efficient way to draw continuous line in psychopy - psychopy

I'm looking for a more efficient way to draw continuous lines in PsychoPy. That's what I've come up with, for now...
edit: the only improvement I could think of is to add a new line only if the mouse has really moved by adding if (mspos1-mspos2).any():
ms = event.Mouse(myWin)
lines = []
mspos1 = ms.getPos()
while True:
mspos2 = ms.getPos()
if (mspos1-mspos2).any():
lines.append(visual.Line(myWin, start=mspos1, end=mspos2))
for j in lines:
mspos1 = mspos2
edit: I tried it with Shape.Stim (code below), hoping that it would work better, but it get's edgy even more quickly..
vertices = [ms.getPos()]
con_line = visual.ShapeStim(myWin,
i = 0
while myclock.getTime() < 15:
new_pos = ms.getPos()
if (vertices[i]-new_pos).any():
i += 1

The problem is that it becomes too ressource demanding to draw those many visual.Lines or manipulate those many vertices in the visual.ShapeStim on each iteration of the loop. So it will hang on the draw (for Lines) or vertex assignment (for ShapeStim) so long that the mouse has moved enough for the line to show discontinuities ("edgy").
So it's a performance issue. Here are two ideas:
Have a lower threshold for the minimum distance travelled by the mouse before you want to add a new coordinate to the line. In the example below I impose a the criterion that the mouse position should be at least 10 pixels away from the previous vertex to be recorded. In my testing, this compressed the number of vertices recorded per second to about a third. This strategy alone will postpone the performance issue but not prevent it, so on to...
Use the ShapeStim solution but regularly use new ShapeStims, each with fewer vertices so that the stimulus to be updated isn't too complex. In the example below I set the complexity at 500 pixels before shifting to a new stimulus. There might be a small glitch while generating the new stimulus, but nothing I've noticed.
So combining these two strategies, starting and ending mouse drawing with a press on the keyboard:
# Setting things up
from psychopy import visual, event, core
import numpy as np
# The crucial controls for performance. Adjust to your system/liking.
distance_to_record = 10 # number of pixels between coordinate recordings
screenshot_interval = 500 # number of coordinate recordings before shifting to a new ShapeStim
# Stimuli
myWin = visual.Window(units='pix')
ms = event.Mouse()
myclock = core.Clock()
# The initial ShapeStim in the "stimuli" list. We can refer to the latest
# as stimuli[-1] and will do that throughout the script. The others are
# "finished" and will only be used for draw.
stimuli = [visual.ShapeStim(myWin,
vertices=np.empty((0, 2)))]
# Wait for a key, then start with this mouse position
stimuli[-1].vertices = np.array([ms.getPos()])
while not event.getKeys():
# Get mouse position
new_pos = ms.getPos()
# Calculating distance moved since last. Pure pythagoras.
# Index -1 is the last row.index
distance_moved = np.sqrt((stimuli[-1].vertices[-1][0]-new_pos[0])**2+(stimuli[-1].vertices[-1][1]-new_pos[1])**2)
# If mouse has moved the minimum required distance, add the new vertex to the ShapeStim.
if distance_moved > distance_to_record:
stimuli[-1].vertices = np.append(stimuli[-1].vertices, np.array([new_pos]), axis=0)
# ... and show it (along with any "full" ShapeStims
for stim in stimuli:
# Add a new ShapeStim once the old one is too full
if len(stimuli[-1].vertices) > screenshot_interval:
print "new shapestim now!"
vertices=[stimuli[-1].vertices[-1]])) # start from the last vertex


Freefalling objects fly through a center of gravity in VPython, the moment they hit the center though they speed up and shoot out to the side

