SSIS generating csv file without headers - sql

I’m making an SSIS package to create a CSV file using OLE DB Source and Flat File Destination.
When I get the file it doesn't contain the headers but they are clearly defined in the destination.
I've tried all the options related to this:
headers rows to skip -1,
column names in the first data row,
column delimiter,
data rows to skip
and even resetting the columns.

Please check the option in the Flat file connection manager as
Just in case this doesn't work then the setting are not being carried over to your config files. In such cases there are two workarounds:
Editing the .dtconfig to edit "firstcolumnhasnames" to 1 adds the column names without needing to delete the connection from the package.
delete the destination connection, and recreate from scratch.


Question about adding column to data source and destination in SSIS package

I have a data source which is something like
from patient_table
the destination is a CSV file.
Now I want to add patient_name to both the source and the destination.
I go to the source and I change the query to
from patient_table
After I add this when I click on columns the patient_name column is not there.
The same thing happens for my destination. I have a flat file destination with the patient_id column so I add the patient_name column to the actual .csv file and that column is not reflected on the flat file connection manager.
The only way that I've been able to get these new columns to show up is to delete the data flow task, connection managers, sources and destinations and to create everything new from scratch.
Is there any other way to do this?
I just created a simple data flow with an OLE DB source and a flat file destination. After adding a second column to the OLE DB source I double clicked my flat file destination which opened the Flat File Destination Editor. Clicking UPDATE added the 2nd column to the flat file connection.
Are you using the latest tooling available to modify SSIS packages?
I don't have an SSDT installation handy right now, so I'll do the best I can without screenshots (and working from memory).
In the Source object, after you add the column to the text of your query, click on Columns, which you already know. Your new column doesn't show up in the list at the bottom yet, which you also know. Up in the top of that window, there's a grid representation of the result set from the query. Find your new column in that grid and check the box to tell the connector you want that column to enter the data flow.
Now go to the connection manager for the .csv file. Add the new column there.
Once it's in the connection manager, now you should be able to map it in the destination object.
There's a possibility that you'll have to click on the arrow or arrows in your data flow task and map the new column in those, too, but it doesn't always happen like that. I haven't taken the time to figure out why that's necessary sometimes and not others, but you'll know right away because the arrows will have red Xs on them.
And that should get you there.

Capture Multiple File Names into a column on SSIS

Hope you can help me.
I am looking to retrieve multiple file-names into a column from files I wish to upload onto SQL in a custom column on SSIS.
I am aware of using Advanced Editor on the Flat File Source in Component Properties > FileNameColumnName. However, I am not sure how to make sure it picks up all the file names or what to enter in this field?
I can upload the files and all the data it holds but not the filename into a column.

inserting multiple text files

I have 4 different text files each file with different name and different column in it place in one folder. I want these 4 four files to be inserted or updated into 4 different existing tables. So How to read read these 4 files dynamically and insert them into their respective table dynamically in SSIS.
Well, you need to use Data Flow Task to move data from a Flat File Source to a Table Destination (OLEDB Destination perhaps). Are the columns in your file delimited in any way? For example, with any of these: (;),(|) or something like that? if it is, you can create a FlatFileConnectionManager and set that to split the columns. If not, you might need to use the FixedWidth option to separate your columns. To use the OLEDB Destination, you will need to create a OLEDB connectionManager to point to the table in your database. I could help you more if I had more information about the files you want to read the data from.
Well you said at the start you were working with 4 files and 4 tables, so you can create 4 Flat Destination sourcers with 4 OLEDB destinations aswell (1 of each for each flat file). If I understood you correctly, these 4 files can or cannot exist yet. So if you know the names that the files will get, change the Package Property DelayValidation to true, and then create a connection with a sample text file. You do this so the File path gets saved. The tables, in my opinion DO need to exist. Now, when you said:
i want to load all the text files into each different existing table whenever there is files inside the folder.
The only way I know you can do something similar, is to schedule the execution of your package at a certain time with SQL Server Agent Job. Please let me know if this was what you were looking for.

Flat File Destination does not save error rows - SSIS

Inside a fooreachloop I've got the next configuration in my ssis package:
As you can see, from my source I've got some rows with some problems. With the data viewer I can see them. In theory the flat file destination should record this values on the file indicated by the connector. But instead of that in the destination file I can only see the header and not the values.
From the Staging DB destination the errors are configured with the option of "Redirect Rows"
So, what can be missing in the configuration?
The flat file destination is probably set to truncate, not append. so the lack of data at the end of the loop is probably an indication that the last file succeed with no issues.
If you notice your data viewer is paused, which means that those rows have not yet been flushed to the destination file, so both at the end of execution, and at the precise location the screenshot was taken, i'd expect the file to be empty.
The flat file connection has a "Overwrite data in the file" option to change this behavior, but you many need to manually truncate the file before the first loop other wise you get yesterdays and todays errors in the one file..

How to remove a header row from a csv file using SSIS and SQL Server 2005

I have an SSIS package written in Visual Studio 2008 that runs a few stored procedures and places the results in files. These files are then sent off to a vendor. All of the files were created with header rows. One of these files should not be sent with a header row.
I'm not sure how to accomplish this.
I was writing my question while I was testing out an answer. I decided, since I hadn't seen the question on StackOverflow, I would just ask it anyway and then answer it with with what I found.
Here are the steps I took:
I removed the header row from the base file.
In the Flat File Connection Editor, I unchecked the Column names in the first data row box.
I previewed the file and it looked good.
In the Flat File destination editor, I remapped the columns.
I re-ran the package and the csv file was created without a header row.
Yes the trick is not to check the "Column names in the first data row" at the Flat File Connection Manager Editor