XML parsing with namespace SQL Server - sql

We are cleaning up data in our database and a column has XML details inside of it which we want to be able to convert into plain text.
Below is the sample XML in the table column.
<FlowDocument PagePadding="5,5,5,5" Name="RTDocument" AllowDrop="True" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation">
<Paragraph>FILE DESTROYED - MAY 21st, 2008</Paragraph>
I am using this query, but it is not rendering the desired output due to the presence of Namespace (if I remove the namespace from the XML, I am able to render the output successfully).
CAST(CAST(Comments AS XML).query('data(/FlowDocument/Paragraph)') AS VARCHAR(7000)) AS activity
ActivityID = 1
Kindly help in this matter.

You can also declare your namespace like this:
;WITH xmlnamespaces(DEFAULT 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation')
CAST(CAST(Comments AS XML).query('data(/FlowDocument/Paragraph)') AS VARCHAR(7000)) AS activity
FROM [dbo].Activities where ActivityID=1
Other options are given here: parsing xml using sql server

You need to use namespace declaration in your Query as per: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms191474.aspx
so your query portion would look something like:
declare namespace NS="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation";


Find XML tag which is present several times

I am working with an Oracle database 19c.
I have a table with the blob field "MSG_BODY". This field contains XML's like that:
<Body xmlns = "http://www.finnova.ch/ZV/EHF/021">
The tag "Zahlung" can exist multiple times and that's OK, but into the the tag "Zahlung" is the
tag "MeldungsRef". This tag should exist zero or one time for every tag "Zahlung". That's a fault shown in the XML above. I now need a query to select all rows in the table, which contains an XML, where the tag "MeldungsRef" is multiple times there. How can I do that?
Thanks for helping me!
You're looking for a second appearance of the MeldungsRef node within a Zahlung node, so you can look directly for that. This query shows you the first and second instances of the node, using xmlquery() and specifying the appearance to find with [1] or [2]:
select id,
'declare default element namespace "http://www.finnova.ch/ZV/EHF/021"; (: :)
passing xmltype(msg_body)
returning content
) as first,
'declare default element namespace "http://www.finnova.ch/ZV/EHF/021"; (: :)
passing xmltype(msg_body)
returning content
) as second
from your_table;
You could look for the second being not-null, but it's easier to use the same XPath with xmlexists() to test whether a second child node exists:
select id
from your_table
where xmlexists(
'declare default element namespace "http://www.finnova.ch/ZV/EHF/021"; (: :)
passing xmltype(msg_body)
db<>fiddle with one good (single node) and one bad (multiple node) row.
i receive the following error: ORA-32512: type 'xquery external variable'
As your base column is a BLOB you need to tell it which character set it's it, e.g.:
passing xmltype(msg_body, nls_charset_id('UTF8'))

Xquery transformation on text data in response

I want to get a xquery transformation drafted for below data.. here as part of service response fault, I am getting below payload and need to capture the data in ErrorCode element.
challenge that I am having here is, this is not part of a XML structure, its coming as part of CDATA tags.
Could you please suggest how I can get this value in a variable same.
Say I am getting this structure as part of $Fault and now need to assign ErrorCode in a new variable $FaultCode
$FaultCode = $Fault/con:details/con1:ErrorResponseDetail/con1:detail/ ********
I am not sure how I can capture this further detail element
<con:fault xmlns:con="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/context">
<con:reason>eceived an error response</con:reason>
<con1:ErrorResponseDetail xmlns:con1="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/stages/transform/config">
<![CDATA[<Error xmlns="http://servic.abcd.net/V1">
<ErrorDescription>{"description":"No Cdata for )"}</ErrorDescription>
<con:stage>Test Stage</con:stage>
Assuming XQuery 3.1 with the parse-xml function (https://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-functions/#func-parse-xml) you can use
declare namespace con="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/context";
declare namespace con1="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/stages/transform/config";
declare namespace V1 = "http://servic.abcd.net/V1";
to get the string value DATA_AVAILABILITY, see https://xqueryfiddle.liberty-development.net/6qM2e27 for demo.
With XQuery 1 there is not XML parsing which is needed to solve this properly but you can of course try to use string functions to extract the data e.g.
/con:fault/con:details/con1:ErrorResponseDetail/con1:detail/substring-before(substring-after(., '<ErrorCode>'), '</ErrorCode>')

How to read-in a FOR XML call from a Kamiak Query component in Delphi D6?