I have this function here
def gravitationalForce(p1,p2):
G = 1=
rVector = p1.pos - p2.pos
# if vp.mag(rVector) <.01:
# planet1.pos =- planet1.pos
# star.pos = - star.pos
rMagnitude = vp.mag(rVector)
rHat = rVector / rMagnitude
F = - rHat * G * p1.mass * p2.mass /rMagnitude**2
return F
and what I'm trying to do is make a single object/sphere that starts with a momentum of zero, some distance from a massive object. Over time the object pulls it in, and then it flies through to the other side, slowing down, and osculating back and forth. My issue is that while I am accurately simulating gravity between the two points, the moment the magnitude of the radius hits 0, the force seems to go to infinity, shooting the particle out at very high speeds in the following time steps, before it has a chance to be slowed down my the force of gravity on the other side. I tried to skip over the center when it was some small radius by implementing the conditional
# if vp.mag(rVector) <.01:
# planet1.pos =- planet1.pos
# star.pos = - star.pos
but this made no change and the object still shoots out.
Here are the given objects I generate
star = vp.sphere(pos=vp.vector(0,0,0), radius=0.2, color=vp.color.yellow,
mass = 2.0*10000, momentum=vp.vector(0,0,0), make_trail=True)
planet1 = vp.sphere(pos=vp.vector(-1,0,0), radius=0.05, color=vp.color.green,
mass = 1, momentum=vp.vector(10,0,0), make_trail=True)
You need to check to see whether the next step would, if carried out, put the planet inside the star. If so, you might move to the near side of the star, then move at (say) a constant speed to the other side of the star and turn on gravity again. The alternative would be to take very short steps while inside the star. This isn't quite physical, because you really need to use Gauss's law to calculate (in the approximation of a constant density for the star) the actual gravitational force.

How to make a new created line of specific length?

I need the line I am drawing to be of specific length. I can detect when it reaches the required length but if the user moves the mouse faster it could make the line longer than intended.
Heres a video of the issue I am having, when I move the mouse slowly works great but speed gives issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wkYcbG78TE
Here is the code where I create and detect the length of the line.
if Input.is_action_pressed("Left_click"): #This checks the distance between last vector and the mouse vector
#points_array[-1] = get_global_mouse_position() # Gets the last position of the array and sets the mouse cords
var length = clamp(points_array[-1].distance_to(get_global_mouse_position()),0,20)
if length == 20: # if its long enough create a new line and set it to mouse position
var cords = get_global_mouse_position()
When the mouse moved too much, you could add multiple points to fill the gap, always at the correct distance, of course.
That is, while the length from the last point to the position of the mouse is larger than the distance you want, add another point at the appropriate distance.
Thus, a while loop:
if Input.is_action_pressed("Left_click"):
var mouse_pos = get_global_mouse_position()
var distance = 20
while points_array[-1].distance_to(mouse_pos) > distance:
var cords = # ???
A little vector algebra will figure out where to place that point. Starting from the last added point, you want to go in the direction from it to the position of the mouse. What distance to go? well, it the length you want.
if Input.is_action_pressed("Left_click"):
var mouse_pos = get_global_mouse_position()
var distance = 20
while points_array[-1].distance_to(mouse_pos) > distance:
var last_point = points_array[-1]
var cords = last_point + last_point.direction_to(mouse_pos) * distance
I believe that should work.

How would one draw an arbitrary curve in createJS

I am attempting to write a function using createJS to draw an arbitrary function and I'm having some trouble. I come from a d3 background so I'm having trouble breaking out of the data-binding mentality.
Suppose I have 2 arrays xData = [-10, -9, ... 10] and yData = Gaussian(xData) which is psuedocode for mapping each element of xData to its value on the bell curve. How can I now draw yData as a function of xData?
To graph an arbitrary function in CreateJS, you draw lines connecting all the data points you have. Because, well, that's what graphing is!
The easiest way to do this is a for loop going through each of your data points, and calling a lineTo() for each. Because the canvas drawing API starts a line where you last 'left off', you actually don't even need to specify the line start for each line, but you DO have to move the canvas 'pen' to the first point before you start drawing. Something like:
// first make our shape to draw into.
let graph = new createjs.Shape();
let g = graph.graphics
xStart = xData[0];
yStart = yourFunction(xData[0]);
g.moveTo(xStart, yStart);
for( let i = 1; i < xData.length; i++){
nextX = xData[i], but normalized to fit on your graph area;
nextY = yourFunction(xData[i]), but similarly normalized;
g.lineTo(nextX, nextY);
This should get a basic version of the function drawing! Note that the line will be pretty jagged if you don't have a lot of data points, and you'll have to treat (normalize) your data to make it fit onto your screen. For instance, if you start at -10 for X, that's off the screen to the left by 10 pixels - and if it only runs from -10 to +10, your entire graph will be squashed into only 20 pixels of width.
I have a codepen showing this approach to graphing here. It's mapped to hit every pixel on the viewport and calculate a Y value for it, though, rather than your case where you have input X values. And FYI, the code for graphing is all inside the 'run' function at the top - everything in the PerlinNoiseMachine class is all about data generation, so you can ignore it for the purposes of this question.
Hope that helps! If you have any specific follow-up questions or code samples, please amend your question.

