How to stop redirecting the url of sign up or sign in? - signing

I have created the sign up and sign in form as popup on menu bar. When I am entering wrong credentials I am redirected to the signup page. How can I stop this redirection?


Check if user already logged in okta on startup of website or application. so that we don't need to login again

I have added one more button apart from regular login button, the button is sing in with okta. when clicked it challange and redirect to okta username and password after that my code execute and login. But i want to do something like if i am already login in okta and when i open my site it should directly log me in without clicking sing in with okta button. Is that possible ?

How to redirect user to login screen completely instead of opening login screen in iframe

I have two page A and B.I have put an iframe on page A.I have one link on page A.By clicking on this link I open page B in iframe.
After session expire if I click on this link , a login screen appear in iframe but I just want to redirect user to login screen completely instead of iframe.
How to achieve that.

how do i sign user out of my app?

I implementet Google+ Sign-In API in the root page of my app. It automatically signs in user if user is signed in to google, then API automatically signs him in to my app. The problem is that when user logs out of my app, he is redirected to root page which logs him back in, since he still is logged in to google.
You can see the whole code here:
wierd, they have "See also, signing the user out of your app."
link, but it's broken :(
Any ideas?
This is similar to this question:
Preventing automatic sign-in when using Google+ Sign-In
You could use a cookie that is set when the user is logged in on your site. If the user is logged in, indicated by the presence of the cookie, allow the user to automatically get redirected into your site. If the user is not logged in, require that the user click the sign-in button before you hide the button and redirect them to the signed-in experience. To log the user out, delete the cookie.

Authentication within page tab by redirect instead of popup

How do I redirect a user who enters a Facebook page tab that runs a Facebook application (instead of a popup to the login page of my app) and then redirect back to page tab?
Oh ok,
You need to invoke the popup on user input. If the user clicked something like "Begin Game" or whatever on the landing page, it will not get blocked by popup blockers.
It has to be in an onclick or onmouseup event etc. That will bypass popup blocking.

How can I get devise to go to use one page as root if the user is logging in but another when they are logging out?

I'm working on a Rails 3 application that uses devise for user authentication. I would like the user to only see the splash/signup page when they first visit the site but be sent to the login page if they log out or time out, as follows:
Splash page
Click on login link
Login page
Supply proper login credentials
User's dashboard
Click on logout link or user times out
Login page (not splash page)
Take a look in the devise wiki: How To: Change the redirect path after destroying a session i.e. signing out