Performing an SQL FOR XML RAW statement call with a Kamiak ADO Query component in Delphi6. How to read the returned XML back out of that query component in your code?
Initial problems:
1) There is no "field name" to refer to in the Kamiak components "FieldByName()" method.
2) Attempts to reference the query results as Query.Fields.Fields[0] returns binary that the XMLPartner component can't read-in via their LoadFromMemory( ) method call.
The following is a beautifully simple tweak to the FOR XML RAW statement that made it exceptionally easy to read back out the XML result of the SQL call back out of the kamiak ADO Query component in code.
Essentially take the existing FOR XML RAW select statement, and wrap it up inside the following:
SELECT CAST((< your FOR XML RAW select stmt goes here >) AS VARCHAR(MAX)) AS XmlData
Then... within your Delphi code you can just refer to the returned XML as follows:
sXML := MyKamiakQryObject.FieldByName('XmlData').AsString();
Before doing this I was having a bear of a time with trying to extract the XML content of that query.
So I wanted to make sure to share this for the next guy.

Select values from XML with multiple namespaces

I need to read a value of an attribute from an XML column. The data is an XML with multiple namespaces declared:
<sd:objectData xmlns:sd="http://sd-uri">
<sd:object sourceKey="FC5A0A51-7FB6-4C64-A13E-D4B00649E80E">
<do:properties xmlns:do="http://do-uri">
<do:property name="DECISION">
<do:propertyValues clearExistingValues="true">
<do:propertyValue action="add" valueInteger="1000142" tag="Approve" />
I want to read the value of valueInteger, namely in this example 1000142. I tried with WITH XMLNAMESPACES() but I am not able to get it together to define both aliases.
Does this work for you?
DECLARE #XML xml = '
<sd:objectData xmlns:sd="http://sd-uri">
<sd:object sourceKey="FC5A0A51-7FB6-4C64-A13E-D4B00649E80E">
<do:properties xmlns:do="http://do-uri">
<do:property name="DECISION">
<do:propertyValues clearExistingValues="true">
<do:propertyValue action="add" valueInteger="1000142" tag="Approve" />
WITH XMLNAMESPACES ('http://sd-uri' AS sd,
'http://do-uri' AS do)
SELECT #XML.value('(/sd:objectData/sd:object/do:properties/do:property/do:propertyValues/do:propertyValue/#valueInteger)[1]','int') AS valueInteger;
In addition to Larnu's answer (which is the best and correct answer) just some alternative shortcuts, if you just want to get one value:
This query fetches the needed value in four different approaches
SELECT #XML.value(N'(//*/#valueInteger)[1]',N'int') AS Super_easy_with_double_wildcard
,#XML.value(N'(//*:propertyValue/#valueInteger)[1]',N'int') AS Easy_with_namespace_wildcard
,#XML.value(N'declare namespace do="http://do-uri";
(//do:propertyValue/#valueInteger)[1]',N'int') AS with_local_declaration
,#XML.value(N'declare namespace do="http://do-uri";
declare namespace sd="http://sd-uri";
(/sd:objectData/sd:object/do:properties/do:property/do:propertyValues/do:propertyValue/#valueInteger)[1]',N'int') AS with_full_local_declaration;
The general advise is: Be as specific as possible to avoid hassels. If you do no bother and you just need a readable, quick catch, you can take one of the alternatives.
UPDATE Add a predicate
With a predicate you can place a filter:
SELECT #XML.value(N'(//*:property[#name="DECISION"]//*:propertyValue/#valueInteger)[1]',N'int') AS Example_with_predicate

Parsing XML Element value entirely in SQL form arbitrary string

We have log/audits we have compiled over some time that we would like to run some brief reports on.
One of the columns in the logs is JSON, but contains XML. We want to be able to parse out the value of a certain XML tag for each of the rows. So given an arbitrary string such as the following:
{ "XmlData" :"<tag1><tag2><TagToParse>234</TagToParse></tag2><tag1>".....}
I would like to run a sql query that return 234 when I give it the tag name TagToParse
What is the easiest way to do this ENTIRELY in SQL?
Give your container will always be tag1, then something like this should do it:
SET #MyXML = '<tag1><tag2><TagToParse>234</TagToParse></tag2></tag1>'
a.b.value('(/tag1//TagToParse/node())[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') AS Tag
FROM #MyXML.nodes('tag1') a(b)
Good luck.