MDAnalysis selects atoms from the PBC box but does not shift the coordinates

MDAnalysis distance selection commands like 'around' and 'sphzere' selects atoms from periodic image (I am using a rectangular box).
universe.select_atoms("name OW and around 4 (resid 20 and name O2)")
However, the coordinates of the atoms from the PBC box reside on the other side of the box. In other words, I have to manually translate the atoms to ensure that they actually are withing the 4 Angstrom distance.
Is there a selection feature to achieve this using the select_atoms function?
If I well understand, you would like to get the atoms around a given selection in the image that is the closest to that selection.
universe.select_atoms does not modify the coordinates, and I am not aware of a function that gives you what you want. The following function could work for an orthorhombic box like yours:
def pack_around(atom_group, center):
Translate atoms to their periodic image the closest to a given point.
The function assumes that the center is in the main periodic image.
# Get the box for the current frame
box = atom_group.universe.dimensions
# The next steps assume that all the atoms are in the same
# periodic image, so let's make sure it is the case
# AtomGroup.positions is a property rather than a simple attribute.
# It does not always propagate changes very well so let's work with
# a copy of the coordinates for now.
positions = atom_group.positions.copy()
# Identify the *coordinates* to translate.
sub = positions - center
culprits = numpy.where(numpy.sqrt(sub**2) > box[:3] / 2)
# Actually translate the coordinates.
positions[culprits] -= (u.dimensions[culprits[1]]
* numpy.sign(sub[culprits]))
# Propagate the new coordinates.
atom_group.positions = positions
Using that function, I got the expected behavior on one of MDAnalysis test files. You need MDAnalysisTests to be installed to run the following piece of code:
import numpy
import MDAnalysis as mda
from MDAnalysisTests.datafiles import PDB_sub_sol
u = mda.Universe(PDB_sub_sol)
selection = u.select_atoms('around 15 resid 32')
center = u.select_atoms('resid 32').center_of_mass()
# Save the initial file for latter comparison
# Translate the coordinates
pack_around(selection, center)
# Save the new coordinates

