wcf routing - how to edit config file programatically at runtime - wcf

I'm trying to build a core with the routing service technology (in wcf .net) that discover its clients automatically with DiscoveryService and then write them into the config file with specific filters so that the core will be able to route messages between the clients.
I succeeded to discover the clients with DiscoveryService, but i'm trying to open new config file with the RoutingConfiguration object, and add the new endpoints I discovered through the RoutingConfiguration.filterTable property but it doesn't work. I also tried to look for examples in other sites but i didn't find anything similar.
I don't know if i'm making a mistake, or if I didn't understand well how to open new configuration file and edit it at runtime programatically.


Settings required for WCF service on webpage

I have created a WCF Service Application project and created a single .svc file with a single method that takes a string and returns a string. I published the service to our IIS test server (not local machine IIS) and I can see the default page when browsing to http://wcftesting.com/WCFService.svc.
At this point, I am going to create a small html page to test that I can access this service and that it returns data properly. Before doing that I googled around to see if there were any pre-requisite steps that needed to be taken, but couldn't find anything concrete and most of the information was at least a few years old.
Is there anything else that needs to be done to make this work? Everything is pretty standard. No changes have been made to the web.config file, and no additional attributes have been added to the methods. I had seen some mentions of added RESTFUL attributes to the operation contract, but in all honestly I'm very new and wanted to keep things as bare bones as possible.
We are using Visual Studio 2015 and I believe IIS 7.

How to deactivate a service under an IIS host

I have more WCF services under an IIS virtual directory. I have to deactivate some of them and I thought, I have just commet out the appropriate sections in the web.config, but it seems not, the client works. Just in the browser comes the error message, that the metadata is not reachable.
Is it actually possible to somehow deactivate the services?
I had an another idea, to rename the .svc files, but I want to avoid that solution.
I am using .Net 4.0.
I've found that:
Simplified Configuration for WCF Services:
If you have only one service in the Web application, you may simply stop the app pool associated with the service, provided you have one app pool per web application.
If you have more than one services in the application and you just want to deactivate one,you may remove the respective svc file; or if you use config activation without any svc file, you may comment out respective line in the config. For more details about how to activate services without SVC files, you may read http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/627240/WCF-for-the-Real-World-Not-Hello-World and check the source codes attached in the article.

Do I have to build the WCF Client for each machine its used on?

I've built and compiled my WCF client to run successfully. I've found that as long as these two files are together, my client will run anywhere on my computer:
When I move these files to another computer, there's an error:
System.InvalidOperationException: Could not find default endpoint element that
references contract 'Service.IService' in the ServiceModel client configuration
section. This might be because no configuration file was found for your
application, or because no endpoint element matching this contract could be
found in the client element.
I've already made sure that the service URL is accessible from the intended host of the computer.
After looking up the issue, seems like a solution is to copy the config retrieved from executing:
svcutil http://host/Service.svc
to the application configuration file. However, the config info is already in the App.config file when I built the project.
Do I need to recompile/build on every client machine that intends to use the WCF web service?
I seem to have resolved this by copying over the entire compiled folder:
I don't have the time to go back and forth to see which subset of files are core or whether all these files are necessary, but hopefully someone can follow up with an answer to that.

Is it possible to rewrite silverlight application resources at runtime?

There is ServiceReferences.ClientConfig file that holds different settings of WCF services Silverlight application is using. Nice and easy, except once you set them you cannot change them later without modifying a xap.
I want to make these setting configurable with a less pain.
There are several options:
Add a dedicated section in web.config where an administrator could change them. Transfer these settings to silverlight then rendering object on page. Parse it in silverlight, then build channel manually. Something I'd rather avoid.
It would be nice if we could say silverlight application to load ServiceReferences.ClientConfig not from xap resources, but from a specified uri. That way I could place this config along web.config. Nice. Not possible though.
If I could substitute resource stream resolver, that would work too. Sadly it doesn't seem to be possible either. There is IApplicationResourceStreamResolver, but it's internal.
Maybe there is a way to rewrite application resource stream after a silverlight application is started?
I guess you want to make the servicesclient config file at the runtime.
If that is the case then simply create object of System.ServiceModel.BasicHttpBinding and assign properties and assign service URL to System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress. This binding object and endpointaddress object can be then assigned to the client object constructor and voila!

wcf client configuration

I have wcf client. It uses .NET 3.5.
When I compile the client I get two files:
client.exe and
The second file contains configuration for the wcf client.
In my case I need to prevent the user sitting on the computer to see the urls and change some other parameters from the config file.
So the requirements are, the end user not to see and modify the data stored in the config. The config file contains the same data as app.config. I need to forbid the person using the program to see the end point urls so easy.
Also I have a lot of configuration there so I do not like to code in the moment.
Is there any solution for the problem (embedded app.config of something else)?
Edit: I do not need configurable options. The config file is automatically created when adding service reference from the studio.
You can also create your proxies programatically instead of using the service reference feature.
Every parameter in the serviceModel config section can be represented in code as well.
The ChannelFactory class will help you create proxies to the service.
You can easily encrypt entire parts of your config files - and not just web.config in web scenarios, but also application config's in stand-alone apps.
Check out some resources on how to do this:
Encrypting web.config values
Encrypting passwords in .NET app.config file
Encrypting the app.config file for Winforms application