I'd be veering towards tracking them together on same property.
On a different note you should set one page as the main version (with a rel canonical tag) and redirect other version to that page to avoid confusing search engines thinking you have duplicated content. Do you have a reason for having the same content on two different addresses? It can cause SEO and other problems.

Specify items per page

I'm trying to query Picasa Web Albums to pull album/photo data (obviously!) however initially I only need to pull the first 4 photos. Is there any way to limit a particular field or specify the items per page?
I've already accomplished something similar with Facebook's Graph API however I'm unable to find anything similar for Picasa. The only items I can find related to limiting the response is specifying which fields, but nothing related to the number of rows.
Use max-results argument. See doc here.