Kinetic Theory Model

Edit: I've now fixed the problem I asked about. The spheres were leaving the box in the corners, where the if statements (in the while loop shown below) got confused. In the bits of code that reverse the individual components of velocity on contact with walls, some elif statements were used. When elif is used (as far as I can tell) if the sphere exceeds more than one position limit at a time, the program only reverses the velocity component for one of them. This is rectified when replacing elif with simply if. I'm not sure if I quite understand the reason behind this, so hopefully someone cleverer than I will comment such information, but for now, if anyone has the same problem, I hope my limited input helps!
Some context first:
I'm trying to build a model of the kinetic theory of gases in VPython, as a revision exercise for my (Physics) degree. This involves me building a hollow box and putting a bunch of spheres in it, randomly positioned throughout the box. I then need to assign each of the spheres its own random velocity and then use a loop to adjust the position of each sphere with reference to its velocity vector and a time step.
The spheres should also undergo elastic collisions with each wall and all other spheres.
When a sphere meets a wall in the x-direction, its x-velocity component is reversed and similarly in the y and z directions.
When a sphere meets another sphere, they swap velocities.
Currently, my code works so far as creating the right number of spheres and distributing them randomly and giving each sphere its own random velocity. The spheres also move as they should, except for collisions. The spheres should all stay inside the box as they should bounce off all the walls. They appear to be bouncing off each other, however, occasionally a sphere or two will go straight through the box.
I am extremely new to programming and I don't quite understand what's going on here or why it's happening but I'd be very grateful if someone could help me.
Below is the code I have so far (I've tried to comment what I'm doing at each step):
# This code is meant to create an empty box and then create
# a certain number of spheres (num_spheres) that will sit inside
# the box. Each sphere will then be assigned a random velocity vector.
# A loop will then adjust the position of each sphere to make them
# move. The spheres will undergo elastic collisions with the box walls
# and also with the other spheres in the box.
from visual import *
import random as random
import numpy as np
num_spheres = 15
fps = 24 #fps of while loop (later)
dt = 1.0/fps #time step
l = 40 #length of box
w = 2 #width of box
radius = 0.5 #radius of spheres
# Creating an empty box with sides length/height l, width w
wallR = box(pos = (l/2.0,0,0), size=(w,l,l), color=color.white, opacity=0.25)
wallL = box(pos = (-l/2.0,0,0), size=(w,l,l), color=color.white, opacity=0.25)
wallU = box(pos = (0,l/2.0,0), size=(l,w,l), color=color.white, opacity=0.25)
wallD = box(pos = (0,-l/2.0,0), size=(l,w,l), color=color.white, opacity=0.25)
wallF = box(pos = (0,0,l/2.0), size=(l,l,w), color=color.white, opacity=0.25)
wallB = box(pos = (0,0,-l/2.0), size=(l,l,w), color=color.white, opacity=0.25)
#defining a function that creates a list of 'num_spheres' randomly positioned spheres
def create_spheres(num):
global l, radius
particles = [] # Create an empty list
for i in range(0,num): # Loop i from 0 to num-1
v = np.random.rand(3)
particles.append(sphere(pos= (3.0/4.0*l) * (v - 0.5), #pos such that spheres are inside box
radius = radius, color=color.red, index=i))
# each sphere is given an index for ease of referral later
return particles
#defining a global variable = the array of velocities for the spheres
velarray = []
#defining a function that gives each sphere a random velocity
def velocity_spheres(sphere_list):
global velarray
for sphere in spheres:
#making the sign of each velocity component random
rand = random.randint(0,1)
if rand == 1:
sign = 1
sign = -1
mu = 10 #defining an average for normal distribution
sigma = 0.1 #defining standard deviation of normal distribution
# 3 random numbers form the velocity vector
vel = vector(sign*random.normalvariate(mu, sigma),sign*random.normalvariate(mu, sigma),
sign*random.normalvariate(mu, sigma))
spheres = create_spheres(num_spheres) #creating some spheres
velocity_spheres(spheres) # invoking the velocity function
while True:
for sphere in spheres:
sphere.pos += velarray[sphere.index]*dt
#incrementing sphere position by reference to its own velocity vector
if abs(sphere.pos.x) > (l/2.0)-w-radius:
(velarray[sphere.index])[0] = -(velarray[sphere.index])[0]
#reversing x-velocity on contact with a side wall
elif abs(sphere.pos.y) > (l/2.0)-w-radius:
(velarray[sphere.index])[1] = -(velarray[sphere.index])[1]
#reversing y-velocity on contact with a side wall
elif abs(sphere.pos.z) > (l/2.0)-w-radius:
(velarray[sphere.index])[2] = -(velarray[sphere.index])[2]
#reversing z-velocity on contact with a side wall
for sphere2 in spheres: #checking other spheres
if sphere2 != sphere:
#making sure we aren't checking the sphere against itself
if abs(sphere2.pos-sphere.pos) < (sphere.radius+sphere2.radius):
#if the other spheres are touching the sphere we are looking at
v1 = velarray[sphere.index]
#noting the velocity of the first sphere before the collision
velarray[sphere.index] = velarray[sphere2.index]
#giving the first sphere the velocity of the second before the collision
velarray[sphere2.index] = v1
#giving the second sphere the velocity of the first before the collision
Thanks again for any help!
The elif statements within the while loop in the code given in the original question are/were the cause of the problem. The conditional statement, elif, is only applicable if the original, if, condition is not satisfied. The circumstance wherein a sphere meets the corner of the box satisfies at least two of the conditions for reversing velocity components. This means that, while one would expect (at least) two velocity components to be reversed, only one is. That is, the direction specified by the if statement is reversed, whereas the component(s) mentioned in the elif statement(s) are not, as the first condition has been satisfied and, hence, the elif statements are ignored.
If each elif is changed to be a separate if statement, the code works as intended.